Shocker: Boss Endorses Trump?

That didn't even make sense. Ok. NM

Sorry... not sure what didn't make sense... I don't listen to people who tell me how I should vote... is that hard to comprehend or something? I don't disrespect those who disagree with me.... again, something hard to understand about that? Finally, I do not respect people who don't respect me.... was that too much to handle?

You know are nothing but an arrogant smart a$$. I have tried my best to be nice to you. But, now as far as I am concerned, you can kiss off.

Look, Kat... YOU came into the thread telling me how I should vote. I think that's pretty damn arrogant to be honest... I don't tell you how you should vote. Then you implied that I don't respect people who disagree with me... that's not treating me very nice. Now you're calling me an arrogant smart ass because I tried to explain what you said didn't make any sense.

Honestly, I don't think you're trying your best to be nice to me. I think you're trying your best to find something to be mad at me about. I have no idea why... do you?

I was not telling you who to vote for. Actually at that moment I was telling you that you should vote as you see fit, and not worry about others...that is it.
In a sense I was actually taking your side.

Nope, I am not looking to be mad at you. I don't like being mad at people. or them mad at me. But, I know it happens.

My apologies. I will try not to come into a thread of yours again. Obviously you take things I say wrong. Maybe I do the same to you. Who knows.
I was not telling you who to vote for. Actually at that moment I was telling you that you should vote as you see fit, and not worry about others...that is it.
In a sense I was actually taking your side.

Nope, I am not looking to be mad at you. I don't like being mad at people. or them mad at me. But, I know it happens.

My apologies. I will try not to come into a thread of yours again. Obviously you take things I say wrong. Maybe I do the same to you. Who knows.

I don't mind you coming into my threads and I don't think I take things you say wrong, I take them as you post them because that's all I can go by. You tend to read anger and smart-assery into my posts for some reason, and maybe that's my fault? I am passionate about what I think and I can certainly be a smart ass.

I don't have any reason to be mad at you and you don't have any reason to be mad at me... but then, neither does S.J. and he seems so mad at me that he can't see straight. I keep trying to find out why... all I ever get is him telling me how I'm melting down and throwing tantrums because Trump is winning. Even here in this thread where I waved the white flag and wished him luck in getting his candidate the nomination... he's still vitriolic and hateful to me... and here you come "agreeing" his posts (#34).

I have called him out and challenged him on several allegations he has made in this thread and he continues to dance around like the artful dodger and hurl more insults my way. And you're here encouraging him while trying to make nice with me. I don't like fake people, Kat.
I was not telling you who to vote for. Actually at that moment I was telling you that you should vote as you see fit, and not worry about others...that is it.
In a sense I was actually taking your side.

Nope, I am not looking to be mad at you. I don't like being mad at people. or them mad at me. But, I know it happens.

My apologies. I will try not to come into a thread of yours again. Obviously you take things I say wrong. Maybe I do the same to you. Who knows.

I don't mind you coming into my threads and I don't think I take things you say wrong, I take them as you post them because that's all I can go by. You tend to read anger and smart-assery into my posts for some reason, and maybe that's my fault? I am passionate about what I think and I can certainly be a smart ass.

I don't have any reason to be mad at you and you don't have any reason to be mad at me... but then, neither does S.J. and he seems so mad at me that he can't see straight. I keep trying to find out why... all I ever get is him telling me how I'm melting down and throwing tantrums because Trump is winning. Even here in this thread where I waved the white flag and wished him luck in getting his candidate the nomination... he's still vitriolic and hateful to me... and here you come "agreeing" his posts (#34).

I have called him out and challenged him on several allegations he has made in this thread and he continues to dance around like the artful dodger and hurl more insults my way. And you're here encouraging him while trying to make nice with me. I don't like fake people, Kat.
You need help, man. Go back and read your own posts and you'll see who is hurling insults and being hateful. Kat is right, and there's nothing phony about her posts. She just happens to disagree with you and she damn sure spots your anger and vitriol.
You need help, man. Go back and read your own posts and you'll see who is hurling insults and being hateful. Kat is right, and there's nothing phony about her posts. She just happens to disagree with you and she damn sure spots your anger and vitriol.

Why do you think I need help when you are the one who keeps repeating himself? I don't need to go back and read my posts, I know what I've said. I haven't hurled any insults at anyone who hasn't insulted me. You are repeatedly insulting me in this thread and others but you act like you're being reasonable and I need help.

Post #5- You accuse me of continuing a tantrum...
Post #22- I am a "disingenuous shithead" and "drama queen."
Post #28- I'm having "meltdowns."
Post #34- I'm a "basket case" who needs help...

I clearly see a pattern here and it's not ME insulting YOU! I'm sorry if Kat doesn't see that... I can't help what she sees. It's right there in black and white for anyone to read.

I asked you several times now, why do you continue acting this way with me? All I am getting is mindless repetition.

I think you've been studying Rules for Radicals because you're practicing it quite well. That's what THEY do... repeat the same thing over and over again until the lie becomes the truth. Keep denigrating, keep smearing, keep pushing back... never concede anything! That's what I am getting from you. Even when I offer an olive branch, you slap it from my hand and tell me I need help.. I'm losing it.

Really... I am curious as to what this does for you? Why you feel you have to keep attacking me and repeating yourself? Are you hoping you can change my opinion about something? You won't... Are you thinking you're hurting my feelings somehow? You're not. Gaining my respect? Nope.... you're losing any I ever had for you, to be honest. So what's this all about for you? Why are you continuing to be so unreasonable but pretending like I am unhinged?
You've posted about 100 comments expressing your outrage that Trump is beating Cruz. Your meltdowns are becoming commonplace and your attacks on Trump supporters are there for all to see. Don't try to play the victim.

You will not find one single solitary post of me expressing outrage that Trump is beating Cruz. I've not melted down over it either. I've only attacked Trump supporters who attacked me first. I've expressed outrage over comments Trump has made, positions he has taken, things he has said about Ted Cruz and others, things his supporters have said and continue to say about Cruz and others, the ignorance of Trump's supporters over the nomination process.... but nothing whatsoever about him beating Cruz.

Playing the victim? I have no idea what you mean. I'm having meltdowns but playing the victim? How the hell does that work? I'm just trying to get along with you.... a fellow Conservative.... but you seem to want to continue taking a hostile tone with me. Why is that?

You are definitely melting down.....and that is not inconsistent with being a victim. This entire thread is a passive aggressive tantrum started by an unhappy baby.
Boss With all due respect, that is not how it should be. You should vote for who you want, who you prefer, who lines up with your beliefs.
At the same time, you should respect that others may or may not agree with you, and that they have the right to do the same. This is just my opinion.

With all due respect, I don't take advice from people telling me how I should vote. I also feel that I do respect others who don't agree with me... I don't respect those who don't respect me.

Self awareness......get some.
That didn't even make sense. Ok. NM

Sorry... not sure what didn't make sense... I don't listen to people who tell me how I should vote... is that hard to comprehend or something? I don't disrespect those who disagree with me.... again, something hard to understand about that? Finally, I do not respect people who don't respect me.... was that too much to handle?

You know are nothing but an arrogant smart a$$. I have tried my best to be nice to you. But, now as far as I am concerned, you can kiss off.

And.....there it is. The line has been drawn. At least until you two make up.
You need help, man. Go back and read your own posts and you'll see who is hurling insults and being hateful. Kat is right, and there's nothing phony about her posts. She just happens to disagree with you and she damn sure spots your anger and vitriol.

Why do you think I need help when you are the one who keeps repeating himself? I don't need to go back and read my posts, I know what I've said. I haven't hurled any insults at anyone who hasn't insulted me. You are repeatedly insulting me in this thread and others but you act like you're being reasonable and I need help.

Post #5- You accuse me of continuing a tantrum...
Post #22- I am a "disingenuous shithead" and "drama queen."
Post #28- I'm having "meltdowns."
Post #34- I'm a "basket case" who needs help...

I clearly see a pattern here and it's not ME insulting YOU! I'm sorry if Kat doesn't see that... I can't help what she sees. It's right there in black and white for anyone to read.

I asked you several times now, why do you continue acting this way with me? All I am getting is mindless repetition.

I think you've been studying Rules for Radicals because you're practicing it quite well. That's what THEY do... repeat the same thing over and over again until the lie becomes the truth. Keep denigrating, keep smearing, keep pushing back... never concede anything! That's what I am getting from you. Even when I offer an olive branch, you slap it from my hand and tell me I need help.. I'm losing it.

Really... I am curious as to what this does for you? Why you feel you have to keep attacking me and repeating yourself? Are you hoping you can change my opinion about something? You won't... Are you thinking you're hurting my feelings somehow? You're not. Gaining my respect? Nope.... you're losing any I ever had for you, to be honest. So what's this all about for you? Why are you continuing to be so unreasonable but pretending like I am unhinged?

Yes. Every time you can't get along with a fellow MUST be because they underwent liberal training. You rock! Man..nutbags sure are passive aggressive.
people like S.J. are going to be the problem there. You see, he has decided that I am the "mortal enemy" and he has to run me in the ground every chance he gets because I don't march in lockstep behind his boy Trump. That kind of shit continues and you can forget my vote.

Strident partisans are all the same, particularly emotional ones following lockstep behind authoritarians.

Like radical muslims killing muslims who aren't radical enough? Yeah, I guess you have a point but in American politics, unless you're retarded, you should want to build coalitions with like-minded people.

Totally agree.

But is Trump like-minded enough? He's not a conservative, and he called the most conservative candidate "Lyin Ted."
So I am reading the threads here and I keep coming across this retort from the many Trump supporters that they think I am being like a child who doesn't get his way... upset that my guy, Ted Cruz, is not winning the GOP nomination. I point out credible complaints about the Trump campaign and it's shrugged off as me whining or bothered that Trump is doing so well. I attempt to defend Cruz from the ruthless and scurrilous attacks coming at him from all sides and I am accused of "making excuses for his behavior" in doing so. I've tried to get through to people who SAY they are Conservatives... no use, their brains have been turned to jello by Fox News and Donald Trump and you can't talk rationally to them anymore.

Here's where I stand as of now... I actually hope Trump wins this primary! There, I said it! ...I know that's a shocker, it makes my stomach hurt just to read it back to myself... but bear with me.

If Cruz wins, the GOP base is now so polarized and turned against him that he can never unify the party and win in November.... losing to Hillary in the general would effectively end any chance for him to be a serious candidate in 4 years. Everything would be blamed on Cruz and Cruz supporters... yeah, we "gave" you the nomination and look what you did! So the Conservative movement would suffer a great setback, at least with the GOP voters.

Whereas, if Trump wins, he will either defeat Hillary and be a disastrous president or he will get his butt kicked and lose to Hillary in a landslide. Neither is a good scenario for republicans but you can't really blame Trump on the Conservative movement.... unless your a lefty who blames all things right of Stalin on conservatives.

So at this point, it is actually BETTER for Cruz political future NOT to win this primary. He can sit back and watch the calamity happen and say... hey, I tried to tell you people and you wouldn't listen... and in 4 years, maybe some people will have come to their senses? He's still relatively young, there is still plenty of time for him to serve as president.

Don't get me wrong, I still think he would make a great president and could turn the country around... I still think he has a better chance at beating Hillary in the general and would mop her up in a debate. But I also know there is a contingent of die-hard Trump supporters who simply will not vote for Ted Cruz if he beats Donald Trump for the nomination... and Trump might even run third party. All of that would be twisted into the fault of Ted Cruz and his political aspirations would be over forever. I think he is too good of a man and too strong of a Conservative voice to let that happen.

So, I am supporting Trump for the nomination now. Let him and his sleazy band of followers take their vitriol into the general election and let's see if 37% of the GOP is enough to defeat the Clinton Machine. I'm inclined to think Hillary will win in a landslide and even IF Trump does pull of an upset, he will be a terrible one-term president. Cruz can then challenge his re-election and win the GOP nomination in 2020.... and before you say that's crazy... it HAS happened before.

Most who support trump can't say why other then "because he will change everything" or "Ted's a booger eater" and it will end there. They are blinded to the fact that Trump has to be nursed through any interview he does on TV, and gets away with blathering on. As far as the two scenarios you mentioned, Trump will fall flat on his face because only a small portion of people, typically the most pissed off vote in primaries. He just is not smart enough to go against Hillary. He cowers from Ted Cruz when it comes to a debate because he would be torn to shreds. Hillary may be a reptile (sorry reptiles) but she has "it" and he just doesn't. In the end, he will shrug and go back to funding the Clintons, Hillary will finish Barry O's job killing the country and Ted Cruz will be back in the Senate saying "I told you so".
So I am reading the threads here and I keep coming across this retort from the many Trump supporters that they think I am being like a child who doesn't get his way... upset that my guy, Ted Cruz, is not winning the GOP nomination. I point out credible complaints about the Trump campaign and it's shrugged off as me whining or bothered that Trump is doing so well. I attempt to defend Cruz from the ruthless and scurrilous attacks coming at him from all sides and I am accused of "making excuses for his behavior" in doing so. I've tried to get through to people who SAY they are Conservatives... no use, their brains have been turned to jello by Fox News and Donald Trump and you can't talk rationally to them anymore.

Here's where I stand as of now... I actually hope Trump wins this primary! There, I said it! ...I know that's a shocker, it makes my stomach hurt just to read it back to myself... but bear with me.

If Cruz wins, the GOP base is now so polarized and turned against him that he can never unify the party and win in November.... losing to Hillary in the general would effectively end any chance for him to be a serious candidate in 4 years. Everything would be blamed on Cruz and Cruz supporters... yeah, we "gave" you the nomination and look what you did! So the Conservative movement would suffer a great setback, at least with the GOP voters.

Whereas, if Trump wins, he will either defeat Hillary and be a disastrous president or he will get his butt kicked and lose to Hillary in a landslide. Neither is a good scenario for republicans but you can't really blame Trump on the Conservative movement.... unless your a lefty who blames all things right of Stalin on conservatives.

So at this point, it is actually BETTER for Cruz political future NOT to win this primary. He can sit back and watch the calamity happen and say... hey, I tried to tell you people and you wouldn't listen... and in 4 years, maybe some people will have come to their senses? He's still relatively young, there is still plenty of time for him to serve as president.

Don't get me wrong, I still think he would make a great president and could turn the country around... I still think he has a better chance at beating Hillary in the general and would mop her up in a debate. But I also know there is a contingent of die-hard Trump supporters who simply will not vote for Ted Cruz if he beats Donald Trump for the nomination... and Trump might even run third party. All of that would be twisted into the fault of Ted Cruz and his political aspirations would be over forever. I think he is too good of a man and too strong of a Conservative voice to let that happen.

So, I am supporting Trump for the nomination now. Let him and his sleazy band of followers take their vitriol into the general election and let's see if 37% of the GOP is enough to defeat the Clinton Machine. I'm inclined to think Hillary will win in a landslide and even IF Trump does pull of an upset, he will be a terrible one-term president. Cruz can then challenge his re-election and win the GOP nomination in 2020.... and before you say that's crazy... it HAS happened before.

Most who support trump can't say why other then "because he will change everything" or "Ted's a booger eater" and it will end there. They are blinded to the fact that Trump has to be nursed through any interview he does on TV, and gets away with blathering on. As far as the two scenarios you mentioned, Trump will fall flat on his face because only a small portion of people, typically the most pissed off vote in primaries. He just is not smart enough to go against Hillary. He cowers from Ted Cruz when it comes to a debate because he would be torn to shreds. Hillary may be a reptile (sorry reptiles) but she has "it" and he just doesn't. In the end, he will shrug and go back to funding the Clintons, Hillary will finish Barry O's job killing the country and Ted Cruz will be back in the Senate saying "I told you so".

Cruz is clearly the most qualified. Just look at how his career as a politician has served him so well in this campaign. It not his fault that he's losing so badly. It's the media and the other candidates telling lies. Poor guy.
So I am reading the threads here and I keep coming across this retort from the many Trump supporters that they think I am being like a child who doesn't get his way... upset that my guy, Ted Cruz, is not winning the GOP nomination. I point out credible complaints about the Trump campaign and it's shrugged off as me whining or bothered that Trump is doing so well. I attempt to defend Cruz from the ruthless and scurrilous attacks coming at him from all sides and I am accused of "making excuses for his behavior" in doing so. I've tried to get through to people who SAY they are Conservatives... no use, their brains have been turned to jello by Fox News and Donald Trump and you can't talk rationally to them anymore.

Here's where I stand as of now... I actually hope Trump wins this primary! There, I said it! ...I know that's a shocker, it makes my stomach hurt just to read it back to myself... but bear with me.

If Cruz wins, the GOP base is now so polarized and turned against him that he can never unify the party and win in November.... losing to Hillary in the general would effectively end any chance for him to be a serious candidate in 4 years. Everything would be blamed on Cruz and Cruz supporters... yeah, we "gave" you the nomination and look what you did! So the Conservative movement would suffer a great setback, at least with the GOP voters.

Whereas, if Trump wins, he will either defeat Hillary and be a disastrous president or he will get his butt kicked and lose to Hillary in a landslide. Neither is a good scenario for republicans but you can't really blame Trump on the Conservative movement.... unless your a lefty who blames all things right of Stalin on conservatives.

So at this point, it is actually BETTER for Cruz political future NOT to win this primary. He can sit back and watch the calamity happen and say... hey, I tried to tell you people and you wouldn't listen... and in 4 years, maybe some people will have come to their senses? He's still relatively young, there is still plenty of time for him to serve as president.

Don't get me wrong, I still think he would make a great president and could turn the country around... I still think he has a better chance at beating Hillary in the general and would mop her up in a debate. But I also know there is a contingent of die-hard Trump supporters who simply will not vote for Ted Cruz if he beats Donald Trump for the nomination... and Trump might even run third party. All of that would be twisted into the fault of Ted Cruz and his political aspirations would be over forever. I think he is too good of a man and too strong of a Conservative voice to let that happen.

So, I am supporting Trump for the nomination now. Let him and his sleazy band of followers take their vitriol into the general election and let's see if 37% of the GOP is enough to defeat the Clinton Machine. I'm inclined to think Hillary will win in a landslide and even IF Trump does pull of an upset, he will be a terrible one-term president. Cruz can then challenge his re-election and win the GOP nomination in 2020.... and before you say that's crazy... it HAS happened before.

Most who support trump can't say why other then "because he will change everything" or "Ted's a booger eater" and it will end there. They are blinded to the fact that Trump has to be nursed through any interview he does on TV, and gets away with blathering on. As far as the two scenarios you mentioned, Trump will fall flat on his face because only a small portion of people, typically the most pissed off vote in primaries. He just is not smart enough to go against Hillary. He cowers from Ted Cruz when it comes to a debate because he would be torn to shreds. Hillary may be a reptile (sorry reptiles) but she has "it" and he just doesn't. In the end, he will shrug and go back to funding the Clintons, Hillary will finish Barry O's job killing the country and Ted Cruz will be back in the Senate saying "I told you so".

Cruz is clearly the most qualified. Just look at how his career as a politician has served him so well in this campaign. It not his fault that he's losing so badly. It's the media and the other candidates telling lies. Poor guy.

Not just one politician. Trump appeals to the white guy who feels woman have stolen his ball, messikins stole his job and Washington insiders deep fry and eat white Christian children. Ted Cruz has been the most consistent politician out of all of them. His only mistake was being a politician. Trump works the reptile part of the brain. The hate politician part. Ask a trump supporter why Cruz is no good because, and you can insert any Alex Jones conspiracy nut crap. It's sad really. Never figured Americans would fall for Shiney pretty things.
So I am reading the threads here and I keep coming across this retort from the many Trump supporters that they think I am being like a child who doesn't get his way... upset that my guy, Ted Cruz, is not winning the GOP nomination. I point out credible complaints about the Trump campaign and it's shrugged off as me whining or bothered that Trump is doing so well. I attempt to defend Cruz from the ruthless and scurrilous attacks coming at him from all sides and I am accused of "making excuses for his behavior" in doing so. I've tried to get through to people who SAY they are Conservatives... no use, their brains have been turned to jello by Fox News and Donald Trump and you can't talk rationally to them anymore.

Here's where I stand as of now... I actually hope Trump wins this primary! There, I said it! ...I know that's a shocker, it makes my stomach hurt just to read it back to myself... but bear with me.

If Cruz wins, the GOP base is now so polarized and turned against him that he can never unify the party and win in November.... losing to Hillary in the general would effectively end any chance for him to be a serious candidate in 4 years. Everything would be blamed on Cruz and Cruz supporters... yeah, we "gave" you the nomination and look what you did! So the Conservative movement would suffer a great setback, at least with the GOP voters.

Whereas, if Trump wins, he will either defeat Hillary and be a disastrous president or he will get his butt kicked and lose to Hillary in a landslide. Neither is a good scenario for republicans but you can't really blame Trump on the Conservative movement.... unless your a lefty who blames all things right of Stalin on conservatives.

So at this point, it is actually BETTER for Cruz political future NOT to win this primary. He can sit back and watch the calamity happen and say... hey, I tried to tell you people and you wouldn't listen... and in 4 years, maybe some people will have come to their senses? He's still relatively young, there is still plenty of time for him to serve as president.

Don't get me wrong, I still think he would make a great president and could turn the country around... I still think he has a better chance at beating Hillary in the general and would mop her up in a debate. But I also know there is a contingent of die-hard Trump supporters who simply will not vote for Ted Cruz if he beats Donald Trump for the nomination... and Trump might even run third party. All of that would be twisted into the fault of Ted Cruz and his political aspirations would be over forever. I think he is too good of a man and too strong of a Conservative voice to let that happen.

So, I am supporting Trump for the nomination now. Let him and his sleazy band of followers take their vitriol into the general election and let's see if 37% of the GOP is enough to defeat the Clinton Machine. I'm inclined to think Hillary will win in a landslide and even IF Trump does pull of an upset, he will be a terrible one-term president. Cruz can then challenge his re-election and win the GOP nomination in 2020.... and before you say that's crazy... it HAS happened before.

Most who support trump can't say why other then "because he will change everything" or "Ted's a booger eater" and it will end there. They are blinded to the fact that Trump has to be nursed through any interview he does on TV, and gets away with blathering on. As far as the two scenarios you mentioned, Trump will fall flat on his face because only a small portion of people, typically the most pissed off vote in primaries. He just is not smart enough to go against Hillary. He cowers from Ted Cruz when it comes to a debate because he would be torn to shreds. Hillary may be a reptile (sorry reptiles) but she has "it" and he just doesn't. In the end, he will shrug and go back to funding the Clintons, Hillary will finish Barry O's job killing the country and Ted Cruz will be back in the Senate saying "I told you so".

Cruz is clearly the most qualified. Just look at how his career as a politician has served him so well in this campaign. It not his fault that he's losing so badly. It's the media and the other candidates telling lies. Poor guy.

Not just one politician. Trump appeals to the white guy who feels woman have stolen his ball, messikins stole his job and Washington insiders deep fry and eat white Christian children. Ted Cruz has been the most consistent politician out of all of them. His only mistake was being a politician. Trump works the reptile part of the brain. The hate politician part. Ask a trump supporter why Cruz is no good because, and you can insert any Alex Jones conspiracy nut crap. It's sad really. Never figured Americans would fall for Shiney pretty things.
Reagan got voted in twice, should have bee a give away..
So I am reading the threads here and I keep coming across this retort from the many Trump supporters that they think I am being like a child who doesn't get his way... upset that my guy, Ted Cruz, is not winning the GOP nomination. I point out credible complaints about the Trump campaign and it's shrugged off as me whining or bothered that Trump is doing so well. I attempt to defend Cruz from the ruthless and scurrilous attacks coming at him from all sides and I am accused of "making excuses for his behavior" in doing so. I've tried to get through to people who SAY they are Conservatives... no use, their brains have been turned to jello by Fox News and Donald Trump and you can't talk rationally to them anymore.

Here's where I stand as of now... I actually hope Trump wins this primary! There, I said it! ...I know that's a shocker, it makes my stomach hurt just to read it back to myself... but bear with me.

If Cruz wins, the GOP base is now so polarized and turned against him that he can never unify the party and win in November.... losing to Hillary in the general would effectively end any chance for him to be a serious candidate in 4 years. Everything would be blamed on Cruz and Cruz supporters... yeah, we "gave" you the nomination and look what you did! So the Conservative movement would suffer a great setback, at least with the GOP voters.

Whereas, if Trump wins, he will either defeat Hillary and be a disastrous president or he will get his butt kicked and lose to Hillary in a landslide. Neither is a good scenario for republicans but you can't really blame Trump on the Conservative movement.... unless your a lefty who blames all things right of Stalin on conservatives.

So at this point, it is actually BETTER for Cruz political future NOT to win this primary. He can sit back and watch the calamity happen and say... hey, I tried to tell you people and you wouldn't listen... and in 4 years, maybe some people will have come to their senses? He's still relatively young, there is still plenty of time for him to serve as president.

Don't get me wrong, I still think he would make a great president and could turn the country around... I still think he has a better chance at beating Hillary in the general and would mop her up in a debate. But I also know there is a contingent of die-hard Trump supporters who simply will not vote for Ted Cruz if he beats Donald Trump for the nomination... and Trump might even run third party. All of that would be twisted into the fault of Ted Cruz and his political aspirations would be over forever. I think he is too good of a man and too strong of a Conservative voice to let that happen.

So, I am supporting Trump for the nomination now. Let him and his sleazy band of followers take their vitriol into the general election and let's see if 37% of the GOP is enough to defeat the Clinton Machine. I'm inclined to think Hillary will win in a landslide and even IF Trump does pull of an upset, he will be a terrible one-term president. Cruz can then challenge his re-election and win the GOP nomination in 2020.... and before you say that's crazy... it HAS happened before.
So I am reading the threads here and I keep coming across this retort from the many Trump supporters that they think I am being like a child who doesn't get his way... upset that my guy, Ted Cruz, is not winning the GOP nomination. I point out credible complaints about the Trump campaign and it's shrugged off as me whining or bothered that Trump is doing so well. I attempt to defend Cruz from the ruthless and scurrilous attacks coming at him from all sides and I am accused of "making excuses for his behavior" in doing so. I've tried to get through to people who SAY they are Conservatives... no use, their brains have been turned to jello by Fox News and Donald Trump and you can't talk rationally to them anymore.

Here's where I stand as of now... I actually hope Trump wins this primary! There, I said it! ...I know that's a shocker, it makes my stomach hurt just to read it back to myself... but bear with me.

If Cruz wins, the GOP base is now so polarized and turned against him that he can never unify the party and win in November.... losing to Hillary in the general would effectively end any chance for him to be a serious candidate in 4 years. Everything would be blamed on Cruz and Cruz supporters... yeah, we "gave" you the nomination and look what you did! So the Conservative movement would suffer a great setback, at least with the GOP voters.

Whereas, if Trump wins, he will either defeat Hillary and be a disastrous president or he will get his butt kicked and lose to Hillary in a landslide. Neither is a good scenario for republicans but you can't really blame Trump on the Conservative movement.... unless your a lefty who blames all things right of Stalin on conservatives.

So at this point, it is actually BETTER for Cruz political future NOT to win this primary. He can sit back and watch the calamity happen and say... hey, I tried to tell you people and you wouldn't listen... and in 4 years, maybe some people will have come to their senses? He's still relatively young, there is still plenty of time for him to serve as president.

Don't get me wrong, I still think he would make a great president and could turn the country around... I still think he has a better chance at beating Hillary in the general and would mop her up in a debate. But I also know there is a contingent of die-hard Trump supporters who simply will not vote for Ted Cruz if he beats Donald Trump for the nomination... and Trump might even run third party. All of that would be twisted into the fault of Ted Cruz and his political aspirations would be over forever. I think he is too good of a man and too strong of a Conservative voice to let that happen.

So, I am supporting Trump for the nomination now. Let him and his sleazy band of followers take their vitriol into the general election and let's see if 37% of the GOP is enough to defeat the Clinton Machine. I'm inclined to think Hillary will win in a landslide and even IF Trump does pull of an upset, he will be a terrible one-term president. Cruz can then challenge his re-election and win the GOP nomination in 2020.... and before you say that's crazy... it HAS happened before.

I think the days of "kill the gays" are over.
You need help, man. Go back and read your own posts and you'll see who is hurling insults and being hateful. Kat is right, and there's nothing phony about her posts. She just happens to disagree with you and she damn sure spots your anger and vitriol.

Why do you think I need help when you are the one who keeps repeating himself? I don't need to go back and read my posts, I know what I've said. I haven't hurled any insults at anyone who hasn't insulted me. You are repeatedly insulting me in this thread and others but you act like you're being reasonable and I need help.

Post #5- You accuse me of continuing a tantrum...
Post #22- I am a "disingenuous shithead" and "drama queen."
Post #28- I'm having "meltdowns."
Post #34- I'm a "basket case" who needs help...

I clearly see a pattern here and it's not ME insulting YOU! I'm sorry if Kat doesn't see that... I can't help what she sees. It's right there in black and white for anyone to read.

I asked you several times now, why do you continue acting this way with me? All I am getting is mindless repetition.

I think you've been studying Rules for Radicals because you're practicing it quite well. That's what THEY do... repeat the same thing over and over again until the lie becomes the truth. Keep denigrating, keep smearing, keep pushing back... never concede anything! That's what I am getting from you. Even when I offer an olive branch, you slap it from my hand and tell me I need help.. I'm losing it.

Really... I am curious as to what this does for you? Why you feel you have to keep attacking me and repeating yourself? Are you hoping you can change my opinion about something? You won't... Are you thinking you're hurting my feelings somehow? You're not. Gaining my respect? Nope.... you're losing any I ever had for you, to be honest. So what's this all about for you? Why are you continuing to be so unreasonable but pretending like I am unhinged?
Sorry, boss, but I'm not gonna sit here and sift through scores of posts of you ranting and raving about me supporting Trump just to show everyone that you're the one who started with the insults. And I have expressed my reasons for supporting Trump numerous times, you just don't want to acknowledge them, all you seem to want to do is berate me because I don't like Cruz. I don't owe you a damn thing, I've been more than courteous to you up until you started hurling the insults. You chose to attack me because I don't respect Cruz and I responded. You just can't handle having your shit thrown back at you. I've agreed with you a lot on this board over the months but because I don't fall in line with you on Cruz you think you have the right to attack my intellect without me responding? Fuck that. If you can't handle being insulted, don't start doing it yourself.
So I am reading the threads here and I keep coming across this retort from the many Trump supporters that they think I am being like a child who doesn't get his way... upset that my guy, Ted Cruz, is not winning the GOP nomination. I point out credible complaints about the Trump campaign and it's shrugged off as me whining or bothered that Trump is doing so well. I attempt to defend Cruz from the ruthless and scurrilous attacks coming at him from all sides and I am accused of "making excuses for his behavior" in doing so. I've tried to get through to people who SAY they are Conservatives... no use, their brains have been turned to jello by Fox News and Donald Trump and you can't talk rationally to them anymore.

Here's where I stand as of now... I actually hope Trump wins this primary! There, I said it! ...I know that's a shocker, it makes my stomach hurt just to read it back to myself... but bear with me.

If Cruz wins, the GOP base is now so polarized and turned against him that he can never unify the party and win in November.... losing to Hillary in the general would effectively end any chance for him to be a serious candidate in 4 years. Everything would be blamed on Cruz and Cruz supporters... yeah, we "gave" you the nomination and look what you did! So the Conservative movement would suffer a great setback, at least with the GOP voters.

Whereas, if Trump wins, he will either defeat Hillary and be a disastrous president or he will get his butt kicked and lose to Hillary in a landslide. Neither is a good scenario for republicans but you can't really blame Trump on the Conservative movement.... unless your a lefty who blames all things right of Stalin on conservatives.

So at this point, it is actually BETTER for Cruz political future NOT to win this primary. He can sit back and watch the calamity happen and say... hey, I tried to tell you people and you wouldn't listen... and in 4 years, maybe some people will have come to their senses? He's still relatively young, there is still plenty of time for him to serve as president.

Don't get me wrong, I still think he would make a great president and could turn the country around... I still think he has a better chance at beating Hillary in the general and would mop her up in a debate. But I also know there is a contingent of die-hard Trump supporters who simply will not vote for Ted Cruz if he beats Donald Trump for the nomination... and Trump might even run third party. All of that would be twisted into the fault of Ted Cruz and his political aspirations would be over forever. I think he is too good of a man and too strong of a Conservative voice to let that happen.

So, I am supporting Trump for the nomination now. Let him and his sleazy band of followers take their vitriol into the general election and let's see if 37% of the GOP is enough to defeat the Clinton Machine. I'm inclined to think Hillary will win in a landslide and even IF Trump does pull of an upset, he will be a terrible one-term president. Cruz can then challenge his re-election and win the GOP nomination in 2020.... and before you say that's crazy... it HAS happened before.

In 4 years, In just 4 short years, Cruz will be forgotten.

In 4 years, you and many others will see new and exciting conservatives running and may decide to support one of them.

4 years is a longtime in politics. And with your party's rejection of the Bush is hard to see anyone keeping your undivided support over the next 4 years.

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