shocker white people showing their greatness of racism

Racism is the Congressional Black Caucus walking out of Congress in protest of Holders contempt charge. If you don't think race had anything to do with it, then you're not as smart as the dog in your avatar.

I've always wondered what would happen if some House Representative started a group called the "Congressional White Caucus".

How do you think that would be received? I have this funny feeling heads would explode.


It has always been my opinion that blacks (not all but most) are more racist than whites. They make race an issue about everything. They, along with latinos, are the most divisive group in America.

The NBP for example is the KKK's counterpart and if one group is racist then so is the other one.

BTW the Tea Party Caucus is ALL inclusive, they don't descrimnate by race or color unlike the Congressional Black Caucus.
the only way to be a texan,is be a dead texan
Racism is the Congressional Black Caucus walking out of Congress in protest of Holders contempt charge. If you don't think race had anything to do with it, then you're not as smart as the dog in your avatar.

I've always wondered what would happen if some House Representative started a group called the "Congressional White Caucus".

How do you think that would be received? I have this funny feeling heads would explode.


It has always been my opinion that blacks (not all but most) are more racist than whites. They make race an issue about everything. They, along with latinos, are the most divisive group in America.

The NBP for example is the KKK's counterpart and if one group is racist then so is the other one.

BTW the Tea Party Caucus is ALL inclusive, they don't descrimnate by race or color unlike the Congressional Black Caucus.

I Googled "KKK" and found this at (don't know if it's THE KKK, but here goes):
"There is a race war against whites. But our people - my white brothers and sisters - will stay committed to a non-violent resolution. That resolution must consist of solidarity in white communities around the world. The hatred for our children and their future is growing and is being fueled every single day. Stay firm in your convictions. Keep loving your heritage and keep witnessing to others that there is a better way than a war torn, violent, wicked, socialist, new world order. That way is the Christian way - law and order - love of family - love of nation. These are the principles of western Christian civilization. There is a war to destroy these things. Pray that our people see the error of their ways and regain a sense of loyalty. Repent America! Be faithful my fellow believers. "

National Director of The Knights, Pastor Thomas Robb
So, it's obvious that the NBP is not analogous to the KKK- the former advocate violence and genocide.
This talk will just go in endless circles until we move toward the only workable solution:

Separate the Races
Hell white people invented racism,now they are getting kicked in the face with it.
This talk will just go in endless circles until we move toward the only workable solution:

Separate the Races

Separate yourself and shut the fuck up, you pathetic coward.

Separating the races would save whites. But, Afros are just wild animals without whites to inject some civilization into their being.

I see you are a sniveling fucking coward like that other shitstain. I guess being monumentally stupid makes it easier for you to live with yourself.
I've always wondered what would happen if some House Representative started a group called the "Congressional White Caucus".

How do you think that would be received? I have this funny feeling heads would explode.


It has always been my opinion that blacks (not all but most) are more racist than whites. They make race an issue about everything. They, along with latinos, are the most divisive group in America.

The NBP for example is the KKK's counterpart and if one group is racist then so is the other one.

BTW the Tea Party Caucus is ALL inclusive, they don't descrimnate by race or color unlike the Congressional Black Caucus.
the only way to be a texan,is be a dead texan
If your sigline is correct -- you don't exist.
This talk will just go in endless circles until we move toward the only workable solution:

Separate the Races

Separate yourself and shut the fuck up, you pathetic coward.

Separating the races would save whites. But, Afros are just wild animals without whites to inject some civilization into their being.

Ugh, *sighs* ok im willing to give you the benefit of the doubt we'll go by your philosophy but i'll phrase it in a logical manner.

Hypothetically speaking if we did separate the whites from blacks to try and save whites as you suggest would it really make a difference? When a virus infects someone and you separate the infected does that cure the infected or stop the virus from infecting others? Obviously not, so why would you suggest such a thing?
He suggests such a thing because he is scared shitless of anyone who isn't of what he imagines to be his 'race.'
First it was white people who hated some white people.Then it was native Americans,then Black people.But when it came to Brown people whitey is getting his azz handed to him in more ways then one.To appease some Brown people after they tore down the two towers they let them open mosques in its place.So white people have finally met their match,they thought they could get away with hating everyone. Now they have been punked out of their miny minds by Brown people.
First it was white people who hated some white people.Then it was native Americans,then Black people.But when it came to Brown people whitey is getting his azz handed to him in more ways then one.To appease some Brown people after they tore down the two towers they let them open mosques in its place.So white people have finally met their match,they thought they could get away with hating everyone. Now they have been punked out of their miny minds by Brown people.

LOL, you don't know shit, it was Muslims and blacks who original oppressed themselves, Blacks even created systemic black american slavery in the U.S. to do just that, they fought for it and got it whites of the time simply conformed to it and learned from them.
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First it was white people who hated some white people.Then it was native Americans,then Black people.But when it came to Brown people whitey is getting his azz handed to him in more ways then one.To appease some Brown people after they tore down the two towers they let them open mosques in its place.So white people have finally met their match,they thought they could get away with hating everyone. Now they have been punked out of their miny minds by Brown people.

LOL, you don't know shit, it was Muslims and blacks who original oppressed themselves, Blacks even created systemic black american slavery in the U.S. to do just that, they fought for it and got it whites of the time simply conformed to it and learned from them.
well Muslims aren't white,and they are kicking whitey's azz over in afghanistan,
here's a list of whitey's hatred
Native Americans
American Blacks
and the list goes on and on

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