Should All Wisconsin Taxpayers Be Forced To Pay For Recall Election?

Should All Wisconsin Taxpayers Be Forced To Pay For Walker Recall Election?

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Recall elections are meant to recall someone who has broken the law or is incompetent, they are not supposed to be used to remove someone from office simply because you disagree with their policies. The unions brought what is about to happen on themselves, it'll be worth the money spent in the end.
Yeah, that's telling it like it is!

Looks like the Taxpayers are gonna get screwed again. Unions,Dems, and Soros have plenty of Cash. But what about the Taxpayers? These are pretty tough times. Why stick them with a Recall tab? Unions/Democrats blew it on this one. The Dems could be in trouble in Wisconsin for a long time after this debacle.
Aren't the Ron Paul groundhogs supposed to go back into hibernation about now, for another 4 years?
Hardly. We're gonna sick those good conservative Republicans on the cheating precincts to make sure nobody gets cheated this time. They're gonna dog the cats.

Then us conservatives all going to declare war on Obama's national debt and get rid of it and make sure it never gets this bad in the future.


Like you've gotten rid of the national debt every other time you guys have had the Presidency?

How sad & ironic, the Unions/Democrats are gonna stick Wisconsin Taxpayers with their Recall tab. Unions/Democrats sticking it to the Taxpayers is what this fight is all about isn't it? They just can't help themselves. I think they really blew it on this one. There's only one thing worse than a Taxpayer scorned. The Dems could be in big trouble.

Not only are you a pretend Ron Paulbot, you're also a pretend Constitutionalist.

:lol: STFU! Since when do you Socialist/Progressive dipshits care about Freedom and the Constitution? Save your B.S. scam for someone who's dumb enough to buy it. Now you guys suddenly care about the Constitution. How bleepin convenient. You guys crack me up.
I think this is a fair & important question. We all know Unions,Democrats, and George Soros are behind the Recall effort against Governor Scott Walker. So should all Wisconsin Taxpayers be forced to fund it?

Yes. The taxpayers don't fund this sort of thing because they, personally and individually, support whichever particular recall election it is. They fund it so that they, all the voters collectively, have the power to bring recall elections if ever and whenever they feel it's necessary. Next time around, it could be the conservatives who want to call one. Paying to extend that ability to everyone protects the ability for everyone.
How sad & ironic, the Unions/Democrats are gonna stick Wisconsin Taxpayers with their Recall tab. Unions/Democrats sticking it to the Taxpayers is what this fight is all about isn't it? They just can't help themselves. I think they really blew it on this one. There's only one thing worse than a Taxpayer scorned. The Dems could be in big trouble.

Not only are you a pretend Ron Paulbot, you're also a pretend Constitutionalist.

:lol: STFU! Since when do you Socialist/Progressive dipshits care about Freedom and the Constitution? Save your B.S. scam for someone who's dumb enough to buy it. Now you guys suddenly care about the Constitution. How bleepin convenient. You guys crack me up.

I'm less perplexed by the convenient support of the constitution by some as I am by your convenient ignorance of it.
I think this is a fair & important question. We all know Unions,Democrats, and George Soros are behind the Recall effort against Governor Scott Walker. So should all Wisconsin Taxpayers be forced to fund it?

Yes. The taxpayers don't fund this sort of thing because they, personally and individually, support whichever particular recall election it is. They fund it so that they, all the voters collectively, have the power to bring recall elections if ever and whenever they feel it's necessary. Next time around, it could be the conservatives who want to call one. Paying to extend that ability to everyone protects the ability for everyone.

This anti-American <Freudian Stage II ad hominem omitted> list so far...

Clementine, FJO, freedombecki, Grampa Murked U, Jroc, Missourian, Mr.Nick, Oddball, paulitician, The T, thereisnospoon, WillowTree

meh, certainly no surprises, that's for sure.
We exercise our freedom of speech, hold predator opportunistic specie Demmie feet to the fire against the American taxpayer's wallet, and you're mad?

Did we make you nervous when we said we are going to eliminate the national debt, and some people on the gummint blankie may have to get a job?

Be afraid, be very afraid! :muahaha:

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