Shooting in VA park, Steve scalise shot

Motive "Unclear"........but only to those critical thinkers on the left.


"The shooter was James T. Hodgkinson of Belleville, who belonged to a number of anti-Republican groups, including one called Terminate the Republican Party.”
- Belleville suspect killed in congressional shootout belonged to anti-GOP groups
And that is EXACTLY what we expected to hear from the LEFTIST DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA TRASH MACHINE.

We all know better though. The only people that buy that garbage are the brain dead little snowflake progtards who WANT to hear that pap.
Fifty shots were reportedly fired.

Thankfully progressives believe their BS and think guns are magical and all you need to do is pull the trigger.

Hopefully the only one to die is the progressive asshole.

WRONG & stupid rumor mongering of a partisan jerk.

What do we know? A person who should not have had a gun, had one and used it to harm others. The only political aspect of this incident is this, too many guns are in the possession of too many people who should not have a gun in their possession.

If fingers need to be pointed, point them at the NRA and its policy of no gun control ever!

You don't yet know whether the shooter should have legally been prevented from having a firearm.

I don't want to try to find wrycatchers I will go from your link to it...

There are 8 million of these rifles in American was used today to do this shooting.....

8,000,000 to 1

And these rifles in have been used to murder 167 34 years.....

knives are used to murder over 1,500 people every single year....

The anti-gunners want these guns banned...even though they have no facts or statistics to back up their fear....

So the Brits would be better off had their last terrorist attackers had assault rifles instead of knives...


So....are explosives banned in Britain too......since the Manchester bomber used explosives...perhaps they should ban explosives in Britain too.......right?

Can you go to a gun show and purchase explosives? I suppose you can in the parking lot.
Motive "Unclear"........but only to those critical thinkers on the left.


"The shooter was James T. Hodgkinson of Belleville, who belonged to a number of anti-Republican groups, including one called Terminate the Republican Party.”
- Belleville suspect killed in congressional shootout belonged to anti-GOP groups

I agree with his sign, we need more tax brackets, and what do the Tea Partiers, and the Freedom Caucus belong to anti dem groups. The state over Fed government is also anti Dem. So what, I am very anti gop and I sign partitions.
I agree with his sign, we need more tax brackets, and what do the Tea Partiers, and Caucus belong to anti dem groups.

You DO realize that 'TEA' stands for 'TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY', which means they are against high govt taxes, no matter WHO - GOP or DNC - is taxing them / raising the taxes, right?
a. No, he didn't

b. Thank you for being honest about your support for the shooter. So many of your lefties are too cowardly to stand up for their alleged beliefs. are wrong
b...again you're wrong you fail as a poster and probably an american

a. Link to support your claim.

b. YOu just used a phrase the implies that the person who was wronged after doing wrong had it coming. Combined with your accusation that Trump called for violence FIRST, your words were taking the blame off the shooter and putting it on Trump.
maybe you took it that way but I for 1 abhor violence While people maybe even I, shoot our mouths off I'm sure bloodshed is not what we want...

Words have meaning, and you lefties are far to comfortable with just saying what ever it takes in that moment to smear your enemies without any thought as to whether it is accurate or what effects it has on people.
Well MAYBE it didn't come out like it should have BUT your president must bear some responsibility as he has promoted violence and maybe HE didn't have a thought as to how his loyal subjects would take it

Spot on, of course the Trump supporter's denial is thick, and they will attack you and your thought provoking message, rather thank think about the issue, Trump's words and violence in America.
And here's the dead shooter


BREAKING: Scalise Shooter Identified – James T. Hodgkinson – Bernie Supporter – THREATENED TRUMP
SO...what we know is that a lone, radicalized liberal belonging to anti-GOP groups, one calling for the 'termination' of the GOP, shows up at a GOP event and begins firing on them, wounding several people, before being killed himself.

Thankfully they police killed this terrorist / shooter before he could hurt anyone else.
So where did that GOP put the belt tourniquet if he got hit in the hip?
I agree with his sign, we need more tax brackets, and what do the Tea Partiers, and Caucus belong to anti dem groups.

You DO realize that 'TEA' stands for 'TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY', which means they are against high govt taxes, no matter WHO - GOP or DNC - is taxing them / raising the taxes, right?

It stands for bigotry, racism and foolish governance, in practice. If you don't tax, you don't fix the leaking roof, and one day it will collapse and destroy the building. I hope that is not too abstract for you.

The Republican antipathy for taxes is myopic and based on greed - a deadly sin and an emotion - not pragmatic reasoning or even common sense. The Freedom Caucus in the H. or Rep. is built on a foundation of demagoguery - tell the people they can have their cake and eat it to.
Steve Scalise shooting: 'Political rhetorical terrorism' contributed to attack, rep says

"Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Ill., specifically blamed “political rhetorical terrorism” – heated rhetoric on social media and in the news – for Wednesday’s shooting, in which House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and several others were wounded."

He's right, and it has to stop.

The politicians and the media all have blood on their hands with this one...

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