Short definition of democracy vs a republic

Why should I care. You don't even care or have a position, other than to say your clip is 30 seconds long, to see if somebody will watch it.

You seem to be having another one of those weeks where your tampon is stuck.
Don't blame me if you can't be bothered to watch or listen to what is posted.

If I post a paragraph about something, you fucking whine and cry that I didn't attach a link regarding it.

If I post a fucking link or video, you whine and cry and shit your diaper because you didn't get 150 fucking page report on it.

So exactly WHAT THE FUCK is your brain damage?????
It's only about 30 seconds long. FBI agent describes the difference between a Democracy and a Republic

He barely says anything at all other than some political pablum.

There’s more to be said, but he doesn’t really talk about anything concrete.
Wrong again Skippy

Wrong. I’m right as usually. And your Atlantic article is ignorance. Pure ignorance.

I’ve explained this before. Figures you can’t retain the information.

A “democracy” envisions a people directly voting on the laws. A representative democracy takes you one step away from a democracy because you get a vote in who makes the laws, but not on those laws.

But the republic goes even further away. It starts off as a way of avoiding the perils of direct democracy.

Now we get to our Constitutional republic which is not a democracy. It not only seeks to avoid the perils of a direct democracy, it is overtly hostile to a democracy. It goes so far as to prevent even the representatives from enacting some laws. It divides power, purposively, to further check the government from attempting to transgress those boundaries. And it installs even further checks and balances to avoid the tyranny of a majority.

Your ignorance is astounding, Leftwhiner.
The chief characteristic and distinguishing feature of a Democracy is: Rule by Omnipotent Majority.

Wrong. I’m right as usually. And your Atlantic article is ignorance. Pure ignorance.

I’ve explained this before. Figures you can’t retain the information.

A “democracy” envisions a people directly voting on the laws. A representative democracy takes you one step away from a democracy because you get a vote in who makes the laws, but not on those laws.

But the republic goes even further away. It starts off as a way of avoiding the perils of direct democracy.

Now we get to our Constitutional republic which is not a democracy. It not only seeks to avoid the perils of a direct democracy, it is overtly hostile to a democracy. It goes so far as to prevent even the representatives from enacting some laws. It divides power, purposively, to further check the government from attempting to transgress those boundaries. And it installs even further checks and balances to avoid the tyranny of a majority.

Your ignorance is astounding, Leftwhiner.

It's like you people learn history by rote. You read what some Founders thought and that's the way things are. You never consider the Founders as people with an agenda and then put their words in the context of that agenda to understand actual history or events.

A Republic is simply any government that derives its power from the people rather than say a King under the idea of divine right. Who the people are doesn't necessarily have to be all the people, it can be a few special people, like in the case of America at its Founding when the people meant white male land owners for the most part. The Founders themselves put a lot of effort in propagandizing their Republican ideals and demonizing democracy not because there's anything inherently wrong with the will of the majority but because they as a minority of land owning aristocrats wanted to protect their political and financial interests from the will of a majority of non land owning commoners.

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