Should All Wisconsin Taxpayers Be Forced To Pay For Recall Election?

Should All Wisconsin Taxpayers Be Forced To Pay For Walker Recall Election?

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I think this is a fair & important question. We all know Unions,Democrats, and George Soros are behind the Recall effort against Governor Scott Walker. So should all Wisconsin Taxpayers be forced to fund it?

Yes, they should. It's in their constitution to allow for these recalls, apparently for what ever reason, so until the taxpayers of Wisconsin get the state legislature to change it they accept the responsibility for it.

Recalls are in theory suppoosed to be used to reign in an official for wrongdoing...or alledged the time?

There was NO such cause as the Governor stated what he was going to do...and implimented it.

This whole endeavour was a colossal WASTE of time and money, property.
Are you counting the cost of those primaries that the GOP forced by running fake Democratic candidates? Who gets to pay for that?
Yes. The taxpayers don't fund this sort of thing because they, personally and individually, support whichever particular recall election it is. They fund it so that they, all the voters collectively, have the power to bring recall elections if ever and whenever they feel it's necessary. Next time around, it could be the conservatives who want to call one. Paying to extend that ability to everyone protects the ability for everyone.

And isn't funny that the Governor has done what he said he'd do in the original election and save money?

SOME didn't like that idea and instead cost the state even more form a fussfit because they didn't like it?

Don't be surprised if there's a huge Taxpayer backlash against Unions/Democrats after it's all said and done. Wait till they get the tab.

And Go to court to exact the payment AND the Court cost.
Yes, the provision is in their state constitution.

Fair enough. I admit i'm not quite up to snuff on the Wisconsin State Constitution.

Well, if they're having a recall election, then presumably recall elections are provided for in their state Constitution.
To fine tune our argument a little, Cecille, they're recalling a governor based on THEIR tantrum. He did what he said he was going to do on balancing the budget and paying the state debt down. That's what he ran on.

It isn't right to make hard-working taxpayer's money go to benefit people who already have plenty.

Governor Walker could have taken the easy way out. He could have just canned half the teachers to cut spending. Instead, he only asked them to take the most modest of pay cuts, and nobody lost their job. The union was enraged, and it decided to pillory the governor and make the hugest stink they possibly could at everyone else's peril and payment.

This is a frivolous waste of taxpayer money to benefit 12% of Wisconsin with 88% losing a governor who promised to instill fiscal responsibility back into the works of the Wisconsin government. He's taken measures to do what had to be done.

The Union is cramming it to the ordinary taxpayer, 88% of whom do not have Union guarantees. If everyone had union guarantees, inflation would be pandemic on this globe.

It's important what Americans do and do not do. Whether we like it or not, everybody in the Chinese, European, Australian, African, South American, and North American continents suffers when we do.

We're leaders in this free world. We have a terrific burden, and if we loose our marbles, the world looses more harshly than we, because greedy dictators withhold their wealth completely from village folk who die of starvation when that happens.

I don't like this, Cecille, but that's how it is.
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Fair enough. I admit i'm not quite up to snuff on the Wisconsin State Constitution.

Well, if they're having a recall election, then presumably recall elections are provided for in their state Constitution.
To fine tune our argument a little, Cecille, they're recalling a governor based on THEIR tantrum. He did what he said he was going to do on balancing the budget and paying the state debt down. That's what he ran on.

It isn't right to make hard-working taxpayer's money go to benefit people who already have plenty.

Governor Walker could have taken the easy way out. He could have just canned half the teachers to cut spending. Instead, he only asked them to take the most modest of pay cuts, and nobody lost their job.

This is a frivolous waste of taxpayer money to benefit 12% of Wisconsin with 88% losing a governor who promised to instill fiscal responsibility back into the works of the Wisconsin government. He's taken measures to do what had to be done.

The Union is cramming it to the ordinary taxpayer, 88% of whom do not have Union guarantees. If everyone had union guarantees, inflation would be pandemic on this globe.

It's important what Americans do and do not do. Whether we like it or not, everybody in the Chinese, European, Australian, African, South American, and North American continents suffers when we do.

We're leaders in this free world. We have a terrific burden, and if we loose our marbles, the world looses more harshly than we, because greedy dictators withhold their wealth completely from village folk who die of starvation when that happens.

I don't like this, Cecille, but that's how it is.
neither do I like it...But the Governor was true to what he was elected to do.
I read that the recall will cost 9 million dollars.

That's about $1.58 per Wisconsin resident.

I will reimburse one Wisconsin resident who posts here who is crying about this, provided you shut up about it.

Must have Paypal.
I think this is a fair & important question. We all know Unions,Democrats, and George Soros are behind the Recall effort against Governor Scott Walker. So should all Wisconsin Taxpayers be forced to fund it?

Yes, they should. It's in their constitution to allow for these recalls, apparently for what ever reason, so until the taxpayers of Wisconsin get the state legislature to change it they accept the responsibility for it.

Recalls are in theory suppoosed to be used to reign in an official for wrongdoing...or alledged the time?

There was NO such cause as the Governor stated what he was going to do...and implimented it.

This whole endeavour was a colossal WASTE of time and money, property.

I completely agree, but there are no restrictions in Wisconsin's law as to who or why an elected official can be recalled, so maybe this childish display will prompt the people of Wisconsin to get the law changed.
Yes, all of us here should have to pay for it.

And then after this nightmare is over maybe we'll change the law to stop frivolous recall attempts.

Can't wait for Wednesday. Well, actually, absentee ballots will still be counted if they are received by Friday, but hopefully we'll have a decisive result before that.

Well, you might want to make it a bit more difficult; say, require more signatures, or something.

More to the point, the people of your state might want to do something to decisively slap down the unions and let them know they're not running the show anymore.
Are you counting the cost of those primaries that the GOP forced by running fake Democratic candidates? Who gets to pay for that?

Yes, we get it. You're a typical Socialist/Progressive Dem who has no problem with fleecing the Taxpayers. Your position on that is well known.
I'm waiting for someone to explain why the incumbent government should be able to selectively punish those who vote against it. Or petition against it. Or whatever other legitimate political actions against it some of you think are grounds for being targeted by the government.

How far can the government go to crush dissenters and political opponents in your warped opinion?

Nope. NO need to explain a thing to me Greenie.

You may take your leave of me post haste.

I'm asking you to elaborate on what you're arguing for here. Why should the government be able to threaten and punish those who sign a petition against it? Or cast a ballot against it?
I read that the recall will cost 9 million dollars.

That's about $1.58 per Wisconsin resident.

I will reimburse one Wisconsin resident who posts here who is crying about this, provided you shut up about it.

Must have Paypal.

It's still money you fucking OAF. And what of the TIME spent?


*Shut Up*
Walker is responsible for all of the cost because he chose to fight the recall. He could have done the honorable thing and resigned.
Are you counting the cost of those primaries that the GOP forced by running fake Democratic candidates? Who gets to pay for that?
Everybody knows it was Demmies faking being Republicans who did that. Just how naive do you think the members of this board are?
I read that the recall will cost 9 million dollars.

That's about $1.58 per Wisconsin resident.

I will reimburse one Wisconsin resident who posts here who is crying about this, provided you shut up about it.

Must have Paypal.

It's still money you fucking OAF. And what of the TIME spent?


*Shut Up*

If you were an honest man I'd ask you for an honest answer as to whether or not you complained about the Gray Davis recall in California a few years back.

For that matter, can anyone find me any conservatives who complained about that cost?
I read that the recall will cost 9 million dollars.

That's about $1.58 per Wisconsin resident.

I will reimburse one Wisconsin resident who posts here who is crying about this, provided you shut up about it.

Must have Paypal.
Now hear this!!! Now hear this!!! Class Action!!!

Sounds fair to me.

Sounds fair to you? In the United States, citizens are free to exercise their rights to petition for redress of grievances and vote without fear of reprisal from political opponents, should those opponents gain control of the organs of government. We don't let our government target people--for signing a petition, casting a vote, or running for an office--simply because they lost.

Were you raised in the Communist bloc or something?

While I do agree with you Legally, Ethically this one is on the left. The Trumped up this Campaign, The Threw Millions at it, and they appear unable to win it.

No we can't make people who Signed Pay Legally, But those Fuckers definitely Wasted a Lot of Time and Money with this Vendetta on the Behalf of their Union Buddies.

No argument there, but on the other hand, they have the legal right to waste time and money exercising their right to petition the government and access the systems of government.

And keep in mind, they consider it just as big a waste of time and money when conservatives do it - or say they do, at least.
Walker is responsible for all of the cost because he chose to fight the recall. He could have done the honorable thing and resigned.

Why would he resign for solving the state's fiscal problems? Only in the minds of Marxist losers like yourself are people shunned for acting responsibly.
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I read that the recall will cost 9 million dollars.

That's about $1.58 per Wisconsin resident.

I will reimburse one Wisconsin resident who posts here who is crying about this, provided you shut up about it.

Must have Paypal.

It's still money you fucking OAF. And what of the TIME spent?


*Shut Up*

If you were an honest man I'd ask you for an honest answer as to whether or not you complained about the Gray Davis recall in California a few years back.

For that matter, can anyone find me any conservatives who complained about that cost?
This is not about another state, and it is not 10 years ago. :offtopic:

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