Shooting at outlet mall in Texas

Gee, that's weird because it seems to me that we have a Democrat in the White House and thousands at the border. What time did you start drinking today?

Already discussed the damage that Trump did on the southern border and the resulting crisis that he failed to address at any time during his Ptesidency. We’ve also discussed his dismantling of all of the courts and immigrant resources along the southern border

Do try to keep up
Already discussed the damage that Trump did on the southern border and the resulting crisis that he failed to address at any time during his Ptesidency. We’ve also discussed his dismantling of all of the courts and immigrant resources along the southern border

Do try to keep up
Biden is in the White House and thousands at the border. Deranged kunt.
Trump still had illegals working at his properties.

Trump pulled 600 illegals out of Tyson, Chicken and Koch Foods, and didn’t file a single charge against either company.

The 600 illegals went to a taxpayer funded for-profit prison camps at $700 per day per prisoner.

Both the employers and for-profit, prisons companies donate heavily to the Republican Party. The big donors get rewarded. The public gets screwed and Republicans pretend they’re tough on illegal immigration. That’s why Republicans refuse to pass legislation to deal with your immigration problem.

And Republican voters fall for it every single time.
Trump pulled 600 illegals out of Tyson, Chicken and Koch Foods, and didn’t file a single charge against either company.

The 600 illegals went to a taxpayer funded for-profit prison camps at $700 per day per prisoner.

Both the employers and for-profit, prisons companies donate heavily to the Republican Party. The big donors get rewarded. The public gets screwed and Republicans pretend they’re tough on illegal immigration. That’s why Republicans refuse to pass legislation to deal with your immigration problem.

And Republican voters fall for it every single time.
Or they are in on it. See how many posters we have here who don't want employers held responsible?
Gee, that's weird because it seems to me that we have a Democrat in the White House and thousands at the border. What time did you start drinking today?

I haven’t started drinking yet this month. The grocery store is sold out of my favourite ginger beer so I can’t make a Moscow Mule.
Or they are in on it. See how many posters we have here who don't want employers held responsible?

Democrats tried to raise the employer fines when W was an office, and Republicans voted it down.

Republicans know that he’s been Hispanics hate the Clintons, but they’ve never considered why that is and that’s because Bill was really really tough on the employers and and the border jumpers. Clinton didn’t lock people up for years, he deported them.

Republicans don’t do anything about illegal immigration or the border. The Wall was a catastrophic and expensive failure. Border crossings went up when they started building the wall and it was breached in no time. It was a bumper sticker idea no one wanted except Trump voters.
Unlike you, I don’t use my brains to wipe my ass, Shithead!

You are completely backwards. When Democrats prosecute employers, employers stop hiring illegals, and with no jobs waiting for them or employers willing to risk hiring them, illegals don’t come.

At the end of the Obama administration, illegal border crossings were at the lowest levels in 50 years. Trump ceased all prosecutions of employers, and within two years, Trump declared a national emergency on the southern border.

The same thing happened when Bill Clinton was president president. He had even more prosecutions than Obama. W was elected and stopped all employer prosecutions and illegal border crossings spiked.

The prosecution of employers brings in millions of dollars in fines, which help cover the cost of the investigations and prosecutions. The reduction in the number of illegal border crossings reduces the workload on border patrol since they have fewer border jumpers to process or return to the Mexican side.

Under Democrats, there are a fewer, border jumpers and more deportations of illegals than under Republicans. Republicans round them up and then put them in “for profit prisons” for years at the taxpayers expense.

Republicans keep feeding you the lie of “open borders”, because the Democratic method of enforcement is both more effective and cheaper for the taxpayers.

Republicans favor, huge expensive programs that don’t work and then they say government doesn’t work. Democrats deliver cost-effective programs that do work and Republicans defund them by cutting taxes, then layer on administration expenses so the programs are less effective and more expensive, giving them an excuse to cut the program.
Ok, so I agree that if what you are saying is true, then that is just one method for sure in stopping illegals from coming.

However I don't believe a damned word that you say, because I was working in construction during those year's, and illegals were everywhere working in the construction and manufacturing industries. It was when Trump came in that he started to clean up the situation.

Why ?

Because America had done had enough of it all already, and it was demanding it's government to do something about it finally, and Trump became the man with the task.

I remember the next thing we knew, the job sites started looking a lot different, otherwise no illegals or people of the Mexican national origin and/or of other national origin's were present on these sites anymore.

So where did they go ?

They had to go because Trump began getting policies changed or created that promoted American's back into the work forces again. He also rallied companies to come back here, and was promoting Americans in the workforce again. It was working too. What we witnessed replacing the Mexican Nationals along with other's that were found throughout the workforces in construction, were African Americans by the thousands.

This was when black's had a much higher rate of employment under Trump than ever before.

Chicken processing plants were raided, and the illegals had to go, and then we saw black Americans begin to fill these job's in a huge way. Construction was the same.

Then Biden came in, and him and his buddies started destroying everything Trump had done for America.

The Democrat's are pure evil is what they are (the ones that are filthy guilty).

Go find someone else to spew your bull crap on, because for us who were living in the trenches of America know better.
Who's in the White House?

The problems don’t go away when Trump walks out the White House door. You can’t replace infrastructure and personnel for immigration intake, including judges, social workers And immigration workers, overnight when the offices have been closed, the funding has been canceled, and the stuff have been dispersed.

Trump did nothing about the problems that created the refugee crisis in the first place, he simply refused to let these people cross the border, and then waited for the violence to errupt.

Trump wanted chaos on the southern border. He wanted riots and disease and violence to prove his point that these people should not be let in. The cruelty was a feature, not a bug. These are crimes against humanity.

The Republican stance on border and immigration is inhumane, immoral and illegal. The entire world is watching the US and they’re disgusted
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Trump still had illegals working at his properties.
So, just as long as he began doing the Job America wanted him to do, then him and all of the Washington crew were placed on notice that it was time for change, and Trump became the general to lead the charge. That's what we expected of him, and that's what he began delivering. Our founder's weren't perfect men, and much could be said about that, but they wrote and sponsored some of the greatest documents the world has ever known. We still honor and cherish those documents till this very day. You gotta a problem with that ??
The problems don’t go away when Trump walks out the White House door. You can’t replace infrastructure and personnel for immigration intake, including judges, social workers And immigration workers, overnight when the offices have been closed, the funding has been canceled, and the stuff have been dispersed.

Trump did nothing about the problems that created the refugee crisis in the first place, he simply refused to let these people cross the border, and then waited for the violence to errupt.

Trump wanted chaos on the southern border. He wanted riots and disease and violence to prove his point that these people should not be let in. The cruelty was a feature, not a bug. These are crimes against humanity.

The Republican stance on border and immigration is inhumane, immoral and illegal. The entire world is watching us and they’re disgusted
Who's in the White House, you deranged kunt.
The problems don’t go away when Trump walks out the White House door. You can’t replace infrastructure and personnel for immigration intake, including judges, social workers And immigration workers, overnight when the offices have been closed, the funding has been canceled, and the stuff have been dispersed.

Trump did nothing about the problems that created the refugee crisis in the first place, he simply refused to let these people cross the border, and then waited for the violence to errupt.

Trump wanted chaos on the southern border. He wanted riots and disease and violence to prove his point that these people should not be let in. The cruelty was a feature, not a bug. These are crimes against humanity.

The Republican stance on border and immigration is inhumane, immoral and illegal. The entire world is watching us and they’re disgusted
Lie's, lie's and more lie's from an anti-American activist who is using this platform to work against the United States and it's citizen's.
Everything is Trump’s fault.

He wanted to build a bigger better wall for $5 billion, but the Dems and RINOs fought it tooth and nail.

Now we throw Ukraine $5 billion every other week.
Absolute brilliant point.

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