Shooting in VA park, Steve scalise shot

That thing looks like a loaf of monkey bread.

So I reckon you think it was funny as well

Okay thanks, that's who Steve Scalise is, I agree with Steve McGarrett it's probably going to be Antifa human filth.

The Leftist Maniacs have been getting more violent, whipped up by the Professional Leftist Agitators.

Well its the RWNJ's that love their guns. The GOP wants everyone to have a gun, or is it only republicans they want to have guns. Maybe some GOP will rethink their views.
Thousands of laws governing firearms on the books.

Enforce those, and no new one will be needed

Obsolete, anyone can get a gun and almost every state has open carry. Even those mentally unable to cash their own SS checks can get one. All we can do is pray and maybe the Fed Gov can supply guns for all since the GOP is in charge, kind of like a cell phone for poor people. Pray and allow everyone to carry a gun is the GOP motto.

Guns stopped this terrorist. Thank God.

He'd have shot a lot fewer without one.
It was someone on the Left.
Really, do tell?

Btw, I bet Kathy Griffin's life just got worse.
Btw, I don't give a flying fuck about Kathy Griffin.

She lives in a world where Trump is a monster thus, it seemed acceptable to her to post a picture of her hold his decapitated head.

You live in that world too.

WIth each and every fucking vile lie the left spreads they support and nurture the idea that Trump is an Evil bad enough to justify violence.

And we see more and more liberals doing just that.

Okay thanks, that's who Steve Scalise is, I agree with Steve McGarrett it's probably going to be Antifa human filth.

The Leftist Maniacs have been getting more violent, whipped up by the Professional Leftist Agitators.

Well its the RWNJ's that love their guns. The GOP wants everyone to have a gun, or is it only republicans they want to have guns. Maybe some GOP will rethink their views.
Thousands of laws governing firearms on the books.

Enforce those, and no new one will be needed

Obsolete, anyone can get a gun and almost every state has open carry. Even those mentally unable to cash their own SS checks can get one. All we can do is pray and maybe the Fed Gov can supply guns for all since the GOP is in charge, kind of like a cell phone for poor people. Pray and allow everyone to carry a gun is the GOP motto.

Guns stopped this terrorist. Thank God.

What an ignorant statement.

Okay thanks, that's who Steve Scalise is, I agree with Steve McGarrett it's probably going to be Antifa human filth.

The Leftist Maniacs have been getting more violent, whipped up by the Professional Leftist Agitators.

Well its the RWNJ's that love their guns. The GOP wants everyone to have a gun, or is it only republicans they want to have guns. Maybe some GOP will rethink their views.
Thousands of laws governing firearms on the books.

Enforce those, and no new one will be needed

Obsolete, anyone can get a gun and almost every state has open carry. Even those mentally unable to cash their own SS checks can get one. All we can do is pray and maybe the Fed Gov can supply guns for all since the GOP is in charge, kind of like a cell phone for poor people. Pray and allow everyone to carry a gun is the GOP motto.
Nothing you say is ever true. The SS recipient issue had to do with managing the paperwork, not cashing checks. Most states are OC? Never heard that one. But no, we do not want to arm liberals, too emotional and the gun will make them do things.
Yup. Just what you wanted. You are sad the shooter was a lousy shot, but this is the crescendo you libs are building to. The democrat party has been instigating this since trump got in office. You reap what you fulminate, so reap it you gutless cowards.

Who on this forum has been instigating violence against Trump?
Everyone that treats him like he's Satan. Which is just about every lib here.

Yeah you guys were so good to Obama and couldn’t have been nicer to Ms. Clinton.


Nut jobs who burn down college campuses and spray young girls with pepper spray are now taking it to a new level


You mean these guys?
Snowflakes got out of their safe space…
Okay thanks, that's who Steve Scalise is, I agree with Steve McGarrett it's probably going to be Antifa human filth.

The Leftist Maniacs have been getting more violent, whipped up by the Professional Leftist Agitators.

Well its the RWNJ's that love their guns. The GOP wants everyone to have a gun, or is it only republicans they want to have guns. Maybe some GOP will rethink their views.
Thousands of laws governing firearms on the books.

Enforce those, and no new one will be needed

Obsolete, anyone can get a gun and almost every state has open carry. Even those mentally unable to cash their own SS checks can get one. All we can do is pray and maybe the Fed Gov can supply guns for all since the GOP is in charge, kind of like a cell phone for poor people. Pray and allow everyone to carry a gun is the GOP motto.

Guns stopped this terrorist. Thank God.

He'd have shot a lot fewer without one.

He would had just blown them up with a pressure cooker, or ran people over with a truck.

It's not the means we need to focus on, it's the terrorists we allow on the streets. Thugs and terrorists should be kept locked up.

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