SHOCK STUDY: Liberal men = physically weak!!!

Liberal men run away, conservative man gets his gun.

D.C. man won't face gun charges for shooting pit bull attacking boy - Washington Times

The horrific incident that spawned the investigation occurred on a Sunday afternoon in late January as 11-year-old Jayeon Simon and his friend rode bicycles near Eighth and Sheridan streets Northwest in the Brightwood neighborhood. According to court records filed in D.C. Superior Court, three unleashed pit bulls pounced on Jayeon and attacked him.
Seeing the attack, Mr. Srigley went inside his home to get his Ruger 9 mm pistol while several other men hopped over fences to get away from the dogs, court records state.

It was okay with them that this boy get mauled to death.

My father shot a dog that knocked me down and was biting me on the legs and butt. Both he and the dog's owner saw the whole thing. Nary a word was ever said about it. But the neighbors just sat and watched the whole thing, didn't even call the dog off.. And no, I wasn't on their property, I had just gottn off the school bus and was on the road.
I don't know how accurate this study is. I've seen some homosexuals at the gym I always work out in and they seem pretty liberal to me. Oh, and don't forget physically fit...
Liberal men are usually physically fit. They are vain after all . They just lack qualities of strength.

I could tell you about gays at Gold's Gym in Redondo Beach that would make you vomit. Gold's finally sold it to Spectrum which was way less gay friendly.

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