Should All Wisconsin Taxpayers Be Forced To Pay For Recall Election?

Should All Wisconsin Taxpayers Be Forced To Pay For Walker Recall Election?

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neither do I like it...But the Governor was true to what he was elected to do.

I think he's done a good job and should be kept in office. That being said, I don't think leaders are worth a puddle of warm spit, no matter how good they are, if the people themselves aren't willing to get off their dead, apathetic asses and work with them. And unfortunately, that DOES mean fending off cynical, callous exploitation of the law on occasion.

The price of freedom is that you have to allow EVERYONE to be free, no matter how badly you think they're using that freedom.

I agree...and maybe with this? Wisconsin will change it's Constitution at the behest of the people?

It's quite possible, and what worries me is that they'll change it in a fit of anger and outrage, without thinking it through completely, and end up making trouble for themselves down the road.

Let's face it: no law in the world is going to make people be honorable, and trying to achieve that will only frustrate you and hinder those who are honorable to begin with.
Well, if they're having a recall election, then presumably recall elections are provided for in their state Constitution.
To fine tune our argument a little, Cecille, they're recalling a governor based on THEIR tantrum. He did what he said he was going to do on balancing the budget and paying the state debt down. That's what he ran on.

It isn't right to make hard-working taxpayer's money go to benefit people who already have plenty.

Governor Walker could have taken the easy way out. He could have just canned half the teachers to cut spending. Instead, he only asked them to take the most modest of pay cuts, and nobody lost their job. The union was enraged, and it decided to pillory the governor and make the hugest stink they possibly could at everyone else's peril and payment.

This is a frivolous waste of taxpayer money to benefit 12% of Wisconsin with 88% losing a governor who promised to instill fiscal responsibility back into the works of the Wisconsin government. He's taken measures to do what had to be done.

The Union is cramming it to the ordinary taxpayer, 88% of whom do not have Union guarantees. If everyone had union guarantees, inflation would be pandemic on this globe.

It's important what Americans do and do not do. Whether we like it or not, everybody in the Chinese, European, Australian, African, South American, and North American continents suffers when we do.

We're leaders in this free world. We have a terrific burden, and if we loose our marbles, the world looses more harshly than we, because greedy dictators withhold their wealth completely from village folk who die of starvation when that happens.

I don't like this, Cecille, but that's how it is.

You haven't said a single thing that I didn't already know, or that changes anything I said.

The taxpayers don't pay to support just the uses of legitimate government processes they personally agree with. They pay to guarantee access to the system of government FOR EVERYONE. Sometimes that means you have to suck up people you don't agree with using that system to try to get things you don't like or want. It's the price you pay to assure yourself the right to use the system for things the people YOU don't agree with don't want.

Always, ALWAYS consider that the left feels exactly the same about the right, and that you do NOT want to hand them the ability to block conservatives from accessing the system of government just because they're annoying you now. Never pass a law without contemplating the uses your political opponents will put it to when they get the chance . . . because they WILL get the chance eventually.
I concede that you have a good case and are most well-informed, Cecille. However, if this procedure is done in all 50 states, to bully men of sterling fiscal reputation, I'm concerned that there will be be nothing but billions in chaos in the years ahead.
You know what they say, freedom isn't free. :thup:

YES! And remember the Davis recall in California, who was "behind" that? If your state laws allow recall elections too easily, write your legislators and demand better laws.
Wisconsin comes out money ahead in this deal, once you factor in all the outside money that has come into the state,

starting with, LOLOL, the 30 million that the right is spending on Walker's campaign.

30 million bucks being spent just to end up where you started.

The media is spending a ton of money in Wisconsin covering this; that money benefits the Wisconsin economy.

What?!!! That money that came into the state went to the coffers of democrats.
It's not a windfall for the state or the citizens of Wisconsin by any stretch.
I think he's done a good job and should be kept in office. That being said, I don't think leaders are worth a puddle of warm spit, no matter how good they are, if the people themselves aren't willing to get off their dead, apathetic asses and work with them. And unfortunately, that DOES mean fending off cynical, callous exploitation of the law on occasion.

The price of freedom is that you have to allow EVERYONE to be free, no matter how badly you think they're using that freedom.

I agree...and maybe with this? Wisconsin will change it's Constitution at the behest of the people?

It's quite possible, and what worries me is that they'll change it in a fit of anger and outrage, without thinking it through completely, and end up making trouble for themselves down the road.

Let's face it: no law in the world is going to make people be honorable, and trying to achieve that will only frustrate you and hinder those who are honorable to begin with.
I think Miss Wasserman Shultz made the point very clear. Democrats plan on benefitting from what they learn in the Wisconsin case.

If it's so beneficial, the Democrat Party should send the State of Wisconsin a payment in full for the millions of dollars taxpayers are spending to host this predatory election that threatens other financially troubled states coast to coast.

People like Ms. Wasserman Shultz are acting like hovering vultures seeing how the spoils of Wisconsin will fatten themselves and their power.
I agree...and maybe with this? Wisconsin will change it's Constitution at the behest of the people?

It's quite possible, and what worries me is that they'll change it in a fit of anger and outrage, without thinking it through completely, and end up making trouble for themselves down the road.

Let's face it: no law in the world is going to make people be honorable, and trying to achieve that will only frustrate you and hinder those who are honorable to begin with.
I think Miss Wasserman Shultz made the point very clear. Democrats plan on benefitting from what they learn in the Wisconsin case.

If it's so beneficial, the Democrat Party should send the State of Wisconsin a payment in full for the millions of dollars taxpayers are spending to host this predatory election that threatens other financially troubled states coast to coast.

People like Ms. Wasserman Shultz are acting like hovering vultures seeing how the spoils of Wisconsin will fatten themselves and their power.

indeed and should send a clear message to the voters of Wisconsin that an Amendment is in order to ensure that YES thay can recall...but under better auspices than the likes of Wasserkopf-Shultz and her fellow vultures thrive upon.
I think he's done a good job and should be kept in office. That being said, I don't think leaders are worth a puddle of warm spit, no matter how good they are, if the people themselves aren't willing to get off their dead, apathetic asses and work with them. And unfortunately, that DOES mean fending off cynical, callous exploitation of the law on occasion.

The price of freedom is that you have to allow EVERYONE to be free, no matter how badly you think they're using that freedom.

I agree...and maybe with this? Wisconsin will change it's Constitution at the behest of the people?

It's quite possible, and what worries me is that they'll change it in a fit of anger and outrage, without thinking it through completely, and end up making trouble for themselves down the road.

Let's face it: no law in the world is going to make people be honorable, and trying to achieve that will only frustrate you and hinder those who are honorable to begin with.

True...let's reform Education and power to such back to the States to where HONOR can be taught and restored...beginning with parents?
This Election will be close. The Unions/Democrats have invested an awful lot of time & money on getting rid of Walker. They'll do anything to win. Al Franken being a U.S. Senator proves that. They're gonna pull out all the rig-job stops on this one. So expect it to be close. Personally, i hope Walker kicks their asses. What they've done to the man is wrong. I'll be rooting for him.
I wish him well, also. All Governor Walker has done has been to keep his promise to the people who elected him to put Wisconsin in a better fiscal condition that the bankruptcy it was facing before he took office.

I'm sorry his detractors declined his offer of letting everyone keep their job rather than canning half the public servants in the state with a vicious recall election.

They're costing him thousands of times what his paycheck is, and that's too high of a price to pay considering he has kept his promise, and the state is fiscally stronger than it was before he took measures to improve Wisconsin's dismal dilemma.
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To fine tune our argument a little, Cecille, they're recalling a governor based on THEIR tantrum. He did what he said he was going to do on balancing the budget and paying the state debt down. That's what he ran on.

It isn't right to make hard-working taxpayer's money go to benefit people who already have plenty.

Governor Walker could have taken the easy way out. He could have just canned half the teachers to cut spending. Instead, he only asked them to take the most modest of pay cuts, and nobody lost their job. The union was enraged, and it decided to pillory the governor and make the hugest stink they possibly could at everyone else's peril and payment.

This is a frivolous waste of taxpayer money to benefit 12% of Wisconsin with 88% losing a governor who promised to instill fiscal responsibility back into the works of the Wisconsin government. He's taken measures to do what had to be done.

The Union is cramming it to the ordinary taxpayer, 88% of whom do not have Union guarantees. If everyone had union guarantees, inflation would be pandemic on this globe.

It's important what Americans do and do not do. Whether we like it or not, everybody in the Chinese, European, Australian, African, South American, and North American continents suffers when we do.

We're leaders in this free world. We have a terrific burden, and if we loose our marbles, the world looses more harshly than we, because greedy dictators withhold their wealth completely from village folk who die of starvation when that happens.

I don't like this, Cecille, but that's how it is.

You haven't said a single thing that I didn't already know, or that changes anything I said.

The taxpayers don't pay to support just the uses of legitimate government processes they personally agree with. They pay to guarantee access to the system of government FOR EVERYONE. Sometimes that means you have to suck up people you don't agree with using that system to try to get things you don't like or want. It's the price you pay to assure yourself the right to use the system for things the people YOU don't agree with don't want.

Always, ALWAYS consider that the left feels exactly the same about the right, and that you do NOT want to hand them the ability to block conservatives from accessing the system of government just because they're annoying you now. Never pass a law without contemplating the uses your political opponents will put it to when they get the chance . . . because they WILL get the chance eventually.
I concede that you have a good case and are most well-informed, Cecille. However, if this procedure is done in all 50 states, to bully men of sterling fiscal reputation, I'm concerned that there will be be nothing but billions in chaos in the years ahead.

Well, then, it's going to be up to good people in the populace to be vigilant and make it clear to those who would use our system to bully their opponents that such is not going to be allowed. You will notice, for example, that right-to-work states don't have these sorts of problems with union strongarm tactics.

Threatening a governor with recall doesn't do much if everyone knows he enjoys the support of the majority of his constituents, and that a recall has no chance of working.
I agree...and maybe with this? Wisconsin will change it's Constitution at the behest of the people?

It's quite possible, and what worries me is that they'll change it in a fit of anger and outrage, without thinking it through completely, and end up making trouble for themselves down the road.

Let's face it: no law in the world is going to make people be honorable, and trying to achieve that will only frustrate you and hinder those who are honorable to begin with.
I think Miss Wasserman Shultz made the point very clear. Democrats plan on benefitting from what they learn in the Wisconsin case.

If it's so beneficial, the Democrat Party should send the State of Wisconsin a payment in full for the millions of dollars taxpayers are spending to host this predatory election that threatens other financially troubled states coast to coast.

People like Ms. Wasserman Shultz are acting like hovering vultures seeing how the spoils of Wisconsin will fatten themselves and their power.

Then I heartily suggest that the people of Wisconsin give the Democrats a lesson they won't enjoy. It would be better for all of us in the long run.
It's quite possible, and what worries me is that they'll change it in a fit of anger and outrage, without thinking it through completely, and end up making trouble for themselves down the road.

Let's face it: no law in the world is going to make people be honorable, and trying to achieve that will only frustrate you and hinder those who are honorable to begin with.
I think Miss Wasserman Shultz made the point very clear. Democrats plan on benefitting from what they learn in the Wisconsin case.

If it's so beneficial, the Democrat Party should send the State of Wisconsin a payment in full for the millions of dollars taxpayers are spending to host this predatory election that threatens other financially troubled states coast to coast.

People like Ms. Wasserman Shultz are acting like hovering vultures seeing how the spoils of Wisconsin will fatten themselves and their power.

indeed and should send a clear message to the voters of Wisconsin that an Amendment is in order to ensure that YES thay can recall...but under better auspices than the likes of Wasserkopf-Shultz and her fellow vultures thrive upon.

Well, I could definitely see changing the recall election requirements to prove a higher level of voter support before anyone bothers to take it to the polls.
This Election will be close. The Unions/Democrats have invested an awful lot of time & money on getting rid of Walker. They'll do anything to win. Al Franken being a U.S. Senator proves that. They're gonna pull out all the rig-job stops on this one. So expect it to be close. Personally, i hope Walker kicks their asses. What they've done to the man is wrong. I'll be rooting for him.
I wish him well, also. All Governor Walker has done has been to keep his promise to the people who elected him to put Wisconsin in a better fiscal condition that the bankruptcy it was facing before he took office.

I'm sorry his detractors declined his offer of letting everyone keep their job rather than canning half the public servants in the state with a vicious recall election.

They're costing him thousands of times what his paycheck is, and that's too high of a price to pay considering he has kept his promise, and the state is fiscally stronger than it was before he took measures to improve Wisconsin's dismal dilemma.

I get the impression that Governor Walker is one of those rare individuals who goes into public service because he actually wants to serve the public. It's frequently a pain in the ass to do, but he seems to think doing the right thing is worth the price.

I just hope the people of Wisconsin take a lesson, and never put themselves in such a position again.
Should All Wisconsin Taxpayers Be Forced To Pay For Recall Election?

It's a WI law that all citizens can participate in. If they don't want to pay for it, then they should petition to repeal it.

You misunderstand. The question isn't legal or illegal; it's right or wrong.

Why is it that liberals, when confronted with moral questions, always have to resort back to legalisms?
The taxpayers are often voters too. In this case they signed a petition to have the issue considered. They should have also understood that meant election expenses.
Funny that i did not hear this argument from the right during the CA governors recall ...

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