Shooting at outlet mall in Texas

There is a trickle coming in, some already here....but the border isn't OPEN as you lyingly claim. Hold the employers accountable. Fine them, imprison them. Make them take it seriously.

over 200,000 every month come across and surrender to be moved into the USA. Estimates of ~1million un-captured have jumped the border sicne FEB 2021.
Fine employers who hire illegals.
I’d rather punish politicians who refuse to stop illegal entry

After that is taken care of we can deal with the illegals who are already here and employers who give them jobs

But close the door first
USMB conservatives are constantly making racist, bigoted, hateful posts advocating for neo-fascist authoritarianism – the right’s war on gay and transgender Americans being among the countless examples

We are responding to the left’s war on children
I’d rather punish politicians who refuse to stop illegal entry

After that is taken care of we can deal with the illegals who are already here and employers who give them jobs

But close the door first

Do you want a solution or not?
The law must be equally applied

Just picking on you while all the others go free is not justice

So because you don’t have the money or resources to go after every single one of the employers, the law shouldn’t be enforced at all? How is that “justice” for anyone?

2aguy says that the fact that Canada has strict gun control laws, but we still have gun crime and murders, is by proof positive that gun laws don’t work. Our entire homicide rate is less than a third of the US homicide rate, but the number of people murdered using guns, is 0.7 murders for 100,000 residents. Less than 10% of the US rate which is more than 7 per 100,000.

Criminal justice system can’t act as a deterrent to crime if no one’s ever prosecuted because all can’t be prosecuted. Pick the worst offenders. Make a public example of them. The rest of the scofflaws will start cleaning up their acts to avoid trouble.
We are responding to the left’s war on children

Dumb answer. Really fucking dumb answer.

Children being shot in schools, in the streets, in the movie theaters, and in shopping malls is a war on children. Gun violence is the leading cause of death for children under the age of 18 in the USA. That’s a war on children.

Tick-tock videos, falsely claiming drag queens are grooming children, are Chinese propaganda on a Chinese Website and right wing scammers. No drag queen or trans person has been arrested for sexually molesting a child.

Republicans have declared war on women, children, gays, trans people, Muslims and immigrants. There is a real body count in this war.

This isn’t fake Chinese propaganda on TikTok or Rupert Murdoch’s lies on Fox News. Real people are dying because of your insane culture wars. And the Chinese and the Russians and the Iranians are cheering your idiocy.
So because you don’t have the money or resources to go after every single one of the employers, the law shouldn’t be enforced at all? How is that “justice” for anyone?

2aguy says that the fact that Canada has strict gun control laws, but we still have gun crime and murders, is by proof positive that gun laws don’t work. Our entire homicide rate is less than a third of the US homicide rate, but the number of people murdered using guns, is 0.7 murders for 100,000 residents. Less than 10% of the US rate which is more than 7 per 100,000.

Criminal justice system can’t act as a deterrent to crime if no one’s ever prosecuted because all can’t be prosecuted. Pick the worst offenders. Make a public example of them. The rest of the scofflaws will start cleaning up their acts to avoid trouble.

It would be easier if you expand E verify. The Saudis do it very successfully. They used to have a huge problem with illegals.
There is a trickle coming in, some already here....but the border isn't OPEN as you lyingly claim. Hold the employers accountable. Fine them, imprison them. Make them take it seriously.
You might be fixing to eat those words even worse, because not only had it been open (trickling), but the dam is set to break. Then what you got to say ??
Lie's, lie's and more lie's from an anti-American activist who is using this platform to work against the United States and it's citizen's.

Free speech asshole. You just get triggered when somebody calls you out for your bullshit.

If I’m lying, prove me wrong. I’ve posted the links over and over. I’ve posted the statistics over and over and all you do is call me names and say I’m lying.

Criticism of the USA is not being anti-American. Continuing to believe lies, and bullshit and voting for people to overthrow your constitution is anti-American.
You might be fixing to eat those words even worse, because not only had it been open (trickling), but the dam is set to break. Then what you got to say ??

Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats have guts enough to solve the problem with illegals. It's neither difficult nor expensive.
a mentally retarded live at home dude with gang tatoos head to toe? You embarrass youself again you desperate communist POS.
Gang tattoos?

Here's his tattoos:

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