Shooting at outlet mall in Texas

True. I’m under no illusion we will do anything about it other than watch people die.
You've been told a thousand times what can be done about it but you keep spewing the same worn out debunked nonsense. Always the same.
Attempting to address? you mean .. heavily regulate, confiscate or ban while not addressing the underlying problem(s)
What underlying problem? Are you going to remove every motive for killing by everyone in the US? Or would it be better to simply remove high capacity high damage projectile weapons from legal ownership and leave people with the type of guns available when the constitution was written? Single action, low capacity, low impact weapons?
What underlying problem? Are you going to remove every motive for killing by everyone in the US? Or would it be better to simply remove high capacity high damage projectile weapons from legal ownership and leave people with the type of guns available when the constitution was written? Single action, low capacity, low impact weapons?
So you want people stabbed and beaten to death instead of shot. Thanks.
What underlying problem? Are you going to remove every motive for killing by everyone in the US? Or would it be better to simply remove high capacity high damage projectile weapons from legal ownership and leave people with the type of guns available when the constitution was written? Single action, low capacity, low impact weapons?

we dont trust “you”. We’ve 100 yrs of your lies & deciet. Like 2020 Election fraud. “The border is closed”. Lol!
What underlying problem? Are you going to remove every motive for killing by everyone in the US? Or would it be better to simply remove high capacity high damage projectile weapons from legal ownership and leave people with the type of guns available when the constitution was written? Single action, low capacity, low impact weapons?
A gun can kill regardless of what type it is. you propose a bandage rather than a real solution.
after you support DemWitted policy for 20 years now you want the border fixed? Youre about 40 million too late. 4million savage bangers to add to the Black issue. Good luck.
Do I know you from somewhere? How do you know what I have supported for 20 years?
Yes it was.

In 2009, black and Latino people in New York were nine times as likely to be stopped by the police compared to white residents.

The strategy was used with such intensity that officers in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Brownsville conducted 52,000 stopsover eight square blocks between January 2006 and March 2010 — the equivalent of one stop for each resident there every year. The arrest rate was less than one percent for the 14,000 residents.

Black and Latino people were more likely be to stopped and frisked, even though their white counterparts were twice as likely to be found with a gun, according to the New York Civil Liberties Union.

“This is where the racial bias is particularly clear,” Christopher Dunn, the legal director of the group, said.

In 2009, Blacks and Latinos made up more than 50% of the New York City population (52.1%), compared to 44% being comprised of whites. In addition, blacks, while representing a fraction of the overall population, commit 50%-60% of all violent crimes. Why is it shocking that blacks were searched more than whites?
You realize schools get copies of the child’s birth certificate. Right?

Man, the perverted imagination you must have. Now go have another Bud Light. Democrat fuckup.
Birth certificates can be faked right.

Only a good perv check can save girls sports.
What underlying problem? Are you going to remove every motive for killing by everyone in the US? Or would it be better to simply remove high capacity high damage projectile weapons from legal ownership and leave people with the type of guns available when the constitution was written? Single action, low capacity, low impact weapons?
The underlying problem you stupid Moon Bats never want to accept is the culture of violence we have in the Negro and Hispanic communities.

Most of the violent crime in the US takes place in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes among the Blacks and Browns. It is a violent ghetto culture and it is destructive. Usually among druggies, gang bangers and street thugs.

The main voting block of the filthy Democrat Party are the ghetto Blacks and Browns that commit most of the crime in America.
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What underlying problem? Are you going to remove every motive for killing by everyone in the US? Or would it be better to simply remove high capacity high damage projectile weapons from legal ownership and leave people with the type of guns available when the constitution was written? Single action, low capacity, low impact weapons?

Sure .. let's leave the media with free-press channels as well. No radio, no television, no Internet, social media etc. Just good old printing and verbal communication through legacy production means.
I LOVE IT!!!!!


wahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! :biggrin: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301

Demented. I already knew you were a coward, now I see that you're truly just a worthless soul.
Illegals dont need a birth certificate to get a drivers license in many states like in CA. They are also instantly put onto a list of registered voters. They vote but dont even know it. O’Biden courts prevent any look into it.

this represents the insanity of Leftist maggots. Country is lost.
Again.....magazine capacity is not relevant to mass public shootings.....

Magazine capacity does not determine how many are killed......

The amount of time the killer has in a gun free zone before someone shoots at and stops them determines how many get killed

Large-Capacity Magazines and the Casualty Counts in Mass Shootings: The Plausibility of Linkages by Gary Kleck :: SSRN


Do bans on large-capacity magazines (LCMs) for semiautomatic firearms have significant potential for reducing the number of deaths and injuries in mass shootings?
In sum, in nearly all LCM-involved mass shootings, the time it takes to reload a detachable magazine is no greater than the average time between shots that the shooter takes anyway when not reloading.

Consequently, there is no affirmative evidence that reloading detachable magazines slows mass shooters’ rates of fire, and thus no affirmative evidence that the number of victims who could escape the killers due to additional pauses in the shooting is increased by the shooter’s need to change magazines.

The most common rationale for an effect of LCM use is that they allow mass killers to fire many rounds without reloading.

LCMs are used is less than 1/3 of 1% of mass shootings.

News accounts of 23 shootings in which more than six people were killed or wounded and LCMs were used, occurring in the U.S. in 1994-2013, were examined.

There was only one incident in which the shooter may have been stopped by bystander intervention when he tried to reload.

In all of these 23 incidents the shooter possessed either multiple guns or multiple magazines, meaning that the shooter, even if denied LCMs, could have continued firing without significant interruption by either switching loaded guns or by changing smaller loaded magazines with only a 2-4 second delay for each magazine change.

Finally, the data indicate that mass shooters maintain slow enough rates of fire such that the time needed to reload would not increase the time between shots and thus the time available for prospective victims to escape.


We did not employ the oft-used definition of “mass murder” as a homicide in which four or more victims were killed, because most of these involve just four to six victims (Duwe 2007), which could therefore have involved as few as six rounds fired, a number that shooters using even ordinary revolvers are capable of firing without reloading.

LCMs obviously cannot help shooters who fire no more rounds than could be fired without LCMs, so the inclusion of “nonaffectable” cases with only four to six victims would dilute the sample, reducing the percent of sample incidents in which an LCM might have affected the number of casualties.

Further, had we studied only homicides with four or more dead victims, drawn from the FBI’s Supplementary Homicide Reports, we would have missed cases in which huge numbers of people were shot, and huge numbers of rounds were fired, but three or fewer of the victims died.

For example, in one widely publicized shooting carried out in Los Angeles on February 28, 1997, two bank robbers shot a total of 18 people - surely a mass shooting by any reasonable standard (Table 1).

Yet, because none of the people they shot died, this incident would not qualify as a mass murder (or even murder of any kind).

Exclusion of such incidents would bias the sample against the proposition that LCM use increases the number of victims by excluding incidents with large numbers of victims. We also excluded shootings in which more than six persons were shot over the entire course of the incident but shootings occurred in multiple locations with no more than six people shot in any one of the locations, and substantial periods of time intervened between episodes of shooting. An example is the series of killings committed by Rodrick Dantzler on July 7, 2011.

Once eligible incidents were identified, we searched through news accounts for details related to whether the use of LCMs could have influenced the casualty counts.

Specifically, we searched for

(1) the number of magazines in the shooter’s immediate possession,

(2) the capacity of the largest magazine,

(3) the number of guns in the shooter’s immediate possession during the incident,

(4) the types of guns possessed,

(5) whether the shooter reloaded during the incident,

(6) the number of rounds fired,

(7) the duration of the shooting from the first shot fired to the last, and (8) whether anyone intervened to stop the shooter.

Findings How Many Mass Shootings were Committed Using LCMs?

We identified 23 total incidents in which more than six people were shot at a single time and place in the U.S. from 1994 through 2013 and that were known to involve use of any magazines with capacities over ten rounds.

Table 1 summarizes key details of the LCMinvolved mass shootings relevant to the issues addressed in this paper.

(Table 1 about here) What fraction of all mass shootings involve LCMs?

There is no comprehensive listing of all mass shootings available for the entire 1994-2013 period, but the most extensive one currently available is at the website, which only began its coverage in 2013.



The offenders in LCM-involved mass shootings were also known to have reloaded during 14 of the 23 (61%) incidents with magazine holding over 10 rounds.

The shooters were known to have not reloaded in another two of these 20 incidents and it could not be determined if they reloaded in the remaining seven incidents.

Thus, even if the shooters had been denied LCMs, we know that most of them definitely would have been able to reload smaller detachable magazines without interference from bystanders since they in fact did change magazines.

The fact that this percentage is less than 100% should not, however, be interpreted to mean that the shooters were unable to reload in the other nine incidents.

It is possible that the shooters could also have reloaded in many of these nine shootings, but chose not to do so, or did not need to do so in order to fire all the rounds they wanted to fire. This is consistent with the fact that there has been at most only one mass shootings in twenty years in which reloading a semiautomatic firearm might have been blocked by bystanders intervening and thereby stopping the shooter from doing all the shooting he wanted to do. All we know is that in two incidents the shooter did not reload, and news accounts of seven other incidents did not mention whether the offender reloaded.


For example, a story in the Hartford Courant about the Sandy Hook elementary school killings in 2012 was headlined “Shooter Paused, and Six Escaped,” the text asserting that as many as six children may have survived because the shooter paused to reload (December 23, 2012). ''

The author of the story, however, went on to concede that this was just a speculation by an unnamed source, and that it was also possible that some children simply escaped when the killer was shooting other children.

There was no reliable evidence that the pauses were due to the shooter reloading, rather than his guns jamming or the shooter simply choosing to pause his shooting while his gun was still loaded.

The plausibility of the “victims escape” rationale depends on the average rates of fire that shooters in mass shootings typically maintain.

If they fire very fast, the 2-4 seconds it takes to change box-type detachable magazines could produce a slowing of the rate of fire that the shooters otherwise would have maintained without the magazine changes, increasing the average time between rounds fired and potentially allowing more victims to escape during the betweenshot intervals.

On the other hand, if mass shooters fire their guns with the average interval between shots lasting more than 2-4 seconds, the pauses due to additional magazine changes would be no longer than the pauses the shooter typically took between shots even when not reloading.

In that case, there would be no more opportunity for potential victims to escape than there would have been without the additional magazine changes

Thats why you get one, forever, if you lose it you shit out of luck.
Shit hole red states are dangerous as fuck. You are safer in Harlem than Alabama… by far.

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This has been explained to you dozens of times but you are too ignorant to understand.

There are no such things as Red States and Blue States. That is a term invented by USA Today to disucss the 2000 Presidential election.

It is America and the filthy ass Democrat controlled big city shitholes with large ghetto population of Negroes and Hispanics.

For instance, New Orleans in Louisiana, Houston and Dallas in Texas. Memphis in Tennessee, Jackson in Mississippi, Atlanta in Georgia, etc.

You are simply too stupid to understand that, aren't you?
The underlying problem you stupid Moon Bats never want to accept is the culture of violence we have in the Negro and Hispanic communities.

Most of the violent crime in the US takes place in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes among the Black and Browns. It is a violent ghetto culture and it is destructive. Usually among druggies, gang bangers and street thugs.

The main voting block of the filthy Democrat Party are the ghetto Blacks and Browns that commit most of the crime in America.
What would you like to see done to help communities?

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