Shocker: Boss Endorses Trump?

So I am reading the threads here and I keep coming across this retort from the many Trump supporters that they think I am being like a child who doesn't get his way... upset that my guy, Ted Cruz, is not winning the GOP nomination. I point out credible complaints about the Trump campaign and it's shrugged off as me whining or bothered that Trump is doing so well. I attempt to defend Cruz from the ruthless and scurrilous attacks coming at him from all sides and I am accused of "making excuses for his behavior" in doing so. I've tried to get through to people who SAY they are Conservatives... no use, their brains have been turned to jello by Fox News and Donald Trump and you can't talk rationally to them anymore.

Here's where I stand as of now... I actually hope Trump wins this primary! There, I said it! ...I know that's a shocker, it makes my stomach hurt just to read it back to myself... but bear with me.

If Cruz wins, the GOP base is now so polarized and turned against him that he can never unify the party and win in November.... losing to Hillary in the general would effectively end any chance for him to be a serious candidate in 4 years. Everything would be blamed on Cruz and Cruz supporters... yeah, we "gave" you the nomination and look what you did! So the Conservative movement would suffer a great setback, at least with the GOP voters.

Whereas, if Trump wins, he will either defeat Hillary and be a disastrous president or he will get his butt kicked and lose to Hillary in a landslide. Neither is a good scenario for republicans but you can't really blame Trump on the Conservative movement.... unless your a lefty who blames all things right of Stalin on conservatives.

So at this point, it is actually BETTER for Cruz political future NOT to win this primary. He can sit back and watch the calamity happen and say... hey, I tried to tell you people and you wouldn't listen... and in 4 years, maybe some people will have come to their senses? He's still relatively young, there is still plenty of time for him to serve as president.

Don't get me wrong, I still think he would make a great president and could turn the country around... I still think he has a better chance at beating Hillary in the general and would mop her up in a debate. But I also know there is a contingent of die-hard Trump supporters who simply will not vote for Ted Cruz if he beats Donald Trump for the nomination... and Trump might even run third party. All of that would be twisted into the fault of Ted Cruz and his political aspirations would be over forever. I think he is too good of a man and too strong of a Conservative voice to let that happen.

So, I am supporting Trump for the nomination now. Let him and his sleazy band of followers take their vitriol into the general election and let's see if 37% of the GOP is enough to defeat the Clinton Machine. I'm inclined to think Hillary will win in a landslide and even IF Trump does pull of an upset, he will be a terrible one-term president. Cruz can then challenge his re-election and win the GOP nomination in 2020.... and before you say that's crazy... it HAS happened before.

In 4 years, In just 4 short years, Cruz will be forgotten.

In 4 years, you and many others will see new and exciting conservatives running and may decide to support one of them.

4 years is a longtime in politics. And with your party's rejection of the Bush is hard to see anyone keeping your undivided support over the next 4 years.

Agree, but it won't be because of the donald. it will be because Hillery will have destroyed the country and what it stands for and the Donald will write her checks to pay for it like he always has.
So I am reading the threads here and I keep coming across this retort from the many Trump supporters that they think I am being like a child who doesn't get his way... upset that my guy, Ted Cruz, is not winning the GOP nomination. I point out credible complaints about the Trump campaign and it's shrugged off as me whining or bothered that Trump is doing so well. I attempt to defend Cruz from the ruthless and scurrilous attacks coming at him from all sides and I am accused of "making excuses for his behavior" in doing so. I've tried to get through to people who SAY they are Conservatives... no use, their brains have been turned to jello by Fox News and Donald Trump and you can't talk rationally to them anymore.

Here's where I stand as of now... I actually hope Trump wins this primary! There, I said it! ...I know that's a shocker, it makes my stomach hurt just to read it back to myself... but bear with me.

If Cruz wins, the GOP base is now so polarized and turned against him that he can never unify the party and win in November.... losing to Hillary in the general would effectively end any chance for him to be a serious candidate in 4 years. Everything would be blamed on Cruz and Cruz supporters... yeah, we "gave" you the nomination and look what you did! So the Conservative movement would suffer a great setback, at least with the GOP voters.

Whereas, if Trump wins, he will either defeat Hillary and be a disastrous president or he will get his butt kicked and lose to Hillary in a landslide. Neither is a good scenario for republicans but you can't really blame Trump on the Conservative movement.... unless your a lefty who blames all things right of Stalin on conservatives.

So at this point, it is actually BETTER for Cruz political future NOT to win this primary. He can sit back and watch the calamity happen and say... hey, I tried to tell you people and you wouldn't listen... and in 4 years, maybe some people will have come to their senses? He's still relatively young, there is still plenty of time for him to serve as president.

Don't get me wrong, I still think he would make a great president and could turn the country around... I still think he has a better chance at beating Hillary in the general and would mop her up in a debate. But I also know there is a contingent of die-hard Trump supporters who simply will not vote for Ted Cruz if he beats Donald Trump for the nomination... and Trump might even run third party. All of that would be twisted into the fault of Ted Cruz and his political aspirations would be over forever. I think he is too good of a man and too strong of a Conservative voice to let that happen.

So, I am supporting Trump for the nomination now. Let him and his sleazy band of followers take their vitriol into the general election and let's see if 37% of the GOP is enough to defeat the Clinton Machine. I'm inclined to think Hillary will win in a landslide and even IF Trump does pull of an upset, he will be a terrible one-term president. Cruz can then challenge his re-election and win the GOP nomination in 2020.... and before you say that's crazy... it HAS happened before.

That's hilarious. :0)

The good news .. neither Trump nor Cruz has a snowball's chance in Hell of winning.

So they both get to sit back and say whatever they want. They just won't be saying it from the Oval Office.


I thought this was a thread suggesting that Bruce Springsteen .. the real Boss .. was endorsing Trump.

That would have been a real shocker.
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Sorry, boss, but I'm not gonna sit here and sift through scores of posts of you ranting and raving about me supporting Trump just to show everyone that you're the one who started with the insults. And I have expressed my reasons for supporting Trump numerous times, you just don't want to acknowledge them, all you seem to want to do is berate me because I don't like Cruz. I don't owe you a damn thing, I've been more than courteous to you up until you started hurling the insults. You chose to attack me because I don't respect Cruz and I responded. You just can't handle having your shit thrown back at you. I've agreed with you a lot on this board over the months but because I don't fall in line with you on Cruz you think you have the right to attack my intellect without me responding? Fuck that. If you can't handle being insulted, don't start doing it yourself.

Well, I highlighted examples of you directly insulting me in this thread over and over again. I challenged you to show where I've been outraged that Trump is beating Cruz.. nadda. I've told you and Kat both that I have no problems with your views or opinions being different from mine and the only time I hurl insults is when insults are being hurled at me. So... no, you haven't shown where I started it and you can't show it.

I've not berated you because you don't like Cruz... I've berated you because you berated me. You're free to not like Cruz, so is your girlfriend Kat... different strokes, baby! What you are NOT free to do is lie and smear with impunity. I'm going to call you on that, and it's not me having a meltdown or being rude to you... it's me setting the record straight and defending a good man against your lies. I've done the same exact thing for Trump against the lies and smears from the left.

If you, Kat or anyone else doesn't like me for that... I don't really care, to be honest. I don't come here to be liked. I have friends in the real world who like me and I like them. I get my "fix" of being liked by my real world friends... you people mean absolutely nothing to me.
Sorry, boss, but I'm not gonna sit here and sift through scores of posts of you ranting and raving about me supporting Trump just to show everyone that you're the one who started with the insults. And I have expressed my reasons for supporting Trump numerous times, you just don't want to acknowledge them, all you seem to want to do is berate me because I don't like Cruz. I don't owe you a damn thing, I've been more than courteous to you up until you started hurling the insults. You chose to attack me because I don't respect Cruz and I responded. You just can't handle having your shit thrown back at you. I've agreed with you a lot on this board over the months but because I don't fall in line with you on Cruz you think you have the right to attack my intellect without me responding? Fuck that. If you can't handle being insulted, don't start doing it yourself.

Well, I highlighted examples of you directly insulting me in this thread over and over again. I challenged you to show where I've been outraged that Trump is beating Cruz.. nadda. I've told you and Kat both that I have no problems with your views or opinions being different from mine and the only time I hurl insults is when insults are being hurled at me. So... no, you haven't shown where I started it and you can't show it.

I've not berated you because you don't like Cruz... I've berated you because you berated me. You're free to not like Cruz, so is your girlfriend Kat... different strokes, baby! What you are NOT free to do is lie and smear with impunity. I'm going to call you on that, and it's not me having a meltdown or being rude to you... it's me setting the record straight and defending a good man against your lies. I've done the same exact thing for Trump against the lies and smears from the left.

If you, Kat or anyone else doesn't like me for that... I don't really care, to be honest. I don't come here to be liked. I have friends in the real world who like me and I like them. I get my "fix" of being liked by my real world friends... you people mean absolutely nothing to me.
Give it a rest, man. Nobody gives a shit about your butthurt.
So will you vote for Trump or sit on your hands and hope he loses to Hillary?

To be completely honest, I am not sure what I will do. I won't be hoping Hillary wins... not a big Hillary fan. I'm also not going to pledge my vote to Trump at this time. If the election were today, I probably wouldn't vote. There is still time to win me over but people like S.J. are going to be the problem there. You see, he has decided that I am the "mortal enemy" and he has to run me in the ground every chance he gets because I don't march in lockstep behind his boy Trump. That kind of shit continues and you can forget my vote.

We won't have to convince you.

Once you see the depths the Libs will go though to try to stop Trump, you will do the right thing.
So will you vote for Trump or sit on your hands and hope he loses to Hillary?

To be completely honest, I am not sure what I will do. I won't be hoping Hillary wins... not a big Hillary fan. I'm also not going to pledge my vote to Trump at this time. If the election were today, I probably wouldn't vote. There is still time to win me over but people like S.J. are going to be the problem there. You see, he has decided that I am the "mortal enemy" and he has to run me in the ground every chance he gets because I don't march in lockstep behind his boy Trump. That kind of shit continues and you can forget my vote.

We won't have to convince you.

Once you see the depths the Libs will go though to try to stop Trump, you will do the right thing.
No, he'll vote for Clinton just to get back at me. :lol:
Give it a rest, man. Nobody gives a shit about your butthurt.

First and foremost, you don't speak for everybody. Secondly, you don't get to tell me when to give it a rest... I decide that on my own. Thirdly, there is no butthurt here other than from you and your cybergal, Kat... who seems to think you're the shit when you're hurling petty insults left and right and denying you're doing it. She thinks I am angry, you think I am butthurt.... you're both wrong, but I don't give a shit what you think.

Let the record show that your punk ass couldn't back up your claims. You had the chance and you played the "I don't have time" card. Now you're back to trashing and bashing me some more. You're on a roll, bro... trashing and dismissing liberals, conservatives, moderates, anyone who gets in the way of your fanatical worship for The Donald!

Now.... I personally haven't decided who I am going to vote for in November. I may very well end up casting my vote for Donald Trump over Hillary.... don't know yet... haven't made my mind up. BUT... Let me say this here and now... If I decide not to vote for Trump, YOU will be a large part of that reason. YOU! One stupid jerk on a message board. YOU will have cost Donald Trump at least one vote. And since I think of myself as a fairly reasonable person, I have to believe there are more people out there reading your smarmy posts who are being affected the same way. You'd be helping Trump more if you just shut your pie hole... maybe you wouldn't impress Kat as much... but you'd help Trump more. ....Oh, the dilemma!
Hate to break it to you Boss but your kind simply don't matter anymore. If you haven't noticed the people like you who try and define what it is to be a "real conservative" are being rejected. You're a fringe group aptly named RWNJ's. You all cannot ruin the party anymore and will have to take a back seat to Americans who do not subscribe to your warped ideology any longer.

You're fight for conservatism is a losing proposition. Its being rejected outright and replaced with something called common sense.

Vote Trump or not it really doesn't matter.
Hate to break it to you Boss but your kind simply don't matter anymore. If you haven't noticed the people like you who try and define what it is to be a "real conservative" are being rejected. You're a fringe group aptly named RWNJ's. You all cannot ruin the party anymore and will have to take a back seat to Americans who do not subscribe to your warped ideology any longer.

You're fight for conservatism is a losing proposition. Its being rejected outright and replaced with something called common sense.

Vote Trump or not it really doesn't matter.

All due respect, you know nothing about me. I don't have trouble "trying to define what it is to be a real conservative" because I believe in what IS conservative philosophy. There is no need to define something that IS. Ideologues try and define conservative philosophy in the mold of their personal ideologies sometimes and you get neocons, libertarians and social conservatives. All of those assorted and disparate points of view may be rooted in overarching conservative philosophy but I am not an ideologue.

In that regard, I am very much like Donald Trump. Now, Trump isn't an ideologue but he applies conservative philosophy to populism. This can sometimes lead to a contradiction of itself which is where he runs into many problems with true conservatives. Populists are quite often driven by social rhetoric of the times, which is predominately raised into the social consciousness from the liberal left. There are many instances where pragmatic conservative philosophy should simply reject populism but the populist can't discern such distinctions and this is where Trump has a problem.

Now let's get back to what IS going to ruin the party, since you mentioned that... This attitude from Trump and his supporters that figuratively kicks everyone in the balls who doesn't march in lockstep with Trump's populist-nationalist rhetoric. I get that you are all excited about the prospects of winning... taking over control of the party and running the show... that's great and wonderful but you've taken over a feeble party that was on life support. You've largely done that by dividing the party into small factions which you have vanquished through the primary process. The problem is going to be the numbers. You do not have enough Trump supporters in this movement to defeat the Democrat party. I think you're eventually going to discover that but it's going to be way too late.
No Boss, the #nevertrump movement has divided the party. There's the #nevertrump aka the people like you who like to define and preach what it is to be conservative, and the Trump supporters who care nothing about labels/ideology. They care about America first (hate to use a cliche)

The #nevertrump movement is fading into complete and total irrelevance in a growing and changing America. They chose to act like bitter spoiled children intent on spitting on the American people and it will come back on them in a big way. The #nevertrump pictured below do NOT speak for Americans and are wildly out of touch:

Screen Shot 2016-05-03 at 4.15.31 PM.png

With that said, there will be more than enough Trump supporters to defeat the Democrats come November. Trump is bringing in record amounts of voters and the general hasn't even begun. The movement will only continue to grow and it will result in a landslide win come November with or without the #nevertrump gang.

Let all the rats jump ship...all the better and good riddance
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Hate to break it to you Boss but your kind simply don't matter anymore. If you haven't noticed the people like you who try and define what it is to be a "real conservative" are being rejected. You're a fringe group aptly named RWNJ's. You all cannot ruin the party anymore and will have to take a back seat to Americans who do not subscribe to your warped ideology any longer.

You're fight for conservatism is a losing proposition. Its being rejected outright and replaced with something called common sense.

Vote Trump or not it really doesn't matter.

Boss is not a Nut Job.

Indeed, this nation has lurched so far to the left that wanting to deport Illegals and bring back manufacturing jobs is considered of the "Far Right".

Boss is just a Republicans who is coming to grips with the fact that a candidate he does not like is winning the Primary.
Hate to break it to you Boss but your kind simply don't matter anymore. If you haven't noticed the people like you who try and define what it is to be a "real conservative" are being rejected. You're a fringe group aptly named RWNJ's. You all cannot ruin the party anymore and will have to take a back seat to Americans who do not subscribe to your warped ideology any longer.

You're fight for conservatism is a losing proposition. Its being rejected outright and replaced with something called common sense.

Vote Trump or not it really doesn't matter.

All due respect, you know nothing about me. I don't have trouble "trying to define what it is to be a real conservative" because I believe in what IS conservative philosophy. There is no need to define something that IS. Ideologues try and define conservative philosophy in the mold of their personal ideologies sometimes and you get neocons, libertarians and social conservatives. All of those assorted and disparate points of view may be rooted in overarching conservative philosophy but I am not an ideologue.

In that regard, I am very much like Donald Trump. Now, Trump isn't an ideologue but he applies conservative philosophy to populism. This can sometimes lead to a contradiction of itself which is where he runs into many problems with true conservatives. Populists are quite often driven by social rhetoric of the times, which is predominately raised into the social consciousness from the liberal left. There are many instances where pragmatic conservative philosophy should simply reject populism but the populist can't discern such distinctions and this is where Trump has a problem.

Now let's get back to what IS going to ruin the party, since you mentioned that... This attitude from Trump and his supporters that figuratively kicks everyone in the balls who doesn't march in lockstep with Trump's populist-nationalist rhetoric. I get that you are all excited about the prospects of winning... taking over control of the party and running the show... that's great and wonderful but you've taken over a feeble party that was on life support. You've largely done that by dividing the party into small factions which you have vanquished through the primary process. The problem is going to be the numbers. You do not have enough Trump supporters in this movement to defeat the Democrat party. I think you're eventually going to discover that but it's going to be way too late.

IMO, Trumps tactics will work great on HIllary, and the dems.

IMO, Trumps policies on Trade and Immigration will attract Reagan Democrats, and help the GOP tremendously in the Rust Belt, especially.
Boss is not a Nut Job.

Indeed, this nation has lurched so far to the left that wanting to deport Illegals and bring back manufacturing jobs is considered of the "Far Right".

Boss is just a Republicans who is coming to grips with the fact that a candidate he does not like is winning the Primary.

Well you're right that I'm not a nut job. I actually think the RWNJs are the Trump supporters. I am a Constitutional Conservative. I believe in the founding principles our country was established on and I believe in Conservative governing philosophy. That's not ideological.... it simply weighs all objective viewpoints and adheres to a common sense, pragmatic evaluation of history and experience. It's a PHILOSOPHY of governing.. NOT an IDEOLOGY.

I am not a registered Republican... and I can tell you this... IF this populist-nationalist Trumptarian nonsense is the new face of the party... I'm probably not going to be supporting the party anymore. I can't deal with this. I want to have a reasonable conversation with rational people... this smearing and jeering of anyone who doesn't go along with you is reminding me of militant liberal activism and I'm just not down with that. This bowing up and declaring that you don't need anyone else and good riddance... well, we'll see about that come November.
Boss is not a Nut Job.

Indeed, this nation has lurched so far to the left that wanting to deport Illegals and bring back manufacturing jobs is considered of the "Far Right".

Boss is just a Republicans who is coming to grips with the fact that a candidate he does not like is winning the Primary.

Well you're right that I'm not a nut job. I actually think the RWNJs are the Trump supporters. I am a Constitutional Conservative. I believe in the founding principles our country was established on and I believe in Conservative governing philosophy. That's not ideological.... it simply weighs all objective viewpoints and adheres to a common sense, pragmatic evaluation of history and experience. It's a PHILOSOPHY of governing.. NOT an IDEOLOGY.

I am not a registered Republican... and I can tell you this... IF this populist-nationalist Trumptarian nonsense is the new face of the party... I'm probably not going to be supporting the party anymore. I can't deal with this. I want to have a reasonable conversation with rational people... this smearing and jeering of anyone who doesn't go along with you is reminding me of militant liberal activism and I'm just not down with that. This bowing up and declaring that you don't need anyone else and good riddance... well, we'll see about that come November.

Reasonable conversation has not been an option for a long time.

Hell, the Race Card has defined the limits of debate on some of our most important issues, for my entire life.

Remember when Bush tried to have a debate about SOcial Security? How reasonable was that discussion?
Boss is not a Nut Job.

Indeed, this nation has lurched so far to the left that wanting to deport Illegals and bring back manufacturing jobs is considered of the "Far Right".

Boss is just a Republicans who is coming to grips with the fact that a candidate he does not like is winning the Primary.

Well you're right that I'm not a nut job. I actually think the RWNJs are the Trump supporters. I am a Constitutional Conservative. I believe in the founding principles our country was established on and I believe in Conservative governing philosophy. That's not ideological.... it simply weighs all objective viewpoints and adheres to a common sense, pragmatic evaluation of history and experience. It's a PHILOSOPHY of governing.. NOT an IDEOLOGY.

I am not a registered Republican... and I can tell you this... IF this populist-nationalist Trumptarian nonsense is the new face of the party... I'm probably not going to be supporting the party anymore. I can't deal with this. I want to have a reasonable conversation with rational people... this smearing and jeering of anyone who doesn't go along with you is reminding me of militant liberal activism and I'm just not down with that. This bowing up and declaring that you don't need anyone else and good riddance... well, we'll see about that come November.

Reasonable conversation has not been an option for a long time.

Hell, the Race Card has defined the limits of debate on some of our most important issues, for my entire life.

Remember when Bush tried to have a debate about SOcial Security? How reasonable was that discussion?

Well I am talking specifically about within the party... no one can have a reasonable conversation with left-wing radicals, they don't know how. But what I am seeing now on the Republican side is a version of the same radicalism, just tilted toward a nationalist-populist movement. Nationalist populism can be a very dangerous thing... it brought to the world stage people like Chairman Mao and Hitler. Not comparing Trump to them but the movement itself. It's dangerous and causes bad things to happen to good people. That's why our founders set up a "republican" (small letter r) system and not a "democratic" (small letter d) system.
Give it a rest, man. Nobody gives a shit about your butthurt.

First and foremost, you don't speak for everybody. Secondly, you don't get to tell me when to give it a rest... I decide that on my own. Thirdly, there is no butthurt here other than from you and your cybergal, Kat... who seems to think you're the shit when you're hurling petty insults left and right and denying you're doing it. She thinks I am angry, you think I am butthurt.... you're both wrong, but I don't give a shit what you think.

Let the record show that your punk ass couldn't back up your claims. You had the chance and you played the "I don't have time" card. Now you're back to trashing and bashing me some more. You're on a roll, bro... trashing and dismissing liberals, conservatives, moderates, anyone who gets in the way of your fanatical worship for The Donald!

Now.... I personally haven't decided who I am going to vote for in November. I may very well end up casting my vote for Donald Trump over Hillary.... don't know yet... haven't made my mind up. BUT... Let me say this here and now... If I decide not to vote for Trump, YOU will be a large part of that reason. YOU! One stupid jerk on a message board. YOU will have cost Donald Trump at least one vote. And since I think of myself as a fairly reasonable person, I have to believe there are more people out there reading your smarmy posts who are being affected the same way. You'd be helping Trump more if you just shut your pie hole... maybe you wouldn't impress Kat as much... but you'd help Trump more. ....Oh, the dilemma!

I don't know S.J. from Adam's house cat, but if I want to thank or agree to a post he has made, that is my business, not yours.
So you can leave me out of your hysterics, please. Just calm down..go get a massage or something, rather than running around talking about things you know nothing of.

Now lemme seeeeee.....think I will go get to know S.J. better now..:D

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