Shooting in VA park, Steve scalise shot

No question that Limbaugh and even Trump himself when he was a candidate has said some stupid stuff that is divisive. But not that many people on the Right go to the extremes that the Lefties do, I don't remember seeing anybody on the Right holding up a picture of Obama's severed and bloody head, or a group of actors dressing up Julius Caesar to look like Trump before they stab him to death in Central Park. I don't remember seeing example after example of the stark vitriol and viciousness from those on the Right that I see from the Left these days, including some on national TV. Look guys, you don't have to like Trump and you can oppose his policies all you want but for God's sake get a grip. Things have gone too far when somebody start shooting at somebody else based on their politics, and words matter.
Sure, agreed, and I'm the guy who started a thread titled "The Left has completely lost its shit." But it could be reasonably argued that this is all just building on itself, egged on by division pimps on both ends of the spectrum. Just a predictable, cumulative effect of year after year of hatred.
Listening to Limbaugh right now, as he explains how it's the fault of the Left that this happened, it's all their fault that our political environment has become so divided.

The King of the Division Pimps, saying this.

The problem lies with the behaviors of the crazies of both ends of the spectrum.

What I don't know is whether he knows this, or if he's just become blind.

Right, and you are right, he and Hannity are the kings of division, and Gingrich along with them.

I do not recall Hannity or Limbaugh or Gingrich ever going to the extremes of hate that their counterparts on the Left do. You tell me, how many times do we see stories about Dems getting shot lately? How many times has somebody held up the bloody and severed head of a democrat lately? How many times have we seen play in a public place where an actor dresses up as a democrat and gets stabbed to death? Too many Lefties have gone too far with their hatred for Trump and the GOP. You are fanning the flames of intolerance and I think bear some responsibility for when somebody gets incensed enough to do something like this.
Listening to Limbaugh right now, as he explains how it's the fault of the Left that this happened, it's all their fault that our political environment has become so divided.

The King of the Division Pimps, saying this.

The problem lies with the behaviors of the crazies of both ends of the spectrum.

What I don't know is whether he knows this, or if he's just become blind.

No question that Limbaugh and even Trump himself when he was a candidate has said some stupid stuff that is divisive. But not that many people on the Right go to the extremes that the Lefties do, I don't remember seeing anybody on the Right holding up a picture of Obama's severed and bloody head, or a group of actors dressing up Julius Caesar to look like Trump before they stab him to death in Central Park. I don't remember seeing example after example of the stark vitriol and viciousness from those on the Right that I see from the Left these days, including some on national TV. Look guys, you don't have to like Trump and you can oppose his policies all you want but for God's sake get a grip. Things have gone too far when somebody start shooting at somebody else based on their politics, and words matter.

Really so you do not remember a Christian preacher hanging a dummy of Obama in front of a Christian Church, and you do not remember DT and Obama's birth cert. , or the tea party, I find more hatred coming form the Right, a whole lot more.

Who on the left?? names please.
Hodgkinson campaigned for Sanders in Iowa while the Vermont lawmaker was running for the Democratic presidential nomination last year, the Washington Post reports.

Charles Orear, 50, of St. Louis, who worked alongside him, called Hodgkinson a passionate progressive who showed no signs of violence or malice toward others.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Orear told the newspaper. “I met him on the Bernie trail in Iowa, worked with him in the Quad Cities area.”

He said Hodgkinson was a “quiet guy,” “very mellow, very reserved,” who stayed with him at a fellow Sanders’s supporters home in Illinois.


Hodgkinson was also the member of Facebook groups titled, “Terminate the Republican Party” and “The Road to Hell Is Paved With Republicans.” Other groups include, “Boycott the Republican Party,” “Expose Republican Fraud,” Donald Trump is not my president,” and “Illinois Berners United to Resist Trump.”

That makes him a leftist? Historically he would be classified as a member of the sans-culottes, i.e. a lower-class Parisian republican in the French Revolution.

Sans-culottes - Wikipedia

The Democratic Party represents the Third Estate, the Republican Party represents the First and Second Estates.

Your attempts to distract from the fact that the would be mass murderer was one of your own, makes sense ONLY if you are desperate to avoid any attempts to address the political divide that is radicalizing so many to the point of violence.

Is that really what you want? To see violence continue to escalate?
Surprise, surprise....Clinton protégée / spawn and potential 2020 Presidential election Libtard Terry McAuliffe immediately calls for MORE gun control at the scene of the political terrorist attack rather than condemn the un-precedented level of out-of-control political rhetoric that 'radicalized' the liberal shooter.

Forget the cause of his radicalization and violence, darn those implements through which he carried out his rage and radicalized violence.

Virginia Governor Calls For Gun Control At Scene Of Scalise Shooting

"“I think we need to do more to protect all of our citizens,” McAuliffe told The Daily Caller News Foundation and other reporters near the scene of the shooting. “I have long advocated — this is not what today is about — but there are too many guns on the streets. We lose 93 million Americans a day to gun violence. I have long talked about this.”

Forget the Liberal message of 'HATE' Democrats and the Liberal media have been drumming into people's heads, radicalizing them until the point where they go out and commit acts of terrorism like this...this would not have happened if we would have just stripped Americans of their the UK did to their people.

Yeah, that worked out great.....
Forget the Liberal message of 'HATE' Democrats and the Liberal media have been drumming into people's heads,
I agree they should own that.
radicalizing them until the point where they go out and commit acts of terrorism like this.
That is not the MSM. That is US, taking the talking points beyond and acting like assholes. Do not reneg on your own responsibility in this. Me, you, everyone who goes to political and social message boards and flings political shit. And DO NOT deny it, Easy. You do. I do, too. We ARE the division. We are the only ones who will stop it. Not the "other" guy.

It certainly is, in part, media.
Listening to Limbaugh right now, as he explains how it's the fault of the Left that this happened, it's all their fault that our political environment has become so divided.

The King of the Division Pimps, saying this.

The problem lies with the behaviors of the crazies of both ends of the spectrum.

What I don't know is whether he knows this, or if he's just become blind.

No question that Limbaugh and even Trump himself when he was a candidate has said some stupid stuff that is divisive. But not that many people on the Right go to the extremes that the Lefties do, I don't remember seeing anybody on the Right holding up a picture of Obama's severed and bloody head, or a group of actors dressing up Julius Caesar to look like Trump before they stab him to death in Central Park. I don't remember seeing example after example of the stark vitriol and viciousness from those on the Right that I see from the Left these days, including some on national TV. Look guys, you don't have to like Trump and you can oppose his policies all you want but for God's sake get a grip. Things have gone too far when somebody start shooting at somebody else based on their politics, and words matter.

Really so you do not remember a Christian preacher hanging a dummy of Obama in front of a Christian Church, and you do not remember DT and Obama's birth cert. , or the tea party, I find more hatred coming form the Right, a whole lot more.

Who on the left?? names please.

Are you REALLY TRULY trying to justify this with the "They did it first" defense? How much news did that preacher generate? What DIDN'T he "hang and burn" in front of his church? There was stuff hanging and burning everyday there. Did he attempt a MASS ASSASSINATION? What's wrong with everyone of you tribal warriors??
Bernie Sander supporter shoots GOP. smh I'm not shocked at all. Liberals will justify this horrible act I'm sure.
No question that Limbaugh and even Trump himself when he was a candidate has said some stupid stuff that is divisive. But not that many people on the Right go to the extremes that the Lefties do, I don't remember seeing anybody on the Right holding up a picture of Obama's severed and bloody head, or a group of actors dressing up Julius Caesar to look like Trump before they stab him to death in Central Park. I don't remember seeing example after example of the stark vitriol and viciousness from those on the Right that I see from the Left these days, including some on national TV. Look guys, you don't have to like Trump and you can oppose his policies all you want but for God's sake get a grip. Things have gone too far when somebody start shooting at somebody else based on their politics, and words matter.
Sure, agreed, and I'm the guy who started a thread titled "The Left has completely lost its shit." But it could be reasonably argued that this is all just building on itself, egged on by division pimps on both ends of the spectrum. Just a predictable, cumulative effect of year after year of hatred.

Barack Obama started actively pimping a civil war as soon as he got into office. I agree that this division and hatred is snowballing. I think that it is driven by both ends. The left attacks, the right reacts, and so the conflict grows. Where I often disagree is that I think it is far too late to unify the nation, we are already in a civil war. Acts like the democrat today are minor skirmishes, but they are engagements of the civil war, not random acts of crazies. I am saddened to say that they will increase in frequency and ferocity at a rapid rate.
Listening to Limbaugh right now, as he explains how it's the fault of the Left that this happened, it's all their fault that our political environment has become so divided.

The King of the Division Pimps, saying this.

The problem lies with the behaviors of the crazies of both ends of the spectrum.

What I don't know is whether he knows this, or if he's just become blind.

No question that Limbaugh and even Trump himself when he was a candidate has said some stupid stuff that is divisive. But not that many people on the Right go to the extremes that the Lefties do, I don't remember seeing anybody on the Right holding up a picture of Obama's severed and bloody head, or a group of actors dressing up Julius Caesar to look like Trump before they stab him to death in Central Park. I don't remember seeing example after example of the stark vitriol and viciousness from those on the Right that I see from the Left these days, including some on national TV. Look guys, you don't have to like Trump and you can oppose his policies all you want but for God's sake get a grip. Things have gone too far when somebody start shooting at somebody else based on their politics, and words matter.

Really so you do not remember a Christian preacher hanging a dummy of Obama in front of a Christian Church, and you do not remember DT and Obama's birth cert. , or the tea party, I find more hatred coming form the Right, a whole lot more.

Who on the left?? names please.
There's so much hate coming from both ends that both need to stop pointing the finger and start cleaning their own house.

That's the problem: Everyone is screaming, no one is looking in the mirror.
No question that Limbaugh and even Trump himself when he was a candidate has said some stupid stuff that is divisive. But not that many people on the Right go to the extremes that the Lefties do, I don't remember seeing anybody on the Right holding up a picture of Obama's severed and bloody head, or a group of actors dressing up Julius Caesar to look like Trump before they stab him to death in Central Park. I don't remember seeing example after example of the stark vitriol and viciousness from those on the Right that I see from the Left these days, including some on national TV. Look guys, you don't have to like Trump and you can oppose his policies all you want but for God's sake get a grip. Things have gone too far when somebody start shooting at somebody else based on their politics, and words matter.
Sure, agreed, and I'm the guy who started a thread titled "The Left has completely lost its shit." But it could be reasonably argued that this is all just building on itself, egged on by division pimps on both ends of the spectrum. Just a predictable, cumulative effect of year after year of hatred.

Barack Obama started actively pimping a civil war as soon as he got into office. I agree that this division and hatred is snowballing. I think that it is driven by both ends. The left attacks, the right reacts, and so the conflict grows. Where I often disagree is that I think it is far too late to unify the nation, we are already in a civil war. Acts like the democrat today are minor skirmishes, but they are engagements of the civil war, not random acts of crazies. I am saddened to say that they will increase in frequency and ferocity at a rapid rate.
I hope you're wrong, but I don't know how this gets turned around.

Really so you do not remember a Christian preacher hanging a dummy of Obama in front of a Christian Church, and you do not remember DT and Obama's birth cert. , or the tea party, I find more hatred coming form the Right, a whole lot more.

Who on the left?? names please.

You equate asking for a birth certificate to shooting the Republican members of Congress? :eek:

As acts go, the Birther nonsense was LESS destructive than the left's "Russia" witch hunt.
How many leftist wacos do you think have already forgotten the JULY 2nd ANTIFA trouble making day , like we keep telling the sheep something BIGGER is coming. What better day to do it than before 4th of July the day of AMERICA's FREEDOM.. nothing fishy there where ANTIFA is planning that JULY 2nd Bs, even the fruit cake mods put that shit into CONSPIRACY watch it happen we will be proven right again.
No question that Limbaugh and even Trump himself when he was a candidate has said some stupid stuff that is divisive. But not that many people on the Right go to the extremes that the Lefties do, I don't remember seeing anybody on the Right holding up a picture of Obama's severed and bloody head, or a group of actors dressing up Julius Caesar to look like Trump before they stab him to death in Central Park. I don't remember seeing example after example of the stark vitriol and viciousness from those on the Right that I see from the Left these days, including some on national TV. Look guys, you don't have to like Trump and you can oppose his policies all you want but for God's sake get a grip. Things have gone too far when somebody start shooting at somebody else based on their politics, and words matter.
Sure, agreed, and I'm the guy who started a thread titled "The Left has completely lost its shit." But it could be reasonably argued that this is all just building on itself, egged on by division pimps on both ends of the spectrum. Just a predictable, cumulative effect of year after year of hatred.

Barack Obama started actively pimping a civil war as soon as he got into office. I agree that this division and hatred is snowballing. I think that it is driven by both ends. The left attacks, the right reacts, and so the conflict grows. Where I often disagree is that I think it is far too late to unify the nation, we are already in a civil war. Acts like the democrat today are minor skirmishes, but they are engagements of the civil war, not random acts of crazies. I am saddened to say that they will increase in frequency and ferocity at a rapid rate.
I hope you're wrong, but I don't know how this gets turned around.

I don't either, and it's getting really scary. Just look at the vitriol on this board alone, from both sides. Last time it got this bad we fought a civil war. Not that I see that happening these days, but it's hard to see it getting resolved except through some kind of national emergency on a large scale. Like another 9/11 times 10, or another Great Depression that rivals or exceeds the 1930s. Either of which is not beyond the realm of possibility.
Listening to Limbaugh right now, as he explains how it's the fault of the Left that this happened, it's all their fault that our political environment has become so divided.

The King of the Division Pimps, saying this.

The problem lies with the behaviors of the crazies of both ends of the spectrum.

What I don't know is whether he knows this, or if he's just become blind.

No question that Limbaugh and even Trump himself when he was a candidate has said some stupid stuff that is divisive. But not that many people on the Right go to the extremes that the Lefties do, I don't remember seeing anybody on the Right holding up a picture of Obama's severed and bloody head, or a group of actors dressing up Julius Caesar to look like Trump before they stab him to death in Central Park. I don't remember seeing example after example of the stark vitriol and viciousness from those on the Right that I see from the Left these days, including some on national TV. Look guys, you don't have to like Trump and you can oppose his policies all you want but for God's sake get a grip. Things have gone too far when somebody start shooting at somebody else based on their politics, and words matter.

Really so you do not remember a Christian preacher hanging a dummy of Obama in front of a Christian Church, and you do not remember DT and Obama's birth cert. , or the tea party, I find more hatred coming form the Right, a whole lot more.

Who on the left?? names please.
There's so much hate coming from both ends that both need to stop pointing the finger and start cleaning their own house.

That's the problem: Everyone is screaming, no one is looking in the mirror.

The right are not real rights, those who the left consider right wings are their version of " a patriot" the patriots are defending what is left of this Country. It's going to get worse before it gets better. We can lay down and let these lunatic assholes take this Country into a Communist Nation and that is exactly where these assholes are doing the worst part their too gawd dam stupid to see this is what they are doing.

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