Should All Wisconsin Taxpayers Be Forced To Pay For Recall Election?

Should All Wisconsin Taxpayers Be Forced To Pay For Walker Recall Election?

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The obliviously anti-American dipshit list is now at 16...

bripat9643, Clementine, FJO, freedombecki, Grampa Murked U, Jroc, KissMy, Missourian, Mr.Nick, naturegirl, Oddball, paulitician, Salt Jones, The T, thereisnospoon, WillowTree

Read it and weep. And then weep some more. :(
We exercise our freedom of speech, guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution, so you build a Clintonesque hitlist, like Hillary with her 900 FBI Files List? Oh, wait. You belong to AttackWatch.

Thank you for assembling a nice reputation list for me before you fold, man. :muahaha:

You don't have to pee down your leg, I'm just another anonymous internet douchebag, I'm not coming to get you.
They ought to institute a $25 poll tax for voters in this election. Let those with an axe to grind pay the freight.
I agree, JWBooth. That's a good idea for state legislatures to mull if their states are in financial trouble. Let those who would sign the petition accompany it with a $25 personal check made out to the individual state they are messing with, and make it illegal to accept reimbursement from any person, or "charitable foundation" such as those set up by Teresa Kerry and George Soros for unregistered donations by proxy to a political party.
The obliviously anti-American dipshit list is now at 16...

bripat9643, Clementine, FJO, freedombecki, Grampa Murked U, Jroc, KissMy, Missourian, Mr.Nick, naturegirl, Oddball, paulitician, Salt Jones, The T, thereisnospoon, WillowTree

Read it and weep. And then weep some more. :(
We exercise our freedom of speech, guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution, so you build a Clintonesque hitlist, like Hillary with her 900 FBI Files List? Oh, wait. You belong to AttackWatch.

Thank you for assembling a nice reputation list for me before you fold, man. :muahaha:

You don't have to pee down your leg, I'm just another anonymous internet douchebag, I'm not coming to get you.
Poor Mr/Ms Manifold/AnonymousEntity. All those Freudian chickens you keep using coming home to roost in polite company, no less? Most people beat a dead horse. Manifold beats another dead chicken, hoping to collect a feather for his cap.
The obliviously anti-American dipshit list is now at 16...

bripat9643, Clementine, FJO, freedombecki, Grampa Murked U, Jroc, KissMy, Missourian, Mr.Nick, naturegirl, Oddball, paulitician, Salt Jones, The T, thereisnospoon, WillowTree

Read it and weep. And then weep some more. :(

make that 19... :(

bripat9643, Clementine, Dreadnaught1968, Ernie S., FJO, freedombecki, Grampa Murked U, Jroc, JWBooth, KissMy, Missourian, Mr.Nick, naturegirl, Oddball, paulitician, Salt Jones, The T, thereisnospoon, WillowTree
The obliviously anti-American dipshit list is now at 16...

bripat9643, Clementine, FJO, freedombecki, Grampa Murked U, Jroc, KissMy, Missourian, Mr.Nick, naturegirl, Oddball, paulitician, Salt Jones, The T, thereisnospoon, WillowTree

Read it and weep. And then weep some more. :(

make that 19... :(

bripat9643, Clementine, Dreadnaught1968, Ernie S., FJO, freedombecki, Grampa Murked U, Jroc, JWBooth, KissMy, Missourian, Mr.Nick, naturegirl, Oddball, paulitician, Salt Jones, The T, thereisnospoon, WillowTree
Thar be some pretty good company in that crowd and some I am surprised to side with.
The obliviously anti-American dipshit list is now at 16...

bripat9643, Clementine, FJO, freedombecki, Grampa Murked U, Jroc, KissMy, Missourian, Mr.Nick, naturegirl, Oddball, paulitician, Salt Jones, The T, thereisnospoon, WillowTree

Read it and weep. And then weep some more. :(

make that 19... :(

bripat9643, Clementine, Dreadnaught1968, Ernie S., FJO, freedombecki, Grampa Murked U, Jroc, JWBooth, KissMy, Missourian, Mr.Nick, naturegirl, Oddball, paulitician, Salt Jones, The T, thereisnospoon, WillowTree
Thar be some pretty good company in that crowd and some I am surprised to side with.

I don't see any surprises at all. Those I'm familiar with I already know to be clueless dipshits.
make that 19... :(

bripat9643, Clementine, Dreadnaught1968, Ernie S., FJO, freedombecki, Grampa Murked U, Jroc, JWBooth, KissMy, Missourian, Mr.Nick, naturegirl, Oddball, paulitician, Salt Jones, The T, thereisnospoon, WillowTree
Thar be some pretty good company in that crowd and some I am surprised to side with.

I don't see any surprises at all. Those I'm familiar with I already know to be clueless dipshits.

Oh stop being such a prissy little troll. Time for you to head back to the Flame Zone where you belong. Off ya go, don't wanna miss the Short Bus. Bye bye. :)
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The obliviously anti-American dipshit list is now at 16...

bripat9643, Clementine, FJO, freedombecki, Grampa Murked U, Jroc, KissMy, Missourian, Mr.Nick, naturegirl, Oddball, paulitician, Salt Jones, The T, thereisnospoon, WillowTree

Read it and weep. And then weep some more. :(

make that 19... :(

bripat9643, Clementine, Dreadnaught1968, Ernie S., FJO, freedombecki, Grampa Murked U, Jroc, JWBooth, KissMy, Missourian, Mr.Nick, naturegirl, Oddball, paulitician, Salt Jones, The T, thereisnospoon, WillowTree

I never make any lists.

The obliviously anti-American dipshit list is now at 16...

bripat9643, Clementine, FJO, freedombecki, Grampa Murked U, Jroc, KissMy, Missourian, Mr.Nick, naturegirl, Oddball, paulitician, Salt Jones, The T, thereisnospoon, WillowTree

Read it and weep. And then weep some more. :(

make that 19... :(

bripat9643, Clementine, Dreadnaught1968, Ernie S., FJO, freedombecki, Grampa Murked U, Jroc, JWBooth, KissMy, Missourian, Mr.Nick, naturegirl, Oddball, paulitician, Salt Jones, The T, thereisnospoon, WillowTree

I never make any lists.


Don't mind manifold. He's like 'The Gimp' from Pulp Fiction. Once and awhile they let him out of his Rubber Room hole. But he's creeped everyone out enough now. Time to shove em back down his hole. :)
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It would be nice if the Unions and Dems picked up the tab but that ain't gonna happen.

Its in WI's constitution and is perfectly legal.

I think, after this recall bs, they may change their law so it applies to a Gov or other State official breaking laws.

WI taxpayers will be footing the bill.

I think that sort of change would be stupid and shortsighted. If they make it impossible to remove a governor unless he actually breaks that law, what happens when another Democrat gets into office - and one WILL get into office eventually, never doubt it - and starts doing the same, technically-legal shit that has put Wisconsin in the crapper this time? Is it a good idea to trap themselves with a governor who's incompetent, greedy, or socialist simply because it's legal to be all of those things?

I not only think the people get the government they deserve, I think they SHOULD get the government they deserve. It would be a good idea if reversing an election and dismantling the incumbent state government required more voter support, but I have no problem whatsoever with the people changing their mind about their government for any reason they wish.

AFSCME and NEA should foot the bill.

Oh yeah that's a great idea. Why don't you just cut the bullshit and simply pass a law saying the rich can try for recall but the poor can't

Unions are not rich?..Please. Don't be stupid.
IN any event, the one's who decided to go forward with this thing SHOULD pay for it.
End of story.
BTW, unions lose this one too. LOL....
Wait til Unions/Democrats drop this Recall tab on Wisconsin Taxpayers. You think they were pissed at em before? Unions/Democrats miscalculated big time on this one.
Unions, particularly those representing public employees are most unpopular.
This latest stunt is not going to endear them to taxpayers any further.
ON the part of the unions, this was a huge miscalculation.
Yes, the provision is in their state constitution.
Exactly how is the provision worded? We don't like what he did is not exactly justification for it unless what he did was criminal.

Since it was not.......I'll ask one more time. How exactly is it worded? We the people reserve the right to recall our elected leaders for any reason, at any time?


Wisconsin Constitution Article XIII, Section 12

(1) The recall petition shall be signed by electors equalling at least twenty-five percent of the vote cast for the office of governor at the last preceding election, in the state, county or district which the incumbent represents.
Note the complete lack of a qualifying reason.
Post the whole thing.
Should All Wisconsin Taxpayers Be Forced To Pay For Recall Election?

It's a WI law that all citizens can participate in. If they don't want to pay for it, then they should petition to repeal it.

You misunderstand. The question isn't legal or illegal; it's right or wrong.

Why is it that liberals, when confronted with moral questions, always have to resort back to legalisms?

It's a law. it's on the books. If WI citizens don't want to pay for it, then they should petition to repeal it. Why should one group of people pay for a law that the entire state can participate in?

Why is it that cons, when confronted with facts, always have to resort to emotion?
The taxpayers are often voters too. In this case they signed a petition to have the issue considered. They should have also understood that meant election expenses.
You must remember, many of the so called signatures were questioned. Many were thrown out. Many others remained due to court challenges and technicalities.
Form the outset of signature gathering, the integrity of the process was called into question because of the appearance of names such as "Mickey Mouse"....
SECTION 12. [Recall of elective officers.] The qualified electors of the state of any congressional, judicial or legislative district or of a county may petition for the recall of any incumbent elective officer after the first year of the term for which the incumbent was elected, by filing a petition with the filing officer with whom the nomination petition to the office in the primary is filed, demanding the recall of the incumbent.
(1) The recall petition shall be signed by electors equalling at least twenty-five percent of the vote cast for the office of governor at the last preceding election, in the state, county or district which the incumbent represents.

(2) The filing officer with whom the recall petition is filed shall call a recall election for the Tuesday of the 6th week after the date of filing the petition or, if that Tuesday is a legal holiday, on the first day after that Tuesday which is not a legal holiday.

The incumbent shall continue to perform the duties of the office until the recall election results are officially declared.

(4) Unless the incumbent declines within l0 days after the filing of the petition, the incumbent shall without filing be deemed to have filed for the recall election. Other candidates may file for the office in the manner provided by law for special elections. For the purpose of conducting elections under this section:
(a) When more than 2 persons compete for a nonpartisan office,a recall primary shall be held. The 2 persons receiving the highest number of votes in the recall primary shall be the 2 candidates in the recall election, except that if any candidate receives a majority of the total number of votes cast in the recall primary, that candidate shall assume the office for the remainder of the term and a recall election shall not be held.
For any partisan office, a recall primary shall be held for each political party which is by law entitled to a separate ballot and from which more than one candidate competes for the party's nomination in the recall election. The person receiving the highest number of votes in the recall primary for each political party shall be that party's candidate in the recall election. Independent candidates and candidates representing political parties not entitled by law to a separate ballot shall be shown on the ballot for the recall election only.
When a recall primary is required, the date specified under sub. (2) shall be the date of the recall primary and the recall election shall be held on the Tuesday of the 4th week after the recall primary or, if that Tuesday is a legal holiday, on the first day after that Tuesday which is not a legal holiday.

(5) The person who receives the highest number of votes in the recall election shall be elected for the remainder of the term.

(6) After one such petition and recall election, no further recall petition shall be filed against the same officer during the term for which he was elected.

This section shall be self-executing and mandatory. Laws may beenacted to facilitate its operation but no law shall be enacted to hamper, restrict or impair the right of recall.
So, he is correct. No crime has to be committed. However, in the future post the whole thing. It makes you look dishonest.
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It's a WI law that all citizens can participate in. If they don't want to pay for it, then they should petition to repeal it.

You misunderstand. The question isn't legal or illegal; it's right or wrong.

Why is it that liberals, when confronted with moral questions, always have to resort back to legalisms?

Political expediency. Party before Country. Always Party before Country with Democrats.

Shut up, dumb ass.
I think Miss Wasserman Shultz made the point very clear. Democrats plan on benefitting from what they learn in the Wisconsin case.

If it's so beneficial, the Democrat Party should send the State of Wisconsin a payment in full for the millions of dollars taxpayers are spending to host this predatory election that threatens other financially troubled states coast to coast.

People like Ms. Wasserman Shultz are acting like hovering vultures seeing how the spoils of Wisconsin will fatten themselves and their power.

Democrats are like a vampire squid sticking their blood funnel into anything that smells like taxpayer money

I bet you are a real treat to be waited on at a restaurant or bar. My guess is that you have a coin purse. Right or wrong Frankie? Be honest.

Why? Because he is correct..Democrats never saw a tax they didn't like. That's a fact.
Wait til Unions/Democrats drop this Recall tab on Wisconsin Taxpayers. You think they were pissed at em before? Unions/Democrats miscalculated big time on this one.
Unions, particularly those representing public employees are most unpopular.
This latest stunt is not going to endear them to taxpayers any further.
ON the part of the unions, this was a huge miscalculation.

Yeah, it's pretty shocking they would antagonize Taxpayers more than they already have. Probably not a very wise move on their part. Looks like their greed & partisan politics got the best of em on this one.

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