Shooting at outlet mall in Texas

Freedom to criticize the government. Absolutely we believe in free speech.

Freedom to lie to, commit fraud, threaten or slander others. No fucking way.

That includes all of the medical quacks that are still promoting ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as Covid cures.

Those people were selling the drugs, and they’re still selling the drugs.
Why don't you take a handful of fentanyl.
Free speech asshole. You just get triggered when somebody calls you out for your bullshit.

If I’m lying, prove me wrong. I’ve posted the links over and over. I’ve posted the statistics over and over and all you do is call me names and say I’m lying.

Criticism of the USA is not being anti-American. Continuing to believe lies, and bullshit and voting for people to overthrow your constitution is anti-American.
Going by popular opinion or going on the majority poll numbers that are raging against Biden and company, it is that just about everything the liberals post are lie's and bull crap.... It's because the information is regurgitated or interpreted by slanted biased liberal opinion's that are repeated by leftist with specific political agenda's.

You fool no one.

I don't have to agree with a damned thing you say, nor does anyone else in this country for that matter.... That is our right...
That's crap and you know it.
Explain yourself then, otherwise why do you say not when the evidence is huge out there now ??? CRT and trans stuff is in the schools, along with the teacher's being caught in their agenda's to indoctrinate everyday it seems. Yep I heard some bad stuff today about the bull crap. Living in denial is an interesting position y'all take when the evidence is in everyone's face daily.
Going by popular opinion or going on the majority poll numbers that are raging against Biden and company, it is that just about everything the liberals post are lie's and bull crap.... It's because the information is regurgitated or interpreted by slanted biased liberal opinion's that are repeated by leftist with specific political agenda's.

You fool no one.

I don't have to agree with a damned thing you say, nor does anyone else in this country for that matter.... That is our right...

Neither popular opinion, nor public opinion polls are based on fact. They are based on reading the mood of the public. And that mood can be manipulated quite easily within certain political tribes who don’t fact check ever.

The problem for you is that liberals need to lie. The facts, the data and the law are on their side. The data, number and facts proves their policies work.

Republican policies fail and crash the economy. Republicans lie because their policies don’t work and so they have to convince you that it’s the Democrats who are lying.

This is why facts matter in this is why you should be fact checking, but then you’d have to admit that Republicans are lying to you to you and have been all along and God knows you can’t face that.
Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats have guts enough to solve the problem with illegals. It's neither difficult nor expensive.
If the Democrat's would stop their bull crap, and stop alerting the illegals that ICE is coming, then something might get done, but one thing is for certain, and that is that the Democrat's have been the policy destroyers and holder's of this thing for the last 2 + year's.

It's a disaster
Neither popular opinion, nor public opinion polls are based on fact. They are based on reading the mood of the public. And that mood can be manipulated quite easily within certain political tribes who don’t fact check ever.

The problem for you is that liberals need to lie. The facts, the data and the law are on their side. The data, number and facts proves their policies work.

Republican policies fail and crash the economy. Republicans lie because their policies don’t work and so they have to convince you that it’s the Democrats who are lying.

This is why facts matter in this is why you should be fact checking, but then you’d have to admit that Republicans are lying to you to you and have been all along and God knows you can’t face that.
All I have to do is listen, look, and use my common sense in order to see right through the Democrat/Leftist bull crap, so nice try with all the mumbo jumbo bull crap.
Explain yourself then, otherwise why do you say not when the evidence is huge out there now ??? CRT and trans stuff is in the schools, along with the teacher's being caught in their agenda's to indoctrinate everyday it seems. Yep I heard some bad stuff today about the bull crap. Living in denial is an interesting position y'all take when the evidence is in everyone's face daily.

CRT is not being taught in public or high schools in the United States of America. But the con artist who came up with this idea, has become a multi-millionnaire soliciting donations selling packages and resources to parents groups to help them fight CRT in their schools.

Wash rinse repeat for the anti trans movement.


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