Should Burka be banned?

Should Burka be banned?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 36 51.4%
  • No.

    Votes: 34 48.6%

  • Total voters
I'm sorry Claudette, what's so funny about this...

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

"Bake that fucking cake, peasant"

Nice apples and oranges...

Anti-discrimination Laws Don’t Burden Religious Freedom—They Secure It | Public Rights Private Conscience Project

Wow, what an attempt at doublethink. "We are making you more free by oppressing you"

All you are still doing is justifying government thuggery over a cake.

No, I'm pointing out the fact that right to freely practice your religion has nothing to do with public accommodation law. The SCOTUS determined that long before bigots had to bake cakes for gays. You know when they determined that, right? (It wasn't recently).

And again we go into what exactly is a public accomodation. The goal wasn't to say all commerce is a PA, that's what you clowns are trying to do.

Yes, we know it's the way you want it to be, it's not the way it is. The SCOTUS told Piggy Park decades ago that religion isn't a valid excuse to violate public accommodation law.
Did you just compare this:


To this:


Every day I hear more and more stupid shit on this forum.

it took me roughly a minute to notice she was wearing a MAGA hat. But, just for the sake of argument, why do you care what someone else wears? No one is making you wear Tommy Hilfiger and Crocs.

Why did they care in Denmark?

Because they don't want a bunch of Muslims running around building their Sharia zones in what is supposed to be a civilized country.

The lesson is indeed not to ban the apparel, but ban the 3rd worlders.

Then say, it's about banning the 3rd Worlders with whom you have an issue. Don't pussy-foot around and say it's about driving safety, or potential gangs of burka-clad criminals, or any such thing. Be honest and say what you want to ban.

But, before we get too upset about letting uncivilized people into our country, we might take a moment to reflect on who built our infrastructure.


That's what I have been saying. The thread is a waning sign what happens when you import bunch of 3rd worlders.

I also don't give a shit who built infrastructure in... 100 years ago? Can you illuminate me what does this have to do with anything?

On the subject of immigration however... while I decry what is happening in Europe (except in Germany, they had it coming) America and Europe differ in one very significant way.

Americans have always been really good at immigration while Europeans, being relatively new to it, are not.

America seduces it's immigrants with consumerism, low interest housing loans, credit cards and fast food. It is VERY hard to be a religious or cultural fanatic in America when there is so much cool stuff down at the mall to distract you.

Europe puts its immigrants in government housing and gives them benefits to sit in their own neighborhoods and keep out of sight.

Muslims from the third world are just the latest in a long line of peoples who Americans thought would destroy our country with their evil, heathen ways ... those groups include, but are not limited to, the Irish, the Chinese, the Japanese, Quakers, Germans, Italians, Jews, and Hispanics.

The truth is, it doesn't take more than a generation or two before those same groups are living in single-family homes, starting businesses, putting their kids through college and saving up to buy an RV when they retire ... and you can't get more American than that. You see people like that in the workforce every day. Whether they're approving your loan or mowing your lawn (Jews make excellent gardeners), they're part of the landscape of America.

Having lived and worked in Europe for a long time, I can tell you, you don't see the faces if immigrants in offices, or behind the desk at a bank. It will be a couple of centuries before Europeans elect a black Prime Minister, or Chancellor, or whatever they call their guy in charge.

Outside of the tourist areas of European cities, you can see entire neighborhoods of Algerians, Sudanese, Indians, Turks, Moroccans, or what have you, who have never been more than a mile or two outside where the government put them and pays them to stay. Most of them aren't going to buy homes, or start their own businesses. They aren't going to learn the local language or put their kids through school. They are going to stew and fester in those immigrant ghettos until they explode in, justifiable, anger and frustration.

Don't fear the immigrants in America ... those who come here legally ... overwhelmingly become solid American citizens who any one of us would be proud to have as a neighbor.


Well said and good night.

Did you just compare this:


To this:


Every day I hear more and more stupid shit on this forum.

it took me roughly a minute to notice she was wearing a MAGA hat. But, just for the sake of argument, why do you care what someone else wears? No one is making you wear Tommy Hilfiger and Crocs.

Why did they care in Denmark?

Because they don't want a bunch of Muslims running around building their Sharia zones in what is supposed to be a civilized country.

The lesson is indeed not to ban the apparel, but ban the 3rd worlders.

Then say, it's about banning the 3rd Worlders with whom you have an issue. Don't pussy-foot around and say it's about driving safety, or potential gangs of burka-clad criminals, or any such thing. Be honest and say what you want to ban.

But, before we get too upset about letting uncivilized people into our country, we might take a moment to reflect on who built our infrastructure.


That's what I have been saying. The thread is a waning sign what happens when you import bunch of 3rd worlders.

I also don't give a shit who built infrastructure in... 100 years ago? Can you illuminate me what does this have to do with anything?

On the subject of immigration however... while I decry what is happening in Europe (except in Germany, they had it coming) America and Europe differ in one very significant way.

Americans have always been really good at immigration while Europeans, being relatively new to it, are not.

America seduces it's immigrants with consumerism, low interest housing loans, credit cards and fast food. It is VERY hard to be a religious or cultural fanatic in America when there is so much cool stuff down at the mall to distract you.

Europe puts its immigrants in government housing and gives them benefits to sit in their own neighborhoods and keep out of sight.

Muslims from the third world are just the latest in a long line of peoples who Americans thought would destroy our country with their evil, heathen ways ... those groups include, but are not limited to, the Irish, the Chinese, the Japanese, Quakers, Germans, Italians, Jews, and Hispanics.

The truth is, it doesn't take more than a generation or two before those same groups are living in single-family homes, starting businesses, putting their kids through college and saving up to buy an RV when they retire ... and you can't get more American than that. You see people like that in the workforce every day. Whether they're approving your loan or mowing your lawn (Jews make excellent gardeners), they're part of the landscape of America.

Having lived and worked in Europe for a long time, I can tell you, you don't see the faces if immigrants in offices, or behind the desk at a bank. It will be a couple of centuries before Europeans elect a black Prime Minister, or Chancellor, or whatever they call their guy in charge.

Outside of the tourist areas of European cities, you can see entire neighborhoods of Algerians, Sudanese, Indians, Turks, Moroccans, or what have you, who have never been more than a mile or two outside where the government put them and pays them to stay. Most of them aren't going to buy homes, or start their own businesses. They aren't going to learn the local language or put their kids through school. They are going to stew and fester in those immigrant ghettos until they explode in, justifiable, anger and frustration.

Don't fear the immigrants in America ... those who come here legally ... overwhelmingly become solid American citizens who any one of us would be proud to have as a neighbor.

The secret to good American immigration is that - we haven't always had it in such high numbers, especially not from 3rd world. Eventually the immigrants will dwarf the whole country if not stopped. The values of the immigrants are entirely different to American values as has been confirmed many times. Of course if we took in white Europeans who populated the country, things would be different... but today we take almost exclusively third world low IQ trash, who hate the country, its population and the values. They are very good at using tax payer money and voting democrats though.
we haven't always had it in such high numbers, especially not from 3rd world.

Between 1905 and 1920, we have massive waves of immigration from places that were, in the 19th Century, very much the 3rd world, Ireland, Italy, Greece, China.

Numbers were as high as 900,000 per year when the entire population was only 92,000,000 people. That's 1 per cent of our entire population every year.

In 2015, just over 1 million people legally immigrated to the US, that's just .31% of our current population.
today we take almost exclusively third world low IQ trash

Almost every year, Americans who immigrated to this country represent 30-40% of those who have won Nobel prizes in the arts and sciences on behalf of their new country. Most not from European countries.

As I stated before, Irish, Germans, Jews, Asians, Hispanics, and many more have all be labeled 'Third-world trash' and they've all gone on to make America great.
we haven't always had it in such high numbers, especially not from 3rd world.

Between 1905 and 1920, we have massive waves of immigration from places that were, in the 19th Century, very much the 3rd world, Ireland, Italy, Greece, China.

Numbers were as high as 900,000 per year when the entire population was only 92,000,000 people. That's 1 per cent of our entire population every year.

In 2015, just over 1 million people legally immigrated to the US, that's just .31% of our current population.

You should learn the difference between the "first straw" and as California has now had "the final straw". Remember also that because we are throwing so many welfare resources at these people, they are breeding quicker than Americans. It's not just the immigration.

You consider Italy, Ireland and Greece 3rd world? That is funny... please don't look at the top 10 countries today, you will have a stroke. Anyway, the percentage of Americans at the expense of the 3rd worlders is rapidly decreasing. Minority white in a few decades... have you visited a minority white south American country?
Does that happen a lot where you're from?
One time is a lot, but it happens everywhere. Just watch the TV show "Most Shocking"

I live, America's Most Shocking. I've seen a lot in the last three years as a cop. But, I've yet to see a burka-clad woman stick up a liquor store.

Let's wait until the crime wave actually happens before we get our knickers in a twist over the crime.
You consider Italy, Ireland and Greece 3rd world?

In 1905, they very much were the 3rd world. They had literacy, infant mortality rates, and life expectancies that would make modern-day Africa look like Japan.
You consider Italy, Ireland and Greece 3rd world?

In 1905, they very much were the 3rd world. They had literacy, infant mortality rates, and life expectancies that would make modern-day Africa look like Japan.

They weren't 3rd world in that day's standard. They had smart populations who could integrate to America no problem, and who by default valued American values.

I don't have issues with European immigration or Asian immigration within reason.
Did you used to be a cop? What would you do if you pulled over someone wearing a burka? How could you tell if the person driving is the one on the ID since that too probably is covered with a burka.

I am a cop. It's not legal to drive with a burka because it obstructs vision. It's perfectly legal to drive with a hijab and a lot of women do where I work. If the identity of a burka-wearing woman needs to be confirmed, there are procedures in place for female officers to do the identification.
So the few female officers have to work harder just to accommodate Muslims.....

Amazing how you don’t realize how wrong that is.

About 30% of our force is women. All, good cops. Department policy is, women search women and men search men where possible, regardless of religious preferences. Even if that means waiting for a female, or a male officer, to be available to search. If a man is arrested by female officers, they won't search him until a male officer is available, unless there is an immediate threat to safety.

Respect for human dignity is very important to policing.

As far as working harder, even when I was a newly -minted officer on foot patrol, I can count on my fingers the number of times I've had to wait more than a few minutes for another unit to be available for a search. I wait much longer for ambulances, or transport units to be available.

A burka search might be worth discussing if there was an epidemic of burka-clad women performing armed robberies. But, I've never had to arrest a single one in the last three-years. So, unless there is an actual crime problem to be served with a burka ban, its purpose must be something else.

Don't pretend this has anything to do with public safety or concern for wasted time for police, it has an all-together different motivation behind it.

Sorry, but that sounds pretty gay to me.

What's wrong with being gay?


Gee, nothing I can think of
today we take almost exclusively third world low IQ trash

Almost every year, Americans who immigrated to this country represent 30-40% of those who have won Nobel prizes in the arts and sciences on behalf of their new country. Most not from European countries.

As I stated before, Irish, Germans, Jews, Asians, Hispanics, and many more have all be labeled 'Third-world trash' and they've all gone on to make America great.

You give immigration a rather rosy picture.

However, you neglect to mention historical failures.

How do you think that the American Indian felt about immigration?

Also, look at the Jewish history in Europe. They endured centuries of persecution that climaxed with the Holocaust.

To say that immigration is peachy keen depends on how and who.
That is fucking stupid!! I did not say that they should not live according to our legal structure. Ya know , the funny thing is that it semsto be the same right wing nuts who blather about religious freedom to allow Christians to discriminate against others in the name of God, also are unconcerned about religious freedom for non Christians. Fucking hypocrites

That is fucking stupid!!

I agree, your original point was fucking stupid.

What about female genital mutilation?
Just a cute little custom and we should mind our own business?
9 year old girls marrying? Is that a vestige we should allow?
Stoning adulterers? Throwing gays off buildings? Raping infidels?

Why don't you think that Americans- of any religion- should have to follow the law in the United States?

Muslims have to stop doing the things that break our laws?

They won't be very happy about it...…..
What are they doing that breaks our laws Smiley?

Female genital mutilation.
The occasional honor killing.

Honor killings here in the US?
Well, then I guess you would then have to call it an "honor killing" when a white Christian redneck in Alabama kills his wife for having an affair with his Brother Billy.
Amiright? :rolleyes:
today we take almost exclusively third world low IQ trash

Almost every year, Americans who immigrated to this country represent 30-40% of those who have won Nobel prizes in the arts and sciences on behalf of their new country. Most not from European countries.

As I stated before, Irish, Germans, Jews, Asians, Hispanics, and many more have all be labeled 'Third-world trash' and they've all gone on to make America great.

You give immigration a rather rosy picture.

However, you neglect to mention historical failures.

How do you think that the American Indian felt about immigration?

Also, look at the Jewish history in Europe. They endured centuries of persecution that climaxed with the Holocaust.

To say that immigration is peachy keen depends on how and who.

Overall, for America, Immigration has been a very positive thing (except for the Indians).
today we take almost exclusively third world low IQ trash

Almost every year, Americans who immigrated to this country represent 30-40% of those who have won Nobel prizes in the arts and sciences on behalf of their new country. Most not from European countries.

As I stated before, Irish, Germans, Jews, Asians, Hispanics, and many more have all be labeled 'Third-world trash' and they've all gone on to make America great.

You give immigration a rather rosy picture.

However, you neglect to mention historical failures.

How do you think that the American Indian felt about immigration?

Also, look at the Jewish history in Europe. They endured centuries of persecution that climaxed with the Holocaust.

To say that immigration is peachy keen depends on how and who.

Oh, do please explain how Jewish history in Europe is an example of bad immigration policies...
today we take almost exclusively third world low IQ trash

Almost every year, Americans who immigrated to this country represent 30-40% of those who have won Nobel prizes in the arts and sciences on behalf of their new country. Most not from European countries.

As I stated before, Irish, Germans, Jews, Asians, Hispanics, and many more have all be labeled 'Third-world trash' and they've all gone on to make America great.

You give immigration a rather rosy picture.

However, you neglect to mention historical failures.

How do you think that the American Indian felt about immigration?

Also, look at the Jewish history in Europe. They endured centuries of persecution that climaxed with the Holocaust.

To say that immigration is peachy keen depends on how and who.

Overall, for America, Immigration has been a very positive thing (except for the Indians).

Except for the Indians? So what went wrong do you think?

Are you saying that the Jewish immigration into Europe was a success?
I am a cop. It's not legal to drive with a burka because it obstructs vision. It's perfectly legal to drive with a hijab and a lot of women do where I work. If the identity of a burka-wearing woman needs to be confirmed, there are procedures in place for female officers to do the identification.
So the few female officers have to work harder just to accommodate Muslims.....

Amazing how you don’t realize how wrong that is.

About 30% of our force is women. All, good cops. Department policy is, women search women and men search men where possible, regardless of religious preferences. Even if that means waiting for a female, or a male officer, to be available to search. If a man is arrested by female officers, they won't search him until a male officer is available, unless there is an immediate threat to safety.

Respect for human dignity is very important to policing.

As far as working harder, even when I was a newly -minted officer on foot patrol, I can count on my fingers the number of times I've had to wait more than a few minutes for another unit to be available for a search. I wait much longer for ambulances, or transport units to be available.

A burka search might be worth discussing if there was an epidemic of burka-clad women performing armed robberies. But, I've never had to arrest a single one in the last three-years. So, unless there is an actual crime problem to be served with a burka ban, its purpose must be something else.

Don't pretend this has anything to do with public safety or concern for wasted time for police, it has an all-together different motivation behind it.

Sorry, but that sounds pretty gay to me.

What's wrong with being gay?


Gee, nothing I can think of

No worse than your average Comic Con...


What people choose to wear is typically not a problem for me ... unless it's white shoes after Labor Day. That is UNFORGIVABLE!
today we take almost exclusively third world low IQ trash

Almost every year, Americans who immigrated to this country represent 30-40% of those who have won Nobel prizes in the arts and sciences on behalf of their new country. Most not from European countries.

As I stated before, Irish, Germans, Jews, Asians, Hispanics, and many more have all be labeled 'Third-world trash' and they've all gone on to make America great.

You give immigration a rather rosy picture.

However, you neglect to mention historical failures.

How do you think that the American Indian felt about immigration?

Also, look at the Jewish history in Europe. They endured centuries of persecution that climaxed with the Holocaust.

To say that immigration is peachy keen depends on how and who.

Overall, for America, Immigration has been a very positive thing (except for the Indians).

Except for the Indians? So what went wrong do you think?

Are you saying that the Jewish immigration into Europe was a success?

My examples of immigration success are all American. I have maintained from the beginning that Europeans suck at immigration. They isolate their immigrants, they don't absorb them.
So the few female officers have to work harder just to accommodate Muslims.....

Amazing how you don’t realize how wrong that is.

About 30% of our force is women. All, good cops. Department policy is, women search women and men search men where possible, regardless of religious preferences. Even if that means waiting for a female, or a male officer, to be available to search. If a man is arrested by female officers, they won't search him until a male officer is available, unless there is an immediate threat to safety.

Respect for human dignity is very important to policing.

As far as working harder, even when I was a newly -minted officer on foot patrol, I can count on my fingers the number of times I've had to wait more than a few minutes for another unit to be available for a search. I wait much longer for ambulances, or transport units to be available.

A burka search might be worth discussing if there was an epidemic of burka-clad women performing armed robberies. But, I've never had to arrest a single one in the last three-years. So, unless there is an actual crime problem to be served with a burka ban, its purpose must be something else.

Don't pretend this has anything to do with public safety or concern for wasted time for police, it has an all-together different motivation behind it.

Sorry, but that sounds pretty gay to me.

What's wrong with being gay?


Gee, nothing I can think of

No worse than your average Comic Con...


What people choose to wear is typically not a problem for me ... unless it's white shoes after Labor Day. That is UNFORGIVABLE!


I just love me some "Cling-ons"
today we take almost exclusively third world low IQ trash

Almost every year, Americans who immigrated to this country represent 30-40% of those who have won Nobel prizes in the arts and sciences on behalf of their new country. Most not from European countries.

As I stated before, Irish, Germans, Jews, Asians, Hispanics, and many more have all be labeled 'Third-world trash' and they've all gone on to make America great.

You give immigration a rather rosy picture.

However, you neglect to mention historical failures.

How do you think that the American Indian felt about immigration?

Also, look at the Jewish history in Europe. They endured centuries of persecution that climaxed with the Holocaust.

To say that immigration is peachy keen depends on how and who.

Overall, for America, Immigration has been a very positive thing (except for the Indians).

Except for the Indians? So what went wrong do you think?

Are you saying that the Jewish immigration into Europe was a success?

My examples of immigration success are all American. I have maintained from the beginning that Europeans suck at immigration. They isolate their immigrants, they don't absorb them.

So absorbing immigrants is the key? I would agree. The invading Europeans had not interest in assimilating into Indian culture because they viewed them as primitive and inferior, rather, they were just in the way of their Manifest Destiny.

However, American can't even desegregate many black communities in our inner cities, and the same can be said for Hispanic neighborhoods.

Then you have Islam, and whole different animal altogether who shun American culture, create their own schools, and essentially live by Sharia law.

The whole notion of diversity is our strength, is a lie if one of the two groups hates or despises the other.

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