SHOCKING: Did Anyone see Joy Reid defend an LGBTQ book about rape and incest against Mom's For Liberty?

Notice how the rapists all survived this incident and the wife was taken out for bearing witness? You seem to be helping me make my case for the Bible being too smutty for children.

How drunk do you have to be to have sex with BOTH daughters?
Again, you seem to believe that accounts of incestuous rape are appropriate content for children; that grooming them in this way is a positive.

I find this disturbing.

What do you think?
And again you seem unable to distinguish between talking about something that happened and glamorizing it.
I find it troubling that a brief passage intended to evoke empathy and sadness, and in a much longer work, instead aroused you.

This was not the author's intention.
I’m not sure why you want my attention so much. But blatant trolls are a waste of time, so I’ll bid farewell and gladly make sure you’re on permanent ignore, and I’d advise others to not waste their time either
I hope you think so. I'd love nothing more than watch you clowns continue to punch yourselves in the face fighting that losing battle. :lmao:
If you approve of homosexuals doing disgusting things to each other thats too bad

But I dont

And particularly when children are involved

This is absolutely shocking.

Moms for Liberty has a problem with children being exposed to a book about rape and incest, and Joy Reid defends the book saying "Why should YOU get to decide what children should be able to read".

She then aggressively and constantly dissuades the issue while the Moms for Liberty rep continues to ask how rape, dildos, and incest are acceptable in a public school. Joy Reid says its about "context" (Harvard anyone?) and says "I'll answer your question" but then never does and continually interrupts and makes fallicy after fallicy.

You can disagree with people on policy, or even moral issues.. but Joy Reid is truly an evil individual here. She will not denounce a graphic, pornographic book about rape and incest, and instead attacks the people who speak against it and want it out of elementary/high school libraries.

Lol, what is Joy Reid?

A daytime women's show? That is my guess.
“Aroused” is your word
Pornography is the word conservatives are using to describe a brief passage which no healthy/mature adult would see in this way.
The proper term is “offended”

Closeted gay conservatives - who may also be pedophiles - are enraged by the unintended arousal this brief passage causes them.
Particularly when its made available to children in the public schools
Children under 12 would generally not be aroused by this, but simply confused.

Neither the book from which this brief passage came nor the Bible are appropriate for under 12s.
If you approve of homosexuals doing disgusting things to each other thats too bad
I don't have to approve of what two or more other people do with their own bodies. That's their business you busy bodied Bingo.
But I dont
Who the fuck asked you? :dunno:
And particularly when children are involved
You're the one wanting to dictate the sex lives of children. I just want them to be sex educated because that's been proven to reduce pregnancy, stds and sexual assault.
Closeted gay conservatives - who may also be pedophiles - are enraged by the unintended arousal this brief passage causes them.
It does not require anyone to be a closeted homosexual to object to homosexuals grooming children
And again you seem unable to distinguish between talking about something that happened and glamorizing it.
And again you dodge the reality that the Bible is wildly inappropriate for under 12s unless the intent is to groom them to be raped.

Is this the intent?

Why are so many conservatives aroused by this brief/painful passage in the book Reid defended?

It seems they're troubled by their own gay and pedophilic impulses.

What do you think?
James Brown shined shoes in front of a radio station he would later own.

Envious much?
James Brown was a gifted entertainer

Unlike libs who begrudge the success of others I have no objection to Brown being rewarded for his talent

This is absolutely shocking.

Moms for Liberty has a problem with children being exposed to a book about rape and incest, and Joy Reid defends the book saying "Why should YOU get to decide what children should be able to read".

She then aggressively and constantly dissuades the issue while the Moms for Liberty rep continues to ask how rape, dildos, and incest are acceptable in a public school. Joy Reid says its about "context" (Harvard anyone?) and says "I'll answer your question" but then never does and continually interrupts and makes fallicy after fallicy.

You can disagree with people on policy, or even moral issues.. but Joy Reid is truly an evil individual here. She will not denounce a graphic, pornographic book about rape and incest, and instead attacks the people who speak against it and want it out of elementary/high school libraries.

The liberals’ go to: “context”

This is used when they can’t explain or defend their position.
I’m not sure why you want my attention so much.
Sounds like projection, but fallacious irrelevant trolling of your own thread on your part regardless.
But blatant trolls are a waste of time
More projection.
so I’ll bid farewell and gladly make sure you’re on permanent ignore
Better that than honestly engaging with your own topic apparently.
and I’d advise others to not waste their time either
Good advice for anyone not wishing to have an honest discussion of the topic to be sure. :)

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