Shooting in VA park, Steve scalise shot

An opinion based on empirical evidence, and don't ever edit a post - it is tantamount to a LIE by OMISSION!

For other reader's, I will post my entire comment to this dishonest hack:

It stands for bigotry, racism and foolish governance, in practice. If you don't tax, you don't fix the leaking roof, and one day it will collapse and destroy the building. I hope that is not too abstract for you.

The Republican antipathy for taxes is myopic and based on greed - a deadly sin and an emotion - not pragmatic reasoning or even common sense. The Freedom Caucus in the H. or Rep. is built on a foundation of demagoguery - tell the people they can have their cake and eat it to.

Others may choose to post a rebuttal, and explain how cutting taxes will repair and replace a failing infrastructure, provide for the common defence and general welfare of our nation.

The fascist LUST for taxes is based on greed.

Your demand that government use the threat of violence to take from others is based on your desire to get something for nothing.

Oh, and don't you Bolsheviks continually demand that defense be CUT? You know you do, Brown Shirt.
It stands for bigotry, racism and foolish governance, in practice.
Thank you for that extremely partisan, triggered opinion.


An opinion based on empirical evidence, and don't ever edit a post - it is tantamount to a LIE by OMISSION!

For other reader's, I will post my entire comment to this dishonest hack:

It stands for bigotry, racism and foolish governance, in practice. If you don't tax, you don't fix the leaking roof, and one day it will collapse and destroy the building. I hope that is not too abstract for you.

The Republican antipathy for taxes is myopic and based on greed - a deadly sin and an emotion - not pragmatic reasoning or even common sense. The Freedom Caucus in the H. or Rep. is built on a foundation of demagoguery - tell the people they can have their cake and eat it to.

Others may choose to post a rebuttal, and explain how cutting taxes will repair and replace a failing infrastructure, provide for the common defence and general welfare of our nation.

You stand in lockstep with the mindset of the violent shooter.

Nuff said.

Really? I'd like you to post your reasoning for making such an allegation. The Violent Shooter is dead, we have no idea what motivated him to act in the manner he did, do you believe you have some ideas? Post 'em.

He is a Bernie Brown Shirt.
a. Link to support your claim.

b. YOu just used a phrase the implies that the person who was wronged after doing wrong had it coming. Combined with your accusation that Trump called for violence FIRST, your words were taking the blame off the shooter and putting it on Trump.
maybe you took it that way but I for 1 abhor violence While people maybe even I, shoot our mouths off I'm sure bloodshed is not what we want...

Words have meaning, and you lefties are far to comfortable with just saying what ever it takes in that moment to smear your enemies without any thought as to whether it is accurate or what effects it has on people.
Well MAYBE it didn't come out like it should have BUT your president must bear some responsibility as he has promoted violence and maybe HE didn't have a thought as to how his loyal subjects would take it

Spot on, of course the Trump supporter's denial is thick, and they will attack you and your thought provoking message, rather thank think about the issue, Trump's words and violence in America.

Trump isn't the one promoting violence. THe Left is.

Take the Fire in Europe yesterday, and this incident today news flash something bigger is coming. might be tomorrow, might be next week, either way they've got plans and as it was said a few years ago it will be worse than 911.

Oh lord you are one of these end time people. You must be unaware of history.
Listening to Limbaugh right now, as he explains how it's the fault of the Left that this happened, it's all their fault that our political environment has become so divided.

The King of the Division Pimps, saying this.

The problem lies with the behaviors of the crazies of both ends of the spectrum.

What I don't know is whether he knows this, or if he's just become blind.

No question that Limbaugh and even Trump himself when he was a candidate has said some stupid stuff that is divisive. But not that many people on the Right go to the extremes that the Lefties do, I don't remember seeing anybody on the Right holding up a picture of Obama's severed and bloody head, or a group of actors dressing up Julius Caesar to look like Trump before they stab him to death in Central Park. I don't remember seeing example after example of the stark vitriol and viciousness from those on the Right that I see from the Left these days, including some on national TV. Look guys, you don't have to like Trump and you can oppose his policies all you want but for God's sake get a grip. Things have gone too far when somebody start shooting at somebody else based on their politics, and words matter.
It stands for bigotry, racism and foolish governance, in practice.
Thank you for that extremely partisan, triggered opinion.


An opinion based on empirical evidence, and don't ever edit a post - it is tantamount to a LIE by OMISSION!

For other reader's, I will post my entire comment to this dishonest hack:

It stands for bigotry, racism and foolish governance, in practice. If you don't tax, you don't fix the leaking roof, and one day it will collapse and destroy the building. I hope that is not too abstract for you.

The Republican antipathy for taxes is myopic and based on greed - a deadly sin and an emotion - not pragmatic reasoning or even common sense. The Freedom Caucus in the H. or Rep. is built on a foundation of demagoguery - tell the people they can have their cake and eat it to.

Others may choose to post a rebuttal, and explain how cutting taxes will repair and replace a failing infrastructure, provide for the common defence and general welfare of our nation.

You stand in lockstep with the mindset of the violent shooter.

Nuff said.

Really? I'd like you to post your reasoning for making such an allegation. The Violent Shooter is dead, we have no idea what motivated him to act in the manner he did, do you believe you have some ideas? Post 'em.

He is a Bernie Brown Shirt.

He is a jew?
Surprise, surprise....Clinton protégée / spawn and potential 2020 Presidential election Libtard Terry McAuliffe immediately calls for MORE gun control at the scene of the political terrorist attack rather than condemn the un-precedented level of out-of-control political rhetoric that 'radicalized' the liberal shooter.

Forget the cause of his radicalization and violence, darn those implements through which he carried out his rage and radicalized violence.

Virginia Governor Calls For Gun Control At Scene Of Scalise Shooting

"“I think we need to do more to protect all of our citizens,” McAuliffe told The Daily Caller News Foundation and other reporters near the scene of the shooting. “I have long advocated — this is not what today is about — but there are too many guns on the streets. We lose 93 million Americans a day to gun violence. I have long talked about this.”

Forget the Liberal message of 'HATE' Democrats and the Liberal media have been drumming into people's heads, radicalizing them until the point where they go out and commit acts of terrorism like this...this would not have happened if we would have just stripped Americans of their the UK did to their people.

Yeah, that worked out great.....
Forget the Liberal message of 'HATE' Democrats and the Liberal media have been drumming into people's heads,
I agree they should own that.
radicalizing them until the point where they go out and commit acts of terrorism like this.
That is not the MSM. That is US, taking the talking points beyond and acting like assholes. Do not reneg on your own responsibility in this. Me, you, everyone who goes to political and social message boards and flings political shit. And DO NOT deny it, Easy. You do. I do, too. We ARE the division. We are the only ones who will stop it. Not the "other" guy.

VA Governor GOES OFF on Gun Owners After Shooting: “We Lose 93 MILLION Americans a Day to Gun Violence” …Huh? (VIDEO)

He clarified 93 a day, and he is right.

To use today's attack just minutes after people were shot to go off on gun control is absolutely despicable.

What you consider despicable, rational people understand that there are too many guns in the hands of too many people who should never possess one.

1) We can already arrest people who use guns to commit crimes...


We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400 million guns in private hands and over 15.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%
--gun crime down 75%
--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Surprise, surprise....Clinton protégée / spawn and potential 2020 Presidential election Libtard Terry McAuliffe immediately calls for MORE gun control at the scene of the political terrorist attack rather than condemn the un-precedented level of out-of-control political rhetoric that 'radicalized' the liberal shooter.

Forget the cause of his radicalization and violence, darn those implements through which he carried out his rage and radicalized violence.

Virginia Governor Calls For Gun Control At Scene Of Scalise Shooting

"“I think we need to do more to protect all of our citizens,” McAuliffe told The Daily Caller News Foundation and other reporters near the scene of the shooting. “I have long advocated — this is not what today is about — but there are too many guns on the streets. We lose 93 million Americans a day to gun violence. I have long talked about this.”

Forget the Liberal message of 'HATE' Democrats and the Liberal media have been drumming into people's heads, radicalizing them until the point where they go out and commit acts of terrorism like this...this would not have happened if we would have just stripped Americans of their the UK did to their people.

Yeah, that worked out great.....
Forget the Liberal message of 'HATE' Democrats and the Liberal media have been drumming into people's heads,
I agree they should own that.
radicalizing them until the point where they go out and commit acts of terrorism like this.
That is not the MSM. That is US, taking the talking points beyond and acting like assholes. Do not reneg on your own responsibility in this. Me, you, everyone who goes to political and social message boards and flings political shit. And DO NOT deny it, Easy. You do. I do, too. We ARE the division. We are the only ones who will stop it. Not the "other" guy.

He was a Bernie Brown Shirt.

VA Governor GOES OFF on Gun Owners After Shooting: “We Lose 93 MILLION Americans a Day to Gun Violence” …Huh? (VIDEO)

He clarified 93 a day, and he is right.

To use today's attack just minutes after people were shot to go off on gun control is absolutely despicable.

What you consider despicable, rational people understand that there are too many guns in the hands of too many people who should never possess one.

There's a time and a place Wry. This ain't the time, not today. The fact that you can defend the governor's words so soon after people were wounded does not reflect well on you or your opinion.
Thank you for that extremely partisan, triggered opinion.


An opinion based on empirical evidence, and don't ever edit a post - it is tantamount to a LIE by OMISSION!

For other reader's, I will post my entire comment to this dishonest hack:

It stands for bigotry, racism and foolish governance, in practice. If you don't tax, you don't fix the leaking roof, and one day it will collapse and destroy the building. I hope that is not too abstract for you.

The Republican antipathy for taxes is myopic and based on greed - a deadly sin and an emotion - not pragmatic reasoning or even common sense. The Freedom Caucus in the H. or Rep. is built on a foundation of demagoguery - tell the people they can have their cake and eat it to.

Others may choose to post a rebuttal, and explain how cutting taxes will repair and replace a failing infrastructure, provide for the common defence and general welfare of our nation.

You stand in lockstep with the mindset of the violent shooter.

Nuff said.

Really? I'd like you to post your reasoning for making such an allegation. The Violent Shooter is dead, we have no idea what motivated him to act in the manner he did, do you believe you have some ideas? Post 'em.

He is a Bernie Brown Shirt.

He is a jew?

I'd bet he's atheist.
Of course he's your just "can't recall".

I should complain that you are my stalker. How did I end up with arguably the most stupid person on the forum as my stalker? I demand a better class of troll.

"your trump" indeed...
I find it equally funny that you accuse me of being your stalker when you quote and answer one of my posts to ANOTHER poster......or is he?

Oh, HOW MANY funnies have you posted today on two dozen different threads? You really think anyone, particularly the mods, are ignorant that your search to tag particular members posts is stalking?

look, i believe you to be mentally unstable, but I also believe you are ultimately harmless. Though one can never tell about fascist democrats, you do have a penchant for violence.
"The gunman who shot Republican whip Steve Scalise asked about political affiliation before opening fire on lawmakers practicing for a congressional baseball game."

Absolutely this was a crazy lefty. Good thing they're bad shots.

GOP lawmaker: Baseball field shooter asked ‘whether it was Republicans or Democrats out there’
New Details
June 14, 2017, 10:03 AM EDT

Eyewitness accounts now identify the gunman as a heavy-set white male in his 40s or 50s. The Alexandria Police say the single suspect is in custody. He has not as yet been identified by name.

Earlier reports that the gunman asked the partisan identification of the people practicing before opening fire appears to have been in error, a good faith confusion of another person with the shooter. I’m not sure we can definitively rule that report out. But it now appears that report is at best unconfirmed and likely erroneous.

Stop trying. He's been identified as an anti-Trumper and Bernie supporter.
I know you have to try to spin this any way you can, but save yourself the embarrassment and walk away from it.
Hodgkinson campaigned for Sanders in Iowa while the Vermont lawmaker was running for the Democratic presidential nomination last year, the Washington Post reports.

Charles Orear, 50, of St. Louis, who worked alongside him, called Hodgkinson a passionate progressive who showed no signs of violence or malice toward others.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Orear told the newspaper. “I met him on the Bernie trail in Iowa, worked with him in the Quad Cities area.”

He said Hodgkinson was a “quiet guy,” “very mellow, very reserved,” who stayed with him at a fellow Sanders’s supporters home in Illinois.


Hodgkinson was also the member of Facebook groups titled, “Terminate the Republican Party” and “The Road to Hell Is Paved With Republicans.” Other groups include, “Boycott the Republican Party,” “Expose Republican Fraud,” Donald Trump is not my president,” and “Illinois Berners United to Resist Trump.”

That makes him a leftist? Historically he would be classified as a member of the sans-culottes, i.e. a lower-class Parisian republican in the French Revolution.

Sans-culottes - Wikipedia

The Democratic Party represents the Third Estate, the Republican Party represents the First and Second Estates.
There's political violence, and then there's political violence

One is a spasmodic expression of mental illness or personal desperation. The other is a coordinated attempt to change regimes.
maybe you took it that way but I for 1 abhor violence While people maybe even I, shoot our mouths off I'm sure bloodshed is not what we want...

Words have meaning, and you lefties are far to comfortable with just saying what ever it takes in that moment to smear your enemies without any thought as to whether it is accurate or what effects it has on people.
Well MAYBE it didn't come out like it should have BUT your president must bear some responsibility as he has promoted violence and maybe HE didn't have a thought as to how his loyal subjects would take it

Spot on, of course the Trump supporter's denial is thick, and they will attack you and your thought provoking message, rather thank think about the issue, Trump's words and violence in America.

Trump isn't the one promoting violence. THe Left is.

Take the Fire in Europe yesterday, and this incident today news flash something bigger is coming. might be tomorrow, might be next week, either way they've got plans and as it was said a few years ago it will be worse than 911.

Oh lord you are one of these end time people. You must be unaware of history.

Don't you believe in the 12th Imam or some such shit?
Surprise, surprise....Clinton protégée / spawn and potential 2020 Presidential election Libtard Terry McAuliffe immediately calls for MORE gun control at the scene of the political terrorist attack rather than condemn the un-precedented level of out-of-control political rhetoric that 'radicalized' the liberal shooter.

Forget the cause of his radicalization and violence, darn those implements through which he carried out his rage and radicalized violence.

Virginia Governor Calls For Gun Control At Scene Of Scalise Shooting

"“I think we need to do more to protect all of our citizens,” McAuliffe told The Daily Caller News Foundation and other reporters near the scene of the shooting. “I have long advocated — this is not what today is about — but there are too many guns on the streets. We lose 93 million Americans a day to gun violence. I have long talked about this.”

Forget the Liberal message of 'HATE' Democrats and the Liberal media have been drumming into people's heads, radicalizing them until the point where they go out and commit acts of terrorism like this...this would not have happened if we would have just stripped Americans of their the UK did to their people.

Yeah, that worked out great.....
Forget the Liberal message of 'HATE' Democrats and the Liberal media have been drumming into people's heads,
I agree they should own that.
radicalizing them until the point where they go out and commit acts of terrorism like this.
That is not the MSM. That is US, taking the talking points beyond and acting like assholes. Do not reneg on your own responsibility in this. Me, you, everyone who goes to political and social message boards and flings political shit. And DO NOT deny it, Easy. You do. I do, too. We ARE the division. We are the only ones who will stop it. Not the "other" guy.

I don't assume and slander and vilify someone for the simple act of disagreeing with me.

That is the standard operation procedure of the LEFT.

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