Should Army National Guard Troops Shoot Illegal Border Crossers ?

Trump needs to declare a state of emergency and martial law. This would effectively suspend the bill of rights. The military should be immediately deployed along the border to prevent invasion from mexico. All ports of entry to mexico gets closed. All federal officers should be put on capture and deport duty for those already here. Cities that declare themselves sanctuaries will have city officials arrested for obstruction of justice.

That's just to start.

The new Nazi Germany. Trump should be impeached immediately.
Any day now.

5,000 mostly men storming the border is an invasion.

Where are their weapons? They are not attempting to take over the US so they are not invaders. Racists like you should be sent to Honduras.

I disagree, they are taking over local politics which is taking over government. It is, in my view, technically a coo by a foreign nation, with the help of seditious politicians who trade "voting" and "possible citizenship" in a bid to retain governmental and personal power.
All I see is people are running from death. Hunger, danger for a better life and we have plenty of land, food and resources let's help them like jesus would. Americans can share their huge wasted food portions and massive empty lands. Stop being greedy...
FALSE! America does not have "plenty of land (habitable), food and resources. Fresh water is one resource, for example, that is only plentiful right after hurricanes and tropical storms. For the most part, in most areas of the country, fresh water is scarce, especially in the western states.

At Least 36 U.S. States Face Water Shortage

Much of western US facing severe water shortage - The Boston Globe

These 11 Cities May Completely Run Out Of Water Sooner Than You Think | HuffPost

Saudi Arabia is buying up farmland in US Southwest

Clean water crisis threatens US
So why most conservatives preach about morals. The gospel, jesus word and bla bla bla? Is just for show....refugees are terrorists, latinos are rapists, immigrants are stealing our jobs....what happened to jesus teachings?
You and your ancestors fled from somewhere and now you wanna deny others a safe place to live ?
I've have answered this "safe place to live" notion, how many times now in this thread ? Good grief. Is anybody READING the thread ? Maybe I'll copy paste the post and put it it my favorites, so I don't have to keep searching it over and over.

Once again >>If the caravaners were just looking for a "safe place to live", they wouldn't be coming to the US. They would be going to countries closer to them, with lower crime rates than the US (Aruba, Cuba, Martinique,), and with no language barrier.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia

I'd say their motives are more economic than anything else.

And some of your comments are correct. Immigrants ARE stealing our jobs, and Latinos DO have a rape culture, in which their rape rates are far higher than in America. Immigrants from Mexico convicted of rape in the US, often express bewilderment that they did something wrong. Back home they consider it normal.
So why most conservatives preach about morals. The gospel, jesus word and bla bla bla? Is just for show....refugees are terrorists, latinos are rapists, immigrants are stealing our jobs....what happened to jesus teachings?
You and your ancestors fled from somewhere and now you wanna deny others a safe place to live ?
I've have answered this "safe place to live" notion, how many times now in this thread ? Good grief. Is anybody READING the thread ? Maybe I'll copy paste the post and put it it my favorites, so I don't have to keep searching it over and over.

Once again >>If the caravaners were just looking for a "safe place to live", they wouldn't be coming to the US. They would be going to countries closer to them, with lower crime rates than the US (Aruba, Cuba, Martinique,), and with no language barrier.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia

I'd say their motives are more economic than anything else.

And some of your comments are correct. Immigrants ARE stealing our jobs, and Latinos DO have a rape culture, in which their rape rates are far higher than in America. Immigrants from Mexico convicted of rape in the US, often express bewilderment that they did something wrong. Back home they consider it normal.

I think it's a political stunt, perpetrated by the UN globalists.

I say don't let ary a one of them in. Bitch! Stand up and fix your own country. It's a fine country.

Don't come to mine looking for handouts, go fuck yourself with that attitude.

If that's your attitude, you deserve to fail.
Is that what Jesus would do?
So you're saying we should not defend ourselves ? Allow our nation to be overrun by anyone, in any numbers ?

In World War II, Eisenhower ordered carpet bombing of German cities. Thousands of innocent people were killed. Would you prefer handing the US over to Hitler ?
Blah blah blah. Trump can not order the military to do border patrol work.

Trump said he was sending the military to secure the border.
He said it and he will do it. And he's already done it, a few months ago. So did Bush (2006) and Obama (2010)
If an American citizen were to shoot someone who crossed the border unofficially, what would be the legal consequences?
What would be the legal consequences for American citizens who shot and killed thousands of Japanese soldiers and civilians in the Battle of Okinawa (1945). Answer: they got medals.
Trump needs to declare a state of emergency and martial law. This would effectively suspend the bill of rights. The military should be immediately deployed along the border to prevent invasion from mexico. All ports of entry to mexico gets closed. All federal officers should be put on capture and deport duty for those already here. Cities that declare themselves sanctuaries will have city officials arrested for obstruction of justice.

That's just to start.

The new Nazi Germany. Trump should be impeached immediately.
Any day now.

5,000 mostly men storming the border is an invasion.

Where are their weapons? They are not attempting to take over the US so they are not invaders. Racists like you should be sent to Honduras.

I disagree, they are taking over local politics which is taking over government. It is, in my view, technically a coo by a foreign nation, with the help of seditious politicians who trade "voting" and "possible citizenship" in a bid to retain governmental and personal power.

A coo? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Are they going to allow their territory to be violated?
Crepitus et al seems to be OK with it. Problem with leftist lunatics is, they have no sense if nationalism. No sense of national borders. To them, their territory is the whole world.

To them, a Honduran, a Mexican, a Guatemalan are all the same as an American. I think most Americans aren't quite focused on how deranged leftists are.

What's deranged about helping people in need and seeking asylum? Now when USA invades other countries, watch out. We level entire countries on the pretext that maybe some dictator had wmds'. Totally none of our concern if we were minding our own business like the founders of this country advised us to do. These poor folks coming from central America for be good little obedient patriots and don't forget to rip them apart from any kids that may be traveling with them.
Hey asshole, as VP Cheney famously said, "go fuck yourself". You don't shoot people in a nation of laws for committing a misdemeanor.
Invasions aren't misdemeanors. And yes, you CAN shoot somebody for a misdemeanor. Someone attempting to punch you, is a battery (misdeameanor). It's legal to shoot that person in self-defense.
Maybe breaking Mexican law is the answer. Cross the border and deal with these invaders on Mexican soil...

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