SHOCK STUDY: Liberal men = physically weak!!!

SHOCK STUDY: Liberal men = physically weak!!!

One cannot help but wonder about the the emotional age of a person who imagines that such school-yard like taunting will truly have any effect on thinking adults, other than possibly making them feel embarrassed for the author of such silliness.
Embarrassing because it is true? The men in washington dc are such sissies they could all be confused for flamboyant homosexuals.
SHOCK STUDY: Liberal men = physically weak!!!

One cannot help but wonder about the the emotional age of a person who imagines that such school-yard like taunting will truly have any effect on thinking adults, other than possibly making them feel embarrassed for the author of such silliness.

I'm a conservative, and I consider myself pretty tough in the 73 and over, 200 pound weight class. However, I know more than a few liberal gents who can kick my wrinkled ass.

OK, a few women too.
Hey, some of those grannies are mean.
Embarrassing because it is true? The men in washington dc are such sissies they could all be confused for flamboyant homosexuals.
Threads you've started:

Dont gender me bro, writing under gender neutral byline
Pentagon recognizes trannies
Gay groups stepping up demands to be allowed to donate blood
Gay groups challenge HIV criminalization laws
Bridal shop refuses to let tranny try on dress
Please treat trans people with respect
Sandra fluke tweets for tranny rights
CA passes transgender students rights bill
Dems and gay rights groups pushing to decriminalize transmission of HIV
Trannies starting to play on women's teams
Chicago council takes up LGBT athlete resolution
Smith college to set up committee to address tranny applicants
Tranny dies while resisting arrest in Berkeley
Brighton adopts new MX gender neutral title
Libs/trannies want your insurance premiums to go up
LOOK AT ME! Born female, running for Prom King
Duke students to shell out more to pay for trannies

There are probably some limp wristed liberals in DC, but are they really worse than say, someone who spends an inordinate of effort focusing on trannys and gays to the point where others assume they've got a hidden drawer with all their pretty clothes and a hard drive full of god knows what?

Just sayin'
LMAO.......Ive been calling far left men "limpwristers" for almost 30 years.

Turns out......THEY ARE..........literally!!!!!:up::gay::gay:

Men who are physically strong are more likely to have right wing political views | Mail Online

gay...........all a bunch of fairies.:piss2:

That is HILARIOUS! I called the leftists "limp-wristers" for many, many years too!

Now I prefer to call the leftists "Barney Fifes"........pretending to be bad-asses, afraid of guns, having NO CLUE as to the consequences of their actions, pointing fingers, embarrassing themselves with their ineptitude, etc., etc., etc.
Ah so..conservatives do a study suggesting liberals are weak.

Seems the "weak" liberals kicked their asses during the Whiskey Rebellion and Civil War.

And if that weren't enough..the "weak" liberals kicked the asses of the Conservative Nazi Supermen and Unbeatable Japanese Jungle Fighters in WWII
No surprise there really.


Almost invariably, your typical far left guy has some kind of feminine quality Ive always found. Even just in debating.......thiink about how many times a lefty stomps off whining like a sissy when they start getting pwned, "You know.......I CANT EVEN TALK TO YOU!!!".......just this non-male trait that reeks panty-waist. If you are conservative, you know exactly what I am talking about. The kind of male you dont want within 100 miles of you if the shit hits the fan.:up: Just some kind of inability to be able to just buckle up the chinstrap if need be.:gay:
Ah so..conservatives do a study suggesting liberals are weak.

Seems the "weak" liberals kicked their asses during the Whiskey Rebellion and Civil War.

And if that weren't enough..the "weak" liberals kicked the asses of the Conservative Nazi Supermen and Unbeatable Japanese Jungle Fighters in WWII

So that's how far libs have to go back to find some men in their ranks. That's appropriate.

Liberal men are really not physically weak. They take care of themselves, they go to the gym and most liberal men are buffed. They aren't weak, they are effeminate. They are afraid of ruining their manicures and wear make up. At least one lingerie designer is doing a booming business in lacy men's lingerie. Take a look at these ruffly "man camis"
Lingerie firm HommeMystere launches women's underwear for men | Metro News

In Japan they are called herbivore men. Men whose self interest is so profound they have lost interest in women.

The men today just aren't the same kind of men who fought in the civil war or jungles of Japan. Men today get PTSD at the drop of a hankie. They are afraid, they are peaceful non combatants. Take the average liberal man today and tell him you will give him a horse, a gun and a piece of rope. He is to go off into the wilderness and survive. He will have to fight for his life, every day, with no help, no reinforcements and no backup. He will have to clear land and build his shelter with no tools, other than his bare hands and what he can make. Liberal men today will dissolve into a little puddle and need to be mopped up. Conservative men call that a vacation.

The movie Johnny Mnemonic was a truly awful movie with Keanu Reeves. As bad as it was there is one scene where Johnny realizes that his enemies are closing in and his life looks to be quite short. He stands up and screams "I want ROOM SERVICE". That's liberal men in a nut shell.
Ah so..conservatives do a study suggesting liberals are weak.

Seems the "weak" liberals kicked their asses during the Whiskey Rebellion and Civil War.

And if that weren't enough..the "weak" liberals kicked the asses of the Conservative Nazi Supermen and Unbeatable Japanese Jungle Fighters in WWII

So that's how far libs have to go back to find some men in their ranks. That's appropriate.

Liberal men are really not physically weak. They take care of themselves, they go to the gym and most liberal men are buffed. They aren't weak, they are effeminate. They are afraid of ruining their manicures and wear make up. At least one lingerie designer is doing a booming business in lacy men's lingerie. Take a look at these ruffly "man camis"
Lingerie firm HommeMystere launches women's underwear for men | Metro News

In Japan they are called herbivore men. Men whose self interest is so profound they have lost interest in women.

The men today just aren't the same kind of men who fought in the civil war or jungles of Japan. Men today get PTSD at the drop of a hankie. They are afraid, they are peaceful non combatants. Take the average liberal man today and tell him you will give him a horse, a gun and a piece of rope. He is to go off into the wilderness and survive. He will have to fight for his life, every day, with no help, no reinforcements and no backup. He will have to clear land and build his shelter with no tools, other than his bare hands and what he can make. Liberal men today will dissolve into a little puddle and need to be mopped up. Conservative men call that a vacation.

The movie Johnny Mnemonic was a truly awful movie with Keanu Reeves. As bad as it was there is one scene where Johnny realizes that his enemies are closing in and his life looks to be quite short. He stands up and screams "I want ROOM SERVICE". That's liberal men in a nut shell.

How many conservative asses do we have to kick before they get the message?


Ah so..conservatives do a study suggesting liberals are weak.

Seems the "weak" liberals kicked their asses during the Whiskey Rebellion and Civil War.

And if that weren't enough..the "weak" liberals kicked the asses of the Conservative Nazi Supermen and Unbeatable Japanese Jungle Fighters in WWII

So that's how far libs have to go back to find some men in their ranks. That's appropriate.

Liberal men are really not physically weak. They take care of themselves, they go to the gym and most liberal men are buffed. They aren't weak, they are effeminate. They are afraid of ruining their manicures and wear make up. At least one lingerie designer is doing a booming business in lacy men's lingerie. Take a look at these ruffly "man camis"
Lingerie firm HommeMystere launches women's underwear for men | Metro News

In Japan they are called herbivore men. Men whose self interest is so profound they have lost interest in women.

The men today just aren't the same kind of men who fought in the civil war or jungles of Japan. Men today get PTSD at the drop of a hankie. They are afraid, they are peaceful non combatants. Take the average liberal man today and tell him you will give him a horse, a gun and a piece of rope. He is to go off into the wilderness and survive. He will have to fight for his life, every day, with no help, no reinforcements and no backup. He will have to clear land and build his shelter with no tools, other than his bare hands and what he can make. Liberal men today will dissolve into a little puddle and need to be mopped up. Conservative men call that a vacation.

The movie Johnny Mnemonic was a truly awful movie with Keanu Reeves. As bad as it was there is one scene where Johnny realizes that his enemies are closing in and his life looks to be quite short. He stands up and screams "I want ROOM SERVICE". That's liberal men in a nut shell.

How many conservative asses do we have to kick before they get the message?



Maybe you just have to do it with the bottom of the barrel scum that you have today. Those men who fought so bravely are long dead. You got what you got now and that just isn't much.

It really isn't the fault of liberal men. They are merely responding to today's cultural imperatives. They gave up being men in favor of being more sensitive and understanding. They traded masculinity for gay rights. They cry at sad movies. They are afraid to break a nail. The wind will mess up their hairdo.

Among liberals, there is a failure of masculinity. The men aren't really physically weak, they just appear that way because they are a mass of fears, phobias and nightmares. The response is that these weak and ineffectual men are being abandoned by women who are turning to terrorists like the Tsaranev brothers and black thugs for perceived manliness.

The best liberals can come up with is "look at what we did 100 years ago!" Well, bring those guys back. Rescue yourselves, resurrect the dead. It might be the only chance you have to keep from becoming American herbivore men.
Ah so..conservatives do a study suggesting liberals are weak.

Seems the "weak" liberals kicked their asses during the Whiskey Rebellion and Civil War.

And if that weren't enough..the "weak" liberals kicked the asses of the Conservative Nazi Supermen and Unbeatable Japanese Jungle Fighters in WWII

First, the South was heavily outnumbered and had less resources during the civil war, yet it took the north years to win, and that came after only the deaths of hundreds of thousands of americans.

You didn't have pansy lefties sissies in WW2 on the allies side. The socialist states all fell quickly, britain was the only one left, and it had a conservative PM which they booted as soon as the war ended. Don't also forget that the USSR, leftist STARTED WW2. They are just as guilty as nazi germany over the WW2 because they had a non agression pact and agreed with Germany to invade and split up poland between the two.
Figured I throw this in for the purposes of highlighting the level of hysterical..........

Lets face it......far left men view the world from the tragic perspective. They get hysterical about fucking EVERYTHING!!! When the SHTF, make sure you dont have any far left guys in any decisionmaking capacity related to personal security unless you want to get fucked.
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