Should Barr Recuse Himself from Mueller Probe?

Bill Barr has a few previous employers who are connected to key subjects in the Mueller Report, and these facts didn't get much attention during Barr's confirmation hearing.

Should William Barr recuse himself from Mueller report? Legal experts say AG's ties to Russia are troubling

“The legal standard is really clear about these issues.

"'It’s not about actual conflict, it’s about the appearance of a conflict, about the appearance of bias,' Jed Shugerman, a professor at Fordham University’s School of Law and an expert on judicial and government ethics, tells Newsweek . 'The problem is that we have so many flagrant conflicts that are so obvious, we get distracted from what the legal standard is.'

"This much is known: On Barr’s public financial disclosure report, he admits to working for a law firm that represented Russia’s Alfa Bank and for a company whose co-founders allegedly have long-standing business ties to Russia.

"What’s more, he received dividends from Vector Group, a holding company with deep financial ties to Russia."

Perhaps the House Judiciary Committee should hit Barr with another subpoena?
Given they statement made in his audition letter and his actions since appointment he should resign and turn himself in for prosecution.

Dems will try anything to keep Barr from getting to the truth of the Russia Thing they started. It's going to be really bad when the Dems DOJ, FBI, and Intelligence cronies start getting indicted and sent to jail
Because Barr already perjured himself, and proved he was carrying water for Trump. This is the person who testified that he had questions about spying, then took the liberties to tweet that spying occured. Barr has no honest equity left in this fight. Not that he ever had any.

If libs think Mr. Barr perjured himself, why invite him to testify at all? What do libs hope to get from someone they don't trust?
It’s Show Business!!!

And they know their zoo of low info dimwits just love APPLAUSE signs.
It's show business alright. The show of Republicans in jail, fined, or awaiting trial. I hope you get to enjoy more of the show.
With idiots of your ilk to be eviscerated with surgical precision, we’re all looking forward to the grand entertainment.

You clowns meanwhile can busy yourselves with reruns of Barr making you look like fools or some other wasted teaching moments.
Entertainment was good then, and it is good now. Barr getting caught lying to Congress and to us, Trumps goons in jail, fined, or on trial has already made a fool of himself.
Has anyone answered my question yet about Barr's views on "spying?" You know, the one where he said he had questions about the FBI spying while tweeting that the FBI spied? Was he lying once or twice? So far, none on the Trump/Barr idiot train have answered my question.
Please get back to us with an update. Like Barry, we’ll be all ears.
If libs think Mr. Barr perjured himself, why invite him to testify at all? What do libs hope to get from someone they don't trust?
It’s Show Business!!!

And they know their zoo of low info dimwits just love APPLAUSE signs.
It's show business alright. The show of Republicans in jail, fined, or awaiting trial. I hope you get to enjoy more of the show.
With idiots of your ilk to be eviscerated with surgical precision, we’re all looking forward to the grand entertainment.

You clowns meanwhile can busy yourselves with reruns of Barr making you look like fools or some other wasted teaching moments.
Entertainment was good then, and it is good now. Barr getting caught lying to Congress and to us, Trumps goons in jail, fined, or on trial has already made a fool of himself.
Has anyone answered my question yet about Barr's views on "spying?" You know, the one where he said he had questions about the FBI spying while tweeting that the FBI spied? Was he lying once or twice? So far, none on the Trump/Barr idiot train have answered my question.
Please get back to us with an update. Like Barry, we’ll be all ears.
"Update?'" We'll, let's see now. Barr gets caught with perjury making up stories, then lying about the report, and now we have physical evidence of Trump's lawyer Dowd trying to get Flynn to interfere in the investigation, and threatening him to do so, cementing an obstruction of justice case. I see no reason for anymore "updates". There is plenty for impeachment and indictments once Trump is gone.
If libs think Mr. Barr perjured himself, why invite him to testify at all? What do libs hope to get from someone they don't trust?
It’s Show Business!!!

And they know their zoo of low info dimwits just love APPLAUSE signs.
It's show business alright. The show of Republicans in jail, fined, or awaiting trial. I hope you get to enjoy more of the show.
With idiots of your ilk to be eviscerated with surgical precision, we’re all looking forward to the grand entertainment.

You clowns meanwhile can busy yourselves with reruns of Barr making you look like fools or some other wasted teaching moments.
Entertainment was good then, and it is good now. Barr getting caught lying to Congress and to us, Trumps goons in jail, fined, or on trial has already made a fool of himself.
Has anyone answered my question yet about Barr's views on "spying?" You know, the one where he said he had questions about the FBI spying while tweeting that the FBI spied? Was he lying once or twice? So far, none on the Trump/Barr idiot train have answered my question.
Please get back to us with an update. Like Barry, we’ll be all ears.
Barry is still giving you the middle finger by the way on a beach somewhere.
Bill Barr has a few previous employers who are connected to key subjects in the Mueller Report, and these facts didn't get much attention during Barr's confirmation hearing.

Should William Barr recuse himself from Mueller report? Legal experts say AG's ties to Russia are troubling

“The legal standard is really clear about these issues.

"'It’s not about actual conflict, it’s about the appearance of a conflict, about the appearance of bias,' Jed Shugerman, a professor at Fordham University’s School of Law and an expert on judicial and government ethics, tells Newsweek . 'The problem is that we have so many flagrant conflicts that are so obvious, we get distracted from what the legal standard is.'

"This much is known: On Barr’s public financial disclosure report, he admits to working for a law firm that represented Russia’s Alfa Bank and for a company whose co-founders allegedly have long-standing business ties to Russia.

"What’s more, he received dividends from Vector Group, a holding company with deep financial ties to Russia."

Perhaps the House Judiciary Committee should hit Barr with another subpoena?
Given they statement made in his audition letter and his actions since appointment he should resign and turn himself in for prosecution.

Dems will try anything to keep Barr from getting to the truth of the Russia Thing they started. It's going to be really bad when the Dems DOJ, FBI, and Intelligence cronies start getting indicted and sent to jail
The only evidence we have to date, is of Trump getting things started with Russia. He got caught already dozens of times lying about Russia and the Trump Tower meeting with adoptions. No one started that but Trump.
You're kind of all over the place. Name a few of Barr's actions that are worthy of prosecution. And yes, "extremely careless" applies to actions.

Barr covered up Iran Contra with pardons because investigators were closing in on Bush. That is criminal.

Presidents pardon, not the AG's.

Why wasn't any of this said during HW's funeral last year? That was the time to bring up any complaints about Iran Contra, not after the man is planted
I did. HW was nothing but a criminal who started the Gulf war because of HW's own oil interests with Kuwait. Why do you think he rescued them?
Folks in this country are so damn ignorant. He also needed to cover up Iran/Contra at the advise of Barr. Investigators were closing in on the criminal negotiations of Reagan's deal, so as a distraction, Bush pardoned the witnesses so they couldn't get to Bush./ Read dumb asses.

Philosophy is ghey.

Nobody cares about George Bush. Its 2019 s0n!:coffee:
I know right. Nobody cares according to you. But wait, Barr has a criminal referral. Lol! Again, so fos.

Whatever you say s0n!!:113::113:
Bill Barr has a few previous employers who are connected to key subjects in the Mueller Report, and these facts didn't get much attention during Barr's confirmation hearing.

Should William Barr recuse himself from Mueller report? Legal experts say AG's ties to Russia are troubling

“The legal standard is really clear about these issues.

"'It’s not about actual conflict, it’s about the appearance of a conflict, about the appearance of bias,' Jed Shugerman, a professor at Fordham University’s School of Law and an expert on judicial and government ethics, tells Newsweek . 'The problem is that we have so many flagrant conflicts that are so obvious, we get distracted from what the legal standard is.'

"This much is known: On Barr’s public financial disclosure report, he admits to working for a law firm that represented Russia’s Alfa Bank and for a company whose co-founders allegedly have long-standing business ties to Russia.

"What’s more, he received dividends from Vector Group, a holding company with deep financial ties to Russia."

Perhaps the House Judiciary Committee should hit Barr with another subpoena?
Given they statement made in his audition letter and his actions since appointment he should resign and turn himself in for prosecution.

Dems will try anything to keep Barr from getting to the truth of the Russia Thing they started. It's going to be really bad when the Dems DOJ, FBI, and Intelligence cronies start getting indicted and sent to jail
The only evidence we have to date, is of Trump getting things started with Russia. He got caught already dozens of times lying about Russia and the Trump Tower meeting with adoptions. No one started that but Trump.

President Trump doesn't run an adoption racket, does he?

Why does having his son meet some honey pot to discuss adoptions suspicious in the least?

BTW, the broad was working for those spying on Trump, not on behalf of anyone from the Russian Federation at all.

The whole Russian Collusion was a hoax, you know. Why would anyone give a shit if Trump hired hoes to ruin hotel mattresses?

The man is a billionaire. He can easily afford to have the bedding replaced, if that is what he wants to do.
Bill Barr has a few previous employers who are connected to key subjects in the Mueller Report, and these facts didn't get much attention during Barr's confirmation hearing.

Should William Barr recuse himself from Mueller report? Legal experts say AG's ties to Russia are troubling

“The legal standard is really clear about these issues.

"'It’s not about actual conflict, it’s about the appearance of a conflict, about the appearance of bias,' Jed Shugerman, a professor at Fordham University’s School of Law and an expert on judicial and government ethics, tells Newsweek . 'The problem is that we have so many flagrant conflicts that are so obvious, we get distracted from what the legal standard is.'

"This much is known: On Barr’s public financial disclosure report, he admits to working for a law firm that represented Russia’s Alfa Bank and for a company whose co-founders allegedly have long-standing business ties to Russia.

"What’s more, he received dividends from Vector Group, a holding company with deep financial ties to Russia."

Perhaps the House Judiciary Committee should hit Barr with another subpoena?
Given they statement made in his audition letter and his actions since appointment he should resign and turn himself in for prosecution.

Dems will try anything to keep Barr from getting to the truth of the Russia Thing they started. It's going to be really bad when the Dems DOJ, FBI, and Intelligence cronies start getting indicted and sent to jail
The only evidence we have to date, is of Trump getting things started with Russia. He got caught already dozens of times lying about Russia and the Trump Tower meeting with adoptions. No one started that but Trump.

President Trump doesn't run an adoption racket, does he?

Why does having his son meet some honey pot to discuss adoptions suspicious in the least?

BTW, the broad was working for those spying on Trump, not on behalf of anyone from the Russian Federation at all.

The whole Russian Collusion was a hoax, you know. Why would anyone give a shit if Trump hired hoes to ruin hotel mattresses?

The man is a billionaire. He can easily afford to have the bedding replaced, if that is what he wants to do.
For one thing Trump and Jr. lied about it. So what did they need? Jr. told us he
"loved it" if he could get dirt on Clinton. Which you are helping me prove my point. Trump isn't running an adoption racket, so why did they lie about it? Thanks for bringing that up. You've been very helpful.

And the Russia collusion was proven, not a hoax. Just ask some of Trump's goons who are in jail, fined, or on trial.

Barr covered up Iran Contra with pardons because investigators were closing in on Bush. That is criminal.

Presidents pardon, not the AG's.

Why wasn't any of this said during HW's funeral last year? That was the time to bring up any complaints about Iran Contra, not after the man is planted
I did. HW was nothing but a criminal who started the Gulf war because of HW's own oil interests with Kuwait. Why do you think he rescued them?
Folks in this country are so damn ignorant. He also needed to cover up Iran/Contra at the advise of Barr. Investigators were closing in on the criminal negotiations of Reagan's deal, so as a distraction, Bush pardoned the witnesses so they couldn't get to Bush./ Read dumb asses.

Philosophy is ghey.

Nobody cares about George Bush. Its 2019 s0n!:coffee:
I know right. Nobody cares according to you. But wait, Barr has a criminal referral. Lol! Again, so fos.

Whatever you say s0n!!:113::113:
Thanks, but I don't get the credit. The investigators get the credit for revealing the truth about the criminals in office. And boy howdy do we have a big inventory of criminals. By the way, do you support criminals?
Bill Barr has a few previous employers who are connected to key subjects in the Mueller Report, and these facts didn't get much attention during Barr's confirmation hearing.

Should William Barr recuse himself from Mueller report? Legal experts say AG's ties to Russia are troubling

“The legal standard is really clear about these issues.

"'It’s not about actual conflict, it’s about the appearance of a conflict, about the appearance of bias,' Jed Shugerman, a professor at Fordham University’s School of Law and an expert on judicial and government ethics, tells Newsweek . 'The problem is that we have so many flagrant conflicts that are so obvious, we get distracted from what the legal standard is.'

"This much is known: On Barr’s public financial disclosure report, he admits to working for a law firm that represented Russia’s Alfa Bank and for a company whose co-founders allegedly have long-standing business ties to Russia.

"What’s more, he received dividends from Vector Group, a holding company with deep financial ties to Russia."

Perhaps the House Judiciary Committee should hit Barr with another subpoena?
Given they statement made in his audition letter and his actions since appointment he should resign and turn himself in for prosecution.

Dems will try anything to keep Barr from getting to the truth of the Russia Thing they started. It's going to be really bad when the Dems DOJ, FBI, and Intelligence cronies start getting indicted and sent to jail
The only evidence we have to date, is of Trump getting things started with Russia. He got caught already dozens of times lying about Russia and the Trump Tower meeting with adoptions. No one started that but Trump.

President Trump doesn't run an adoption racket, does he?

Why does having his son meet some honey pot to discuss adoptions suspicious in the least?

BTW, the broad was working for those spying on Trump, not on behalf of anyone from the Russian Federation at all.

The whole Russian Collusion was a hoax, you know. Why would anyone give a shit if Trump hired hoes to ruin hotel mattresses?

The man is a billionaire. He can easily afford to have the bedding replaced, if that is what he wants to do.
For one thing Trump and Jr. lied about it. So what did they need? Jr. told us he
"loved it" if he could get dirt on Clinton. Which you are helping me prove my point. Trump isn't running an adoption racket, so why did they lie about it? Thanks for bringing that up. You've been very helpful.

And the Russia collusion was proven, not a hoax. Just ask some of Trump's goons who are in jail, fined, or on trial.

No one in the Trump campaign was jailed or fined for collusion. Not even Manafort who was sent to solitary confinement for a year to try and get him to break and tell lies about.
Given they statement made in his audition letter and his actions since appointment he should resign and turn himself in for prosecution.

Dems will try anything to keep Barr from getting to the truth of the Russia Thing they started. It's going to be really bad when the Dems DOJ, FBI, and Intelligence cronies start getting indicted and sent to jail
The only evidence we have to date, is of Trump getting things started with Russia. He got caught already dozens of times lying about Russia and the Trump Tower meeting with adoptions. No one started that but Trump.

President Trump doesn't run an adoption racket, does he?

Why does having his son meet some honey pot to discuss adoptions suspicious in the least?

BTW, the broad was working for those spying on Trump, not on behalf of anyone from the Russian Federation at all.

The whole Russian Collusion was a hoax, you know. Why would anyone give a shit if Trump hired hoes to ruin hotel mattresses?

The man is a billionaire. He can easily afford to have the bedding replaced, if that is what he wants to do.
For one thing Trump and Jr. lied about it. So what did they need? Jr. told us he
"loved it" if he could get dirt on Clinton. Which you are helping me prove my point. Trump isn't running an adoption racket, so why did they lie about it? Thanks for bringing that up. You've been very helpful.

And the Russia collusion was proven, not a hoax. Just ask some of Trump's goons who are in jail, fined, or on trial.

No one in the Trump campaign was jailed or fined for collusion. Not even Manafort who was sent to solitary confinement for a year to try and get him to break and tell lies about.
Everyone jailed or fined was tied to collusion with Russia. Just look at Manafort who gave polling data to Russia. Papadopolous was drunk when he accidentally revealed he was connected to Russia and the campaign.
Dems will try anything to keep Barr from getting to the truth of the Russia Thing they started. It's going to be really bad when the Dems DOJ, FBI, and Intelligence cronies start getting indicted and sent to jail
The only evidence we have to date, is of Trump getting things started with Russia. He got caught already dozens of times lying about Russia and the Trump Tower meeting with adoptions. No one started that but Trump.

President Trump doesn't run an adoption racket, does he?

Why does having his son meet some honey pot to discuss adoptions suspicious in the least?

BTW, the broad was working for those spying on Trump, not on behalf of anyone from the Russian Federation at all.

The whole Russian Collusion was a hoax, you know. Why would anyone give a shit if Trump hired hoes to ruin hotel mattresses?

The man is a billionaire. He can easily afford to have the bedding replaced, if that is what he wants to do.
For one thing Trump and Jr. lied about it. So what did they need? Jr. told us he
"loved it" if he could get dirt on Clinton. Which you are helping me prove my point. Trump isn't running an adoption racket, so why did they lie about it? Thanks for bringing that up. You've been very helpful.

And the Russia collusion was proven, not a hoax. Just ask some of Trump's goons who are in jail, fined, or on trial.

No one in the Trump campaign was jailed or fined for collusion. Not even Manafort who was sent to solitary confinement for a year to try and get him to break and tell lies about.
Everyone jailed or fined was tied to collusion with Russia. Just look at Manafort who gave polling data to Russia. Papadopolous was drunk when he accidentally revealed he was connected to Russia and the campaign.

Maanfort was convicted of crimes that happened long before he started working for Trump.

Papadopolous pleaded guilty to telling the FBI fibs, not collusion.
Bill Barr has a few previous employers who are connected to key subjects in the Mueller Report, and these facts didn't get much attention during Barr's confirmation hearing.

Should William Barr recuse himself from Mueller report? Legal experts say AG's ties to Russia are troubling

“The legal standard is really clear about these issues.

"'It’s not about actual conflict, it’s about the appearance of a conflict, about the appearance of bias,' Jed Shugerman, a professor at Fordham University’s School of Law and an expert on judicial and government ethics, tells Newsweek . 'The problem is that we have so many flagrant conflicts that are so obvious, we get distracted from what the legal standard is.'

"This much is known: On Barr’s public financial disclosure report, he admits to working for a law firm that represented Russia’s Alfa Bank and for a company whose co-founders allegedly have long-standing business ties to Russia.

"What’s more, he received dividends from Vector Group, a holding company with deep financial ties to Russia."

Perhaps the House Judiciary Committee should hit Barr with another subpoena?
Given they statement made in his audition letter and his actions since appointment he should resign and turn himself in for prosecution.

Dems will try anything to keep Barr from getting to the truth of the Russia Thing they started. It's going to be really bad when the Dems DOJ, FBI, and Intelligence cronies start getting indicted and sent to jail
Barr already got caught lying about the report. How can he possibly be interested in getting to the truth?
Deliberately misleading the public.

If that's a crime then you and one Hell of a lot of TV news anchors and failing print media publishers are going to spend a lot of time getting better acquainted in The Graybar Hotel! Think of the whining about prisons being overpopulated!
That makes no sense at all as an intelligent rebuttal. You just said absolutely nothing.
The only evidence we have to date, is of Trump getting things started with Russia. He got caught already dozens of times lying about Russia and the Trump Tower meeting with adoptions. No one started that but Trump.

President Trump doesn't run an adoption racket, does he?

Why does having his son meet some honey pot to discuss adoptions suspicious in the least?

BTW, the broad was working for those spying on Trump, not on behalf of anyone from the Russian Federation at all.

The whole Russian Collusion was a hoax, you know. Why would anyone give a shit if Trump hired hoes to ruin hotel mattresses?

The man is a billionaire. He can easily afford to have the bedding replaced, if that is what he wants to do.
For one thing Trump and Jr. lied about it. So what did they need? Jr. told us he
"loved it" if he could get dirt on Clinton. Which you are helping me prove my point. Trump isn't running an adoption racket, so why did they lie about it? Thanks for bringing that up. You've been very helpful.

And the Russia collusion was proven, not a hoax. Just ask some of Trump's goons who are in jail, fined, or on trial.

No one in the Trump campaign was jailed or fined for collusion. Not even Manafort who was sent to solitary confinement for a year to try and get him to break and tell lies about.
Everyone jailed or fined was tied to collusion with Russia. Just look at Manafort who gave polling data to Russia. Papadopolous was drunk when he accidentally revealed he was connected to Russia and the campaign.

Maanfort was convicted of crimes that happened long before he started working for Trump.

Papadopolous pleaded guilty to telling the FBI fibs, not collusion.
Manafort got caught giving the Russians polling data. And? That's collusion to help a foreign country get your candidate elected.
President Trump doesn't run an adoption racket, does he?

Why does having his son meet some honey pot to discuss adoptions suspicious in the least?

BTW, the broad was working for those spying on Trump, not on behalf of anyone from the Russian Federation at all.

The whole Russian Collusion was a hoax, you know. Why would anyone give a shit if Trump hired hoes to ruin hotel mattresses?

The man is a billionaire. He can easily afford to have the bedding replaced, if that is what he wants to do.
For one thing Trump and Jr. lied about it. So what did they need? Jr. told us he
"loved it" if he could get dirt on Clinton. Which you are helping me prove my point. Trump isn't running an adoption racket, so why did they lie about it? Thanks for bringing that up. You've been very helpful.

And the Russia collusion was proven, not a hoax. Just ask some of Trump's goons who are in jail, fined, or on trial.

No one in the Trump campaign was jailed or fined for collusion. Not even Manafort who was sent to solitary confinement for a year to try and get him to break and tell lies about.
Everyone jailed or fined was tied to collusion with Russia. Just look at Manafort who gave polling data to Russia. Papadopolous was drunk when he accidentally revealed he was connected to Russia and the campaign.

Maanfort was convicted of crimes that happened long before he started working for Trump.

Papadopolous pleaded guilty to telling the FBI fibs, not collusion.
Manafort got caught giving the Russians polling data. And? That's collusion to help a foreign country get your candidate elected.

That's collusion to help a foreign country get your candidate elected.

Post the portion of the anti-collusion statute that mentions polling data.
Given they statement made in his audition letter and his actions since appointment he should resign and turn himself in for prosecution.

Dems will try anything to keep Barr from getting to the truth of the Russia Thing they started. It's going to be really bad when the Dems DOJ, FBI, and Intelligence cronies start getting indicted and sent to jail
The only evidence we have to date, is of Trump getting things started with Russia. He got caught already dozens of times lying about Russia and the Trump Tower meeting with adoptions. No one started that but Trump.

President Trump doesn't run an adoption racket, does he?

Why does having his son meet some honey pot to discuss adoptions suspicious in the least?

BTW, the broad was working for those spying on Trump, not on behalf of anyone from the Russian Federation at all.

The whole Russian Collusion was a hoax, you know. Why would anyone give a shit if Trump hired hoes to ruin hotel mattresses?

The man is a billionaire. He can easily afford to have the bedding replaced, if that is what he wants to do.
For one thing Trump and Jr. lied about it. So what did they need? Jr. told us he
"loved it" if he could get dirt on Clinton. Which you are helping me prove my point. Trump isn't running an adoption racket, so why did they lie about it? Thanks for bringing that up. You've been very helpful.

And the Russia collusion was proven, not a hoax. Just ask some of Trump's goons who are in jail, fined, or on trial.

No one in the Trump campaign was jailed or fined for collusion. Not even Manafort who was sent to solitary confinement for a year to try and get him to break and tell lies about.
Because collusion is not a crime. It is unethical and immoral. They were jailed for working with the Russians to help Trump get elected without a formal agreement, and got caught lying to the FBI about it.
For one thing Trump and Jr. lied about it. So what did they need? Jr. told us he
"loved it" if he could get dirt on Clinton. Which you are helping me prove my point. Trump isn't running an adoption racket, so why did they lie about it? Thanks for bringing that up. You've been very helpful.

And the Russia collusion was proven, not a hoax. Just ask some of Trump's goons who are in jail, fined, or on trial.

No one in the Trump campaign was jailed or fined for collusion. Not even Manafort who was sent to solitary confinement for a year to try and get him to break and tell lies about.
Everyone jailed or fined was tied to collusion with Russia. Just look at Manafort who gave polling data to Russia. Papadopolous was drunk when he accidentally revealed he was connected to Russia and the campaign.

Maanfort was convicted of crimes that happened long before he started working for Trump.

Papadopolous pleaded guilty to telling the FBI fibs, not collusion.
Manafort got caught giving the Russians polling data. And? That's collusion to help a foreign country get your candidate elected.

That's collusion to help a foreign country get your candidate elected.

Post the portion of the anti-collusion statute that mentions polling data.
The Act and Commission regulations include a broad prohibition on foreign national activity in connection with elections in the United States. 52 U.S.C. § 30121 and generally, 11 CFR 110.20. In general, foreign nationals are prohibited from the following activities:

  • Making any contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or making any expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement in connection with any federal, state or local election in the United States;
Bill Barr has a few previous employers who are connected to key subjects in the Mueller Report, and these facts didn't get much attention during Barr's confirmation hearing.

Should William Barr recuse himself from Mueller report? Legal experts say AG's ties to Russia are troubling

“The legal standard is really clear about these issues.

"'It’s not about actual conflict, it’s about the appearance of a conflict, about the appearance of bias,' Jed Shugerman, a professor at Fordham University’s School of Law and an expert on judicial and government ethics, tells Newsweek . 'The problem is that we have so many flagrant conflicts that are so obvious, we get distracted from what the legal standard is.'

"This much is known: On Barr’s public financial disclosure report, he admits to working for a law firm that represented Russia’s Alfa Bank and for a company whose co-founders allegedly have long-standing business ties to Russia.

"What’s more, he received dividends from Vector Group, a holding company with deep financial ties to Russia."

Perhaps the House Judiciary Committee should hit Barr with another subpoena?

William Barr really isn't that involved in the Mueller Report right now anyhow, George.

Mr. Barr is looking at Spies in Trump Tower and whether they were well predicated. He's sort of disturbed that this is now a precedent in politics. The Mueller report is water over the damn at this point in time.
Mr. Barr is looking at Spies in Trump Tower and whether they were well predicated. He's sort of disturbed that this is now a precedent in politics. The Mueller report is water over the damn at this point in time.
Barr is performing the same service for Trump today that he supplied Bush I over Iran Contra; it's called Republican white wash, and Mueller's report won't be "water over the dam" until Barr, McGahn, Rosenstein, and Mueller testify under oath before congress and the American public.

Mr. Barr has testified before Congress, but he has made it clear that he will not answer questions from Nadler's Hired Goons.

If the members want to question him, he doesn't have a problem, but he isn't going to be a political pawn for the Leftard doofuses.

As far as the others, President Trump is exercising the same Executive Privilege and B. Hussein O and his wingman Eric Holder exercised in the many obama era Real scandals
Because Barr already perjured himself, and proved he was carrying water for Trump. This is the person who testified that he had questions about spying, then took the liberties to tweet that spying occured. Barr has no honest equity left in this fight. Not that he ever had any.

If libs think Mr. Barr perjured himself, why invite him to testify at all? What do libs hope to get from someone they don't trust?
Another lie.

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