SHOCK Poll: 51% of U.S. Muslims Want Sharia Law - 25% Okay With Violence Against Infidels

what's the problem?

I guess if you feel that assimilation into a host country is not important. Then your right. It's also a sign that they do not appreciate being here. While they like the job opportunities and that people leave them alone, they would like to see America changed if they had their way . Shariah is. Pretty barbaric 14th century stuff. Maybe we should make the U.S. a Muslim majority country? Would that still be no problem?
please. there are plenty of communities that don't assimilate and you have no problem with them. i also have no problem with someone choosing to live by a set of rules.
and the poll contradicts the idea that they want the country changed.

None of the polls I've seen contradict that idea. Furthermore, their behavior in Europe indicates they do want to change the countries where the emigrate to.
the poll in the op contradicts the idea.
When that question was put to the broader U.S. population, the overwhelming majority held that shariah should not displace the U.S. Constitution (86% to 2%)

You're an idiot. "The broader U.S. population" means all Americans, not just Muslims.
so they don't want the broader us population to have to follow sharia - so no change for america.
I guess if you feel that assimilation into a host country is not important. Then your right. It's also a sign that they do not appreciate being here. While they like the job opportunities and that people leave them alone, they would like to see America changed if they had their way . Shariah is. Pretty barbaric 14th century stuff. Maybe we should make the U.S. a Muslim majority country? Would that still be no problem?
please. there are plenty of communities that don't assimilate and you have no problem with them. i also have no problem with someone choosing to live by a set of rules.
and the poll contradicts the idea that they want the country changed.

None of the polls I've seen contradict that idea. Furthermore, their behavior in Europe indicates they do want to change the countries where the emigrate to.
the poll in the op contradicts the idea.
When that question was put to the broader U.S. population, the overwhelming majority held that shariah should not displace the U.S. Constitution (86% to 2%)

You're an idiot. "The broader U.S. population" means all Americans, not just Muslims.
so they don't want the broader us population to have to follow sharia - so no change for america.
Apparently you're illiterate. It says the broader population doesn't want to adopt Sharia. It doesn't say that Muslims don't want to impose Sharia on the broader population.
Shock Poll: 57% percent of Republicans would supersede the Constitution!!!

78% of Carson supporters would supersede the Constitution.

94% of Huckabee supporters would supersede the Constitution!!!



I think it would be fascinating to ask American Christians these same questions about biblical law.
For those of you who believe American Muslims don't have the same opinions as those savages overseas, here's a poll to open your eyes:
SHOCK POLL: 51% of US Muslims Want Sharia Law - 25% Okay With Violence Against Infidels - The Gateway Pundit

Religion of Peace —

Dozens of Somali Muslims rallied at the Minnesota State Capital in support of the six Islamists charged with suspicion of trying to join ISIS in April.

Videographer Ami Horowitz went to Minneapolis to talk with Muslim immigrants from Somalia and Saudi Arabia about life in America.

Horowitz asked what they thought of the Mohammad cartoons, Shariah Law and life in t. You might be surprised at their responses – or maybe not.

Many of the immigrants said there should be blasphemy laws in America.

Now this… The Center for Security Policy released a poll Tuesday that shows 51% of US Muslims want Sharia Law and 25% say violence is acceptable against infidels. reported:

“ The Center for Security Policy released a poll Tuesday that should give all Americans pause. The results show that a startling number of American Muslims, our fellow citizens, agree that violence is a legitimate response to those who insult Islam. A full majority of 51% “agreed that “Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to shariah.”

“ According to the just-released survey of Muslims, a majority (51%) agreed that “Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to shariah.” When that question was put to the broader U.S. population, the overwhelming majority held that shariah should not displace the U.S. Constitution (86% to 2%). …

Even more troubling, is the fact that nearly a quarter of the Muslims polled believed that, “It is legitimate to use violence to punish those who give offense to Islam by, for example, portraying the prophet Mohammed.”

A full 25% of those polled agreed that “violence against Americans here in the United States can be justified as part of the global jihad.”

Anyone who understands what Islam is, doesn't need a poll to tell them what Islam is.
60 percent of Muslims agree Shariah law is compatible with the Constitution, including freedom of speech and other rights.

Only 21 percent disagree.
I think it would be fascinating to ask American Christians these same questions about biblical law.

Yes, it would be fascinating... .

I mean Christians demand that the law be objective, that it follow God's law, which is to say the laws of nature which govern human behavior... which simply describes the foundation of Western Jurisprudence, which Islam stands steadfastly against, given its Relativist nature.
I think it would be fascinating to ask American Christians these same questions about biblical law.

Yes, it would be fascinating... .

I mean Christians demand that the law be objective, that it follow God's law, which is to say the laws of nature which govern human behavior... which simply describes the foundation of Western Jurisprudence, which Islam stands steadfastly against, given its Relativist nature.
I don't think you know jack shit about Islam.
"If we kill them we don't have to waste time understanding them."

Perfectly encapsulates the ignorance of the average anti-Muslim bigot. "I don't know anything about them, don't want to know anything about them, so let's just kill them."
Shock Poll: 57% percent of Republicans would supersede the Constitution!!!

78% of Carson supporters would supersede the Constitution.

94% of Huckabee supporters would supersede the Constitution!!!




ROFLMNAO! Christianity IS the national religion.

That doesn't mean that Christians Judges are divining judgment based upon what the Prophet told them and that law is set upon a given set of Church Tenets.

That means that US Jurisprudence rest upon Christian PRINCIPLE... wherein the law recognizes the laws of nature that govern sound human behavior, with penalties for engaging in unsound behavior being set forth in the law and punishment for violation of those laws cited specifically in objective legal code, which is enforced upon everyone, equally.

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