Shocking number of young Americans say other countries are better

Why do you automatically assume they are wrong?
They all talk, but none leave.
Remember when you dic suckers were talking about America going down the toilet all thru Obama's presidency??

Remember how you dic suckers claimed you were going to secede from the nation?

Why did you stay??

Well that is the same reason these young people stay -- because one day they plan to "take their country" back from you....

That is what you do in the good ol USA

I also remember all those left wing nuts that claimed they’d leave to US if Trump was elected. Why have they stayed?


Waterfront property
If any American is convinced that some nations are actually better than the United States, I heartily recommend that such individuals pack up his/her bags and travel to the number one nation on the list and try living there, without bringing much of their own funds with them. After one year in that nation, he/she can return and tell us all how wonderful everything is in their chosen Shangri-La.

Why should they move as opposed to wanting to stay and making America great again?
Lots of things look good from the outside looking in (the grass is always greener thought process), however, to be sure that what you see is so great, you should live it for awhile, thus go to some nation you are absolutely convinced is much better than this one.

I have never said any country was much better. I believe some countries do things better than us and we can improve on those things.

It's always with the hyperbole from those like yourself.

And we can improve things without socialism.

That's what Trump said about his great plan for health care that he had all ready to go. The greatest health care plan that everyone was going to love.

What happened?

Maybe he has been too busy fighting off the leftist nuts? He'll get around to it in his second term.
Why do you automatically assume they are wrong?
They all talk, but none leave.
Remember when you dic suckers were talking about America going down the toilet all thru Obama's presidency??

Remember how you dic suckers claimed you were going to secede from the nation?

Why did you stay??

Well that is the same reason these young people stay -- because one day they plan to "take their country" back from you....

That is what you do in the good ol USA

I also remember all those left wing nuts that claimed they’d leave to US if Trump was elected. Why have they stayed?
Same reason the right wing hacks stayed..because they are full of shit....

Difference is -- only you dic suckers seem to get triggered whenever someone OTHER THAN YOU criticizes America....basically, the "its ok if I do it, unpatriotic if you do it attitude"...

Which is what most narcissists do
Why do you automatically assume they are wrong?
They all talk, but none leave.
Remember when you dic suckers were talking about America going down the toilet all thru Obama's presidency??

Remember how you dic suckers claimed you were going to secede from the nation?

Why did you stay??

Well that is the same reason these young people stay -- because one day they plan to "take their country" back from you....

That is what you do in the good ol USA

I also remember all those left wing nuts that claimed they’d leave to US if Trump was elected. Why have they stayed?

I SO wish they would leave. That would be great. I sure wouldn't miss them, not even a little bit. They are more trouble than they are worth, not to mention, they have no sense of humor, they are no fun, and they just generally suck overall. :D
How is ending our wars that are bankrupting future generations a bad thing?

Who is ending our wars? Trump? Oh yeah, good point. The Iranian people were grateful to him for killing that general.

No one is ending our wars which is why I will vote for and push for change.

"THE PENTAGON announced on Monday that the U.S. was pulling all of its troops out of northeastern Syria at President Donald Trump’s direction, completing a withdrawal he had started by Twitter declaration a week earlier. The move further clears the way for a full-on invasion by Turkey, whose soldiers have already been accused of executing noncombatants. In the chaos, hundreds of Islamic State detainees have reportedly escaped.

Trump defended his decision in a series of early-morning tweets on Monday. “The same people who got us into the Middle East mess are the people who most want to stay there!” he wrote. “Never ending wars will end!”

Trump’s Syria Exit Complicates Democrats’ Anti-War Stance

LOL.....this has been covered here more than once. He put the vast majority right back in.

Trump’s Syria pullout that isn’t

Because the democrat socialists were freaking out.

That's exactly right....It really put people like Pknopp in a bind...But, as we now see with their "history of now" That was so
Why do you automatically assume they are wrong?
They all talk, but none leave.
Remember when you dic suckers were talking about America going down the toilet all thru Obama's presidency??

Remember how you dic suckers claimed you were going to secede from the nation?

Why did you stay??

Well that is the same reason these young people stay -- because one day they plan to "take their country" back from you....

That is what you do in the good ol USA

I also remember all those left wing nuts that claimed they’d leave to US if Trump was elected. Why have they stayed?
Same reason the right wing hacks stayed..because they are full of shit....

Difference is -- only you dic suckers seem to get triggered whenever someone OTHER THAN YOU criticizes America....basically, the "its ok if I do it, unpatriotic if you do it attitude"...

Which is what most narcissists do

Sounds like a family to me....
Why do we always bow to what these loons want anyways. Just say no and ignore their stupidity. The idea of America is not dead. We do not have to copy what socialist nations do because we are inventive and awesome.
Has Social Security and Medicare destroyed the country yet??

Has unemployment insurance, overtime pay, children's healthcare, has any of that destroyed America yet??

What socialism are you talking about??
Why do you automatically assume they are wrong?
They all talk, but none leave.
Remember when you dic suckers were talking about America going down the toilet all thru Obama's presidency??

Remember how you dic suckers claimed you were going to secede from the nation?

Why did you stay??

Well that is the same reason these young people stay -- because one day they plan to "take their country" back from you....

That is what you do in the good ol USA

I also remember all those left wing nuts that claimed they’d leave to US if Trump was elected. Why have they stayed?
Same reason the right wing hacks stayed..because they are full of shit....

Difference is -- only you dic suckers seem to get triggered whenever someone OTHER THAN YOU criticizes America....basically, the "its ok if I do it, unpatriotic if you do it attitude"...

Which is what most narcissists do

Sounds like a family to me....
you have a family full of narcissists? makes sense...
They all talk, but none leave.
Remember when you dic suckers were talking about America going down the toilet all thru Obama's presidency??

Remember how you dic suckers claimed you were going to secede from the nation?

Why did you stay??

Well that is the same reason these young people stay -- because one day they plan to "take their country" back from you....

That is what you do in the good ol USA

I also remember all those left wing nuts that claimed they’d leave to US if Trump was elected. Why have they stayed?
Same reason the right wing hacks stayed..because they are full of shit....

Difference is -- only you dic suckers seem to get triggered whenever someone OTHER THAN YOU criticizes America....basically, the "its ok if I do it, unpatriotic if you do it attitude"...

Which is what most narcissists do

Sounds like a family to me....
you have a family full of narcissists? makes sense...

lol....No...I think you know what I was saying...
Why do we always bow to what these loons want anyways. Just say no and ignore their stupidity. The idea of America is not dead. We do not have to copy what socialist nations do because we are inventive and awesome.
Has Social Security and Medicare destroyed the country yet??

Has unemployment insurance, overtime pay, children's healthcare, has any of that destroyed America yet??

What socialism are you talking about??

It's starting to. Just ask the deficit hawks!
Why should they move as opposed to wanting to stay and making America great again?

Because quite obviously they have not and are not making America great. They are making America worse and they have no loyalty, so no duel citizenship either.

How is ending our wars that are bankrupting future generations a bad thing?

Who is ending our wars? Trump? Oh yeah, good point. The Iranian people were grateful to him for killing that general.

No one is ending our wars which is why I will vote for and push for change.
Sadly, since we were hominids, mankind has been killing one another over every conceivable reason and mankind will always be killing each other. There will always be he "next" leader that wants to conquer the world, the "next' religious nutjob that believes all people must be forcibly converted or killed, the "next" leader that wants to grab more territory and the "next" political group that is convinced that all people must move lock-step with their ideology. So, there will always be the threat of war and the need for a military and the use of deadly force against another nation or group of hostile peoples.

I've never argued against having a military. Just because you have it doesn't mean you have to use it.

Also you are arguing that we are no better than "them". Others here have long argued otherwise. Right now I agree with you but I disagree it has to be that way. A lot of countries seem to be able to avoid constant war.
Because quite obviously they have not and are not making America great. They are making America worse and they have no loyalty, so no duel citizenship either.

How is ending our wars that are bankrupting future generations a bad thing?

Who is ending our wars? Trump? Oh yeah, good point. The Iranian people were grateful to him for killing that general.

No one is ending our wars which is why I will vote for and push for change.
Sadly, since we were hominids, mankind has been killing one another over every conceivable reason and mankind will always be killing each other. There will always be he "next" leader that wants to conquer the world, the "next' religious nutjob that believes all people must be forcibly converted or killed, the "next" leader that wants to grab more territory and the "next" political group that is convinced that all people must move lock-step with their ideology. So, there will always be the threat of war and the need for a military and the use of deadly force against another nation or group of hostile peoples.

I've never argued against having a military. Just because you have it doesn't mean you have to use it.

Also you are arguing that we are no better than "them". Others here have long argued otherwise. Right now I agree with you but I disagree it has to be that way. A lot of countries seem to be able to avoid constant war.

Because they aren't forced into the role of world's babysitter!
How is ending our wars that are bankrupting future generations a bad thing?

Who is ending our wars? Trump? Oh yeah, good point. The Iranian people were grateful to him for killing that general.

No one is ending our wars which is why I will vote for and push for change.

"THE PENTAGON announced on Monday that the U.S. was pulling all of its troops out of northeastern Syria at President Donald Trump’s direction, completing a withdrawal he had started by Twitter declaration a week earlier. The move further clears the way for a full-on invasion by Turkey, whose soldiers have already been accused of executing noncombatants. In the chaos, hundreds of Islamic State detainees have reportedly escaped.

Trump defended his decision in a series of early-morning tweets on Monday. “The same people who got us into the Middle East mess are the people who most want to stay there!” he wrote. “Never ending wars will end!”

Trump’s Syria Exit Complicates Democrats’ Anti-War Stance

LOL.....this has been covered here more than once. He put the vast majority right back in.

Trump’s Syria pullout that isn’t

Because the democrat socialists were freaking out.

Trump had the White House, Senate and House. He never even introduced this great plan, the greatest of plans that everyone was going to love.

He lied.
Who is ending our wars? Trump? Oh yeah, good point. The Iranian people were grateful to him for killing that general.

No one is ending our wars which is why I will vote for and push for change.

"THE PENTAGON announced on Monday that the U.S. was pulling all of its troops out of northeastern Syria at President Donald Trump’s direction, completing a withdrawal he had started by Twitter declaration a week earlier. The move further clears the way for a full-on invasion by Turkey, whose soldiers have already been accused of executing noncombatants. In the chaos, hundreds of Islamic State detainees have reportedly escaped.

Trump defended his decision in a series of early-morning tweets on Monday. “The same people who got us into the Middle East mess are the people who most want to stay there!” he wrote. “Never ending wars will end!”

Trump’s Syria Exit Complicates Democrats’ Anti-War Stance

LOL.....this has been covered here more than once. He put the vast majority right back in.

Trump’s Syria pullout that isn’t

Because the democrat socialists were freaking out.

Trump had the White House, Senate and House. He never even introduced this great plan, the greatest of plans that everyone was going to love.

He lied.

Are you kidding? He's been saying he want's to get out of the ME since long before the esclator....Where have you been?
Why should they move as opposed to wanting to stay and making America great again?
Lots of things look good from the outside looking in (the grass is always greener thought process), however, to be sure that what you see is so great, you should live it for awhile, thus go to some nation you are absolutely convinced is much better than this one.

I have never said any country was much better. I believe some countries do things better than us and we can improve on those things.

It's always with the hyperbole from those like yourself.

And we can improve things without socialism.

That's what Trump said about his great plan for health care that he had all ready to go. The greatest health care plan that everyone was going to love.

What happened?

Maybe he has been too busy fighting off the leftist nuts? He'll get around to it in his second term.

No he won't. If it was such a great plan that everyone was going to love, there is no fight because everyone was loving it.

He has no plan. He lied.

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