Shooting in VA park, Steve scalise shot

It stands for bigotry, racism and foolish governance, in practice.
This is, of course, why Obama had to become only the 2nd President in US history to abuse his power by using the IRS as a weapon against American citizens - those he called his 'political enemies', right?

Thank you for that extremely partisan, triggered opinion.

My guess is that they are feverishly combing through his social media postings. If we had his name many of us could find out more about his motivation, and put to rest, much of the speculation that surrounds this incident.

Surely by now they know who he is...
So why are they withholding the name of the shooter?
old fat white question?
There are 63million,,, and more that didn't vote that hate trump We'd never do what that nut job did

I've seen quite a number of lefties accuse Trump of being a Hitler, or other form of very dangerous crazy,

IF you really believe that, why wouldn't you fight, if you are capable?
Fight? When the cause is just......Meanwhile on another note good thing he picked a softball game and not a golf course

Everything you lefties say, defines the situation as "just cause.

And golf course would have gotten him killed, before he even saw Trump.
It stands for bigotry, racism and foolish governance, in practice.
Thank you for that extremely partisan, triggered opinion.


An opinion based on empirical evidence, and don't ever edit a post - it is tantamount to a LIE by OMISSION!

For other reader's, I will post my entire comment to this dishonest hack:

It stands for bigotry, racism and foolish governance, in practice. If you don't tax, you don't fix the leaking roof, and one day it will collapse and destroy the building. I hope that is not too abstract for you.

The Republican antipathy for taxes is myopic and based on greed - a deadly sin and an emotion - not pragmatic reasoning or even common sense. The Freedom Caucus in the H. or Rep. is built on a foundation of demagoguery - tell the people they can have their cake and eat it to.

Others may choose to post a rebuttal, and explain how cutting taxes will repair and replace a failing infrastructure, provide for the common defence and general welfare of our nation.

Confirmed: Gunman Was an Anti-Trump Leftist
Steve Scalise shooting: 'Political rhetorical terrorism' contributed to attack, rep says

"Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Ill., specifically blamed “political rhetorical terrorism” – heated rhetoric on social media and in the news – for Wednesday’s shooting, in which House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and several others were wounded."

He's right, and it has to stop.

The politicians and the media all have blood on their hands with this one...

You know I read his wiki article this am after the shooting not knowing who he was and it said he was a white nationalist like a David Duke without the baggage, I just recently checked it and that is gone, but the shooting is on it now. Anyway I think DT is the source of all this ugliness, he is fueling this. I guess his being a victim now makes his past as clean as snow.
It stands for bigotry, racism and foolish governance, in practice.
Thank you for that extremely partisan, triggered opinion.


An opinion based on empirical evidence, and don't ever edit a post - it is tantamount to a LIE by OMISSION!

For other reader's, I will post my entire comment to this dishonest hack:

It stands for bigotry, racism and foolish governance, in practice. If you don't tax, you don't fix the leaking roof, and one day it will collapse and destroy the building. I hope that is not too abstract for you.

The Republican antipathy for taxes is myopic and based on greed - a deadly sin and an emotion - not pragmatic reasoning or even common sense. The Freedom Caucus in the H. or Rep. is built on a foundation of demagoguery - tell the people they can have their cake and eat it to.

Others may choose to post a rebuttal, and explain how cutting taxes will repair and replace a failing infrastructure, provide for the common defence and general welfare of our nation.

You stand in lockstep with the mindset of the violent shooter.

Nuff said.
It stands for bigotry, racism and foolish governance, in practice.
Thank you for that extremely partisan, triggered opinion.


An opinion based on empirical evidence, and don't ever edit a post - it is tantamount to a LIE by OMISSION!

For other reader's, I will post my entire comment to this dishonest hack:

It stands for bigotry, racism and foolish governance, in practice. If you don't tax, you don't fix the leaking roof, and one day it will collapse and destroy the building. I hope that is not too abstract for you.

The Republican antipathy for taxes is myopic and based on greed - a deadly sin and an emotion - not pragmatic reasoning or even common sense. The Freedom Caucus in the H. or Rep. is built on a foundation of demagoguery - tell the people they can have their cake and eat it to.

Others may choose to post a rebuttal, and explain how cutting taxes will repair and replace a failing infrastructure, provide for the common defence and general welfare of our nation.

You are the one that as part of your question, assumes that your enemies motivation is sin.

Thus to disagree with you on this issue, is to be Evil.

And you accuse others of being bigots or demagogues.

Steve Scalise shooting: 'Political rhetorical terrorism' contributed to attack, rep says

"Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Ill., specifically blamed “political rhetorical terrorism” – heated rhetoric on social media and in the news – for Wednesday’s shooting, in which House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and several others were wounded."

He's right, and it has to stop.

The politicians and the media all have blood on their hands with this one...

You know I read his wiki article this am after the shooting not knowing who he was and it said he was a white nationalist like a David Duke without the baggage, I just recently checked it and that is gone, but the shooting is on it now. Anyway I think DT is the source of all this ugliness, he is fueling this.
Yeah Madonna wanting to blow up White House,Kathy Griffin pretending to cut President Trumps head off,Democrap house and senate leaders claiming people will die etc had NOTHING to do with this. I think President Trump needs to take advantage of this entire thing :)
Why not? When Giffords was shot The Democrats blamed it on a Sarah Palin ad that had a target on Giffords' state as well as several other Democrats they were trying to defeat in the election that year.

Are you now finally understanding the absurdity of reacting like that?
Not a target on Gifford's state....a target on Gifford.

And the difference is?

Per Drudge Tweet,

Sounds like an Antifa fag. Will they finally be labeled a terrorist group?
Stop Legitimizing this SCUM by calling them ANTIFA. That movement is all about FASCISM. Brownshirt, Blackshirt, no difference.

You know what the Nazi Brownshirts called themselves? Something Heroic just like these pieces of subhuman shit do.
Sturmabteilung or in English "Storm Detachment"

Their movement has nothing to do with fighting Fascism, and like The Nazis, it is about Promoting Nazism, or in their case Liberal Fascism.

I've made posts before about how the left lie about what they are. "Liberal", "progressive", and now "Antifa", when they have never supported liberty or progress, and are pro-Islamicfascism.

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