Should America Bid Farewell to Exceptional Freedom?

It is just putting into historical perspective the yearning for "the good ole days" when we had so much more freedom.

We have never had as much freedom as we do right now

You cant possibly be serious.
the problem is, people who want to enslave other people are dead serious when they speak this way. rightwinger has proven time and again that he wants to enslave the American citizen.

It is just putting into historical perspective the yearning for "the good ole days" when we had so much more freedom.

We have never had as much freedom as we do right now"

Is RW serious? Misinformed? Ignorant?

If RW is talking about freedom of the Government to IMPEDE Liberty? That would be correct, and I wonder if this is to what this idiot refers?:eusa_think:
Try again, dimwit. We had WAY more freedom in the 70s until Carter introduced gas lines to us.

Carter caused an oil embargo? Hmmm, news to me. Here I thought it was because OPEC was pissed off at the US support of Israel (which was hardly something new).

is this why Carter undermined Israel at every turn? [And Continues to even to this day]?

Jimmy Carter was directly responsible for the rise to prominence of Islamic Jihad headed by Aiman Al Zawahiri...after he got Sadat and Begin to shake hands and embrace the entire terrorist movement took on a whole differrent strategy. Islamic Jihad assassinated Sadat, bombed the Marine Barracks in Lebenon then went to Afghanistan to fight the Russians at which point Al Qaeda was born.

Jimmy Carter was the worst president in the entire history of the country....BAR NONE!!!!!
Carter caused an oil embargo? Hmmm, news to me. Here I thought it was because OPEC was pissed off at the US support of Israel (which was hardly something new).

is this why Carter undermined Israel at every turn? [And Continues to even to this day]?

Jimmy Carter was directly responsible for the rise to prominence of Islamic Jihad headed by Aiman Al Zawahiri...after he got Sadat and Begin to shake hands and embrace the entire terrorist movement took on a whole differrent strategy. Islamic Jihad assassinated Sadat, bombed the Marine Barracks in Lebenon then went to Afghanistan to fight the Russians at which point Al Qaeda was born.

Jimmy Carter was the worst president in the entire history of the country....BAR NONE!!!!!

Indeed. And Obama continues on that track.
Exceptional FREEDOM?

The Bush-Cheney regime exhibited such extreme modes of governance in its embrace of an imperial presidency, its violation of domestic and international law, and its disdain for human rights and democratic values that it was hard to view such anti-democratic policies as part of a pervasive shift towards a hidden order of authoritarian politics, which historically has existed at the margins of American society. How else to label such a government other than shockingly and uniquely extremist, given its political legacy that included the rise of the security and torture state; the creation of legal illegalities in which civil liberties were trampled; the launching of an unjust war in Iraq legitimated through official lies; the passing of legislative policies that drained the federal surplus by giving away more than a trillion dollars in tax cuts to the rich; the enactment of a shameful policy of preemptive war; the endorsement of an inflated military budget at the expense of much-needed social programs; the selling off of as many government functions as possible to corporate interests; the resurrection of an imperial presidency; an incessant attack against unions; support for a muzzled and increasingly corporate-controlled media; government production of fake news reports to gain consent for regressive policies; use of an Orwellian vocabulary for disguising monstrous acts such as torture ("enhanced interrogation techniques"); furtherance of a racist campaign of legal harassment and incarceration of Arabs, Muslims and immigrants; advancement of a prison binge through a repressive policy of criminalization; establishment of an unregulated and ultimately devastating form of casino capitalism; the arrogant celebration and support for the interests and values of big business at the expense of citizens and the common good, and the dismantling of social services and social safety nets as part of a larger campaign of ushering in the corporate state and the reign of finance capital.

The fact that you think the vanishing of Exceptional Freedom in this country started with Bush (or Obama for some of the others) is a picturesque example of how it's been allowed to happen. The nibbling away at freedom in this country began long before the 21st century.

We've also grown in population from 4 million when the Constitution was signed to over 305 million. A slight consideration?

No. What difference does it make?
is this why Carter undermined Israel at every turn? [And Continues to even to this day]?

Jimmy Carter was directly responsible for the rise to prominence of Islamic Jihad headed by Aiman Al Zawahiri...after he got Sadat and Begin to shake hands and embrace the entire terrorist movement took on a whole differrent strategy. Islamic Jihad assassinated Sadat, bombed the Marine Barracks in Lebenon then went to Afghanistan to fight the Russians at which point Al Qaeda was born.

Jimmy Carter was the worst president in the entire history of the country....BAR NONE!!!!!

Indeed. And Obama continues on that track.

Jimmy will be tough to beat but Obama has allowed Iran to continue with it's nuclear weapons program and his "let's embrace Iran in diplomacy." strategy is the ultimate failure of his fucked up foreign policy. He's on track to be the guy on watch when a terrorist uses a WMD on American soil.
The fact that you think the vanishing of Exceptional Freedom in this country started with Bush (or Obama for some of the others) is a picturesque example of how it's been allowed to happen. The nibbling away at freedom in this country began long before the 21st century.

We've also grown in population from 4 million when the Constitution was signed to over 305 million. A slight consideration?

No. What difference does it make?

None. That's the point. just because certain segments of society have changed does it make it any more relevant to usurp the Constution seeing that it *IS* the basis of our LAW (s) and deserves respect from those that have "sworn" to defend it...[Even from themselves].
That is totally not true. If you want an insurer exclusive of any that participate in the exchange, you can do it. That point was stressed over and over and over again: If you like your own health care provider, you can keep it. The HCR provides for choices that people WHO DO NOT HAVE COVERAGE to pick policies offering lower premiums that they CAN afford.

I am sorry, I do not agree with your interpretation. The fact is that no insurance company that is not a part of the health insurance exchange (aka a governmental puppet) will be allowed to write new policies from 2014 on. Now, if I were to be covered by such a company (which I am sure will not exist on 1/1/2014) that company would have a very limited life. If you can't write new policies, you cannot stay in business. See the beauty of their plan?

Any insurance company that wants to stay in business is mandated (yes mandated just as we have been mandated to buy insurance, insurance companies are mandated) to join in the party of puppets.

So your interpretation that such companies will exist is unfounded.


I'm sorry, but your projection that they will not exist is equally as unfounded. I really really really seriously doubt that the entire private insurance business will become unprofitable or caput.

At most they will be puppets of the government. As puppets they may not be unprofitable. That depends on the deals that they make with Congress. Regardless, we will be the ones that suffer. As puppets, they will not have to worry about serving us. They will simply rake in our premiums and do nothing to serve us. We have no where else to go. Sure we can go from one puppet to the next but service will not change.

Also, they will become caput, as soon as, the Democrats enact their Universal Health Care which President Obama made clear was the ultimate desire of the Democratic party and when that happens service will be a thing of the past.

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This presumptuous reform has put this nation ... once dedicated to the life and freedom of every person ... on a long decline toward the same mediocrity that the social welfare states of Europe have become.

Total nonsense

What rock have you been under for the past 50 years? The liberals that are running this country are supremely lazy and selfish. They want the government to provide just about everything for them and in the process their rights along with everyone else's are taken away. Because you do not understand history, you along with everyone else will be forced to repeat it.
This presumptuous reform has put this nation ... once dedicated to the life and freedom of every person ... on a long decline toward the same mediocrity that the social welfare states of Europe have become.

Total nonsense

What rock have you been under for the past 50 years? The liberals that are running this country are supremely lazy and selfish. They want the government to provide just about everything for them and in the process their rights along with everyone else's are taken away. Because you do not understand history, you along with everyone else will be forced to repeat it.

Its called being a modern society.

Where have you been the last 50 years? Remember the rampant poverty? Overt Racism? Gays being beaten with immunity? Domestic violence that was family business? Rampant polution?
Because well informed and modern Republicans and Democrats do understand history, xsited1, your kind will not be allowed to repeat it here in the U.S.
Total nonsense

What rock have you been under for the past 50 years? The liberals that are running this country are supremely lazy and selfish. They want the government to provide just about everything for them and in the process their rights along with everyone else's are taken away. Because you do not understand history, you along with everyone else will be forced to repeat it.

Its called being a modern society.

Where have you been the last 50 years? Remember the rampant poverty? Overt Racism? Gays being beaten with immunity? Domestic violence that was family business? Rampant polution?

All the things you mention are still going on today and have been perpetuated by democrat party bills and laws passed. To this day not a single penny of the 50 trillion dollars your party has spent on the impoverished people in this country has lifted A SINGLE ONE out of that poverty....but it sure got your party a lot of votes and that's all they care about.
Its called being a modern society.

Where have you been the last 50 years? Remember the rampant poverty? Overt Racism? Gays being beaten with immunity? Domestic violence that was family business? Rampant polution?

Oh, so there is no more poverty? Then why do we need to spend so much for a problem that doesnt exist?

Overt Racism? So The Democrat parties covert racism is better?

When the heck have gays ever been beaten with immunity?

Had domestic violence stopped? Is it any less family business?

Pollution has stopped? Does that mean we can end these ridiculous environmental laws that are destroying our economy?
Because well informed and modern Republicans and Democrats do understand history, xsited1, your kind will not be allowed to repeat it here in the U.S.

Oh, so i guess you want to be the ones repeating it? Well leave the rest of us out of it.
This presumptuous reform has put this nation ... once dedicated to the life and freedom of every person ... on a long decline toward the same mediocrity that the social welfare states of Europe have become.

Total nonsense

What rock have you been under for the past 50 years? The liberals that are running this country are supremely lazy and selfish. They want the government to provide just about everything for them and in the process their rights along with everyone else's are taken away. Because you do not understand history, you along with everyone else will be forced to repeat it.

What history have you been studying, Texas revisionist bullshit? The past 30 years have been dominated by Republicans and right wing ideas. America is the smoking ruins of a failed revolution; the Reagan revolution. It is the western equivalent of the failed Bolshevik revolution. People like myself that are old enough, have witnessed the systematic dismantling of New Deal policies, common sense safeguards, constant attacks on worker's wages and rights and the collapse of the middle class, It has led directly to the collapse of our economy and the worst wealth and income inequality since the early 1900's...the Gilded Age, the days of Robber Barons.

Ronald Reagan was the biggest wealth distribution socialist in our history.

The freedom to determine my own health. The freedom to build. The freedom to choose who to work for. The freedom over intrusive government. The freedom to determine my own destiny.

You still have all those freedoms. If you want to blow out your gut eating as many Hohos as you can, go for it.
Total nonsense

What rock have you been under for the past 50 years? The liberals that are running this country are supremely lazy and selfish. They want the government to provide just about everything for them and in the process their rights along with everyone else's are taken away. Because you do not understand history, you along with everyone else will be forced to repeat it.

What history have you been studying, Texas revisionist bullshit? The past 30 years have been dominated by Republicans and right wing ideas. America is the smoking ruins of a failed revolution; the Reagan revolution. It is the western equivalent of the failed Bolshevik revolution. People like myself that are old enough, have witnessed the systematic dismantling of New Deal policies, common sense safeguards, constant attacks on worker's wages and rights and the collapse of the middle class, It has led directly to the collapse of our economy and the worst wealth and income inequality since the early 1900's...the Gilded Age, the days of Robber Barons.

Ronald Reagan was the biggest wealth distribution socialist in our history.


It's not surprising that someone who is Exceptionally Stupid would fail to GROK the Exceptional Freedom that Americans have experienced. It is unusual in human history for average people to be as free as we once were; and it's a shame to see our government actively destroying that freedom via abuse of power.

You are SOOOOO right!

it pains to me to recount all the freedoms we have lost to obama and the liberal democrats...




the freedom to....



and the freedom to.....




I can't actually think of any at the moment but I KNOW in my deranged conservative brain that there are a LOT of them!

Too easy, with the passage of the HC bill, we no longer have the freedom to go without HC coverage. You do know what the word Mandate means?
Playing the Race Card is a concession that you don't have a valid point to make.

Just sayin'.

It is just putting into historical perspective the yearning for "the good ole days" when we had so much more freedom.

We have never had as much freedom as we do right now

Really? How about before we had a national income tax?
How about before there was Socialist Security tax?

Freedom INCLUDES freedom to fail

That is why the failures prefer socialism to freedom. Because then everyone fails and they don't stand out as losers.

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