Shocking: Libtard SJW Hag Furiously Deleting Leftard Dribble from Her Social Media!

Feinstein is now complaining that they must have more time to investigate this! She sat on it since July! I hope the Republicans remind her of this in very loud ugly terms!

They want more time to fabricate details, like Ford digging up a journal or something.
It's clear that this is Anita Hill all over again. Anita Hill was a Liar, and The Hyphenated Hag is a Liar. It is time to start Prosecuting people for making False Testimony, committing Libel and Slander, and Perjury.

Transparent Political Hit Job – Kavanaugh Accuser, Christine Ford-Blasey, Activated To Advance 35-year-old Accusations…

The timing is transparent: the week prior to Brett Kavanaugh committee vote.

The outlet is transparent: the intelligence ‘resistance’ apparatus.The Washington Post.

The accuser is transparent: a far-left California liberal professor, Christine Ford Blasey, anti-Trump ‘resistance activist’ with an anti-policy background, including recently.

The accusation is transparent: 35-year-old harassment claim/accusation, from high school intended to activate the “Me Too” activists. The motive is transparent: block the Supreme Court nomination of Justice Kavanaugh.

Wayback Machine

Making false rape charges is no biggie
Feinstein is now complaining that they must have more time to investigate this! She sat on it since July! I hope the Republicans remind her of this in very loud ugly terms!

Feinstein needs to be censured and/or expelled from the Senate
It's clear that this is Anita Hill all over again. Anita Hill was a Liar, and The Hyphenated Hag is a Liar. It is time to start Prosecuting people for making False Testimony, committing Libel and Slander, and Perjury.

Transparent Political Hit Job – Kavanaugh Accuser, Christine Ford-Blasey, Activated To Advance 35-year-old Accusations…

The timing is transparent: the week prior to Brett Kavanaugh committee vote.

The outlet is transparent: the intelligence ‘resistance’ apparatus.The Washington Post.

The accuser is transparent: a far-left California liberal professor, Christine Ford Blasey, anti-Trump ‘resistance activist’ with an anti-policy background, including recently.

The accusation is transparent: 35-year-old harassment claim/accusation, from high school intended to activate the “Me Too” activists. The motive is transparent: block the Supreme Court nomination of Justice Kavanaugh.

Wayback Machine

I read somewhere that when it became obvious that Kavanaugh was going to be confirmed and the letter had to be dusted off and released she was given a week to scrub her accounts.

Kinda like James Comey gave Clinton a month to scrub her server despite the fact that was in violation of two Federal Preservation of Data Court Orders.

HaHa felonies are so funny...when you know there are no repercussions

It's clear that this is Anita Hill all over again. Anita Hill was a Liar, and The Hyphenated Hag is a Liar. It is time to start Prosecuting people for making False Testimony, committing Libel and Slander, and Perjury.
Transparent Political Hit Job – Kavanaugh Accuser, Christine Ford-Blasey, Activated To Advance 35-year-old Accusations…

The timing is transparent: the week prior to Brett Kavanaugh committee vote.

The outlet is transparent: the intelligence ‘resistance’ apparatus.The Washington Post.

The accuser is transparent: a far-left California liberal professor, Christine Ford Blasey, anti-Trump ‘resistance activist’ with an anti-policy background, including recently.

The accusation is transparent: 35-year-old harassment claim/accusation, from high school intended to activate the “Me Too” activists. The motive is transparent: block the Supreme Court nomination of Justice Kavanaugh.

Wayback Machine

I read somewhere that when it became obvious that Kavanaugh was going to be confirmed and the letter had to be dusted off and released she was given a week to scrub her accounts.

Kinda like James Comey gave Clinton a month to scrub her server despite the fact that was in violation of two Federal Preservation of Data Court Orders.

HaHa felonies are so funny...when you know there are no repercussions

It should be a felony to falsely accuse someone of rape or attempted rape.
Kavanaugh may have done this.

But sure as shit, the timing and the messenger couldn't have been much worse.
He very well may have done it. She is 36 years late in bringing this up.

Thus, it has no credibility.
He didn't do jack shit. There are already classmates vouching for him saying that he was not at that party.

She's a liar. And a Left Tard foaming at the mouth Radical.
Nobody really believes any of this bullshit happened.

Not even the communist bastard see were trying to press it so they can save their precious, court he will ignore the constitution believe this shit.

As much as it hurts to say, elections have consequences. Next time, don't run a lying bitch against a self-described goose-stepping commie Octogenarian, and try to sell that to us as a choice.
Nobody really believes any of this bullshit happened.

Not even the communist bastard see were trying to press it so they can save their precious, court he will ignore the constitution believe this shit.

As much as it hurts to say, elections have consequences. Next time, don't run a lying bitch against a self-described goose-stepping commie Octogenarian, and try to sell that to us as a choice.

The Choice was between corrupt Socialism where the Rich Get Soaked, and Corrupt Socialism where the Elite get Rich

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