Shooting in VA park, Steve scalise shot

Listening to Limbaugh right now, as he explains how it's the fault of the Left that this happened, it's all their fault that our political environment has become so divided.

The King of the Division Pimps, saying this.

The problem lies with the behaviors of the crazies of both ends of the spectrum.

What I don't know is whether he knows this, or if he's just become blind.

No question that Limbaugh and even Trump himself when he was a candidate has said some stupid stuff that is divisive. But not that many people on the Right go to the extremes that the Lefties do, I don't remember seeing anybody on the Right holding up a picture of Obama's severed and bloody head, or a group of actors dressing up Julius Caesar to look like Trump before they stab him to death in Central Park. I don't remember seeing example after example of the stark vitriol and viciousness from those on the Right that I see from the Left these days, including some on national TV. Look guys, you don't have to like Trump and you can oppose his policies all you want but for God's sake get a grip. Things have gone too far when somebody start shooting at somebody else based on their politics, and words matter.

Really so you do not remember a Christian preacher hanging a dummy of Obama in front of a Christian Church, and you do not remember DT and Obama's birth cert. , or the tea party, I find more hatred coming form the Right, a whole lot more.

Who on the left?? names please.

Okay hero......

--list how the Tea Party had anything to do with race...

--list acts of Tea Party violence

--obama's mother traveled the world, lived over seas and married a man from Kenya.....and then refused to put out his birth certificate, while his biography for shopping his book stated he was born in Kenya......

Go ahead......

Actual coordinated violence came from the Demcorat National Committee...we have bob craemer and scott foval admitting that they organized groups to incite violence at Trump rallies.....

You have nothing.
It only took a few hours for the RWnuts to start blaming the innocent for the crimes of the guilty.
No question that Limbaugh and even Trump himself when he was a candidate has said some stupid stuff that is divisive. But not that many people on the Right go to the extremes that the Lefties do, I don't remember seeing anybody on the Right holding up a picture of Obama's severed and bloody head, or a group of actors dressing up Julius Caesar to look like Trump before they stab him to death in Central Park. I don't remember seeing example after example of the stark vitriol and viciousness from those on the Right that I see from the Left these days, including some on national TV. Look guys, you don't have to like Trump and you can oppose his policies all you want but for God's sake get a grip. Things have gone too far when somebody start shooting at somebody else based on their politics, and words matter.
Sure, agreed, and I'm the guy who started a thread titled "The Left has completely lost its shit." But it could be reasonably argued that this is all just building on itself, egged on by division pimps on both ends of the spectrum. Just a predictable, cumulative effect of year after year of hatred.

Barack Obama started actively pimping a civil war as soon as he got into office. I agree that this division and hatred is snowballing. I think that it is driven by both ends. The left attacks, the right reacts, and so the conflict grows. Where I often disagree is that I think it is far too late to unify the nation, we are already in a civil war. Acts like the democrat today are minor skirmishes, but they are engagements of the civil war, not random acts of crazies. I am saddened to say that they will increase in frequency and ferocity at a rapid rate.

Bullshit. You whities are just mad Obama stood up for the rights of the minorities. Then Trump gave you the OK to be violent & OK to spew slurs as OMG OMG OMG political correctness. He said he would back violence at his rallies with his wallet.

This is the problem. The Steve Bannon crowd fueled by Agent Orange.
Listening to Limbaugh right now, as he explains how it's the fault of the Left that this happened, it's all their fault that our political environment has become so divided.

The King of the Division Pimps, saying this.

The problem lies with the behaviors of the crazies of both ends of the spectrum.

What I don't know is whether he knows this, or if he's just become blind.

No question that Limbaugh and even Trump himself when he was a candidate has said some stupid stuff that is divisive. But not that many people on the Right go to the extremes that the Lefties do, I don't remember seeing anybody on the Right holding up a picture of Obama's severed and bloody head, or a group of actors dressing up Julius Caesar to look like Trump before they stab him to death in Central Park. I don't remember seeing example after example of the stark vitriol and viciousness from those on the Right that I see from the Left these days, including some on national TV. Look guys, you don't have to like Trump and you can oppose his policies all you want but for God's sake get a grip. Things have gone too far when somebody start shooting at somebody else based on their politics, and words matter.

Really so you do not remember a Christian preacher hanging a dummy of Obama in front of a Christian Church, and you do not remember DT and Obama's birth cert. , or the tea party, I find more hatred coming form the Right, a whole lot more.

Who on the left?? names please.

Okay hero......

--list how the Tea Party had anything to do with race...

--list acts of Tea Party violence

--obama's mother traveled the world, lived over seas and married a man from Kenya.....and then refused to put out his birth certificate, while his biography for shopping his book stated he was born in Kenya......

Go ahead......

Actual coordinated violence came from the Demcorat National Committee...we have bob craemer and scott foval admitting that they organized groups to incite violence at Trump rallies.....

You have nothing.

So, the Tea Party sat on their thumbs under Bush while he took us from a balanced budget to the worst recession in history through unfunded spending & Republican fueled deregulation then they grew a pair & started demonstrating a month after Obama took office. They are not all racists but they welcomed racists under their tent.

As for Obama's mother, she died way before the Tea Party asshats had a freak out about the birth certificate. You are STILL a DUMBASS BIRTHER. My God.

Okeefe? You are using Okeefe? That's some funny chit.
How many leftist wacos do you think have already forgotten the JULY 2nd ANTIFA trouble making day , like we keep telling the sheep something BIGGER is coming. What better day to do it than before 4th of July the day of AMERICA's FREEDOM.. nothing fishy there where ANTIFA is planning that JULY 2nd Bs, even the fruit cake mods put that shit into CONSPIRACY watch it happen we will be proven right again.
Are you a Fascist?
"The gunman who shot Republican whip Steve Scalise asked about political affiliation before opening fire on lawmakers practicing for a congressional baseball game."

Absolutely this was a crazy lefty. Good thing they're bad shots.

GOP lawmaker: Baseball field shooter asked ‘whether it was Republicans or Democrats out there’
New Details
June 14, 2017, 10:03 AM EDT

Eyewitness accounts now identify the gunman as a heavy-set white male in his 40s or 50s. The Alexandria Police say the single suspect is in custody. He has not as yet been identified by name.

Earlier reports that the gunman asked the partisan identification of the people practicing before opening fire appears to have been in error, a good faith confusion of another person with the shooter. I’m not sure we can definitively rule that report out. But it now appears that report is at best unconfirmed and likely erroneous.
Too's now part of the #RussianW mythos.
A GOP lawmaker said Wednesday that the alleged gunman in a shooting at a congressional baseball practice that wounded five asked whether “Republicans or Democrats” were on the field shortly before the attack in Virginia.

Rep. Ron DeSantis, (R-Fla.), told CNBC that a man came up to him and Rep. Jeff Duncan, (R-S.C.), at the practice and asked if the players on the field were Republicans or Democrats.

“We both agreed that that individual who came up to us and asked if it was Republicans or Democrats ... is the same individual police have identified," DeSantis said. "That picture is the same guy that we saw.”

Congressman says shooting suspect asked if 'Republicans or Democrats' on field
According to to a Rep that was asked.
It was someone on the Left.
Really, do tell?

Btw, I bet Kathy Griffin's life just got worse.
Btw, I don't give a flying fuck about Kathy Griffin.

Shooter asked if the people were Republicans before launching his attack.
Really? Where did you hear that?
Really, which one and what did he say?
"The gunman who shot Republican whip Steve Scalise asked about political affiliation before opening fire on lawmakers practicing for a congressional baseball game."

Absolutely this was a crazy lefty. Good thing they're bad shots.

GOP lawmaker: Baseball field shooter asked ‘whether it was Republicans or Democrats out there’
New Details
June 14, 2017, 10:03 AM EDT

Eyewitness accounts now identify the gunman as a heavy-set white male in his 40s or 50s. The Alexandria Police say the single suspect is in custody. He has not as yet been identified by name.

Earlier reports that the gunman asked the partisan identification of the people practicing before opening fire appears to have been in error, a good faith confusion of another person with the shooter. I’m not sure we can definitively rule that report out. But it now appears that report is at best unconfirmed and likely erroneous.
Too's now part of the #RussianW mythos.

Irrelevant, Shortbus.

I don't have sympathy for republicans. This guy should not have done that and now he's dead. That's where I am at.

I wonder how many of you republicans were outraged when Gabby Giffords got shot?

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