Shocking number of young Americans say other countries are better

Because the democrat socialists were freaking out.

Trump had the White House, Senate and House. He never even introduced this great plan, the greatest of plans that everyone was going to love.

He lied.

Lol! How do you know? Maybe he's working on it? He's done a good job at trying (at least trying) to keep his campaign promises. He's been doing a great job.

No, he said he already had it ready to go. He lied.

So? I already have health insurance, and I'm fine with it. Who are these people that don't have any health insurance? If you don't work or don't make enough money to afford your own health care, you can be covered under Medicaid. If you are too old to work/retired, you can be covered under Medicare. The only people I know who don't have insurance, don't have it because they just don't want to pay for it, but they could afford it if they wanted it.

On top of making sure everyone is covered we simply have to also address the cost side.

There are many who have insurance but still dread the idea of using it because they can not afford the co-pays and deductibles.

But that could be controlled without any socialism. Just put some rules on the insurance companies. I agree, we should not have to pay for our insurance and then also have a deductible. I think a copay is fair though, as long as it is reasonable. Deductibles need to be tossed out. That is shitty, IMO.
Trump had the White House, Senate and House. He never even introduced this great plan, the greatest of plans that everyone was going to love.

He lied.

Are you kidding? He's been saying he want's to get out of the ME since long before the esclator....Where have you been?

So did Obama. Both are professional liars.

Obama may have said it, but he never for a minute meant a word of it....I believe if Trump could, he'd load the troop transports tomorrow.

He can.

You know better....

No I do not. Obama supporters used this same sorry excuse. When he pulled the troops from Syria he didn't have to order them back in.

When Obama pulled the troops from Iraq, he did not have to put them back in.

If he can't do it why does he say he is going to?
Trump had the White House, Senate and House. He never even introduced this great plan, the greatest of plans that everyone was going to love.

He lied.

Lol! How do you know? Maybe he's working on it? He's done a good job at trying (at least trying) to keep his campaign promises. He's been doing a great job.

Considering the absolute obstruction of not only the insane democrats of today, but his own party when he came in, I'd say remarkable....

He never even introduced it. Never brought it forward........never had one......he lied.

That's rhetoric...You don't know what he has, or doesn't....You just look foolish when you make such statements.

Lol....he said he would introduce it as soon as in office. He lied.

Maybe he realized he has more urgent and pressing matters? Or maybe you should admit that you have no idea what it is like to be a president and how complicated it might be to get whatever you want to be just "passed" easy peasy!
Trump had the White House, Senate and House. He never even introduced this great plan, the greatest of plans that everyone was going to love.

He lied.

Lol! How do you know? Maybe he's working on it? He's done a good job at trying (at least trying) to keep his campaign promises. He's been doing a great job.

Considering the absolute obstruction of not only the insane democrats of today, but his own party when he came in, I'd say remarkable....

He never even introduced it. Never brought it forward........never had one......he lied.

That's rhetoric...You don't know what he has, or doesn't....You just look foolish when you make such statements.

Lol....he said he would introduce it as soon as in office. He lied.

Lot's of campaign rhetoric is rethought once you actually get into the office....Doesn't mean he lied, like you detractors just love to throw around...It just means that something said on a campaign trail may not be feasable once you have all the information.
Are you kidding? He's been saying he want's to get out of the ME since long before the esclator....Where have you been?

So did Obama. Both are professional liars.

Obama may have said it, but he never for a minute meant a word of it....I believe if Trump could, he'd load the troop transports tomorrow.

He can.

You know better....

No I do not. Obama supporters used this same sorry excuse. When he pulled the troops from Syria he didn't have to order them back in.

When Obama pulled the troops from Iraq, he did not have to put them back in.

If he can't do it why does he say he is going to?

Donald Trump is pretty new at this "politician" thing. Maybe he didn't realize some nuances or something?
Lol! How do you know? Maybe he's working on it? He's done a good job at trying (at least trying) to keep his campaign promises. He's been doing a great job.

Considering the absolute obstruction of not only the insane democrats of today, but his own party when he came in, I'd say remarkable....

He never even introduced it. Never brought it forward........never had one......he lied.

That's rhetoric...You don't know what he has, or doesn't....You just look foolish when you make such statements.

Lol....he said he would introduce it as soon as in office. He lied.

Lot's of campaign rhetoric is rethought once you actually get into the office....Doesn't mean he lied, like you detractors just love to throw around...It just means that something said on a campaign trail may not be feasable once you have all the information.

My thoughts exactly, only you put it in words way better than I did! :D
Are you kidding? He's been saying he want's to get out of the ME since long before the esclator....Where have you been?

So did Obama. Both are professional liars.

Obama may have said it, but he never for a minute meant a word of it....I believe if Trump could, he'd load the troop transports tomorrow.

He can.

You know better....

No I do not. Obama supporters used this same sorry excuse. When he pulled the troops from Syria he didn't have to order them back in.

When Obama pulled the troops from Iraq, he did not have to put them back in.

If he can't do it why does he say he is going to?

You'd have to ask him...I certainly won't defend the manner in which he shoots his mouth off in some situations.
Why do you automatically assume they are wrong?
They all talk, but none leave.
Remember when you dic suckers were talking about America going down the toilet all thru Obama's presidency??

Remember how you dic suckers claimed you were going to secede from the nation?

Why did you stay??

Well that is the same reason these young people stay -- because one day they plan to "take their country" back from you....

That is what you do in the good ol USA

I also remember all those left wing nuts that claimed they’d leave to US if Trump was elected. Why have they stayed?
Same reason the right wing hacks stayed..because they are full of shit....

Difference is -- only you dic suckers seem to get triggered whenever someone OTHER THAN YOU criticizes America....basically, the "its ok if I do it, unpatriotic if you do it attitude"...

Which is what most narcissists do

Extremists on both sides cry, bitch and moan and get triggered. The left and the right wing loons, I really see no difference. Always blaming the other guy. Pathetic.
Yeah, sure.....That was why I was working on 35 million dollar aircraft not only in the military but in Saudi Arabia also. Avionics is such a low wage earner..


If school is so great, why do most inner city kids FAIL? Because they are taught to be stupid, so the stupid liberal elite's kids can be smarter than those. So a liberal elite kid with an IQ of 65 is smarter than most inner city kids who have an IQ of 40.

"The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America: 7 Ways the Ruling Elite Are Making Us Dumber. To prevent any of this from being found out, a number of deceptions and distractions have been manufactured to take the populaces’ attention elsewhere. The second is to advance their agenda for total global domination with minimal resistance, because the populace don’t know that they’ve been deceived by the first purpose.

The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America: 7 Ways the Ruling ... …"

Want to go , round 2? Dumbass....


If you do not understand that the thought processes taught in math today allow you to do math more easily "in your head", then you are an idiot.
I do math faster than most computers....You keep saying I am an idiot, yet I keep pointing to the intentional dumbing down of America. So who really is the idiot? And dont look in the mirror....

If you don't understand how math is taught, you are an idiot.

I had a college professor who was one the world's most renowned experts in plasma physic, but he couldn't teach a fish to swim.

Omg! How stupid of ewe to even think that a fish needs to be taught to swim.

No. What is stupid is people who intentionally spell "you" as "ewe". Of course, that is the only way people like you get laid.
Ewe are a ewe!
Trump had the White House, Senate and House. He never even introduced this great plan, the greatest of plans that everyone was going to love.

He lied.

Lol! How do you know? Maybe he's working on it? He's done a good job at trying (at least trying) to keep his campaign promises. He's been doing a great job.

No, he said he already had it ready to go. He lied.

So? I already have health insurance, and I'm fine with it. Who are these people that don't have any health insurance? If you don't work or don't make enough money to afford your own health care, you can be covered under Medicaid. If you are too old to work/retired, you can be covered under Medicare. The only people I know who don't have insurance, don't have it because they just don't want to pay for it, but they could afford it if they wanted it.

On top of making sure everyone is covered we simply have to also address the cost side.

There are many who have insurance but still dread the idea of using it because they can not afford the co-pays and deductibles.

But that could be controlled without any socialism. Just put some rules on the insurance companies. I agree, we should not have to pay for our insurance and then also have a deductible. I think a copay is fair though, as long as it is reasonable. Deductibles need to be tossed out. That is shitty, IMO.

If that is what you believe you had better get on Trump to do it because otherwise its Medicare for all.
Lol! How do you know? Maybe he's working on it? He's done a good job at trying (at least trying) to keep his campaign promises. He's been doing a great job.

Considering the absolute obstruction of not only the insane democrats of today, but his own party when he came in, I'd say remarkable....

He never even introduced it. Never brought it forward........never had one......he lied.

That's rhetoric...You don't know what he has, or doesn't....You just look foolish when you make such statements.

Lol....he said he would introduce it as soon as in office. He lied.

Maybe he realized he has more urgent and pressing matters? Or maybe you should admit that you have no idea what it is like to be a president and how complicated it might be to get whatever you want to be just "passed" easy peasy!

He lied. You know it.
Lol! How do you know? Maybe he's working on it? He's done a good job at trying (at least trying) to keep his campaign promises. He's been doing a great job.

No, he said he already had it ready to go. He lied.

So? I already have health insurance, and I'm fine with it. Who are these people that don't have any health insurance? If you don't work or don't make enough money to afford your own health care, you can be covered under Medicaid. If you are too old to work/retired, you can be covered under Medicare. The only people I know who don't have insurance, don't have it because they just don't want to pay for it, but they could afford it if they wanted it.

On top of making sure everyone is covered we simply have to also address the cost side.

There are many who have insurance but still dread the idea of using it because they can not afford the co-pays and deductibles.

But that could be controlled without any socialism. Just put some rules on the insurance companies. I agree, we should not have to pay for our insurance and then also have a deductible. I think a copay is fair though, as long as it is reasonable. Deductibles need to be tossed out. That is shitty, IMO.

If that is what you believe you had better get on Trump to do it because otherwise its Medicare for all.

Why do you think I personally know him? Or, that he would listen to me? That's just stupid.
So did Obama. Both are professional liars.

Obama may have said it, but he never for a minute meant a word of it....I believe if Trump could, he'd load the troop transports tomorrow.

He can.

You know better....

No I do not. Obama supporters used this same sorry excuse. When he pulled the troops from Syria he didn't have to order them back in.

When Obama pulled the troops from Iraq, he did not have to put them back in.

If he can't do it why does he say he is going to?

You'd have to ask him...I certainly won't defend the manner in which he shoots his mouth off in some situations.

I won't deny that he shoots his mouth off, is arrogant, and is far from being a "perfect" human being. I do like that he seems more like a regular person than a phony and polished politician. Though I do wish he would sometimes act more presidential and cool off on the bragging. Still, even with all of his flaws, I would not have voted for any of the others.
Obama may have said it, but he never for a minute meant a word of it....I believe if Trump could, he'd load the troop transports tomorrow.

He can.

You know better....

No I do not. Obama supporters used this same sorry excuse. When he pulled the troops from Syria he didn't have to order them back in.

When Obama pulled the troops from Iraq, he did not have to put them back in.

If he can't do it why does he say he is going to?

You'd have to ask him...I certainly won't defend the manner in which he shoots his mouth off in some situations.

I won't deny that he shoots his mouth off, is arrogant, and is far from being a "perfect" human being. I do like that he seems more like a regular person than a phony and polished politician. Though I do wish he would sometimes act more presidential and cool off on the bragging. Still, even with all of his flaws, I would not have voted for any of the others.

Yeah, me neither....
So did Obama. Both are professional liars.

Obama may have said it, but he never for a minute meant a word of it....I believe if Trump could, he'd load the troop transports tomorrow.

He can.

You know better....

No I do not. Obama supporters used this same sorry excuse. When he pulled the troops from Syria he didn't have to order them back in.

When Obama pulled the troops from Iraq, he did not have to put them back in.

If he can't do it why does he say he is going to?

You'd have to ask him...I certainly won't defend the manner in which he shoots his mouth off in some situations.

He lies. Things come out of his mouth without him even knowing what he is saying.

Trump. "We will simply take their oil".

Trump advisors. "No, we really can't do that".

Trump. "We will destroy their historical places".

Trump advisors. "No, we really can't do that".
No, he said he already had it ready to go. He lied.

So? I already have health insurance, and I'm fine with it. Who are these people that don't have any health insurance? If you don't work or don't make enough money to afford your own health care, you can be covered under Medicaid. If you are too old to work/retired, you can be covered under Medicare. The only people I know who don't have insurance, don't have it because they just don't want to pay for it, but they could afford it if they wanted it.

On top of making sure everyone is covered we simply have to also address the cost side.

There are many who have insurance but still dread the idea of using it because they can not afford the co-pays and deductibles.

But that could be controlled without any socialism. Just put some rules on the insurance companies. I agree, we should not have to pay for our insurance and then also have a deductible. I think a copay is fair though, as long as it is reasonable. Deductibles need to be tossed out. That is shitty, IMO.

If that is what you believe you had better get on Trump to do it because otherwise its Medicare for all.

Why do you think I personally know him? Or, that he would listen to me? That's just stupid.

Being that he listens to no one, that is likely true. Point ceded.
So? I already have health insurance, and I'm fine with it. Who are these people that don't have any health insurance? If you don't work or don't make enough money to afford your own health care, you can be covered under Medicaid. If you are too old to work/retired, you can be covered under Medicare. The only people I know who don't have insurance, don't have it because they just don't want to pay for it, but they could afford it if they wanted it.

On top of making sure everyone is covered we simply have to also address the cost side.

There are many who have insurance but still dread the idea of using it because they can not afford the co-pays and deductibles.

But that could be controlled without any socialism. Just put some rules on the insurance companies. I agree, we should not have to pay for our insurance and then also have a deductible. I think a copay is fair though, as long as it is reasonable. Deductibles need to be tossed out. That is shitty, IMO.

If that is what you believe you had better get on Trump to do it because otherwise its Medicare for all.

Why do you think I personally know him? Or, that he would listen to me? That's just stupid.

Being that he listens to no one, that is likely true. Point ceded.

Well, neither do you . . .
Obama may have said it, but he never for a minute meant a word of it....I believe if Trump could, he'd load the troop transports tomorrow.

He can.

You know better....

No I do not. Obama supporters used this same sorry excuse. When he pulled the troops from Syria he didn't have to order them back in.

When Obama pulled the troops from Iraq, he did not have to put them back in.

If he can't do it why does he say he is going to?

You'd have to ask him...I certainly won't defend the manner in which he shoots his mouth off in some situations.

He lies. Things come out of his mouth without him even knowing what he is saying.

Trump. "We will simply take their oil".

Trump advisors. "No, we really can't do that".

Trump. "We will destroy their historical places".

Trump advisors. "No, we really can't do that".

Ok....So, what do you want from me? Seems that he says some things just to trigger leftist morons that can't wait to hiss between their teeth as they type...Ever think he's owning you people?
Obama may have said it, but he never for a minute meant a word of it....I believe if Trump could, he'd load the troop transports tomorrow.

He can.

You know better....

No I do not. Obama supporters used this same sorry excuse. When he pulled the troops from Syria he didn't have to order them back in.

When Obama pulled the troops from Iraq, he did not have to put them back in.

If he can't do it why does he say he is going to?

You'd have to ask him...I certainly won't defend the manner in which he shoots his mouth off in some situations.

He lies. Things come out of his mouth without him even knowing what he is saying.

Trump. "We will simply take their oil".

Trump advisors. "No, we really can't do that".

Trump. "We will destroy their historical places".

Trump advisors. "No, we really can't do that".

That counts as "shooting off his mouth." Lol. Lots and lots of people say things without knowing ALL the facts (you too), that doesn't mean they are "lying."
Obama may have said it, but he never for a minute meant a word of it....I believe if Trump could, he'd load the troop transports tomorrow.

He can.

You know better....

No I do not. Obama supporters used this same sorry excuse. When he pulled the troops from Syria he didn't have to order them back in.

When Obama pulled the troops from Iraq, he did not have to put them back in.

If he can't do it why does he say he is going to?

You'd have to ask him...I certainly won't defend the manner in which he shoots his mouth off in some situations.

I won't deny that he shoots his mouth off, is arrogant, and is far from being a "perfect" human being. I do like that he seems more like a regular person than a phony and polished politician. Though I do wish he would sometimes act more presidential and cool off on the bragging. Still, even with all of his flaws, I would not have voted for any of the others.

I completely understand not voting for Hillary. I didn't either.

It's like I said about Obama. I understand people voting for him the first time. But after lie after lie, I do not understand voting for him the second time.

Ditto with Trump.

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