Should Antifa Be Designated a Domestic Terror Group?

This country is doomed.
With a bunch of brain dead liberals at the helm..


Antifa mantra is to go with the INTENTION OF FIGHTING............That is a planned attack.........They should be beaten down and locked up til they say uncle sam...........

Yeah.........they are terrorists.
Do their activities fit the legal definition of domestic terrorism?

(5) the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that—

(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;

(B) appear to be intended—
(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
(ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and

(C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States;
18 U.S. Code § 2331 - Definitions
Yes they are!
This country is doomed.
With a bunch of brain dead liberals at the helm..


Antifa mantra is to go with the INTENTION OF FIGHTING............That is a planned attack.........They should be beaten down and locked up til they say uncle sam...........

Yeah.........they are terrorists.
How so...............I'm speaking my mind.........Free Speech and all........Antifa are scumbags.........I have no problem calling their punk asses out of that.

Now check this out. It gives me goose pimples.


Youtube has blocked this excellent I'll describe it. The antifa goon has a metal pipe and gets knocked out cold with one hit.

Let me see here, which state that isn't a democratic controlled one that doesn't have massive problems with homeless people that isn't also a so called "sanctuary" for illegal aliens? One that say, democratically opted to be a sanctuary for illegal aliens or conversely, wants to (heaven forfend, allow dispossessed paupers) camp in public places? Democrats. Can't preserve their jobs, or stop them from being dispossessed. Democrats do that. I used to be a democrat....This is inexcusable.
Without question.... ANTIFA is a terrorist organization. They say they fight White Supremacists and Nazis.... but, in their mind, everyone who does not think like them is a Nazi or White Supremacist. Think how dangerous that mindset is? They go out, assault people, burn buildings, cars, etc., and say “oh, it’s OK because we say they are Nazis.
And they will do that against a black person who dares not to fall in line.
Should Antifa Be Designated a Domestic Terror Group?

Should Antifa Be Designated a Domestic Terror Group?
1 Jul 2019 ~ By Jeff Carlson
Andy Ngo, a Portland, Oregon-based editor and photo-journalist for Quillette, was assaulted and hospitalized by masked and hooded far-left Antifa extremists on June 29.
Ngo, who has extensively documented violence by Antifa, had written on Twitter a day earlier that he was nervous about the coming rally, noting that Antifa members had been “promising ‘physical confrontation’ & have singled me out to be assaulted.” Following the assault, Ngo was hospitalized with multiple contusions, a black eye, and a torn earlobe; he also suffered a brain bleed that required overnight hospitalization.
Antifa first rose to national prominence in 2017 during protests in Berkeley that targeted conservative speakers at University of California, Berkeley. After escalating clashes and increasing levels of violence, the city of Berkeley finally responded by issuing a series of rules that included banning items designated as weapons, along with the use of masks. As Berkeley’s bulletin noted, protesters were routinely coming to rallies armed with “metal pipes, baseball bats, lengths of 2″x4″ lumber spiked with nails, bricks, pepper spray, mace, daggers, combat shields, poles, axe handles, hatchets, helmets, masks, and similar items.” Groups like Antifa and their tendency towards violence pose a serious threat to society. It may be time to officially classify Antifa as the domestic terror threat that it is.

These violent masked hoodlums should definitely be considered domestic terrorists! They are funded by George Soros and supported by many mainstream media organizations which give them civilians addresses as well as they’re places of employment so they can harass and possibly get their target fired! We should meet they’re violence with much more then words and complaints, they should be arrested. It’s time for the governor of Oregon to remove Portland’s mayor and end his attack against the innocent civilians of that once great city! That mayor decided to make himself the chief of police as well should be incarcerated for aiding and abetting domestic terrorists and should probably spend the rest of his term behind bars!
There should be a Federal law against wearing masks during protests and riots. We know that Georgia is one state that has made laws against wearing masks in protests because of Democrat KKK domestic terrorists.

Damn right they should.
Liberals have their special brand of hate. Yes. Google and You tube has demonetizes and demonizes folks over subjective things and they are being called to task for that. So what exactly IS hate speech? Isn't that subjective as hell?
ANY group, right or left or center for that matter, that uses violence in order to intimidate people or the public in general should be designated as a domestic terrorist group.

There should be a federal domestic terrorism law in order to aide in prosecution of individuals in the designated groups. That or federal authorities need to find a legal way to use the RICO statutes against the groups.
RICO should be used to close down and stop the funding by George Soros, the major backer of ANTIFA. Take his assets away and he might stop being such a shithead.

I agree with you. Soros and the organizations he funds should all be exposed and designated terrorist groups and prosecuted to the full extent of the laws we presently have on the books.
Soros isn't an American right? I mean I heard was a furner. So how do we prosecute him if that's the case?
He has investments in the US, confiscate those investments and when he come to the US to reclaim them, LOCK HIM UP.
Should Antifa Be Designated a Domestic Terror Group?

Should Antifa Be Designated a Domestic Terror Group?
1 Jul 2019 ~ By Jeff Carlson
Andy Ngo, a Portland, Oregon-based editor and photo-journalist for Quillette, was assaulted and hospitalized by masked and hooded far-left Antifa extremists on June 29.
Ngo, who has extensively documented violence by Antifa, had written on Twitter a day earlier that he was nervous about the coming rally, noting that Antifa members had been “promising ‘physical confrontation’ & have singled me out to be assaulted.” Following the assault, Ngo was hospitalized with multiple contusions, a black eye, and a torn earlobe; he also suffered a brain bleed that required overnight hospitalization.
Antifa first rose to national prominence in 2017 during protests in Berkeley that targeted conservative speakers at University of California, Berkeley. After escalating clashes and increasing levels of violence, the city of Berkeley finally responded by issuing a series of rules that included banning items designated as weapons, along with the use of masks. As Berkeley’s bulletin noted, protesters were routinely coming to rallies armed with “metal pipes, baseball bats, lengths of 2″x4″ lumber spiked with nails, bricks, pepper spray, mace, daggers, combat shields, poles, axe handles, hatchets, helmets, masks, and similar items.” Groups like Antifa and their tendency towards violence pose a serious threat to society. It may be time to officially classify Antifa as the domestic terror threat that it is.

These violent masked hoodlums should definitely be considered domestic terrorists! They are funded by George Soros and supported by many mainstream media organizations which give them civilians addresses as well as they’re places of employment so they can harass and possibly get their target fired! We should meet they’re violence with much more then words and complaints, they should be arrested. It’s time for the governor of Oregon to remove Portland’s mayor and end his attack against the innocent civilians of that once great city! That mayor decided to make himself the chief of police as well should be incarcerated for aiding and abetting domestic terrorists and should probably spend the rest of his term behind bars!
There should be a Federal law against wearing masks during protests and riots. We know that Georgia is one state that has made laws against wearing masks in protests because of Democrat KKK domestic terrorists.

Should Antifa Be Designated a Domestic Terror Group?

Should Antifa Be Designated a Domestic Terror Group?
1 Jul 2019 ~ By Jeff Carlson
Andy Ngo, a Portland, Oregon-based editor and photo-journalist for Quillette, was assaulted and hospitalized by masked and hooded far-left Antifa extremists on June 29.
Ngo, who has extensively documented violence by Antifa, had written on Twitter a day earlier that he was nervous about the coming rally, noting that Antifa members had been “promising ‘physical confrontation’ & have singled me out to be assaulted.” Following the assault, Ngo was hospitalized with multiple contusions, a black eye, and a torn earlobe; he also suffered a brain bleed that required overnight hospitalization.
Antifa first rose to national prominence in 2017 during protests in Berkeley that targeted conservative speakers at University of California, Berkeley. After escalating clashes and increasing levels of violence, the city of Berkeley finally responded by issuing a series of rules that included banning items designated as weapons, along with the use of masks. As Berkeley’s bulletin noted, protesters were routinely coming to rallies armed with “metal pipes, baseball bats, lengths of 2″x4″ lumber spiked with nails, bricks, pepper spray, mace, daggers, combat shields, poles, axe handles, hatchets, helmets, masks, and similar items.” Groups like Antifa and their tendency towards violence pose a serious threat to society. It may be time to officially classify Antifa as the domestic terror threat that it is.

These violent masked hoodlums should definitely be considered domestic terrorists! They are funded by George Soros and supported by many mainstream media organizations which give them civilians addresses as well as they’re places of employment so they can harass and possibly get their target fired! We should meet they’re violence with much more then words and complaints, they should be arrested. It’s time for the governor of Oregon to remove Portland’s mayor and end his attack against the innocent civilians of that once great city! That mayor decided to make himself the chief of police as well should be incarcerated for aiding and abetting domestic terrorists and should probably spend the rest of his term behind bars!
There should be a Federal law against wearing masks during protests and riots. We know that Georgia is one state that has made laws against wearing masks in protests because of Democrat KKK domestic terrorists.

Of course.

Do you people really want to make protesting government a terrorist act? Might want to rethink that, or move to a different country.

They are engaging in terrorist activities the same way that the SA did during Krystalnacht. Same bullshit, same type of people. They are not protesting, they are engaging in violent demonstrations. Entirely different.
Should Antifa Be Designated a Domestic Terror Group?

Should Antifa Be Designated a Domestic Terror Group?
1 Jul 2019 ~ By Jeff Carlson
Andy Ngo, a Portland, Oregon-based editor and photo-journalist for Quillette, was assaulted and hospitalized by masked and hooded far-left Antifa extremists on June 29.
Ngo, who has extensively documented violence by Antifa, had written on Twitter a day earlier that he was nervous about the coming rally, noting that Antifa members had been “promising ‘physical confrontation’ & have singled me out to be assaulted.” Following the assault, Ngo was hospitalized with multiple contusions, a black eye, and a torn earlobe; he also suffered a brain bleed that required overnight hospitalization.
Antifa first rose to national prominence in 2017 during protests in Berkeley that targeted conservative speakers at University of California, Berkeley. After escalating clashes and increasing levels of violence, the city of Berkeley finally responded by issuing a series of rules that included banning items designated as weapons, along with the use of masks. As Berkeley’s bulletin noted, protesters were routinely coming to rallies armed with “metal pipes, baseball bats, lengths of 2″x4″ lumber spiked with nails, bricks, pepper spray, mace, daggers, combat shields, poles, axe handles, hatchets, helmets, masks, and similar items.” Groups like Antifa and their tendency towards violence pose a serious threat to society. It may be time to officially classify Antifa as the domestic terror threat that it is.

These violent masked hoodlums should definitely be considered domestic terrorists! They are funded by George Soros and supported by many mainstream media organizations which give them civilians addresses as well as they’re places of employment so they can harass and possibly get their target fired! We should meet they’re violence with much more then words and complaints, they should be arrested. It’s time for the governor of Oregon to remove Portland’s mayor and end his attack against the innocent civilians of that once great city! That mayor decided to make himself the chief of police as well should be incarcerated for aiding and abetting domestic terrorists and should probably spend the rest of his term behind bars!
There should be a Federal law against wearing masks during protests and riots. We know that Georgia is one state that has made laws against wearing masks in protests because of Democrat KKK domestic terrorists.
We are tearing ourselves apart with this stuff. Democratic liberal progressive SJW's demonize anyone and call (us) them NAZIS. And ask is it OK to physically assault us/them? Liberals have become the oppressors now. They can't stand free open-minded criticism. They call anything or anyone that disagrees with them " haters or bigots". It's like the boy that cried WOLF a few to many times...

That's because they are not liberals. They are progressives. Entirely different type of critter.
When you are burning shit, and breaking shit, and violently hurting people,

it is not "protesting" anymore

Why are you lying for violent thugs?
I'm not lying. I'm trying to bring reason to the discussion.

When you call rioting "protesting" you are lying.

Why are you lying for violent thugs?
I don't defend their actions.

And they are protesting.

When you lie about someone committing violent crimes, to provide them political and thus legal cover for their violence,

you are certainly defending them. At least.

Do you like reading about people being hurt by these violent thugs?
Fuck you

His point is accurate. So fuck you.
When you call rioting "protesting" you are lying.

Why are you lying for violent thugs?
I don't defend their actions.

And they are protesting.

When you lie about someone committing violent crimes, to provide them political and thus legal cover for their violence,

you are certainly defending them. At least.

Do you like reading about people being hurt by these violent thugs?
Fuck you

Do you like reading when you here that they managed to shut down someone's speech?

I don't condone their actions, I can't say it any clearer.

It is not, however, a terrorist act.

According to Websters, the activity they engage in is most definitely terrorism.
When you lie about someone committing violent crimes, to provide them political and thus legal cover for their violence,

you are certainly defending them. At least.

Do you like reading about people being hurt by these violent thugs?
Fuck you

Do you like reading when you here that they managed to shut down someone's speech?

I don't condone their actions, I can't say it any clearer.

It is not, however, a terrorist act.

They are using violent and fear of violence for political ends, ie to suppress speech, to stop their enemies from assembling,ect,

That is textbook terrorism.

terrorism - Google Search

Learn to pronounce
  1. the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
Whatever, beg government to protect you from the youth. Probably a wise maneuver on your part.

You notice how they don't do that sort of shit in States like mine? Yup, they would die. We don't put up with that sort of shit here.
Should Antifa Be Designated a Domestic Terror Group?

Should Antifa Be Designated a Domestic Terror Group?
1 Jul 2019 ~ By Jeff Carlson
Andy Ngo, a Portland, Oregon-based editor and photo-journalist for Quillette, was assaulted and hospitalized by masked and hooded far-left Antifa extremists on June 29.
Ngo, who has extensively documented violence by Antifa, had written on Twitter a day earlier that he was nervous about the coming rally, noting that Antifa members had been “promising ‘physical confrontation’ & have singled me out to be assaulted.” Following the assault, Ngo was hospitalized with multiple contusions, a black eye, and a torn earlobe; he also suffered a brain bleed that required overnight hospitalization.
Antifa first rose to national prominence in 2017 during protests in Berkeley that targeted conservative speakers at University of California, Berkeley. After escalating clashes and increasing levels of violence, the city of Berkeley finally responded by issuing a series of rules that included banning items designated as weapons, along with the use of masks. As Berkeley’s bulletin noted, protesters were routinely coming to rallies armed with “metal pipes, baseball bats, lengths of 2″x4″ lumber spiked with nails, bricks, pepper spray, mace, daggers, combat shields, poles, axe handles, hatchets, helmets, masks, and similar items.” Groups like Antifa and their tendency towards violence pose a serious threat to society. It may be time to officially classify Antifa as the domestic terror threat that it is.

These violent masked hoodlums should definitely be considered domestic terrorists! They are funded by George Soros and supported by many mainstream media organizations which give them civilians addresses as well as they’re places of employment so they can harass and possibly get their target fired! We should meet they’re violence with much more then words and complaints, they should be arrested. It’s time for the governor of Oregon to remove Portland’s mayor and end his attack against the innocent civilians of that once great city! That mayor decided to make himself the chief of police as well should be incarcerated for aiding and abetting domestic terrorists and should probably spend the rest of his term behind bars!
There should be a Federal law against wearing masks during protests and riots. We know that Georgia is one state that has made laws against wearing masks in protests because of Democrat KKK domestic terrorists.

Of course.

Do you people really want to make protesting government a terrorist act? Might want to rethink that, or move to a different country.

They are engaging in terrorist activities the same way that the SA did during Krystalnacht. Same bullshit, same type of people. They are not protesting, they are engaging in violent demonstrations. Entirely different.
Really!? So where are the Stars of David on the shops?
Should Antifa Be Designated a Domestic Terror Group?

Should Antifa Be Designated a Domestic Terror Group?
1 Jul 2019 ~ By Jeff Carlson
Andy Ngo, a Portland, Oregon-based editor and photo-journalist for Quillette, was assaulted and hospitalized by masked and hooded far-left Antifa extremists on June 29.
Ngo, who has extensively documented violence by Antifa, had written on Twitter a day earlier that he was nervous about the coming rally, noting that Antifa members had been “promising ‘physical confrontation’ & have singled me out to be assaulted.” Following the assault, Ngo was hospitalized with multiple contusions, a black eye, and a torn earlobe; he also suffered a brain bleed that required overnight hospitalization.
Antifa first rose to national prominence in 2017 during protests in Berkeley that targeted conservative speakers at University of California, Berkeley. After escalating clashes and increasing levels of violence, the city of Berkeley finally responded by issuing a series of rules that included banning items designated as weapons, along with the use of masks. As Berkeley’s bulletin noted, protesters were routinely coming to rallies armed with “metal pipes, baseball bats, lengths of 2″x4″ lumber spiked with nails, bricks, pepper spray, mace, daggers, combat shields, poles, axe handles, hatchets, helmets, masks, and similar items.” Groups like Antifa and their tendency towards violence pose a serious threat to society. It may be time to officially classify Antifa as the domestic terror threat that it is.

These violent masked hoodlums should definitely be considered domestic terrorists! They are funded by George Soros and supported by many mainstream media organizations which give them civilians addresses as well as they’re places of employment so they can harass and possibly get their target fired! We should meet they’re violence with much more then words and complaints, they should be arrested. It’s time for the governor of Oregon to remove Portland’s mayor and end his attack against the innocent civilians of that once great city! That mayor decided to make himself the chief of police as well should be incarcerated for aiding and abetting domestic terrorists and should probably spend the rest of his term behind bars!
There should be a Federal law against wearing masks during protests and riots. We know that Georgia is one state that has made laws against wearing masks in protests because of Democrat KKK domestic terrorists.
Lots of States have Klan Laws forbidding masked lawlessness. They should be enforced against Antifa
I don't defend their actions.

And they are protesting.

When you lie about someone committing violent crimes, to provide them political and thus legal cover for their violence,

you are certainly defending them. At least.

Do you like reading about people being hurt by these violent thugs?
Fuck you

Do you like reading when you here that they managed to shut down someone's speech?

I don't condone their actions, I can't say it any clearer.

It is not, however, a terrorist act.

According to Websters, the activity they engage in is most definitely terrorism.
Websters! :laughing0301:

It's defined by US code, which I have already posted.
Should Antifa Be Designated a Domestic Terror Group?

Should Antifa Be Designated a Domestic Terror Group?
1 Jul 2019 ~ By Jeff Carlson
Andy Ngo, a Portland, Oregon-based editor and photo-journalist for Quillette, was assaulted and hospitalized by masked and hooded far-left Antifa extremists on June 29.
Ngo, who has extensively documented violence by Antifa, had written on Twitter a day earlier that he was nervous about the coming rally, noting that Antifa members had been “promising ‘physical confrontation’ & have singled me out to be assaulted.” Following the assault, Ngo was hospitalized with multiple contusions, a black eye, and a torn earlobe; he also suffered a brain bleed that required overnight hospitalization.
Antifa first rose to national prominence in 2017 during protests in Berkeley that targeted conservative speakers at University of California, Berkeley. After escalating clashes and increasing levels of violence, the city of Berkeley finally responded by issuing a series of rules that included banning items designated as weapons, along with the use of masks. As Berkeley’s bulletin noted, protesters were routinely coming to rallies armed with “metal pipes, baseball bats, lengths of 2″x4″ lumber spiked with nails, bricks, pepper spray, mace, daggers, combat shields, poles, axe handles, hatchets, helmets, masks, and similar items.” Groups like Antifa and their tendency towards violence pose a serious threat to society. It may be time to officially classify Antifa as the domestic terror threat that it is.

These violent masked hoodlums should definitely be considered domestic terrorists! They are funded by George Soros and supported by many mainstream media organizations which give them civilians addresses as well as they’re places of employment so they can harass and possibly get their target fired! We should meet they’re violence with much more then words and complaints, they should be arrested. It’s time for the governor of Oregon to remove Portland’s mayor and end his attack against the innocent civilians of that once great city! That mayor decided to make himself the chief of police as well should be incarcerated for aiding and abetting domestic terrorists and should probably spend the rest of his term behind bars!
There should be a Federal law against wearing masks during protests and riots. We know that Georgia is one state that has made laws against wearing masks in protests because of Democrat KKK domestic terrorists.

Of course.

Do you people really want to make protesting government a terrorist act? Might want to rethink that, or move to a different country.

They are engaging in terrorist activities the same way that the SA did during Krystalnacht. Same bullshit, same type of people. They are not protesting, they are engaging in violent demonstrations. Entirely different.
Really!? So where are the Stars of David on the shops?

Take a look at Berkeley, as usual your faux intellectualism is leading you astray. Krystalnacht targeted jews, that is true, but the stupid assholes also destroyed businesses that weren't Jewish by either accident or on purpose. But the TACTICS are the same, dummy.

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