Shockingly Nobody Wants to be a Chicago Cop

The jobs might be filled by better candidates who haven't been subjected to an attitude of needing lethal force to police the corruption. Force wasn't working but Norway has an answer that's worth trying in America before it becomes a crisis situation of mass murder on the streets.
You should read the Cloward Piven strategy. It was written in the 60s. That's what they are doing. There are also off shoots that just want the nation destroyed.
You'll find toobfreak expressing that very wish.
You will probably prefer to ignore that when it comes from your accomplices.
No license to kill no work.

But it is ok to kill if you're a gansta or a thug that doesn't give a single damn about the law??? It is ok to kill cops if you're one too and they don't have a right to self defense in your sick little world. It wouldn't shock me if you were one of these thugs as you sure seem to have little respect for civilized society or the people that steak their lives to enforce its laws.

San Fran

Fuck all the lefties in these cities.

For the rest of you in these cities….LEAVE, FER FUCKSAKES.

Pretty much every dive that is ruled by the democratic party and has had massive brainwashing of its population to act like sub-human animals.
Time to pay up lefties and give these people what they're worth. A dangerous job deserves better pay. :eusa_whistle:
The jobs might be filled by better candidates who haven't been subjected to an attitude of needing lethal force to police the corruption. Force wasn't working but Norway has an answer that's worth trying in America before it becomes a crisis situation of mass murder on the streets.
Only idiots who never travel think all cultures are the same.

San Fran

Fuck all the lefties in these cities.

For the rest of you in these cities….LEAVE, FER FUCKSAKES.
Silly partisan.

Few WANT to be a cop ANYWHERE. Fewer today after all the anti-cop talk and defunding police.

The type of person who wants to be cop is probably someone we don’t want as a cop. Then you give them a few weeks of training and off to the streets.

Poorly trained with psychopathic tendencies is a recipe for disaster.
Illinois has a woketard mayor that was a 'police reform' activist prior to being mayor, a State's Attorney that similarly is a woketard idiot that isn't prosecuting a high rate of felonies, and a governor that passed a 'justice reform' bill that eliminated cash bail and further hobbled police.

The entire political hierarchy is anti-police. That moron lightfoot refused to issue riot gear to Chicago cops because she didn't want to upset the rioters last summer. This ended up in multiple cops ending up in the hospital, and there is zero doubt that she does not support them.

Oh my, I just can't figure out why nobody would want to be a cop in Chicago. LOL.
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Oh my, I just can't figure out why nobody would want to be a cop in Chicago. LOL.
It's not difficult to understand at all. America's gun problem has made it unsafe to be a cop.

The vicious circle has been created: Police brutality and murder started to be curtailed and the police couldn't accept that happening because of the long established mindset of it being necessary. And then that created a counter reaction by criminals with guns which resulted in escalation on the part of both sides in the gun war. And now of course, it's open season for killers and law enforcement are overwhelmed.

More and more guns against more guns just didn't work.
Norway has a different and new idea!
It's not difficult to understand at all. America's gun problem has made it unsafe to be a cop.

The vicious circle has been created: Police brutality and murder started to be curtailed and the police couldn't accept that happening because of the long established mindset of it being necessary. And then that created a counter reaction by criminals with guns which resulted in escalation on the part of both sides in the gun war. And now of course, it's open season for killers and law enforcement are overwhelmed.

More and more guns against more guns just didn't work.
Norway has a different and new idea!

The gun problem didn't just materialize in Chicago in the last few years. Guns are cartels have been here for many, many years. Like weed, anyone that wants a gun has always been able to get one, despite any laws opposing that.

What's "new"

Lightfoot (D) -mayor- elected 2019
Pritzker (D) -governor)- elected 2019
Kim Foxx (D) DA - elected 2016

When people make policy and it sharply and negatively impacts crime/murder numbers extensively, and makes cops no longer want to work for people that routinely throw them under the bus, it is a bit absurd to grab at some straw to not face the reality that the policies themselves are counter productive. They took the actions that resulted in this mess. Not cops. Not some inanimate object. They did it, they own it.
Illinois has a woketard mayor that was a 'police reform' activist prior to being mayor, a State's Attorney that similarly is a woketard idiot that isn't prosecuting a high rate of felonies, and a governor that passed a 'justice reform' bill that eliminated cash bail and further hobbled police.

The entire political hierarchy is anti-police. That moron lightfoot refused to issue riot gear to Chicago cops because she didn't want to upset the rioters last summer. This ended up in multiple cops ending up in the hospital, and there is zero doubt that she does not support them.

Oh my, I just can't figure out why nobody would want to be a cop in Chicago. LOL.
Blue Is a Whirlpool in a Sea of Red

The cops who quit can always get a decent job in a more police-friendly town or small city.
Cops are leaving and applicants sparse. Go figure.
You earned it Chicagoians, reap whatever you have sown.

Believe you me, in the coming decades, it will be impossible to find good people who want to be cops in any American city.

And the people who do become cops will not necessarily be good people.

Right now here in the greater Los Angeles area, they are having trouble with some law enforcement officers who are as bad as the gang members whom they harass.

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