Should all UK Police be armed?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Yes. If the recent knife attacker attacked another victim AFTER unarmed police arrived and asking him nicely didn't work, he should have been shot dead.

Armed police on guard at stations after Leytonstone attack

"# Fears after attack in Leytonstone which suspect said was 'for Syria'
# Armed police patrols have been increase in major stations
# British Transport Police say plain clothes officers are also on patrol
# Critics say the Leytonstone incident shows the need for armed police"
No. When you start arming a public service sector they start playing the role of occupying army. In so doing you create a wall between the public servant and the public that servant was formerly the 'protector' of, and is now transformed into the 'authority over'. You create a kind of social hierarchy.

Arming the entire police force is a sign of a society degenerating into Authoritarianism. What happens all too often in this country ought to be a glaring example of where that leads.
I might pose this much more basic question, irrespective of the details...

Exactly where do we get off purporting to tell an entirely different country with its own distinctly different culture, what it should be doing with its police? How arrogant is that?

Lucy Hamilton -- any thoughts on this topic?
I might pose this much more basic question, irrespective of the details...

Exactly where do we get off purporting to tell an entirely different country with its own distinctly different culture, what it should be doing with its police? How arrogant is that?

Lucy Hamilton -- any thoughts on this topic?

I think yes, the police need to be fully armed in Britain. My other nation, the nation of my birth and of my Mother's family, that being Austria, we are already armed ditto our cousins in Germany.

The police in Mr. Lucy's nation, that being Norway, they're armed also.

We're living in increasingly ominous times, we need to take all precautions to be protected. The rules have changed, we need to act accordingly.

I think uniformed armed police, but also a larger percentage of armed police in civilian clothing.

Of course, no matter how many armed police a nation has, isn't going to prevent something such as a suicide attack, unless they're in full view in the open and it's obvious and the armed police are at hand, in that case, a straight headshot to take the POS out.

What I found disturbing about the Leytonstone incident, that most of the people stood their filming it....only one brave man stepped forward and did the business and was injured in the process....WHY didn't MORE people assist him, is this how stupid society has become, it's more important to film the stuff on the phone and be the first to get it on You Tube or something?
No. When you start arming a public service sector they start playing the role of occupying army. In so doing you create a wall between the public servant and the public that servant was formerly the 'protector' of, and is now transformed into the 'authority over'. You create a kind of social hierarchy.

Arming the entire police force is a sign of a society degenerating into Authoritarianism. What happens all too often in this country ought to be a glaring example of where that leads.

Darling, every Leftie has a secret fantasy about being under Right-Wing Authoritarian rule....I mean we have the leather and the horsewhips and stuff!


(Publically the Lefties would never agree, however I'll respond with what they secretly are thinking....:iagree::dev2: )
No. When you start arming a public service sector they start playing the role of occupying army. In so doing you create a wall between the public servant and the public that servant was formerly the 'protector' of, and is now transformed into the 'authority over'. You create a kind of social hierarchy.

Arming the entire police force is a sign of a society degenerating into Authoritarianism. What happens all too often in this country ought to be a glaring example of where that leads.

Gonna change your mind if/when ISIS attacks UK? Another Paris scale incident because first officers on scene were unarmed and had to wait for their armed counterparts to show up?
No. When you start arming a public service sector they start playing the role of occupying army. In so doing you create a wall between the public servant and the public that servant was formerly the 'protector' of, and is now transformed into the 'authority over'. You create a kind of social hierarchy.

Arming the entire police force is a sign of a society degenerating into Authoritarianism. What happens all too often in this country ought to be a glaring example of where that leads.

Gonna change your mind if/when ISIS attacks UK? Another Paris scale incident because first officers on scene were unarmed and had to wait for their armed counterparts to show up?

Appeal to Fear. How original. Booga booga!

Hold on while I get a blankie, I don't want to miss this exciting.....zzzzzz....

Do wake me if you think of an answer to post 3.
No. When you start arming a public service sector they start playing the role of occupying army. In so doing you create a wall between the public servant and the public that servant was formerly the 'protector' of, and is now transformed into the 'authority over'. You create a kind of social hierarchy.

Arming the entire police force is a sign of a society degenerating into Authoritarianism. What happens all too often in this country ought to be a glaring example of where that leads.

Darling, every Leftie has a secret fantasy about being under Right-Wing Authoritarian rule....I mean we have the leather and the horsewhips and stuff!


(Publically the Lefties would never agree, however I'll respond with what they secretly are thinking....:iagree::dev2: )

Not sure the OP is a "lefty" but.... TMI baybeh.
I might pose this much more basic question, irrespective of the details...

Exactly where do we get off purporting to tell an entirely different country with its own distinctly different culture, what it should be doing with its police? How arrogant is that?

Lucy Hamilton -- any thoughts on this topic?

I think yes, the police need to be fully armed in Britain. My other nation, the nation of my birth and of my Mother's family, that being Austria, we are already armed ditto our cousins in Germany.

The police in Mr. Lucy's nation, that being Norway, they're armed also.

We're living in increasingly ominous times, we need to take all precautions to be protected. The rules have changed, we need to act accordingly.

I think uniformed armed police, but also a larger percentage of armed police in civilian clothing.

Of course, no matter how many armed police a nation has, isn't going to prevent something such as a suicide attack, unless they're in full view in the open and it's obvious and the armed police are at hand, in that case, a straight headshot to take the POS out.

What I found disturbing about the Leytonstone incident, that most of the people stood their filming it....only one brave man stepped forward and did the business and was injured in the process....WHY didn't MORE people assist him, is this how stupid society has become, it's more important to film the stuff on the phone and be the first to get it on You Tube or something?

Austria, we are already armed ditto our cousins in Germany.

Sorry, but for historical reasons, that is not a fact that would convince the British that armed police are to be preferred. Mind you, I am American and our police are better armed than the Special Forces of most countries and they seem to kill a lot of black people.
Yes. If the recent knife attacker attacked another victim AFTER unarmed police arrived and asking him nicely didn't work, he should have been shot dead.

Armed police on guard at stations after Leytonstone attack

"# Fears after attack in Leytonstone which suspect said was 'for Syria'
# Armed police patrols have been increase in major stations
# British Transport Police say plain clothes officers are also on patrol
# Critics say the Leytonstone incident shows the need for armed police"
"Yes. If the recent knife attacker attacked another victim AFTER unarmed police arrived and asking him nicely didn't work, he should have been shot dead."
But that didn't happen...maybe it shows that the UK system works.
Yes. If the recent knife attacker attacked another victim AFTER unarmed police arrived and asking him nicely didn't work, he should have been shot dead.

I didn't catch this entire sentence at first --- the OP is actually suggesting that police not only be armed but act as judge, jury and executioner -- on the spot. .

Death for a knife attack. The UK, like most of the world, doesn't even have a death penalty, even after due process of law, even for murder.

How fucked up is this thread... Think before posting.
Yes. If the recent knife attacker attacked another victim AFTER unarmed police arrived and asking him nicely didn't work, he should have been shot dead.

Armed police on guard at stations after Leytonstone attack

"# Fears after attack in Leytonstone which suspect said was 'for Syria'
# Armed police patrols have been increase in major stations
# British Transport Police say plain clothes officers are also on patrol
# Critics say the Leytonstone incident shows the need for armed police"

NO as once you do that you put more members of the public at risk from criminals also becoming armed.
I might pose this much more basic question, irrespective of the details...

Exactly where do we get off purporting to tell an entirely different country with its own distinctly different culture, what it should be doing with its police? How arrogant is that?

Lucy Hamilton -- any thoughts on this topic?

I think yes, the police need to be fully armed in Britain. My other nation, the nation of my birth and of my Mother's family, that being Austria, we are already armed ditto our cousins in Germany.

The police in Mr. Lucy's nation, that being Norway, they're armed also.

We're living in increasingly ominous times, we need to take all precautions to be protected. The rules have changed, we need to act accordingly.

I think uniformed armed police, but also a larger percentage of armed police in civilian clothing.

Of course, no matter how many armed police a nation has, isn't going to prevent something such as a suicide attack, unless they're in full view in the open and it's obvious and the armed police are at hand, in that case, a straight headshot to take the POS out.

What I found disturbing about the Leytonstone incident, that most of the people stood their filming it....only one brave man stepped forward and did the business and was injured in the process....WHY didn't MORE people assist him, is this how stupid society has become, it's more important to film the stuff on the phone and be the first to get it on You Tube or something?

Austria, we are already armed ditto our cousins in Germany.

Sorry, but for historical reasons, that is not a fact that would convince the British that armed police are to be preferred. Mind you, I am American and our police are better armed than the Special Forces of most countries and they seem to kill a lot of black people.

How can you say you are American when you are a descendant of an armed invasion force that went and took the land from the indigenous Americans. You are just what you claim the Jews are in Israel an invading colonising force sent by the Vatican
Most British police officers, especially those in the MET, are a bunch of useless wankers. Their dogs are smarter than they are. Gone are the days of a strict, fair and fearsome police force with a cache of revolvers at the station and free reign to give the local villians a beating every now and again. They're now a symbol of Blair's legacy.
Most British police officers, especially those in the MET, are a bunch of useless wankers. Their dogs are smarter than they are. Gone are the days of a strict, fair and fearsome police force with a cache of revolvers at the station and free reign to give the local villians a beating every now and again. They're now a symbol of Blair's legacy.

Originally the police were drawn from retired military who were trained in hand to hand combat, then in the 1980's we were told that the police would be more intellectual and less hands on. Policing by intelligence and not by force, so they were recruited from Universities. This led to a complete culture change whereby they were only interested in getting their civil service pension protected for life after 22 years of service. This meant that the majority will not put themselves in danger to protect the public from harm as they promised to do when they signed up. Now we see the police being cut due to costs as graduates demand more wages than retired armed forces on a pension.
No. When you start arming a public service sector they start playing the role of occupying army. In so doing you create a wall between the public servant and the public that servant was formerly the 'protector' of, and is now transformed into the 'authority over'. You create a kind of social hierarchy.

Arming the entire police force is a sign of a society degenerating into Authoritarianism. What happens all too often in this country ought to be a glaring example of where that leads.

Gonna change your mind if/when ISIS attacks UK? Another Paris scale incident because first officers on scene were unarmed and had to wait for their armed counterparts to show up?
Why lie?
No. When you start arming a public service sector they start playing the role of occupying army. In so doing you create a wall between the public servant and the public that servant was formerly the 'protector' of, and is now transformed into the 'authority over'. You create a kind of social hierarchy.

Arming the entire police force is a sign of a society degenerating into Authoritarianism. What happens all too often in this country ought to be a glaring example of where that leads.

Gonna change your mind if/when ISIS attacks UK? Another Paris scale incident because first officers on scene were unarmed and had to wait for their armed counterparts to show up?
Why lie?

He isn't. He's referring to the stabbing on the Tube where Transport Police had to wait for armed back-up before they could safely apprehend the attacker.
No. When you start arming a public service sector they start playing the role of occupying army. In so doing you create a wall between the public servant and the public that servant was formerly the 'protector' of, and is now transformed into the 'authority over'. You create a kind of social hierarchy.

Arming the entire police force is a sign of a society degenerating into Authoritarianism. What happens all too often in this country ought to be a glaring example of where that leads.

Gonna change your mind if/when ISIS attacks UK? Another Paris scale incident because first officers on scene were unarmed and had to wait for their armed counterparts to show up?
Why lie?

He isn't. He's referring to the stabbing on the Tube where Transport Police had to wait for armed back-up before they could safely apprehend the attacker.
I was referring to his lie about Paris.
Most British police officers, especially those in the MET, are a bunch of useless wankers. Their dogs are smarter than they are. Gone are the days of a strict, fair and fearsome police force with a cache of revolvers at the station and free reign to give the local villians a beating every now and again. They're now a symbol of Blair's legacy.

The British police are almost crippled with political correctness. The extreme example of this was a few years ago, this was during the London rioting. It started in North London, because the police didn't get that under control, the rioting spread rapidly across London and there was looting, smashing cars up and thugs throwing Molotov cocktails. The police just stood there. The Deputy Metropolitan Commissioner said they knew what they needed to do, but were having to consult their people on regard to what was legal within Civil Rights and Human Rights.

I'm sorry, when you have full-on rioting in about 10 London boroughs, you adopt a Zero Tolerance approach and start cracking heads and then drag everyone off to the cells....the rioting would have been under control within a few hours.

Because of Political Correctness, the rioting went on for about 5 days.

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