SHOCK STUDY: Liberal men = physically weak!!!

This isn't just in America. The loss of masculinity among men is world wide. The herbivore men of Japan have nothing in common with the Japanese who fought Americans in the jungles. The men of today couldn't do it. The men of Denmark, now complaining if their lattes are too hot have nothing in common with the Vikings that braved unknown seas and raided the coast of England. They could almost be a different species. It isn't surprising that American men are no different.
Only a far left guy could change the subject from a discussion about limpwristed pantywaists to the Civil War Union Soldiers!!!! These people are amazing........

That's all they have. Liberals need to go back that far to find men that might conceivably be called liberals. Although, if you were to go back to the Civil War era and ask those liberal men what they thought about women in combat, openly serving homosexuals or same sex marriage rights, you might find they weren't in the least liberal.
Liberal men wouldn't survive 2 weeks if there were some catastrophe where people had to hunt, gather and forage to survive. they are too used to being provided for.
Liberal men wouldn't survive 2 weeks if there were some catastrophe where people had to hunt, gather and forage to survive. they are too used to being provided for.

Imagine a SHTF scenario? HOLY FUCK!!! In a nono-second, they'd all be big second ammendment guys but guarding their homes with these........

Had to laugh last night........this story was one of the leads on The O'reilly Factor last night!!! Evidently, there is an underlying sentiment amongst many people......that liberal men tend not to be what people consider a "mans man". I couldnt stop laughing.......this is something Ive felt for decades and conservative men know exactly what Im talking about. Just a sort of wimpyness thread in these males......
Liberal men wouldn't survive 2 weeks if there were some catastrophe where people had to hunt, gather and forage to survive. they are too used to being provided for.

2 Weeks, eh?

You do know that you can survive without food a lot longer than that.

Oh probably don't.

Don't forget libs think gender is a social construct so there is really no diff between men and women hence why liberal men are so feminine
Don't forget libs think gender is a social construct so there is really no diff between men and women hence why liberal men are so feminine

Well no.

We general default to Science and Scientific method.

While you folks default to a giant pixie in the sky.
LMAO.......Ive been calling far left men "limpwristers" for almost 30 years.

Turns out......THEY ARE..........literally!!!!!:up::gay::gay:

Men who are physically strong are more likely to have right wing political views | Mail Online

gay...........all a bunch of fairies.:piss2:

LOL The Mail is a right wing tabloid rag. You guys are pathetic needing to prove by all these threads that you are better men than liberals. The truth is, if you are a real man, you don't need to go around constantly seeking validation.
Don't forget libs think gender is a social construct so there is really no diff between men and women hence why liberal men are so feminine

Ive always felt that the whole thing with liberal men relates alot to how they were raised.......and how it manifested itself during the formative years. Getting picked last for the team. Being taunted and abused in the schoolyard. They ever learn the whole physical competitiveness thing. When they get older, that is why they naturally embrace the whole intellectual thing. As adults, it becomes a sissy replacement for balls. None of these people ever could compete physically on the court, on the field or at the rink so they try to beat people up intellectually in places like the internet!!! It all works for them.........but if you notice, almost all of these male liberals are miserable as hell and you can see the anger in their posts. Underneath it all......the complex still exists. Indeed.......the world to these people is this horribly violent and mean place. Its far eaasier to level the playing field by being part of making it fairy-like. Its fascinating!!!
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LMAO.......Ive been calling far left men "limpwristers" for almost 30 years.

Turns out......THEY ARE..........literally!!!!!:up::gay::gay:

Men who are physically strong are more likely to have right wing political views | Mail Online

gay...........all a bunch of fairies.:piss2:

LOL The Mail is a right wing tabloid rag. You guys are pathetic needing to prove by all these threads that you are better men than liberals. The truth is, if you are a real man, you don't need to go around constantly seeking validation.

LOL.......of course, the feminist bulldog is going to chime in with the predictable miserable anger thing,...........:blowup:

Interestingly.........the far left woman is typically far from being feminine..........angry,miserable and bulldog like..........and invariably embracing fringe stuff

For example...........

[ame=]smug Prius driver yell at a pickup truck owner about exhaust - YouTube[/ame]

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