Shooting in VA park, Steve scalise shot

Surprise, surprise....Clinton protégée / spawn and potential 2020 Presidential election Libtard Terry McAuliffe immediately calls for MORE gun control at the scene of the political terrorist attack rather than condemn the un-precedented level of out-of-control political rhetoric that 'radicalized' the liberal shooter.

Forget the cause of his radicalization and violence, darn those implements through which he carried out his rage and radicalized violence.

Virginia Governor Calls For Gun Control At Scene Of Scalise Shooting

"“I think we need to do more to protect all of our citizens,” McAuliffe told The Daily Caller News Foundation and other reporters near the scene of the shooting. “I have long advocated — this is not what today is about — but there are too many guns on the streets. We lose 93 million Americans a day to gun violence. I have long talked about this.”

Forget the Liberal message of 'HATE' Democrats and the Liberal media have been drumming into people's heads, radicalizing them until the point where they go out and commit acts of terrorism like this...this would not have happened if we would have just stripped Americans of their the UK did to their people.

Yeah, that worked out great.....
Why not? When Giffords was shot The Democrats blamed it on a Sarah Palin ad that had a target on Giffords' state as well as several other Democrats they were trying to defeat in the election that year.

Are you now finally understanding the absurdity of reacting like that?
Not a target on Gifford's state....a target on Gifford.

And the difference is?
Let's see...I put a target on an inanimate object.....I put a target on an animate person. Hmmmmmmmmm, let's see.
Listening to Limbaugh right now, as he explains how it's the fault of the Left that this happened, it's all their fault that our political environment has become so divided.

The King of the Division Pimps, saying this.

The problem lies with the behaviors of the crazies of both ends of the spectrum.

What I don't know is whether he knows this, or if he's just become blind.

Right, and you are right, he and Hannity are the kings of division, and Gingrich along with them.
It stands for bigotry, racism and foolish governance, in practice.
Thank you for that extremely partisan, triggered opinion.


An opinion based on empirical evidence, and don't ever edit a post - it is tantamount to a LIE by OMISSION!

For other reader's, I will post my entire comment to this dishonest hack:

It stands for bigotry, racism and foolish governance, in practice. If you don't tax, you don't fix the leaking roof, and one day it will collapse and destroy the building. I hope that is not too abstract for you.

The Republican antipathy for taxes is myopic and based on greed - a deadly sin and an emotion - not pragmatic reasoning or even common sense. The Freedom Caucus in the H. or Rep. is built on a foundation of demagoguery - tell the people they can have their cake and eat it to.

Others may choose to post a rebuttal, and explain how cutting taxes will repair and replace a failing infrastructure, provide for the common defence and general welfare of our nation.

You stand in lockstep with the mindset of the violent shooter.

Nuff said.

Really? I'd like you to post your reasoning for making such an allegation. The Violent Shooter is dead, we have no idea what motivated him to act in the manner he did, do you believe you have some ideas? Post 'em.
Pelosi: "...something you’ve never heard me say before. I identify myself with the remarks of the Speaker.”
Now watch they will call for more GUN control bank on it, just the false flag kind of stuff mentioned before take an incident like this and those morons like Maxine Waters, Gabby Giffords will all go on take the guns bandwagon again WATCH!!!

Of course they will. They already are. McAuliffe broached the subject this morning.

It will be just as effective as usual.
Are you unfamiliar with the word "convenient"? Or any other word in my comment?
I would like you to clarify what you mean by saying 'that's convenient' upon hearing the shooter had been killed. Do you have a problem with doing that? Is there a reason you would rather not? It's really a non-threatening question. Just wondering what you meant.
Democrats, the Party of terrorists.

bill ayers, rahid khalidi, bernadine dorhn...that Puerto Rican terrorists the democrats had in their parade this weekend.....their love and freindship with terrorists is a terrorist nation, Iran, 150 billion dollars in cash and letting them get nuclear weapons.....


VA Governor GOES OFF on Gun Owners After Shooting: “We Lose 93 MILLION Americans a Day to Gun Violence” …Huh? (VIDEO)

He clarified 93 a day, and he is right.

To use today's attack just minutes after people were shot to go off on gun control is absolutely despicable.

What you consider despicable, rational people understand that there are too many guns in the hands of too many people who should never possess one.
It stands for bigotry, racism and foolish governance, in practice.
Thank you for that extremely partisan, triggered opinion.


An opinion based on empirical evidence, and don't ever edit a post - it is tantamount to a LIE by OMISSION!

For other reader's, I will post my entire comment to this dishonest hack:

It stands for bigotry, racism and foolish governance, in practice. If you don't tax, you don't fix the leaking roof, and one day it will collapse and destroy the building. I hope that is not too abstract for you.

The Republican antipathy for taxes is myopic and based on greed - a deadly sin and an emotion - not pragmatic reasoning or even common sense. The Freedom Caucus in the H. or Rep. is built on a foundation of demagoguery - tell the people they can have their cake and eat it to.

Others may choose to post a rebuttal, and explain how cutting taxes will repair and replace a failing infrastructure, provide for the common defence and general welfare of our nation.

You stand in lockstep with the mindset of the violent shooter.

Nuff said.

Really? I'd like you to post your reasoning for making such an allegation. The Violent Shooter is dead, we have no idea what motivated him to act in the manner he did, do you believe you have some ideas? Post 'em.

O-Tay Buttwheet!

He post things identical to leftist posters here. :eek:

Here’s what accused gunman James Hodgkinson posted on social media before firing at GOP lawmakers
Hodgkinson campaigned for Sanders in Iowa while the Vermont lawmaker was running for the Democratic presidential nomination last year, the Washington Post reports.

Charles Orear, 50, of St. Louis, who worked alongside him, called Hodgkinson a passionate progressive who showed no signs of violence or malice toward others.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Orear told the newspaper. “I met him on the Bernie trail in Iowa, worked with him in the Quad Cities area.”

He said Hodgkinson was a “quiet guy,” “very mellow, very reserved,” who stayed with him at a fellow Sanders’s supporters home in Illinois.


Hodgkinson was also the member of Facebook groups titled, “Terminate the Republican Party” and “The Road to Hell Is Paved With Republicans.” Other groups include, “Boycott the Republican Party,” “Expose Republican Fraud,” Donald Trump is not my president,” and “Illinois Berners United to Resist Trump.”

That makes him a leftist? Historically he would be classified as a member of the sans-culottes, i.e. a lower-class Parisian republican in the French Revolution.
"The gunman who shot Republican whip Steve Scalise asked about political affiliation before opening fire on lawmakers practicing for a congressional baseball game."

Absolutely this was a crazy lefty. Good thing they're bad shots.

GOP lawmaker: Baseball field shooter asked ‘whether it was Republicans or Democrats out there’
New Details
June 14, 2017, 10:03 AM EDT

Eyewitness accounts now identify the gunman as a heavy-set white male in his 40s or 50s. The Alexandria Police say the single suspect is in custody. He has not as yet been identified by name.

Earlier reports that the gunman asked the partisan identification of the people practicing before opening fire appears to have been in error, a good faith confusion of another person with the shooter. I’m not sure we can definitively rule that report out. But it now appears that report is at best unconfirmed and likely erroneous.
"The gunman who shot Republican whip Steve Scalise asked about political affiliation before opening fire on lawmakers practicing for a congressional baseball game."

Absolutely this was a crazy lefty. Good thing they're bad shots.

GOP lawmaker: Baseball field shooter asked ‘whether it was Republicans or Democrats out there’
New Details
June 14, 2017, 10:03 AM EDT

Eyewitness accounts now identify the gunman as a heavy-set white male in his 40s or 50s. The Alexandria Police say the single suspect is in custody. He has not as yet been identified by name.

Earlier reports that the gunman asked the partisan identification of the people practicing before opening fire appears to have been in error, a good faith confusion of another person with the shooter. I’m not sure we can definitively rule that report out. But it now appears that report is at best unconfirmed and likely erroneous.

Of course they are saying that, as Americans everywhere cast a baleful eye at the Democrats and their Leftist mob.
Democrats, the Party of terrorists.

bill ayers, rahid khalidi, bernadine dorhn...that Puerto Rican terrorists the democrats had in their parade this weekend.....their love and freindship with terrorists is a terrorist nation, Iran, 150 billion dollars in cash and letting them get nuclear weapons.....

UM that was their money. Also SA is the terrorists, they do not have nuclear weapons, thanks to the Obama Admin.

No...that was the iranian people's money and they are under the control of terrorist do not give the leading sponsor of terrorism around the world, looking to make nuclear weapons which they have stated they will use.....150 billion dollars in wait till there is a democratically sane government in charge....he didn't do tha.

VA Governor GOES OFF on Gun Owners After Shooting: “We Lose 93 MILLION Americans a Day to Gun Violence” …Huh? (VIDEO)

He clarified 93 a day, and he is right.

To use today's attack just minutes after people were shot to go off on gun control is absolutely despicable.

What you consider despicable, rational people understand that there are too many guns in the hands of too many people who should never possess one.

And yet, high gun ownership counties are not the high crime counties.

Almost as though the problem is not gun related.

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