Shoot resisting criminals. Kill them DEAD!


Gold Member
Apr 19, 2020
I don't care what species of human fights with police. If anybody fights with the police like the negro in Atlanta did, they should be shot DEAD! The motto of many police departments is to "Protect and serve." It is to protect and serve the public. Not criminals. That criminal might just as easily grabbed a gun. But instead he grabbed a tazer. Well if you are stupid enough to bring a taser to a gun fight, you deserve to die. And as soon as the tazer was forced from the cop's hand, that right there would have been a good excuse to shoot him on the spot. Not wait for him to run off.

Also, it is the job of cops to capture criminals. Not let them run away. And the guy probably resisted because he was guilty of something. To protect the public, you can't let them get away. Because you don't know what they might do next. And if you do start letting them run away, more will do it. Then they will start looking at cops as more of a joke. When that happens, more crimes are likely to occur.
Civilization would appear to have left some of our race behind. Religious tenets of extreme nature are not generally applied in modern societies. Perhaps the poster could find an exception somewhere.
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While I agree with the sentimentality regarding criminals, at least habitual criminals, We have a Constitution and laws on the books and we are bound to abide by the current laws.

As I was just telling someone else, fuck the constitution. It's main purpose is as something for criminals to hide behind. And illegal scab scum mexicans for whom it wasn't written for.
Put them down! No need for police. They're just gonna arrest you after you put down the ferals.
They'll come and arrest you after you kill the criminals.
IF you call them, and you're "supposed to".
Well, this isn't the untamed old west any longer. Civilization marches on and interferes with taking the law into our own hands.
I don't care what species of human fights with police. If anybody fights with the police like the negro in Atlanta did, they should be shot DEAD! The motto of many police departments is to "Protect and serve." It is to protect and serve the public. Not criminals. That criminal might just as easily grabbed a gun. But instead he grabbed a tazer. Well if you are stupid enough to bring a taser to a gun fight, you deserve to die. And as soon as the tazer was forced from the cop's hand, that right there would have been a good excuse to shoot him on the spot. Not wait for him to run off.

Also, it is the job of cops to capture criminals. Not let them run away. And the guy probably resisted because he was guilty of something. To protect the public, you can't let them get away. Because you don't know what they might do next. And if you do start letting them run away, more will do it. Then they will start looking at cops as more of a joke. When that happens, more crimes are likely to occur.

Goes without saying the police cannot make exceptions for any criminal on a regular basis or as standard operating procedure. But such arguments are purely academic after action dissection of an incident that in real time happened over the span of few moments and involved two police officers fighting for both their own lives and to protect the lives of nearby innocents from a man attempting to gain the upper hand and kill them in order to escape arrest. Something else the media is not talking about: the two cops in this case likely could have subdued and cuffed this guy had they not been worried about accusations of use of excessive force. In other words, had one of these two cops taken a knee on the perpetrator's neck then the perp wouldn't have gotten one of their tasers and might still be alive and the shooter cop might still have his badge and Wendy's would still be serving burgers and hundreds if not thousands of Georgian lives might not have been interrupted by a blocked major highway. Liberalism, radicalized or not—in any form—is a disease that causes men to eat their own children. Precisely because leftist media coverage of Chauvin's knee on Floyd's neck set the world aflame, another black man died by cop, more private property burned, and more douche bag "protestors" carried out acts of terror against American civilians. Behold: the circle of democrat/postmodernist logic and reasoning.
I don't care what species of human fights with police. If anybody fights with the police like the negro in Atlanta did, they should be shot DEAD! The motto of many police departments is to "Protect and serve." It is to protect and serve the public. Not criminals. That criminal might just as easily grabbed a gun. But instead he grabbed a tazer. Well if you are stupid enough to bring a taser to a gun fight, you deserve to die. And as soon as the tazer was forced from the cop's hand, that right there would have been a good excuse to shoot him on the spot. Not wait for him to run off.

Also, it is the job of cops to capture criminals. Not let them run away. And the guy probably resisted because he was guilty of something. To protect the public, you can't let them get away. Because you don't know what they might do next. And if you do start letting them run away, more will do it. Then they will start looking at cops as more of a joke. When that happens, more crimes are likely to occur.

Goes without saying the police cannot make exceptions for any criminal on a regular basis or as standard operating procedure. But such arguments are purely academic after action dissection of an incident that in real time happened over the span of few moments and involved two police officers fighting for both their own lives and to protect the lives of nearby innocents from a man attempting to gain the upper hand and kill them in order to escape arrest. Something else the media is not talking about: the two cops in this case likely could have subdued and cuffed this guy had they not been worried about accusations of use of excessive force. In other words, had one of these two cops taken a knee on the perpetrator's neck then the perp wouldn't have gotten one of their tasers and might still be alive and the shooter cop might still have his badge and Wendy's would still be serving burgers and hundreds if not thousands of Georgian lives might not have been interrupted by a blocked major highway. Liberalism, radicalized or not—in any form—is a disease that causes men to eat their own children. Precisely because leftist media coverage of Chauvin's knee on Floyd's neck set the world aflame, another black man died by cop, more private property burned, and more douche bag "protestors" carried out acts of terror against American civilians. Behold: the circle of democrat/postmodernist logic and reasoning.
I don't think the officers in this case should be disciplined as they were following the procedures they were taught. Personally, I would have handled it differently. The guy was drunk and asleep, behind the wheel of his car. He was cooperative until they tried to cuff him. I would have done the breathalyzer, confirming his intoxication, BUT, I would have asked him to get on his phone and call someone that could pick him up and take him home and taken his car keys so that he couldn't drive the vehicle. If it was established that the person picking him up would only be a short while out, I'd have waited to ensure that he was being picked up. Further, I would have impounded the vehicle and informed him that he could pick the vehicle up from the impound lot, after he was sober and that would have been the end of it.
I don't care what species of human fights with police. If anybody fights with the police like the negro in Atlanta did, they should be shot DEAD! The motto of many police departments is to "Protect and serve." It is to protect and serve the public. Not criminals. That criminal might just as easily grabbed a gun. But instead he grabbed a tazer. Well if you are stupid enough to bring a taser to a gun fight, you deserve to die. And as soon as the tazer was forced from the cop's hand, that right there would have been a good excuse to shoot him on the spot. Not wait for him to run off.

Also, it is the job of cops to capture criminals. Not let them run away. And the guy probably resisted because he was guilty of something. To protect the public, you can't let them get away. Because you don't know what they might do next. And if you do start letting them run away, more will do it. Then they will start looking at cops as more of a joke. When that happens, more crimes are likely to occur.

Goes without saying the police cannot make exceptions for any criminal on a regular basis or as standard operating procedure. But such arguments are purely academic after action dissection of an incident that in real time happened over the span of few moments and involved two police officers fighting for both their own lives and to protect the lives of nearby innocents from a man attempting to gain the upper hand and kill them in order to escape arrest. Something else the media is not talking about: the two cops in this case likely could have subdued and cuffed this guy had they not been worried about accusations of use of excessive force. In other words, had one of these two cops taken a knee on the perpetrator's neck then the perp wouldn't have gotten one of their tasers and might still be alive and the shooter cop might still have his badge and Wendy's would still be serving burgers and hundreds if not thousands of Georgian lives might not have been interrupted by a blocked major highway. Liberalism, radicalized or not—in any form—is a disease that causes men to eat their own children. Precisely because leftist media coverage of Chauvin's knee on Floyd's neck set the world aflame, another black man died by cop, more private property burned, and more douche bag "protestors" carried out acts of terror against American civilians. Behold: the circle of democrat/postmodernist logic and reasoning.
I don't think the officers in this case should be disciplined as they were following the procedures they were taught. Personally, I would have handled it differently. The guy was drunk and asleep, behind the wheel of his car. He was cooperative until they tried to cuff him. I would have done the breathalyzer, confirming his intoxication, BUT, I would have asked him to get on his phone and call someone that could pick him up and take him home and taken his car keys so that he couldn't drive the vehicle. If it was established that the person picking him up would only be a short while out, I'd have waited to ensure that he was being picked up. Further, I would have impounded the vehicle and informed him that he could pick the vehicle up from the impound lot, after he was sober and that would have been the end of it.

Maybe . . . in Mayberry. However and regrettably, our world has been forced through a series of changes these past five or seven decades which have served only to increase violent behavior, promote it as the norm, and condition the average man to believe in fantasies of rebellion and the opposite of fact, truth and the preservation of our civilization. In the real (modern) world police officers arrest criminals for breaking the law. Thirty years ago I or anyone else for that matter could get away with pulling onto the shoulder of the road and sleeping it off, depending of course on where one happened to be at, and the cops would probably let you off with a warning and a promise on your part not to drive away until morning. But fucked up radical ideologies have removed much of the innocence from this world, to the desperate point where the most pleasant stranger will chat you up one moment while plotting to murder you the next. Those who work the sheep dog gigs can't afford to play Barney fucking Fife anymore.
While I agree with the sentimentality regarding criminals, at least habitual criminals, We have a Constitution and laws on the books and we are bound to abide by the current laws.
I dont remember in the Constitution where it said you could drive legally drunk, or park your drunk ass in front of a Wendy's. But there are laws on the books that say if you are legally drunk, you need to be arrested and off the streets. Can you imagine the outrage if the drunk would of run into that Wendy's and killed all those innocent people in there? No? Me either, there wouldnt be outrage, it would be just another day in the inner city....
I have mixed feelings about it, he was drinking and driving according to the breathalyzer so did he have a previous record of DUI's?

I haven't seen anything so far. So I have to assume he had no previous records of anything, so maybe the cops should of offered to drive him home or taken his keys and have someone pick him up.
I have mixed feelings about it, he was drinking and driving according to the breathalyzer so did he have a previous record of DUI's?

I haven't seen anything so far. So I have to assume he had no previous records of anything, so maybe the cops should of offered to drive him home or taken his keys and have someone pick him up.
Maybe they could defund the cops and turn then into a cab service.
I have mixed feelings about it, he was drinking and driving according to the breathalyzer so did he have a previous record of DUI's?

I haven't seen anything so far. So I have to assume he had no previous records of anything, so maybe the cops should of offered to drive him home or taken his keys and have someone pick him up.
Maybe they could defund the cops and turn then into a cab service.
None of the democrats are for defunding the cops except for a few. Do you understand what defunding the cops is? Tramp defunds every social program.
I don't care what species of human fights with police. If anybody fights with the police like the negro in Atlanta did, they should be shot DEAD! The motto of many police departments is to "Protect and serve." It is to protect and serve the public. Not criminals. That criminal might just as easily grabbed a gun. But instead he grabbed a tazer. Well if you are stupid enough to bring a taser to a gun fight, you deserve to die. And as soon as the tazer was forced from the cop's hand, that right there would have been a good excuse to shoot him on the spot. Not wait for him to run off.

Also, it is the job of cops to capture criminals. Not let them run away. And the guy probably resisted because he was guilty of something. To protect the public, you can't let them get away. Because you don't know what they might do next. And if you do start letting them run away, more will do it. Then they will start looking at cops as more of a joke. When that happens, more crimes are likely to occur.
There is only one species of human beings. Somehow I think your attitude would be different if the man was white regardless of what you said.
I think people need to say restructure the police so these law and order only for people of color would stop the conflation.
I have mixed feelings about it, he was drinking and driving according to the breathalyzer so did he have a previous record of DUI's?

I haven't seen anything so far. So I have to assume he had no previous records of anything, so maybe the cops should of offered to drive him home or taken his keys and have someone pick him up.
Maybe they could defund the cops and turn then into a cab service.
None of the democrats are for defunding the cops except for a few. Do you understand what defunding the cops is? Tramp defunds every social program.
Quit making shit up.
There is only one species of human beings. Somehow I think your attitude would be different if the man was white regardless of what you said.

Quite. The lynch mobs (in blue, or otherwise) always knew who the criminals were, who was to be presumed guilty, and whom to select for trees to bear strange fruit. That hasn't changed during the last century, and the OP relies upon that continuity.
Coddling dangerous behavior is your solution?


Some democrat on tv last night suggested that an ambulance should have been the proper recourse. Also equally stupid.

You idiots will make society MORE DANGEROUS with this asinine shit.

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