Shocker: Boss Endorses Trump?

Boss is not a Nut Job.

Indeed, this nation has lurched so far to the left that wanting to deport Illegals and bring back manufacturing jobs is considered of the "Far Right".

Boss is just a Republicans who is coming to grips with the fact that a candidate he does not like is winning the Primary.

Well you're right that I'm not a nut job. I actually think the RWNJs are the Trump supporters. I am a Constitutional Conservative. I believe in the founding principles our country was established on and I believe in Conservative governing philosophy. That's not ideological.... it simply weighs all objective viewpoints and adheres to a common sense, pragmatic evaluation of history and experience. It's a PHILOSOPHY of governing.. NOT an IDEOLOGY.

I am not a registered Republican... and I can tell you this... IF this populist-nationalist Trumptarian nonsense is the new face of the party... I'm probably not going to be supporting the party anymore. I can't deal with this. I want to have a reasonable conversation with rational people... this smearing and jeering of anyone who doesn't go along with you is reminding me of militant liberal activism and I'm just not down with that. This bowing up and declaring that you don't need anyone else and good riddance... well, we'll see about that come November.

Reasonable conversation has not been an option for a long time.

Hell, the Race Card has defined the limits of debate on some of our most important issues, for my entire life.

Remember when Bush tried to have a debate about SOcial Security? How reasonable was that discussion?

Well I am talking specifically about within the party... no one can have a reasonable conversation with left-wing radicals, they don't know how. But what I am seeing now on the Republican side is a version of the same radicalism, just tilted toward a nationalist-populist movement. Nationalist populism can be a very dangerous thing... it brought to the world stage people like Chairman Mao and Hitler. Not comparing Trump to them but the movement itself. It's dangerous and causes bad things to happen to good people. That's why our founders set up a "republican" (small letter r) system and not a "democratic" (small letter d) system.

The Leadership hasn't been very reasonable with the conservative faction for quite a while. They have been playing harder ball with us than they have with the dems.

Is that reasonable to fighter harder and dirtier against your own people than the other party?

There is nothing radical about Trump. His campaign style is aggressive and low brow. That's not radical.

HIs policies certainly are NOT.

There is nothing about Trump that threatens the checks and balances of our republic.

He is 74. At most he will do his two terms and then retire for a few years, before he dies of old age.

There is nothing about his polices that will set up some radical new ideology, or movement.

At most he MIGHT weaken Political Correctness, and make it ok to talk about protecting and advancing US interests.

We are going into the general election now.

The people to compare Trump to now, are HIllary and her leftist mob.

The more you do that, the better you will feel about Trump.

Cruz is a young man. He will have another chance.

If Cruz voters show up at the polls for Trump, Trump voters will remember that if or when Cruz ends up being a candidate in the future.
Well I don't support candidates on the basis of what their other supporters might do in the future. I am a Constitutional Conservative and I support Conservatives. If you are NOT a Conservative, you have a hard time winning my vote. It's not impossible, but I do need to hear something that makes me believe you're going to at least respect conservative principles. Right now, I am not hearing that from Trump. What I have seen him do is smear and slime a great conservative in the most sleazy underhanded way he could. I continue to see his supporters today... after Cruz has dropped out... CONTINUE to bash and trash conservative supporters of Cruz. It's THAT attitude that is going to turn me off and guarantee that I don't vote for Trump under any circumstance. You're simply NEVER going to dick-slap me into voting for your guy... it ain't gonna happen!

Now... other Cruz supporters can do what they want... I can't control the actions of others. But I am the type person who can't support someone who doesn't represent my values. It's not good enough that Trump isn't Hillary Clinton. I would rather Hillary win and in 4 years, Cruz can challenge her. Sure, the SCOTUS picks go to Hillary but there is nothing guaranteeing the picks Trump would make would be any better. He's going to pick someone who appeals to liberals and moderates so he can get the deal done... that's his style... there aren't enough Conservatives in Congress to prevent that. So we're going to lose the SCOTUS anyway. Hillary's picks might actually be more scrutinized than Trump's.
I don't know S.J. from Adam's house cat, but if I want to thank or agree to a post he has made, that is my business, not yours.
So you can leave me out of your hysterics, please. Just calm down..go get a massage or something, rather than running around talking about things you know nothing of.

Now lemme seeeeee.....think I will go get to know S.J. better now..:D

I don't really give a shit what you do and I didn't say that I did. I also don't give a shit what you do with SJ or how well you know him. I just mentioned that you agreed with his post when he denied calling me names after I posted a list of the times he called me names in this very thread. You have to answer to yourself for that... not me.
I don't know S.J. from Adam's house cat, but if I want to thank or agree to a post he has made, that is my business, not yours.
So you can leave me out of your hysterics, please. Just calm down..go get a massage or something, rather than running around talking about things you know nothing of.

Now lemme seeeeee.....think I will go get to know S.J. better now..:D

I don't really give a shit what you do and I didn't say that I did. I also don't give a shit what you do with SJ or how well you know him. I just mentioned that you agreed with his post when he denied calling me names after I posted a list of the times he called me names in this very thread. You have to answer to yourself for that... not me.

Welp, you must care a weeeeee bit, otherwise you would not keep posting to me, and you certainly would not mention me in other posts where I am not even involved. :lol:
Just let it go. This is stupid, and I am not interested. See ya.
Welp, you must care a weeeeee bit, otherwise you would not keep posting to me, and you certainly would not mention me in other posts where I am not even involved. :lol:
Just let it go. This is stupid, and I am not interested. See ya.

LOL... You keep posting to me too... so do you care about me??? :dunno:
Welp, you must care a weeeeee bit, otherwise you would not keep posting to me, and you certainly would not mention me in other posts where I am not even involved. :lol:
Just let it go. This is stupid, and I am not interested. See ya.

LOL... You keep posting to me too... so do you care about me??? :dunno:

Well, I have no reason to hate you or anything. :dunno:
Welp, you must care a weeeeee bit, otherwise you would not keep posting to me, and you certainly would not mention me in other posts where I am not even involved. :lol:
Just let it go. This is stupid, and I am not interested. See ya.

LOL... You keep posting to me too... so do you care about me??? :dunno:

Well, I have no reason to hate you or anything. :dunno:

Well good! I have no reason to hate you either. :beer:
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Most who support trump can't say why other then "because he will change everything" or "Ted's a booger eater" and it will end there.
You're a proven retard. Any browsing of this forum alone proves you're full of shit. To state it with so much evidence to the contrary is beyond stupid.

Boss, I was not a fan of Trump, and would call myself one now but I'm not a fan type anyway. I do think he would make the biggest difference and this country is sliding into the abyss. I believe 8 years of obama created a need for a serious reset.
Lots of people hold their noses on both sides, and it's because they put what they believe is in the best interest of their country over themselves and their perception of the perfect candidate. We all have survived "bad" administrations, and what will motivate a lot of people to get over their butt hurt is the fate of the Supreme Court. They will not want to give Hillary the power to have that sort of influence over the future course of our nation. The same could be said for some Bernie supporters not wanting a "conservative" to make those determinations, but I think many of them in his movement are less attached to politics, and would choose to walk away from the process rather than vote for someone who they don't feel passionate about.
3 Supreme Court Justices will probably be selected under this President.

Do we want Hillary making those choices............................For me HELL NO............

The Dems will use Judicial Activism with a Kangaroo Court should Hillary win.
and what will motivate a lot of people to get over their butt hurt is the fate of the Supreme Court. They will not want to give Hillary the power to have that sort of influence over the future course of our nation.

3 Supreme Court Justices will probably be selected under this President.

Do we want Hillary making those choices............................For me HELL NO............

Well.... I don't know that Trump would appoint any better justices than Hillary, to be honest. The likelihood either of them will appoint someone the caliber of Antonin Scalia is virtually nil. I can see Trump making a 'Harriet Myers' type appointment... someone totally unqualified but who he likes personally. He has no real insight into the various appellate court justices and scholars who are out there... the USMB faithful could probably make a more informed pick. We know Hillary is going to try and appoint a radical but a Democrat appointee is going to have tougher scrutiny than a Republican pick with a Republican congress.

So from my perspective, the SCOTUS issue is now off the table. We're screwed either way if you're expecting a Constitutional Conservative. That's not going to happen no matter who wins.
and what will motivate a lot of people to get over their butt hurt is the fate of the Supreme Court. They will not want to give Hillary the power to have that sort of influence over the future course of our nation.

3 Supreme Court Justices will probably be selected under this President.

Do we want Hillary making those choices............................For me HELL NO............

Well.... I don't know that Trump would appoint any better justices than Hillary, to be honest. The likelihood either of them will appoint someone the caliber of Antonin Scalia is virtually nil. I can see Trump making a 'Harriet Myers' type appointment... someone totally unqualified but who he likes personally. He has no real insight into the various appellate court justices and scholars who are out there... the USMB faithful could probably make a more informed pick. We know Hillary is going to try and appoint a radical but a Democrat appointee is going to have tougher scrutiny than a Republican pick with a Republican congress.

So from my perspective, the SCOTUS issue is now off the table. We're screwed either way if you're expecting a Constitutional Conservative. That's not going to happen no matter who wins.
That is a matter of opinion and I don't agree. I believe he will make the right decision on this, and he will do so under consultation................We'll have to see...................

With Hillary there is no doubt at all.......................something to think about.
The funny thing is that Trump would have been the darling of the liberal Vietnam generation. He is the only candidate in modern history who isn't afraid of the media and he speaks his mindand he promises to shake the establishment politicians to the core. The problem of course is that the Vietnam generation has become the establishment and they aren't interested in shaking up Washington any more.

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