Should Barr Recuse Himself from Mueller Probe?

Barr is performing the same service for Trump today that he supplied Bush I over Iran Contra; it's called Republican white wash, and Mueller's report won't be "water over the dam" until Barr, McGahn, Rosenstein, and Mueller testify under oath before congress and the American public.

Mr. Barr has testified before Congress, but he has made it clear that he will not answer questions from Nadler's Hired Goons.

If the members want to question him, he doesn't have a problem, but he isn't going to be a political pawn for the Leftard doofuses.

As far as the others, President Trump is exercising the same Executive Privilege and B. Hussein O and his wingman Eric Holder exercised in the many obama era Real scandals
Because Barr already perjured himself, and proved he was carrying water for Trump. This is the person who testified that he had questions about spying, then took the liberties to tweet that spying occured. Barr has no honest equity left in this fight. Not that he ever had any.

Lol.....but when the criminal referrals on the hoax start rolling out soon, gonna really blow for your way of thinking s0n!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Been two and a half years, and all I've seen are Republicans going to jail or being fined. A hoax doesn't work to well as a talking point when your side is in jail, fined, or awaiting trial. Save the bs. The country knows better now.

Lol.....the Barr bumpy cucumbers will be historic! This forum gonna be a hoot for conservatives in the coming months!:flirtysmile4:
And yet, we all see you are too much of a coward to debate anything now.

Grow up.

Grow up.
"Alfa Bank

"Barr’s former law firm Kirkland & Ellis LLP, where he was counsel from March 2017 until he was confirmed as attorney general in February 2019, represented Russia’s Alfa Bank. (Barr earned more than $1 million at Kirkland.)

"Barr also supervises, at Justice, another Kirkland & Ellis alumnus with Alfa ties.

"Early last year, Trump nominated Kirkland & Ellis partner Brian Benczkowski to the Justice Department’s criminal division.

"In his role with the law firm, Benczkowski had represented Alfa Bank and supervised an investigation into suspicious online communications between the bank and servers belonging to the Trump Organization."

Should William Barr recuse himself from Mueller report? Legal experts say AG's ties to Russia are troubling

Surely, you recognize a swamp in dire need of draining?

When are those two getting married? They sure have a 'thing' for each other.
The swamp is filling up pretty quick, even tho' blondie said he was gonna drain some stuff.
When are those two getting married? They sure have a 'thing' for each other.
The swamp is filling up pretty quick, even tho' blondie said he was gonna drain some stuff

Road map through the Trump/Putin collusion swamp

The $400 million Trump came up with to buy multiple properties in the decade before he launched his POTUS bid came from Russian money laundering operations.

That swamp is currently draining the Republican Party.

Good riddance.
Hopefully it will continue draining the party swamp.
Hopefully it will continue draining the party swamp.
Former congressman: 'Trump has completely destroyed the Republican Party'

Trump believes wages in the US are too high.

Ultimately, that will be enough to bury Republicans forever.
Donald Trump Thinks US Wages Are Too High – The Matthew Filipowicz Show

Grow up.

Grow up.
"Alfa Bank

"Barr’s former law firm Kirkland & Ellis LLP, where he was counsel from March 2017 until he was confirmed as attorney general in February 2019, represented Russia’s Alfa Bank. (Barr earned more than $1 million at Kirkland.)

"Barr also supervises, at Justice, another Kirkland & Ellis alumnus with Alfa ties.

"Early last year, Trump nominated Kirkland & Ellis partner Brian Benczkowski to the Justice Department’s criminal division.

"In his role with the law firm, Benczkowski had represented Alfa Bank and supervised an investigation into suspicious online communications between the bank and servers belonging to the Trump Organization."

Should William Barr recuse himself from Mueller report? Legal experts say AG's ties to Russia are troubling

Surely, you recognize a swamp in dire need of draining?

When are those two getting married? They sure have a 'thing' for each other.
The swamp is filling up pretty quick, even tho' blondie said he was gonna drain some stuff.
When are those two getting married? They sure have a 'thing' for each other.
The swamp is filling up pretty quick, even tho' blondie said he was gonna drain some stuff

Road map through the Trump/Putin collusion swamp

The $400 million Trump came up with to buy multiple properties in the decade before he launched his POTUS bid came from Russian money laundering operations.

That swamp is currently draining the Republican Party.

Good riddance.
Hopefully it will continue draining the party swamp.
Hopefully it will continue draining the party swamp.
Former congressman: 'Trump has completely destroyed the Republican Party'

Trump believes wages in the US are too high.

Ultimately, that will be enough to bury Republicans forever.
Donald Trump Thinks US Wages Are Too High – The Matthew Filipowicz Show
Trump is an idiot.
Another lie.

Its not a valid reason to subpoena someone to bring them before a committee to try and get them to lie.
They don't have to. He's going to lie anyway because he has no other choice. The Dems need enough documentation to prove that Barr surrendered his oath of office by proving he covered for Trump. That's truth and justice for the American people. We didn't put Barr in there to be stooge for Trump. That's not why he is there. We need for him to fully clarify why he mischaracterized the Mueller report.

Grow up.

Grow up.
"Alfa Bank

"Barr’s former law firm Kirkland & Ellis LLP, where he was counsel from March 2017 until he was confirmed as attorney general in February 2019, represented Russia’s Alfa Bank. (Barr earned more than $1 million at Kirkland.)

"Barr also supervises, at Justice, another Kirkland & Ellis alumnus with Alfa ties.

"Early last year, Trump nominated Kirkland & Ellis partner Brian Benczkowski to the Justice Department’s criminal division.

"In his role with the law firm, Benczkowski had represented Alfa Bank and supervised an investigation into suspicious online communications between the bank and servers belonging to the Trump Organization."

Should William Barr recuse himself from Mueller report? Legal experts say AG's ties to Russia are troubling

Surely, you recognize a swamp in dire need of draining?

When are those two getting married? They sure have a 'thing' for each other.
The swamp is filling up pretty quick, even tho' blondie said he was gonna drain some stuff.
When are those two getting married? They sure have a 'thing' for each other.
The swamp is filling up pretty quick, even tho' blondie said he was gonna drain some stuff

Road map through the Trump/Putin collusion swamp

The $400 million Trump came up with to buy multiple properties in the decade before he launched his POTUS bid came from Russian money laundering operations.

That swamp is currently draining the Republican Party.

Good riddance.
Hopefully it will continue draining the party swamp.
Hopefully it will continue draining the party swamp.
Former congressman: 'Trump has completely destroyed the Republican Party'

Trump believes wages in the US are too high.

Ultimately, that will be enough to bury Republicans forever.
Donald Trump Thinks US Wages Are Too High – The Matthew Filipowicz Show

President Trump has certainly transformed the GOP, I don't think there is any argument about that.

But former leaders of the Republicans were really considered "pieces of shit" by the Democrats like Mr. Rangel for many years. Romney was ripped for his dancing horses, and allegations of not paying taxes, not to mention all the women in binders.

Mr. McCain was considering Virtually Hitler. Bush II was even considered lower, he was called the Chimperor, Chimpus Khan by his political opponents
No one in the Trump campaign was jailed or fined for collusion. Not even Manafort who was sent to solitary confinement for a year to try and get him to break and tell lies about.
Everyone jailed or fined was tied to collusion with Russia. Just look at Manafort who gave polling data to Russia. Papadopolous was drunk when he accidentally revealed he was connected to Russia and the campaign.

Maanfort was convicted of crimes that happened long before he started working for Trump.

Papadopolous pleaded guilty to telling the FBI fibs, not collusion.
Manafort got caught giving the Russians polling data. And? That's collusion to help a foreign country get your candidate elected.

That's collusion to help a foreign country get your candidate elected.

Post the portion of the anti-collusion statute that mentions polling data.
The Act and Commission regulations include a broad prohibition on foreign national activity in connection with elections in the United States. 52 U.S.C. § 30121 and generally, 11 CFR 110.20. In general, foreign nationals are prohibited from the following activities:

  • Making any contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or making any expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement in connection with any federal, state or local election in the United States;

No mention of collusion or polling data.
Bill Barr has a few previous employers who are connected to key subjects in the Mueller Report, and these facts didn't get much attention during Barr's confirmation hearing.

Should William Barr recuse himself from Mueller report? Legal experts say AG's ties to Russia are troubling

“The legal standard is really clear about these issues.

"'It’s not about actual conflict, it’s about the appearance of a conflict, about the appearance of bias,' Jed Shugerman, a professor at Fordham University’s School of Law and an expert on judicial and government ethics, tells Newsweek . 'The problem is that we have so many flagrant conflicts that are so obvious, we get distracted from what the legal standard is.'

"This much is known: On Barr’s public financial disclosure report, he admits to working for a law firm that represented Russia’s Alfa Bank and for a company whose co-founders allegedly have long-standing business ties to Russia.

"What’s more, he received dividends from Vector Group, a holding company with deep financial ties to Russia."

Perhaps the House Judiciary Committee should hit Barr with another subpoena?

William Barr really isn't that involved in the Mueller Report right now anyhow, George.

Mr. Barr is looking at Spies in Trump Tower and whether they were well predicated. He's sort of disturbed that this is now a precedent in politics. The Mueller report is water over the damn at this point in time.
Mr. Barr is looking at Spies in Trump Tower and whether they were well predicated. He's sort of disturbed that this is now a precedent in politics. The Mueller report is water over the damn at this point in time.
Barr is performing the same service for Trump today that he supplied Bush I over Iran Contra; it's called Republican white wash, and Mueller's report won't be "water over the dam" until Barr, McGahn, Rosenstein, and Mueller testify under oath before congress and the American public.

Mr. Barr has testified before Congress, but he has made it clear that he will not answer questions from Nadler's Hired Goons.

If the members want to question him, he doesn't have a problem, but he isn't going to be a political pawn for the Leftard doofuses.

As far as the others, President Trump is exercising the same Executive Privilege and B. Hussein O and his wingman Eric Holder exercised in the many obama era Real scandals
Because Barr already perjured himself, and proved he was carrying water for Trump. This is the person who testified that he had questions about spying, then took the liberties to tweet that spying occured. Barr has no honest equity left in this fight. Not that he ever had any.

If libs think Mr. Barr perjured himself, why invite him to testify at all? What do libs hope to get from someone they don't trust?
If libs think Mr. Barr perjured himself, why invite him to testify at all? What do libs hope to get from someone they don't trust?
In order to prove Barr's perjury to millions of American viewers, not unlike how the Watergate hearings drove another corrupt administration from office.
"Alfa Bank

"Barr’s former law firm Kirkland & Ellis LLP, where he was counsel from March 2017 until he was confirmed as attorney general in February 2019, represented Russia’s Alfa Bank. (Barr earned more than $1 million at Kirkland.)

"Barr also supervises, at Justice, another Kirkland & Ellis alumnus with Alfa ties.

"Early last year, Trump nominated Kirkland & Ellis partner Brian Benczkowski to the Justice Department’s criminal division.

"In his role with the law firm, Benczkowski had represented Alfa Bank and supervised an investigation into suspicious online communications between the bank and servers belonging to the Trump Organization."

Should William Barr recuse himself from Mueller report? Legal experts say AG's ties to Russia are troubling

Surely, you recognize a swamp in dire need of draining?

When are those two getting married? They sure have a 'thing' for each other.
The swamp is filling up pretty quick, even tho' blondie said he was gonna drain some stuff.
When are those two getting married? They sure have a 'thing' for each other.
The swamp is filling up pretty quick, even tho' blondie said he was gonna drain some stuff

Road map through the Trump/Putin collusion swamp

The $400 million Trump came up with to buy multiple properties in the decade before he launched his POTUS bid came from Russian money laundering operations.

That swamp is currently draining the Republican Party.

Good riddance.
Hopefully it will continue draining the party swamp.
Hopefully it will continue draining the party swamp.
Former congressman: 'Trump has completely destroyed the Republican Party'

Trump believes wages in the US are too high.

Ultimately, that will be enough to bury Republicans forever.
Donald Trump Thinks US Wages Are Too High – The Matthew Filipowicz Show

President Trump has certainly transformed the GOP, I don't think there is any argument about that.
In a totally destructive and evil way.

But former leaders of the Republicans were really considered "pieces of shit" by the Democrats like Mr. Rangel for many years. Romney was ripped for his dancing horses, and allegations of not paying taxes, not to mention all the women in binders.
And with Trump thet showed they can be ten times worse.

Mr. McCain was considering Virtually Hitler. Bush II was even considered lower, he was called the Chimperor, Chimpus Khan by his political opponents
McCain was right, and Bush II went to war with Iraq to save Kuwait because Bush II had his own personal oil interests with Kuwait. He made us walk into that war over Kuwait, while they were slant drilling for oil on the Iraqi side, stealing Iraqi oil. Trump and Bush II are monsters, and history will always show us that.
Everyone jailed or fined was tied to collusion with Russia. Just look at Manafort who gave polling data to Russia. Papadopolous was drunk when he accidentally revealed he was connected to Russia and the campaign.

Maanfort was convicted of crimes that happened long before he started working for Trump.

Papadopolous pleaded guilty to telling the FBI fibs, not collusion.
Manafort got caught giving the Russians polling data. And? That's collusion to help a foreign country get your candidate elected.

That's collusion to help a foreign country get your candidate elected.

Post the portion of the anti-collusion statute that mentions polling data.
The Act and Commission regulations include a broad prohibition on foreign national activity in connection with elections in the United States. 52 U.S.C. § 30121 and generally, 11 CFR 110.20. In general, foreign nationals are prohibited from the following activities:

  • Making any contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or making any expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement in connection with any federal, state or local election in the United States;

No mention of collusion or polling data.
Thing of value is the same thing. Get a clue.
In order to prove Barr's perjury to millions of American viewers, not unlike how the Watergate hearings drove another corrupt administration from office.

Its not the function of a congressional committee to prove anything to viewers. If Barr is a liar and the Democrats think its already proven, its up to the COMMITTEE itself to make a vote and advise Mr. Barr of his right to remain silent
Maanfort was convicted of crimes that happened long before he started working for Trump.

Papadopolous pleaded guilty to telling the FBI fibs, not collusion.
Manafort got caught giving the Russians polling data. And? That's collusion to help a foreign country get your candidate elected.

That's collusion to help a foreign country get your candidate elected.

Post the portion of the anti-collusion statute that mentions polling data.
The Act and Commission regulations include a broad prohibition on foreign national activity in connection with elections in the United States. 52 U.S.C. § 30121 and generally, 11 CFR 110.20. In general, foreign nationals are prohibited from the following activities:

  • Making any contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or making any expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement in connection with any federal, state or local election in the United States;

No mention of collusion or polling data.
Thing of value is the same thing. Get a clue.

Manafort gave a thing of value to his Russian buddy.....bad Manafort.

So you won't post the anti-collusion statute?
Manafort got caught giving the Russians polling data. And? That's collusion to help a foreign country get your candidate elected.

That's collusion to help a foreign country get your candidate elected.

Post the portion of the anti-collusion statute that mentions polling data.
The Act and Commission regulations include a broad prohibition on foreign national activity in connection with elections in the United States. 52 U.S.C. § 30121 and generally, 11 CFR 110.20. In general, foreign nationals are prohibited from the following activities:

  • Making any contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or making any expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement in connection with any federal, state or local election in the United States;

No mention of collusion or polling data.
Thing of value is the same thing. Get a clue.

Manafort gave a thing of value to his Russian buddy.....bad Manafort.

So you won't post the anti-collusion statute?
Because I don't post silly shit. I left that for you.
In order to prove Barr's perjury to millions of American viewers, not unlike how the Watergate hearings drove another corrupt administration from office.

Its not the function of a congressional committee to prove anything to viewers. If Barr is a liar and the Democrats think its already proven, its up to the COMMITTEE itself to make a vote and advise Mr. Barr of his right to remain silent
Tax payers need to know the truth about officials who hold an office dedicated to working for us, not themselves.

And if applicable and necessary, Democrats will be forced to tell Barr just that. We can't have criminals working for us.
That's collusion to help a foreign country get your candidate elected.

Post the portion of the anti-collusion statute that mentions polling data.
The Act and Commission regulations include a broad prohibition on foreign national activity in connection with elections in the United States. 52 U.S.C. § 30121 and generally, 11 CFR 110.20. In general, foreign nationals are prohibited from the following activities:

  • Making any contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or making any expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement in connection with any federal, state or local election in the United States;

No mention of collusion or polling data.
Thing of value is the same thing. Get a clue.

Manafort gave a thing of value to his Russian buddy.....bad Manafort.

So you won't post the anti-collusion statute?
Because I don't post silly shit. I left that for you.

Because I don't post silly shit.


That's collusion to help a foreign country get your candidate elected.

Good question.

Why is Trump afraid of Mueller testifying under oath in public about the results of his investigation?
Where did he say that?
"President Trump has been insisting that the Mueller report amounts to TOTAL EXONERATION, having proved NO COLLUSION and NO OBSTRUCTION. As of Friday, he registered no objection to the author of that exonerating report, Robert Mueller, testifying to Congress.

"Now Trump is demanding that Mueller not testify."

Trump Scared to Let Robert Mueller Testify, Despite ‘Exoneration’

Trump didn't say that.
Trump didn't say that.
Sure, he did.
Maybe he Lied?

Trump Claims ‘Total Exoneration,’ but Report Is Mixed on Obstruction

Where did he say he was afraid to let Mueller testify? That's the question.
Where did he say he was afraid to let Mueller testify? That's the question.
His actions speak louder than his words:

Trump Is Terrified Mueller Will Become the Next Michael Cohen

"In theory, Donald Trump shouldn’t have much to fear from Robert Mueller’s pending testimony on Capitol Hill.

"He’s been cleared of wrongdoing in the Russia probe by his Department of Justice toady William Barr, and Democratic brass has indicated they have no interest in impeaching him.

"Nevertheless, in recent days Trump has made plain his alarm at the notion, tweeting over the weekend that Mueller 'should not testify.'

"So what’s he so afraid of?"
In order to prove Barr's perjury to millions of American viewers, not unlike how the Watergate hearings drove another corrupt administration from office.

Its not the function of a congressional committee to prove anything to viewers. If Barr is a liar and the Democrats think its already proven, its up to the COMMITTEE itself to make a vote and advise Mr. Barr of his right to remain silent
Tax payers need to know the truth about officials who hold an office dedicated to working for us, not themselves.

And if applicable and necessary, Democrats will be forced to tell Barr just that. We can't have criminals working for us.

Its not up to Mr. Barr, or any accused, to incriminate themselves.

If this is so important, the Democrat National Committee should buy and run ads with the information they already have. Maybe they can get the Liberal Media to run the ads for free?
The Act and Commission regulations include a broad prohibition on foreign national activity in connection with elections in the United States. 52 U.S.C. § 30121 and generally, 11 CFR 110.20. In general, foreign nationals are prohibited from the following activities:

  • Making any contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or making any expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement in connection with any federal, state or local election in the United States;

No mention of collusion or polling data.
Thing of value is the same thing. Get a clue.

Manafort gave a thing of value to his Russian buddy.....bad Manafort.

So you won't post the anti-collusion statute?
Because I don't post silly shit. I left that for you.

Because I don't post silly shit.


That's collusion to help a foreign country get your candidate elected.

And durr, whatever that means? Lol! You post silly stupid shit, and Trump and his goons participated in collusion.
Where did he say that?
"President Trump has been insisting that the Mueller report amounts to TOTAL EXONERATION, having proved NO COLLUSION and NO OBSTRUCTION. As of Friday, he registered no objection to the author of that exonerating report, Robert Mueller, testifying to Congress.

"Now Trump is demanding that Mueller not testify."

Trump Scared to Let Robert Mueller Testify, Despite ‘Exoneration’

Trump didn't say that.
Trump didn't say that.
Sure, he did.
Maybe he Lied?

Trump Claims ‘Total Exoneration,’ but Report Is Mixed on Obstruction

Where did he say he was afraid to let Mueller testify? That's the question.
Where did he say he was afraid to let Mueller testify? That's the question.
His actions speak louder than his words:

Trump Is Terrified Mueller Will Become the Next Michael Cohen

"In theory, Donald Trump shouldn’t have much to fear from Robert Mueller’s pending testimony on Capitol Hill.

"He’s been cleared of wrongdoing in the Russia probe by his Department of Justice toady William Barr, and Democratic brass has indicated they have no interest in impeaching him.

"Nevertheless, in recent days Trump has made plain his alarm at the notion, tweeting over the weekend that Mueller 'should not testify.'

"So what’s he so afraid of?"

Trump isn't frightened by Mr. Mueller, and he wasn't frightened by Mr. Cohen.

Every dog has its day, he knows he is as innocent as a newborn babe and will wait to act. Look for President Trump to settle all family business on a single day
In order to prove Barr's perjury to millions of American viewers, not unlike how the Watergate hearings drove another corrupt administration from office.

Its not the function of a congressional committee to prove anything to viewers. If Barr is a liar and the Democrats think its already proven, its up to the COMMITTEE itself to make a vote and advise Mr. Barr of his right to remain silent
Tax payers need to know the truth about officials who hold an office dedicated to working for us, not themselves.

And if applicable and necessary, Democrats will be forced to tell Barr just that. We can't have criminals working for us.

Its not up to Mr. Barr, or any accused, to incriminate themselves.

If this is so important, the Democrat National Committee should buy and run ads with the information they already have. Maybe they can get the Liberal Media to run the ads for free?
It's up to Congress to get the truth. That is their job. That is what they are there for.

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