Shooting at outlet mall in Texas

The thread is about guns. You realize people kill without guns, right?

You are a special kind of stupid.
Pineapples have an enzyme that breaks down proteins which is why your mouth burns sometimes when eating it.

Your non-linear debate style where you switch arguments at a whim to irrelevance is dizzying. Thought I’d try it.
Why does the FBI keep getting involved in cases with no federal nexus?

I'm sure they are "invited" but that makes little sense once the perp is already dead-ed, at least as far as ID goes.
Pineapples have an enzyme that breaks down proteins which is why your mouth burns sometimes when eating it.

Your non-linear debate style where you switch arguments at a whim to irrelevance is dizzying. Thought I’d try it.
Just asked a question that you appear unable to answer.

No need to go all girly girl about it.
Gettin sick and tired of Hitlery and her goon squads and psycho shooters going after innocent people!!!

According to reports, the shooting occurred at about 3:30 p.m. at Allen Premium Outlets located at 820 W. Stacy Road.


I live only about 5 miles from there.

Authorities have responded to the Allen Premium Outlets to investigate a shooting Saturday afternoon. Few details have been released at this time, but the Collin County Sheriff's Office confirmed there was a shooting. A spokesperson said there are "some" victims at the mall, but their status is not known at this time.

Best thing for people to do until we get back control of this country, is to only go out if necessary. The Democrat's and their activism have placed everyone at great risk now. If businesses suffer, ohh well, because they've had the power and money in the past to exactly influence government against what the public/their customers are facing now when trying to reach them.

Government is charged in the constitution to protect the well being of it's citizen's, but the Democrat side of that equation has failed miserably. Why ? Because they (the Democrat's), have sank into the abyss by going along to get along, otherwise exhibiting weakness instead of strong character that should be standing up for law and order, and not tearing it down. Everyone can see what has happened, but many act as if they can't, so they just go along to get along as it just gets worse and worse.

The Biden administration is having all these things happen under it's watch, because it is wrongheaded and weak. Fact.
Who cares if the sick bastard who shot and killed 9 people, including kids, is a heterosexual, homosexual, Metrosexual, transgender, LGBTQ, etc...Red city, Blue city...?!

Can we at least wait until the bodies are cold before trying to engage in political finger-pointing?!
Haha. When confronted with a shooter who does not fit their hated targets, conservatives sing kumbaya
I know you won't get this, but someone with the mentality of walking around armed concealed in public and willing to shoot someone, is called a bad gun culture. When someone's brain with a gun would use that gun on someone, they're an unsuitable gun candidate.

The two errors in America's guns -

1) The culture; people's orientation towards guns, towards others, and where's safe to store and use them

2) Gun accessibility and their features

At the moment, the emphasis has been more guns, more armed citizens, and a greater push to get any restriction, pardon the pun, shot down. And what's the result? Weekly mass shootings where 4 or more are injured and/or killed.

And this mass killing took an armed cop and not this fallacy of an armed citizen. Proven fact.
Why do you have armed security around your politicians?
Haha. When confronted with a shooter who does not fit their hated targets, conservatives sing kumbaya
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As usual, another snowflake accusing others of being who THEY are and of doing what THEY do.

Sorry, not playing your partissn divisive game, but thanks for proving my point how partisan turds like yourself can't even wait until the bodies are cold before trying to point pitical partisan fingers.
Texas is a shithole. Conservatives have made it the armpit of America.

If Texas still had the men of the Alamo in character there of, then it would still be a representation of it's former self, but leftism has targeted Texas for the ultimate take down over time, and then you couple this with an activist rogue federal government, and you'll see that take down eventually. It's time for character to again play a role in salvaging this country, and yes it can start in Texas.
Ruh Roh Shaggy......police and feds at shootes home have asked for a translator.....

The hopes and prayers of the anti- gunners may go unanswered if this guys parents cant speak english....

The agents have been inside talking to his family. They have also asked for a translator.
Ruh Roh Shaggy......police and feds at shootes home have asked for a translator.....

The hopes and prayers of the anti- gunners may go unanswered if this guys parents cant speak english....

The agents have been inside talking to his family. They have also asked for a translator.
once again... the ability to speak English has no baring on the fact the GUN KILLED PEOPLE!
Ruh Roh Shaggy......police and feds at shootes home have asked for a translator.....

The hopes and prayers of the anti- gunners may go unanswered if this guys parents cant speak english....

The agents have been inside talking to his family. They have also asked for a translator.
call the NRA hotline... you ran out of talking points... days ago
Pray there are no fatalities.
If I pray for anything it's to find out and uncover
what these uncalled random shootings are about.It's bound
to be some coordinated effort to try and demonize Guns,gun
owners and make a political reality.Like what Europe has done with
it's New World Order takeover.
The first thing Commies do is make a move to disarm
it's populace.Then squelch free speech and any dissent.
The Exact opposite of what this Country was built upon.
We Exist as a Free People,With God given rights.
Like to worship as we please.To criticize any and all and even
mock.To Travel freely and often.To Protect ourselves and our
property.No it's not okey dokey to slander or purpusedly
gain an edge by cheating or lying about others.
In olden times a card shark caught cheating faced a
gun fight.We no longer honor that activity.Because it's
part of being civilized.To treat the law and laws seriously.

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