Shooting at Florida yoga studio leaves 3 dead, including gunman, several injured

Yes....due to the attacks on police...after having gone down up to the year 2015.....but as 2017 shows, with Trump actually supporting the police and using the Federal agencies to put criminals in prison for longer terms, the gun murder rate is going back down again...

democrats cause gun crime to go up, now republicans are sending it lower again....
2017 is still about 30% higher than 2013 when Obama was in charge. When will the figures match that level ?

So...Trump was in office one year, obama in for 8, attacking the police all eight years to the point he achieved the Ferguson Effect....which increased gun murder in democrat party controlled cities, and with one year in, Trump begins to turn it around, and you don't see how that works?

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

The gun murder rate for 2016.....11,138 Previously reported 11,004

For 2017.....with now more than 17.25 million Americans carrying guns for self defense....10,982

2013-- 8,454
2014-- 8,312
2015--9,616...Ferguson Effect
2016--11,004.....Ferguson Effect
2017--10,982.... Trump turning it around....
The gun violence archive has this year as over 12000 already. Where is the improvement ?

The Gun Violence Archive is a rabid anti gun you see, I used the FBI homicide data....
OK, so will the FBI figures for this year show a reduction in gun deaths ?

The Gun violence archive includes unintentional shootings in its figures but even if you strip them out they are at around 11000 this year. With 2 months to go that could see deaths way over last year. Trumps America is getting more violent.

No, it isn't.....obama and his allies in the black lives matter movement damaged police work in this country....that is why it went up in democrat party controlled that Trump is in office, he is using the Federal law enforcement agencies to prosecute gun criminals in these cities....sending them to prison on Federal Sentencing Guidelines, where they go to prison for a long time, they are not released on bail, and released from prison according to the democrat party timeline...
How mass shooters practice their hate online: Shooters like Scott Beierle often leave behind a trail of hate. And some are part of online communities that encourage and celebrate violence.

"Years before he killed two women at a yoga studio in Tallahassee, Florida, Scott Beierle was posting YouTube videos in which he called women “sluts” and “whores” and talked about ripping their heads off.

Beierle, who killed himself on Friday after killing Nancy Van Vessem and Maura Binkley and wounding five others at Hot Yoga Tallahassee, had filmed several virulently misogynist videos in 2014, according to David Mack, Amber Jamieson, and Julia Reinstein of BuzzFeed News. He had also uploaded sexist and violent songs to Soundcloud in the last few months.

In the videos, Beierle rants about women who canceled dates or gave him their phone numbers even though they had boyfriends. He also mentions Elliot Rodger, the gunman who killed six people and wounded 13 in Isla Vista, California in 2014 — and who has become a hero to men who identify as incels (short for “involuntary celibate”).

The Tallahassee shooting was the third crime in a single week that was apparently preceded by a trail of online hate."
Food for thought.

Yes..... this is why you need to know how to protect like this exist, and they kill innocent people.
We have pissed off people over here in the UK. But because we dont have guns we dont have daily tragedies like this. When will you learn ?

Yeah but murder rates in your cities higher than ours.....doy.....the bad guys know the poor people of the UK are sitting ducks!!:113::113:

The truth behind the claim that London's murder rate is now higher than New York's

Warnings of 'public health emergency' as violent crime surges
Shut up you melt.

1) You think that murder in your country is going to remain static, as your social welfare system creates young male sociopaths who today are stabbing each other to death, while 3rd world immigrant drug gangs are becoming less afraid of the police, and your police are losing manpower, resources and the will to police because of Political correctness?

2) American gun owners use their legal guns 1.1 million times a stop violent criminals including mass public shooters.....I know that number doesn't register in your brain...but that number represents men, women and children who are alive today, and whose lives haven't been destroyed by the criminals our democrat party keeps letting out of jail...
So...Trump was in office one year, obama in for 8, attacking the police all eight years to the point he achieved the Ferguson Effect....which increased gun murder in democrat party controlled cities, and with one year in, Trump begins to turn it around, and you don't see how that works?

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

The gun murder rate for 2016.....11,138 Previously reported 11,004

For 2017.....with now more than 17.25 million Americans carrying guns for self defense....10,982

2013-- 8,454
2014-- 8,312
2015--9,616...Ferguson Effect
2016--11,004.....Ferguson Effect
2017--10,982.... Trump turning it around....
The gun violence archive has this year as over 12000 already. Where is the improvement ?

The Gun Violence Archive is a rabid anti gun you see, I used the FBI homicide data....
OK, so will the FBI figures for this year show a reduction in gun deaths ?

The Gun violence archive includes unintentional shootings in its figures but even if you strip them out they are at around 11000 this year. With 2 months to go that could see deaths way over last year. Trumps America is getting more violent.
What is your solution to this problem?

Addressing the problem absent proposing solutions is pointless.
You need to get rid of your gun culture. Learn from the rest of the world.

Gun violence in Britain and Australia is going up....not down. What do we have to learn from that?

Gun violence in the U.S. is going down, not up....with Americans using their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save will need to revisit that number as your criminals become more violent, and less reluctant to kill.....
Yes....due to the attacks on police...after having gone down up to the year 2015.....but as 2017 shows, with Trump actually supporting the police and using the Federal agencies to put criminals in prison for longer terms, the gun murder rate is going back down again...

democrats cause gun crime to go up, now republicans are sending it lower again....
2017 is still about 30% higher than 2013 when Obama was in charge. When will the figures match that level ?

So...Trump was in office one year, obama in for 8, attacking the police all eight years to the point he achieved the Ferguson Effect....which increased gun murder in democrat party controlled cities, and with one year in, Trump begins to turn it around, and you don't see how that works?

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

The gun murder rate for 2016.....11,138 Previously reported 11,004

For 2017.....with now more than 17.25 million Americans carrying guns for self defense....10,982

2013-- 8,454
2014-- 8,312
2015--9,616...Ferguson Effect
2016--11,004.....Ferguson Effect
2017--10,982.... Trump turning it around....
The gun violence archive has this year as over 12000 already. Where is the improvement ?

The Gun Violence Archive is a rabid anti gun you see, I used the FBI homicide data....
Nothing like a multiple deadly murder to bring out the gun ghoul.

As always, the answer is more guns.


In a lot of cases, a gun in the hands of a good person is the right answer...ask those who used a gun to survive.....

These numbers show the answer.....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
its NO problem , there is no problem but there is a slight cost to having the FREEDOM to OWN Guns .
its NO problem , there is no problem but there is a slight cost to having the FREEDOM to OWN Guns .

and the cost is created by a democrat party that keeps letting known, repeat, violent gun offenders back out of jail.....where they keep using illegal guns to commit crimes....
what are the numbers of gun deaths in the USA a country of 310 million mongrels from all over the world . And then some of those dead are 'suiciders' , criminals , robbers , murderers who needed to be shot .
Everything is dangerous . Motorcycles are dangerous , car are dangerous , sky diving is dangerous but they are all pursuits that FREE people do . And then GUNS are an AMERICANS RIGHT and Americans ain't 'euro type' people or Subjects . Point is that NO REAL American cares how things are or are done in 'euro land' , england or 'wales' Tommy . Real Americans are different from 'euro type' subjects Tommy .
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Everything is dangerous . Motorcycles are dangerous , car are dangerous , sky diving is dangerous but they are all pursuits that people do . And then GUNS are an AMERICANS RIGHT and Americans ain't 'euro type' people or Subjects . Point is that NO REAL American cares how things are or are done in 'euro land' , england or 'wales' Tommy . Real Americans are different from 'euro type' subjects Tommy .

Cars are more dangerous than guns....

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC


Gun.....495 (accidental death)

Gun murder..... 10,982 (2017)



and what REAL American would give up his guns for no more gun deaths . I know that i would not happily give up my guns like the 'brit or aussie' wankers did if that action would insure that their would be no more 'dunblanes' or suicides ever again .
and what REAL American would give up his guns for no more gun deaths . I know that i would not happily give up my guns like the 'brit or aussie' wankers did if that action would insure that their would be no more 'dunblanes' or suicides ever again .

And their gun crime rates are going up.....they have nothing to show for their gun control laws....
Yes....obama made a campaign against the police in this country and they stopped pro-active police work....

Really? So he said, "Hey, maybe five of these 900 shootings looks kind of questionable", and the cops were so shocked by this they stopped doing their jobs? Really?

You see, I think it had more to do with the fact that the NRA is flooding the streets with guns than Cops not being able to shoot unarmed black kids in the back anymore.
Gun crime you nitwit...... 42% increase in gun crime, not gun murder......

Again, miniscule numbers compared to the US.

The US has 400,000 gun crimes a year... the Brits have nowhere near that.
these people are feckheads as they worry about being shot . I'm 70 , never been worried ever about being shot and where i am at everyone and his Mother has guns . Yeah , these worriers are feckheads
these people are feckheads as they worry about being shot . I'm 70 , never been worried ever about being shot and where i am at everyone and his Mother has guns . Yeah , these worriers are feckheads

33,000 gun deaths a year... you should be more worried.
these people are feckheads as they worry about being shot . I'm 70 , never been worried ever about being shot and where i am at everyone and his Mother has guns . Yeah , these worriers are feckheads

33,000 gun deaths a year... you should be more worried.

250,000 people a year die from medical mistakes. Why aren’t you concerned about that?

Also, more than 600,000 people die every year from heart disease (which is completely preventable btw.) If you genuinely care about people dying, why aren’t you concerned about that?
thats negligible in a country of 310 million mongrels where people have a RIGHT to firearms . And how many of that 33 thousand were criminals that needed to be shot and how many suiciders were there JimH .

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