Shooting at outlet mall in Texas

Ok, so I agree that if what you are saying is true, then that is just one method for sure in stopping illegals from coming.

However I don't believe a damned word that you say, because I was working in construction during those year's, and illegals were everywhere working in the construction and manufacturing industries. It was when Trump came in that he started to clean up the situation.

Why ?

Because America had done had enough of it all already, and it was demanding it's government to do something about it finally, and Trump became the man with the task.

I remember the next thing we knew, the job sites started looking a lot different, otherwise no illegals or people of the Mexican national origin and/or of other national origin's were present on these sites anymore.

So where did they go ?

They had to go because Trump began getting policies changed or created that promoted American's back into the work forces again. He also rallied companies to come back here, and was promoting Americans in the workforce again. It was working too. What we witnessed replacing the Mexican Nationals along with other's that were found throughout the workforces in construction, were African Americans by the thousands.

This was when black's had a much higher rate of employment under Trump than ever before.

Chicken processing plants were raided, and the illegals had to go, and then we saw black Americans begin to fill these job's in a huge way. Construction was the same.

Then Biden came in, and him and his buddies started destroying everything Trump had done for America.

The Democrat's are pure evil is what they are (the ones that are filthy guilty).

Go find someone else to spew your bull crap on, because for us who were living in the trenches of America know better.
You might be surprised by the number of Hispanics on constructions jobs that appear to you to be illegal that have green cards. Coming across the border legally or illegal does not change appearances at all.

Deportations under Trump from the interior were the lowest in at least 10 years
Ok, so I agree that if what you are saying is true, then that is just one method for sure in stopping illegals from coming.

However I don't believe a damned word that you say, because I was working in construction during those year's, and illegals were everywhere working in the construction and manufacturing industries. It was when Trump came in that he started to clean up the situation.

Why ?

Because America had done had enough of it all already, and it was demanding it's government to do something about it finally, and Trump became the man with the task.

I remember the next thing we knew, the job sites started looking a lot different, otherwise no illegals or people of the Mexican national origin and/or of other national origin's were present on these sites anymore.

So where did they go ?

They had to go because Trump began getting policies changed or created that promoted American's back into the work forces again. He also rallied companies to come back here, and was promoting Americans in the workforce again. It was working too. What we witnessed replacing the Mexican Nationals along with other's that were found throughout the workforces in construction, were African Americans by the thousands.

This was when black's had a much higher rate of employment under Trump than ever before.

Chicken processing plants were raided, and the illegals had to go, and then we saw black Americans begin to fill these job's in a huge way. Construction was the same.

Then Biden came in, and him and his buddies started destroying everything Trump had done for America.

The Democrat's are pure evil is what they are (the ones that are filthy guilty).

Go find someone else to spew your bull crap on, because for us who were living in the trenches of America know better.

300,000 Mexicans, self deported when Barack Obama was in the White House, in large part because of the job losses in the recession, but also because of the prosecutions.

Black unemployment reached its lowest point under Barack Obama. Job growth for blacks slowed under Donald Trump.

The numbers and statistics from Donald Trump’s on administration simply do not support anything you posted.

Off shoring of manufacturing jobs continued unabated under Donald Trump. The tariffs on steel and aluminum drove a lot of companies out of business and cost the economy more than 150,000 manufacturing jobs over and above the 40,000 jobs increases in the steel industry.

By 2019, American manufacturing was already in a recession and manufacturing jobs were at the same levels they had been in in 2009.

Trump didn’t clean up the situation. He made it worse. The situation started changing when Trump came in because of the work that Obama did for eight years.

Koch and Tyson weren’t hiring illegals when Obama was in the White House
You might be surprised by the number of Hispanics on constructions jobs that appear to you to be illegal that have green cards. Coming across the border legally or illegal does not change appearances at all.

Deportations under Trump from the interior were the lowest in at least 10 years
I go by evidence of the non-speaking english Hispanics who needed interpreters to communicate, so it wasn't just a visual observation, but actually we asked questions and got answers from the interpreters as to what was going on.

Many American (play by the rules), companies were being undercut by the situation. It was a highly unfair and non-competitive environment that was created, and many who played by the rules were getting slaughtered.
What is a right-wing death squad arm patch ? Show me one, and then point it out.

I think this is what he was wearing. There are others.
You wouldn't know a communist if he flew up your nose. We have a bunch of cowards in America pretending to be macho men who can't face reality.

I left my blood on the ground in Viet Nam, fighting Communism. These assholes fall on their knees before the Communist Putin, who a Lieutenant Colonel in K.G.B. They worship a Communist. Fuck them.
So, just as long as he began doing the Job America wanted him to do, then him and all of the Washington crew were placed on notice that it was time for change, and Trump became the general to lead the charge. That's what we expected of him, and that's what he began delivering. Our founder's weren't perfect men, and much could be said about that, but they wrote and sponsored some of the greatest documents the world has ever known. We still honor and cherish those documents till this very day. You gotta a problem with that ??

Trump doesn’t cherish the document. Trumps recent statement says that the Constitution should be ignored.

Posters in this form have said repeatedly that democracy has failed. One even posted that the country needs to try something different in order to see if the Republic. If democracy has failed and the Constitution is to be ignored, there is no Republic.

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