Shocker: Boss Endorses Trump?

people like S.J. are going to be the problem there. You see, he has decided that I am the "mortal enemy" and he has to run me in the ground every chance he gets because I don't march in lockstep behind his boy Trump. That kind of shit continues and you can forget my vote.

Strident partisans are all the same, particularly emotional ones following lockstep behind authoritarians.

Like radical muslims killing muslims who aren't radical enough? Yeah, I guess you have a point but in American politics, unless you're retarded, you should want to build coalitions with like-minded people.
And the tantrum continues. :crybaby:

No tantrum here... I surrender... you win... let's get Trump to 1,237 so he can be the nominee. I explained myself fully in the OP and if you want to think it's part of a "tantrum" be my guest. I'm thinking long-term strategy and the fight for Conservatism.... You're thinking TRUMP...TRUMP... TRUMP.... WALL.... TRUMP! Oh, that, and you've decided to turn rabid and attack all Conservatives who don't subscribe to your cult.
Boss, YOU'RE the one attacking the Trump supporters, you disingenuous shithead. Go back and look at your posts, drama queen.
Ted Cruz will never be president. You should find another religious nutbag. You need to find one who doesn't talk about God all the time or sound like a preacher when he talks. Americans don't like that shit.

Great, some regressive hack now thinks he speaks for Americans, LMAO.
So will you vote for Trump or sit on your hands and hope he loses to Hillary?

To be completely honest, I am not sure what I will do. I won't be hoping Hillary wins... not a big Hillary fan. I'm also not going to pledge my vote to Trump at this time. If the election were today, I probably wouldn't vote. There is still time to win me over but people like S.J. are going to be the problem there. You see, he has decided that I am the "mortal enemy" and he has to run me in the ground every chance he gets because I don't march in lockstep behind his boy Trump. That kind of shit continues and you can forget my vote.

My mind is made up, if the dump gets the nomination, I will vote for him. Why, I don't want the hildabitch anywhere near a supreme court nomination. That's the only reason I would do so.
So will you vote for Trump or sit on your hands and hope he loses to Hillary?

To be completely honest, I am not sure what I will do. I won't be hoping Hillary wins... not a big Hillary fan. I'm also not going to pledge my vote to Trump at this time. If the election were today, I probably wouldn't vote. There is still time to win me over but people like S.J. are going to be the problem there. You see, he has decided that I am the "mortal enemy" and he has to run me in the ground every chance he gets because I don't march in lockstep behind his boy Trump. That kind of shit continues and you can forget my vote.

My mind is made up, if the dump gets the nomination, I will vote for him. Why, I don't want the hildabitch anywhere near a supreme court nomination. That's the only reason I would do so.
Good. We'll put you down as a Trump voter in November. :thup:
And the tantrum continues. :crybaby:

No tantrum here... I surrender... you win... let's get Trump to 1,237 so he can be the nominee. I explained myself fully in the OP and if you want to think it's part of a "tantrum" be my guest. I'm thinking long-term strategy and the fight for Conservatism.... You're thinking TRUMP...TRUMP... TRUMP.... WALL.... TRUMP! Oh, that, and you've decided to turn rabid and attack all Conservatives who don't subscribe to your cult.
Boss, YOU'RE the one attacking the Trump supporters, you disingenuous shithead. Go back and look at your posts, drama queen.

What did I say that you perceive as an attack? Did I call you a "drama queen" or accuse you of throwing a "tantrum"?

But I do appreciate all you're doing to prove my point. As I said, you have turned me into your mortal enemy now... you can't back down from something like that.... it's too late. So even IF my guy wins, you won't be able to support him and you'll keep on trashing him and me for supporting him... because you've programmed yourself to react this way... to save face... to stick to your guns. You'll never vote for that "greasy Canadian" even against Hillary... you'd look like a total hypocrite now.

And hey... if it makes you feel better, it's the same on the other side, there are Cruz supporters so pissed off at Trump they could never vote for the man. So.... we're going to lose this election... either guy... doesn't matter. Therefore, I had rather lose with Trump if we're going to lose. Cruz is still young, he will be around in 4 years or 8 years... he can make a comeback like Nixon and Reagan did. I would rather that happen than for Cruz to ruin any chance he has in the future.

So now the cards are on the table, I folded my hand. Let's get your guy nominated and get this over with. No need for you to continue calling me names and denigrating me in every way you can think of... that's childish, I am on your side. You won me over... Congratulations! If you don't like what I've said or you don't think I'm being genuine... well, I really don't fucking care... what you think doesn't mean anything to me. So.. .rant, rave, call me names, act like a jerk and jackass... it doesn't bother me one little bit anymore.
So will you vote for Trump or sit on your hands and hope he loses to Hillary?

To be completely honest, I am not sure what I will do. I won't be hoping Hillary wins... not a big Hillary fan. I'm also not going to pledge my vote to Trump at this time. If the election were today, I probably wouldn't vote. There is still time to win me over but people like S.J. are going to be the problem there. You see, he has decided that I am the "mortal enemy" and he has to run me in the ground every chance he gets because I don't march in lockstep behind his boy Trump. That kind of shit continues and you can forget my vote.

My mind is made up, if the dump gets the nomination, I will vote for him. Why, I don't want the hildabitch anywhere near a supreme court nomination. That's the only reason I would do so.
Good. We'll put you down as a Trump voter in November. :thup:

Holding my nose the whole time, just like I did with Romney and McCain.
And the tantrum continues. :crybaby:

No tantrum here... I surrender... you win... let's get Trump to 1,237 so he can be the nominee. I explained myself fully in the OP and if you want to think it's part of a "tantrum" be my guest. I'm thinking long-term strategy and the fight for Conservatism.... You're thinking TRUMP...TRUMP... TRUMP.... WALL.... TRUMP! Oh, that, and you've decided to turn rabid and attack all Conservatives who don't subscribe to your cult.
Boss, YOU'RE the one attacking the Trump supporters, you disingenuous shithead. Go back and look at your posts, drama queen.

What did I say that you perceive as an attack? Did I call you a "drama queen" or accuse you of throwing a "tantrum"?

But I do appreciate all you're doing to prove my point. As I said, you have turned me into your mortal enemy now... you can't back down from something like that.... it's too late. So even IF my guy wins, you won't be able to support him and you'll keep on trashing him and me for supporting him... because you've programmed yourself to react this way... to save face... to stick to your guns. You'll never vote for that "greasy Canadian" even against Hillary... you'd look like a total hypocrite now.

And hey... if it makes you feel better, it's the same on the other side, there are Cruz supporters so pissed off at Trump they could never vote for the man. So.... we're going to lose this election... either guy... doesn't matter. Therefore, I had rather lose with Trump if we're going to lose. Cruz is still young, he will be around in 4 years or 8 years... he can make a comeback like Nixon and Reagan did. I would rather that happen than for Cruz to ruin any chance he has in the future.

So now the cards are on the table, I folded my hand. Let's get your guy nominated and get this over with. No need for you to continue calling me names and denigrating me in every way you can think of... that's childish, I am on your side. You won me over... Congratulations! If you don't like what I've said or you don't think I'm being genuine... well, I really don't fucking care... what you think doesn't mean anything to me. So.. .rant, rave, call me names, act like a jerk and jackass... it doesn't bother me one little bit anymore.
You've posted about 100 comments expressing your outrage that Trump is beating Cruz. Your meltdowns are becoming commonplace and your attacks on Trump supporters are there for all to see. Don't try to play the victim.
So will you vote for Trump or sit on your hands and hope he loses to Hillary?

To be completely honest, I am not sure what I will do. I won't be hoping Hillary wins... not a big Hillary fan. I'm also not going to pledge my vote to Trump at this time. If the election were today, I probably wouldn't vote. There is still time to win me over but people like S.J. are going to be the problem there. You see, he has decided that I am the "mortal enemy" and he has to run me in the ground every chance he gets because I don't march in lockstep behind his boy Trump. That kind of shit continues and you can forget my vote.

My mind is made up, if the dump gets the nomination, I will vote for him. Why, I don't want the hildabitch anywhere near a supreme court nomination. That's the only reason I would do so.
Good. We'll put you down as a Trump voter in November. :thup:

Holding my nose the whole time, just like I did with Romney and McCain.
That'll work. And in 4 years, you'll be campaigning for his reelection.
Boss With all due respect, that is not how it should be. You should vote for who you want, who you prefer, who lines up with your beliefs.
At the same time, you should respect that others may or may not agree with you, and that they have the right to do the same. This is just my opinion.
You've posted about 100 comments expressing your outrage that Trump is beating Cruz. Your meltdowns are becoming commonplace and your attacks on Trump supporters are there for all to see. Don't try to play the victim.

You will not find one single solitary post of me expressing outrage that Trump is beating Cruz. I've not melted down over it either. I've only attacked Trump supporters who attacked me first. I've expressed outrage over comments Trump has made, positions he has taken, things he has said about Ted Cruz and others, things his supporters have said and continue to say about Cruz and others, the ignorance of Trump's supporters over the nomination process.... but nothing whatsoever about him beating Cruz.

Playing the victim? I have no idea what you mean. I'm having meltdowns but playing the victim? How the hell does that work? I'm just trying to get along with you.... a fellow Conservative.... but you seem to want to continue taking a hostile tone with me. Why is that?
Boss With all due respect, that is not how it should be. You should vote for who you want, who you prefer, who lines up with your beliefs.
At the same time, you should respect that others may or may not agree with you, and that they have the right to do the same. This is just my opinion.

With all due respect, I don't take advice from people telling me how I should vote. I also feel that I do respect others who don't agree with me... I don't respect those who don't respect me.
Boss With all due respect, that is not how it should be. You should vote for who you want, who you prefer, who lines up with your beliefs.
At the same time, you should respect that others may or may not agree with you, and that they have the right to do the same. This is just my opinion.

With all due respect, I don't take advice from people telling me how I should vote. I also feel that I do respect others who don't agree with me... I don't respect those who don't respect me.

That didn't even make sense. Ok. NM
You've posted about 100 comments expressing your outrage that Trump is beating Cruz. Your meltdowns are becoming commonplace and your attacks on Trump supporters are there for all to see. Don't try to play the victim.

You will not find one single solitary post of me expressing outrage that Trump is beating Cruz. I've not melted down over it either. I've only attacked Trump supporters who attacked me first. I've expressed outrage over comments Trump has made, positions he has taken, things he has said about Ted Cruz and others, things his supporters have said and continue to say about Cruz and others, the ignorance of Trump's supporters over the nomination process.... but nothing whatsoever about him beating Cruz.

Playing the victim? I have no idea what you mean. I'm having meltdowns but playing the victim? How the hell does that work? I'm just trying to get along with you.... a fellow Conservative.... but you seem to want to continue taking a hostile tone with me. Why is that?
Dude, you're a fucking basket case. Go back and read your posts over the past two days. You need help, man.
You've posted about 100 comments expressing your outrage that Trump is beating Cruz. Your meltdowns are becoming commonplace and your attacks on Trump supporters are there for all to see. Don't try to play the victim.

You will not find one single solitary post of me expressing outrage that Trump is beating Cruz. I've not melted down over it either. I've only attacked Trump supporters who attacked me first. I've expressed outrage over comments Trump has made, positions he has taken, things he has said about Ted Cruz and others, things his supporters have said and continue to say about Cruz and others, the ignorance of Trump's supporters over the nomination process.... but nothing whatsoever about him beating Cruz.

Playing the victim? I have no idea what you mean. I'm having meltdowns but playing the victim? How the hell does that work? I'm just trying to get along with you.... a fellow Conservative.... but you seem to want to continue taking a hostile tone with me. Why is that?
Dude, you're a fucking basket case. Go back and read your posts over the past two days. You need help, man.

So you're still bashing and trashing on me... even after I have surrendered and come to your side.

That really says all we need to know about you as a person. You're the one in need of some help.
That didn't even make sense. Ok. NM

Sorry... not sure what didn't make sense... I don't listen to people who tell me how I should vote... is that hard to comprehend or something? I don't disrespect those who disagree with me.... again, something hard to understand about that? Finally, I do not respect people who don't respect me.... was that too much to handle?
So will you vote for Trump or sit on your hands and hope he loses to Hillary?

To be completely honest, I am not sure what I will do. I won't be hoping Hillary wins... not a big Hillary fan. I'm also not going to pledge my vote to Trump at this time. If the election were today, I probably wouldn't vote. There is still time to win me over but people like S.J. are going to be the problem there. You see, he has decided that I am the "mortal enemy" and he has to run me in the ground every chance he gets because I don't march in lockstep behind his boy Trump. That kind of shit continues and you can forget my vote.
Which is consistent with most republicans and most on the right: to compel conformity, to punish dissent, and to dictate blind adherence to political dogma.

Indeed, that the likes of S.J. and his ilk are Trump supporters is reason enough to oppose Trump and not vote for him.
That didn't even make sense. Ok. NM

Sorry... not sure what didn't make sense... I don't listen to people who tell me how I should vote... is that hard to comprehend or something? I don't disrespect those who disagree with me.... again, something hard to understand about that? Finally, I do not respect people who don't respect me.... was that too much to handle?

You know are nothing but an arrogant smart a$$. I have tried my best to be nice to you. But, now as far as I am concerned, you can kiss off.
That didn't even make sense. Ok. NM

Sorry... not sure what didn't make sense... I don't listen to people who tell me how I should vote... is that hard to comprehend or something? I don't disrespect those who disagree with me.... again, something hard to understand about that? Finally, I do not respect people who don't respect me.... was that too much to handle?

You know are nothing but an arrogant smart a$$. I have tried my best to be nice to you. But, now as far as I am concerned, you can kiss off.

Look, Kat... YOU came into the thread telling me how I should vote. I think that's pretty damn arrogant to be honest... I don't tell you how you should vote. Then you implied that I don't respect people who disagree with me... that's not treating me very nice. Now you're calling me an arrogant smart ass because I tried to explain what you said didn't make any sense.

Honestly, I don't think you're trying your best to be nice to me. I think you're trying your best to find something to be mad at me about. I have no idea why... do you?
So will you vote for Trump or sit on your hands and hope he loses to Hillary?

To be completely honest, I am not sure what I will do. I won't be hoping Hillary wins... not a big Hillary fan. I'm also not going to pledge my vote to Trump at this time. If the election were today, I probably wouldn't vote. There is still time to win me over but people like S.J. are going to be the problem there. You see, he has decided that I am the "mortal enemy" and he has to run me in the ground every chance he gets because I don't march in lockstep behind his boy Trump. That kind of shit continues and you can forget my vote.
Which is consistent with most republicans and most on the right: to compel conformity, to punish dissent, and to dictate blind adherence to political dogma.

Indeed, that the likes of S.J. and his ilk are Trump supporters is reason enough to oppose Trump and not vote for him.
Oh yeah, like a ignorant liberal like you would ever vote Republican.

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