Shooting at outlet mall in Texas

once again... the ability to speak English has no baring on the fact the GUN KILLED PEOPLE!
How come loony Leftists cannot comprehend that most simple
of notions.That Guns don't kill.Just as Guns don't sleep.
Or play Bingo.Go out for a bite to eat.
Pray to God or plan the next abortion agenda.
If I pray for anything it's to find out and uncover
what these uncalled random shootings are about.It's bound
to be some coordinated effort to try and demonize Guns,gun
owners and make a political reality.Like what Europe has done with
it's New World Order takeover.
The first thing Commies do is make a move to disarm
it's populace.Then squelch free speech and any dissent.
The Exact opposite of what this Country was built upon.
We Exist as a Free People,With God given rights.
Like to worship as we please.To criticize any and all and even
mock.To Travel freely and often.To Protect ourselves and our
property.No it's not okey dokey to slander or purpusedly
gain an edge by cheating or lying about others.
In olden times a card shark caught cheating faced a
gun fight.We no longer honor that activity.Because it's
part of being civilized.To treat the law and laws seriously.
You think these mass shooting events are organized and coordinated plan to demonize American gun owners? I have not heard this one.
Yes. You will say nothing if the shooter qas non-trans. But you will say a lot if he was trans. Therefore you will play dumb.

Being trans is only a self proclaimed. So if someone is trans, but does not self proclaimed, are they not trans?
Being trans is only a self proclaimed. So if someone is trans, but does not self proclaimed, are they not trans?
Terrible english.Now go to your room and understand
use of Proper english. Like :
Being Trans is merely a self-proclaimed act or way of life.
Therefore if someone is Trans,and does not self-proclaim
could it be said they are no longer Trans.?
You think these mass shooting events are organized and coordinated plan to demonize American gun owners? I have not heard this one.
Leftists do get excited when they happen. They love to see them happen. Never let a good crisis go to waste.
I feel the jubilation waning on this 'crisis', as the discovery seems to be leaning towards an illegal brown piece of shit.... i.e. one of theirs.

Watch for the narrative to shift back to a waitress that President Trump winked at in 1979. Then you'll know the party that likes to fuck kids has moved on to the next manufactured opportunity and still hates Texans.

gun control sissy6.jpg
Terrible english.Now go to your room and understand
use of Proper english. Like :
Being Trans is merely a self-proclaimed act or way of life.
Therefore if someone is Trans,and does not self-proclaim
could it be said they are no longer Trans.?

Oh ouch. Sissy much?

Was that clear enough fer ya?
Gun deaths per capita by state. And well, well, well...what a surprised to find that the top ones are red states.

and shift the topic as usual. The fact is as a border state with zero Federal enforcement 'gun control' is just a red herring pile of bullshit to cover for your Party's abject failure and racist policies.
Why not compare US to Western European countries and Scandinavia? I think there are more similarities in culture.

Otherwise I suppose you could compare the US to Afghanistan and Yemen. Both countries are swimming in weapons.

I suppose you think your cherry picking hasa some sort of meaning. Mostly white areas of the U.S. are comparable to Europe's, and in many cases less violent.
Still curious how you tell who has a non immutable trait from another.
Topic is you cannot pinpoint when a good guy goes bad. It’s a red herring… “just take all the motivation for everyone in America to kill and we are all safe!”. That is a stupid argument. How about we make the method of killing lots of people go away and minimize massive killings?
Citizenship? Legal or Illegal Gun? Two important issues rarely made public knowledge? Why is that so difficult? 15 min job for Big GOVT if they desired to provide.
Topic is you cannot pinpoint when a good guy goes bad. It’s a red herring… “just take all the motivation for everyone in America to kill and we are all safe!”. That is a stupid argument. How about we make the method of killing lots of people go away and minimize massive killings?

because you cant “make it go away”. We dont trust you to make it go away. See Heroin.
We have addressed it over and over again and given actual leftists just want to take guns away from people who didn't use their guns for any crime or murder....

You guys are the vile ones, not us....
And you’re among the most reprehensible example of rightwing liars and cowards.
because you cant “make it go away”. We dont trust you to make it go away. See Heroin.
With that argument you can say ”why do anything about anything?” See car accidents, drug usage, murder, opioid usage, cigarette lung disease, etc…
Topic is you cannot pinpoint when a good guy goes bad. It’s a red herring… “just take all the motivation for everyone in America to kill and we are all safe!”. That is a stupid argument. How about we make the method of killing lots of people go away and minimize massive killings?

You want cars and airliners banned? And how you going to confiscate all guns, a constitutional protected right, when your side made even stop and frisk, a police policy intended to take guns from criminals, unconstitutional?

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