SHOCK STUDY: Liberal men = physically weak!!!

SHOCK STUDY: Liberal men = physically weak!!!

One cannot help but wonder about the the emotional age of a person who imagines that such school-yard like taunting will truly have any effect on thinking adults, other than possibly making them feel embarrassed for the author of such silliness.

Humans aren't at the top of the food chain because of their brawn. The smarter folk win eventually every time.
No surprise there really.


Almost invariably, your typical far left guy has some kind of feminine quality Ive always found. Even just in debating.......thiink about how many times a lefty stomps off whining like a sissy when they start getting pwned, "You know.......I CANT EVEN TALK TO YOU!!!".......just this non-male trait that reeks panty-waist. If you are conservative, you know exactly what I am talking about. The kind of male you dont want within 100 miles of you if the shit hits the fan.:up: Just some kind of inability to be able to just buckle up the chinstrap if need be.:gay:

You have a point. Now if I needed backup, I'd have a strong conservative like dick cheney on my side who flew combat misssions over Germany during WW2, rather than that pansy liberal Howard Zinn who got multiple deferments during Vietnam.

...Oh wait. It was Howard Zinn who flew the combat missions and cheney who got the deferments. Never mind.


I rest my case....
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wasn't Bill Clinton condemning the USA from Oxford University during Vietnam?

Wasn't Mitt Romney beating the war drum and encouraging his peers to go to Vietnam from the safety of a Mormon missionary position in France?

Your point?
There's no mystery to this thread

The author of this thread had recently been chided and mocked (by people on the left and the right!) for his obsession with Trannies, remember?

His masculinity was challenged and so he responded in what he thought was calling liberals sissies.

I mean come on! Can a motive get any more TRANSPARENT than that?

SHOCK STUDY: Liberal men = physically weak!!!

One cannot help but wonder about the the emotional age of a person who imagines that such school-yard like taunting will truly have any effect on thinking adults, other than possibly making them feel embarrassed for the author of such silliness.

I'm a conservative, and I consider myself pretty tough in the 73 and over, 200 pound weight class. However, I know more than a few liberal gents who can kick my wrinkled ass.

OK, a few women too.
Hey, some of those grannies are mean.

Well, for those of us very near or in the 70th decade, being lucky enough to continue to have good health and physical strength is a gift. A gift that has nothing at all to do with political outlook.

And I have not observed any correlation at all with physical strength and politics. However, I have observed a strong correlation with staying physically active. So, if you are a desk jockey, no matter what you politics, if you do not get exercise, you will not be physically fit. And people like myself, who have very physical jobs, will be in much better shape. Again, irregardless of political affilation.
There's no mystery to this thread

The author of this thread had recently been chided and mocked (by people on the left and the right!) for his obsession with Trannies, remember?

His masculinity was challenged and so he responded in what he thought was calling liberals sissies.

I mean come on! Can a motive get any more TRANSPARENT than that?


Who wrote the article? If it was someone on this board, congratulations on being published.
Don't forget libs think gender is a social construct so there is really no diff between men and women hence why liberal men are so feminine

Ive always felt that the whole thing with liberal men relates alot to how they were raised.......and how it manifested itself during the formative years. Getting picked last for the team. Being taunted and abused in the schoolyard. They ever learn the whole physical competitiveness thing. When they get older, that is why they naturally embrace the whole intellectual thing. As adults, it becomes a sissy replacement for balls. None of these people ever could compete physically on the court, on the field or at the rink so they try to beat people up intellectually in places like the internet!!! It all works for them.........but if you notice, almost all of these male liberals are miserable as hell and you can see the anger in their posts. Underneath it all......the complex still exists. Indeed.......the world to these people is this horribly violent and mean place. Its far eaasier to level the playing field by being part of making it fairy-like. Its fascinating!!!

Really? Well, this ol' lib has climbed mountains, raced motorcycles, hunted since I was 12, worked as a millwright in sawmills, construction, and, at present, steel mills. And I still put out as much work as any of the younger men, even though I will be 70 before the year is out.

And, yes, I am currently working 40 to 45 hours a week as well as attending a University. Taking only 9 credits, however, Chemistry and Calculus. Some of them intellectual sissy courses.

One of my fellow libs at work packed an M-60 in 'Nam. He has been shot, stabbed, and blown up with grenades twice. Go ahead and call him a sissy to his face. Oh yeah, and he grew up ranching in Eastern Oregon.

And I am sure there are conservatives out there that have the same kind of bona fides. This kind of name calling most grew out of by the 6th grade.
Wasn't Mitt Romney beating the war drum and encouraging his peers to go to Vietnam from the safety of a Mormon missionary position in France?

Your point?
Which one was a president?

Which one tried and failed? Your point?

We know now that Romney failed because of massive presidebtial manipulation. This manipulation included obstruction dissemination of dissenting opinon and keeping necessary information about the real state of obama's policies from the public.
The study should have included more than just physical weakness.

Yes, it would show why conservatives start these weak, juvenile threads. You guys got off easy.

Actually, the article came from a British link, so are you saying that the British are weak and juvenile for daring to expose the weakness of liberalism?

The link was British, but the study, itself, was from Denmark. We have world opinion against someone's personal opinion.
Don't forget libs think gender is a social construct so there is really no diff between men and women hence why liberal men are so feminine

Ive always felt that the whole thing with liberal men relates alot to how they were raised.......and how it manifested itself during the formative years. Getting picked last for the team. Being taunted and abused in the schoolyard. They ever learn the whole physical competitiveness thing. When they get older, that is why they naturally embrace the whole intellectual thing. As adults, it becomes a sissy replacement for balls. None of these people ever could compete physically on the court, on the field or at the rink so they try to beat people up intellectually in places like the internet!!! It all works for them.........but if you notice, almost all of these male liberals are miserable as hell and you can see the anger in their posts. Underneath it all......the complex still exists. Indeed.......the world to these people is this horribly violent and mean place. Its far eaasier to level the playing field by being part of making it fairy-like. Its fascinating!!!

Really? Well, this ol' lib has climbed mountains, raced motorcycles, hunted since I was 12, worked as a millwright in sawmills, construction, and, at present, steel mills. And I still put out as much work as any of the younger men, even though I will be 70 before the year is out.

And, yes, I am currently working 40 to 45 hours a week as well as attending a University. Taking only 9 credits, however, Chemistry and Calculus. Some of them intellectual sissy courses.

One of my fellow libs at work packed an M-60 in 'Nam. He has been shot, stabbed, and blown up with grenades twice. Go ahead and call him a sissy to his face. Oh yeah, and he grew up ranching in Eastern Oregon.

And I am sure there are conservatives out there that have the same kind of bona fides. This kind of name calling most grew out of by the 6th grade.

You hail from the old original Democrat Party, the man's party filled with hard workers. Today's Democrat Party is not the party of your father or your grandfather. It is the communist party, a party that seeks to feminize men and make them sissies. You should re-examine your party affiliations and question where you are today. You might decide that you belong with the Tea Party.
Yes, it would show why conservatives start these weak, juvenile threads. You guys got off easy.

Actually, the article came from a British link, so are you saying that the British are weak and juvenile for daring to expose the weakness of liberalism?

The link was British, but the study, itself, was from Denmark. We have world opinion against someone's personal opinion.

Sorry, I don't have a link, but I have heard that the study has already been debunked.

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