Should All Wisconsin Taxpayers Be Forced To Pay For Recall Election?

Should All Wisconsin Taxpayers Be Forced To Pay For Walker Recall Election?

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  • Poll closed .
Didn't quite answer the question. Do you support all Wisconsin Taxpayers paying for the Recall Election or not?

Yes, the provision is in their state constitution.
Exactly how is the provision worded? We don't like what he did is not exactly justification for it unless what he did was criminal.

Since it was not.......I'll ask one more time. How exactly is it worded? We the people reserve the right to recall our elected leaders for any reason, at any time?


Wisconsin Constitution Article XIII, Section 12

(1) The recall petition shall be signed by electors equalling at least twenty-five percent of the vote cast for the office of governor at the last preceding election, in the state, county or district which the incumbent represents.

Note the complete lack of a qualifying reason.
Sounds fair to me.

Sounds fair to you? In the United States, citizens are free to exercise their rights to petition for redress of grievances and vote without fear of reprisal from political opponents, should those opponents gain control of the organs of government. We don't let our government target people--for signing a petition, casting a vote, or running for an office--simply because they lost.

Were you raised in the Communist bloc or something?

Unions,Democrats, and Soros should do the right thing and reimburse Wisconsin Taxpayers. This is their farce.
Was it a farce in California with Gray Davis recall that the Republicans initiated? Did you want the petition signers only to pay for it there?
It would be nice if the Unions and Dems picked up the tab but that ain't gonna happen.

Its in WI's constitution and is perfectly legal.

I think, after this recall bs, they may change their law so it applies to a Gov or other State official breaking laws.

WI taxpayers will be footing the bill.
Sounds fair to you? In the United States, citizens are free to exercise their rights to petition for redress of grievances and vote without fear of reprisal from political opponents, should those opponents gain control of the organs of government. We don't let our government target people--for signing a petition, casting a vote, or running for an office--simply because they lost.

Were you raised in the Communist bloc or something?

Unions,Democrats, and Soros should do the right thing and reimburse Wisconsin Taxpayers. This is their farce.
Was it a farce in California with Gray Davis recall that the Republicans initiated? Did you want the petition signers only to pay for it there?

Sure, why not? Although, Gray Davis did steal Millions from Taxpayers in California. He was the beginning of the end for California. He should be wearing an orange jumpsuit right now. How he wasn't arrested & convicted, i'll never know.
Unions,Democrats, and Soros should do the right thing and reimburse Wisconsin Taxpayers. This is their farce.
Was it a farce in California with Gray Davis recall that the Republicans initiated? Did you want the petition signers only to pay for it there?

Sure, why not? Although, Gray Davis did steal Millions from Taxpayers in California. He was the beginning of the end for California. He should be wearing an orange jumpsuit right now. How he wasn't arrested & convicted, i'll never know.

I'm going out of a limb and guessing it was because he didn't do anything illegal.
Wait til Unions/Democrats drop this Recall tab on Wisconsin Taxpayers. You think they were pissed at em before? Unions/Democrats miscalculated big time on this one.
The justification for any recall is explicitly determined by whether the petition garners the requisite signatures. Arguing for any other basis is an exercise in academic masturbation.

Carry on

No. Actually it depends quite a lot on what the statute says and whether the State or Commonwealth even allows recalls.
The justification for any recall is explicitly determined by whether the petition garners the requisite signatures. Arguing for any other basis is an exercise in academic masturbation.

Carry on

No. Actually it depends quite a lot on what the statute says and whether the State or Commonwealth even allows recalls.

The only requirement for a recall in Wisconsin is that a certain number of voters want it.
Didn't quite answer the question. Do you support all Wisconsin Taxpayers paying for the Recall Election or not?

Yes, the provision is in their state constitution.
Exactly how is the provision worded? We don't like what he did is not exactly justification for it unless what he did was criminal.

Since it was not.......I'll ask one more time. How exactly is it worded? We the people reserve the right to recall our elected leaders for any reason, at any time?

Why don't you look it up yourself instead of arguing from a point of ignorance?
I think Miss Wasserman Shultz made the point very clear. Democrats plan on benefitting from what they learn in the Wisconsin case.

If it's so beneficial, the Democrat Party should send the State of Wisconsin a payment in full for the millions of dollars taxpayers are spending to host this predatory election that threatens other financially troubled states coast to coast.

People like Ms. Wasserman Shultz are acting like hovering vultures seeing how the spoils of Wisconsin will fatten themselves and their power.

Democrats are like a vampire squid sticking their blood funnel into anything that smells like taxpayer money

I bet you are a real treat to be waited on at a restaurant or bar. My guess is that you have a coin purse. Right or wrong Frankie? Be honest.

I've seen his picture. It's no treat to anyone for him to be anywhere in public.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
I think this is a fair & important question. We all know Unions,Democrats, and George Soros are behind the Recall effort against Governor Scott Walker. So should all Wisconsin Taxpayers be forced to fund it?

I didn't support the Iraq war but I dam sure had to help pay for it.
That's because you damn sure benefitted from sending the Hussein Iraqis a message they better not fund any more retirement packages for homicide bombers over to America to take out our people in financial centers. You know what America's grisly find at the bomb sites of 9/11 were? It's right here:

9/11 Research: Missing Bodies

More Than 1000 Bodies Are Unaccounted for

The number of people believed to have been killed in the World Trade Center attack hovers around 2,780, three years after the attack. [SIZE=-1] 1 [/SIZE] [SIZE=-1] 2 [/SIZE] No trace has been identified for about half the victims, despite the use of advanced DNA techniques to identify individuals. Six weeks after the attack only 425 people had been identified. [SIZE=-1] 3 [/SIZE] A year after the attack, only half of the victims had been identified. 19,906 remains were recovered from Ground Zero, 4,735 of which were identified. Up to 200 remains were linked to a single person. [SIZE=-1] 4 [/SIZE] Of the 1,401 people identified, 673 of the IDs were based on DNA alone. Only 293 intact bodies were found. Only twelve could be identified by sight. [SIZE=-1] 5 [/SIZE]

New York City Medical Examiner Charles Hirsch had the difficult job of informing the friends and families of the victims that the remains of their loved ones might never be identified. The forensic investigation ended in early 2005, when the medical examiner's office stated it had exhaused efforts to identify the missing. The victim identification statistics reported in a February 23, 2005 AP article, listed in the following table, remained about the same as those reported in articles published a year after the attack. [SIZE=-1] 6 [/SIZE]
nearly 2,800 victims fewer than 300 whole bodies found fewer than 1,600 victims identified over 1,100 victims remain unidentified over 800 victims identified by DNA alone nearly 20,000 pieces of bodies found over 6,000 pieces small enough to fit in test-tubes over 200 pieces matched to single person nearly 10,000 unidentified pieces frozen for future analysis The aircraft impacts and fires in all probability would not have destroyed a single body beyond positive identification. Nor have building collapses ever been known to destroy human remains beyond recognition. However, the buildings were destroyed in a manner that converted most of their non-metallic contents to homogeneous dust, including the bodies. This destruction of the bodies assured that no exact determination could ever be made regarding who was piloting the jets at impact, and the condition of the people on board.
This is one of many examples in which evidence which could either confirm or refute the official story was destroyed. For example, a finding that the people onboard Flights 11 and 175 had been killed by some means before reaching the Towers would undermine the official story of multiple hijackings. The effective cremation of the bodies eliminated most of the evidence that would support such a finding.

Good ol' Saddam Hussein sent millions of dollars to families of the 19 killer cells. Then he sent a dozen Jumbo Jets to pick up what was left of AlQaeda and Talibanis by airlifting them from Kabul the night victory was declared in Afghanistan. Nothing was done to stop the transport of killers to regroup and hit America back someday. Nothing.

I didn't support the Iraq war but I dam sure had to help pay for it.

The state apparently has a provision by which recalls are legal so it's the state's responsibility to foot the bill.

So glad to know you've convinced yourself you're saying something important and imparting heretofore-unknown information, while actually contributing nothing whatsoever to the conversation.

At least you're consistent.

Did you tell that to the person who started this thread?
I think this is a fair & important question. We all know Unions,Democrats, and George Soros are behind the Recall effort against Governor Scott Walker. So should all Wisconsin Taxpayers be forced to fund it?

I didn't support the Iraq war but I dam sure had to help pay for it.
That's because you damn sure benefitted from sending the Hussein Iraqis a message they better not fund any more retirement packages for homicide bombers over to America to take out our people in financial centers. You know what America's grisly find at the bomb sites of 9/11 were? It's right here:

9/11 Research: Missing Bodies

More Than 1000 Bodies Are Unaccounted for

The number of people believed to have been killed in the World Trade Center attack hovers around 2,780, three years after the attack. [SIZE=-1] 1 [/SIZE] [SIZE=-1] 2 [/SIZE] No trace has been identified for about half the victims, despite the use of advanced DNA techniques to identify individuals. Six weeks after the attack only 425 people had been identified. [SIZE=-1] 3 [/SIZE] A year after the attack, only half of the victims had been identified. 19,906 remains were recovered from Ground Zero, 4,735 of which were identified. Up to 200 remains were linked to a single person. [SIZE=-1] 4 [/SIZE] Of the 1,401 people identified, 673 of the IDs were based on DNA alone. Only 293 intact bodies were found. Only twelve could be identified by sight. [SIZE=-1] 5 [/SIZE]

New York City Medical Examiner Charles Hirsch had the difficult job of informing the friends and families of the victims that the remains of their loved ones might never be identified. The forensic investigation ended in early 2005, when the medical examiner's office stated it had exhaused efforts to identify the missing. The victim identification statistics reported in a February 23, 2005 AP article, listed in the following table, remained about the same as those reported in articles published a year after the attack. [SIZE=-1] 6 [/SIZE]
nearly 2,800 victims fewer than 300 whole bodies found fewer than 1,600 victims identified over 1,100 victims remain unidentified over 800 victims identified by DNA alone nearly 20,000 pieces of bodies found over 6,000 pieces small enough to fit in test-tubes over 200 pieces matched to single person nearly 10,000 unidentified pieces frozen for future analysis The aircraft impacts and fires in all probability would not have destroyed a single body beyond positive identification. Nor have building collapses ever been known to destroy human remains beyond recognition. However, the buildings were destroyed in a manner that converted most of their non-metallic contents to homogeneous dust, including the bodies. This destruction of the bodies assured that no exact determination could ever be made regarding who was piloting the jets at impact, and the condition of the people on board.
This is one of many examples in which evidence which could either confirm or refute the official story was destroyed. For example, a finding that the people onboard Flights 11 and 175 had been killed by some means before reaching the Towers would undermine the official story of multiple hijackings. The effective cremation of the bodies eliminated most of the evidence that would support such a finding.

Good ol' Saddam Hussein sent millions of dollars to families of the 19 killer cells. Then he sent a dozen Jumbo Jets to pick up what was left of AlQaeda and Talibanis by airlifting them from Kabul the night victory was declared in Afghanistan. Nothing was done to stop the transport of killers to regroup and hit America back someday. Nothing.

Someone who still believe Saddam was behind 9/11. Now I see why that study showed watching Fox News leaves people less informed that watching no news at all.
They ought to institute a $25 poll tax for voters in this election. Let those with an axe to grind pay the freight.
The people on Walker's side have about 1,000 times the money the union people have

Funny, Democrats always complain about spending, except when they're spending someone else's Money. How many Trillions in Taxpayer Dollars has their Dear Leader spent? Never hear em complaining about that huh? The Taxpayer Dollars he has flushed, is much much more than 1,000 times the Money being spent by both sides combined in this farce. Maybe Democrats should start being a little more concerned with that? Just a thought anyway.
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The obliviously anti-American dipshit list is now at 16...

bripat9643, Clementine, FJO, freedombecki, Grampa Murked U, Jroc, KissMy, Missourian, Mr.Nick, naturegirl, Oddball, paulitician, Salt Jones, The T, thereisnospoon, WillowTree

Read it and weep. And then weep some more. :(
We exercise our freedom of speech, guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution, so you build a Clintonesque hitlist, like Hillary with her 900 FBI Files List? Oh, wait. You belong to AttackWatch.

Thank you for assembling a nice reputation list for me before you fold, man. :muahaha:

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