Should Burka be banned?

Should Burka be banned?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 36 51.4%
  • No.

    Votes: 34 48.6%

  • Total voters
It is no accident that the leading terrorist countries in the world today are predominantly Islamic.

Are All Terrorists Muslims? It’s Not Even Close

If you look at countries worst hit by terrorism, you will see that they are mostly Islamic.

Now if you take a country like the US, Muslims are a small percentage of the country, so naturally most acts of terrorism will not be done by Muslims.

Add to the fact that Muslims in the US are not run by Sharia law and oppressive tyrannical Islamic governments.

Here is a taste of the most terrorist effected countries.

10 Countries That Are Worst Hit by Terrorism - Page 5

Most terrorists are not Muslim, period, worldwide. It doesn't matter what the country is, the terrorists themselves are not Muslim.
I live, America's Most Shocking. I've seen a lot in the last three years as a cop. But, I've yet to see a burka-clad woman stick up a liquor store.

Let's wait until the crime wave actually happens before we get our knickers in a twist over the crime.
I was referring to people holding up convenience stores wearing any kind of face covering (including burka). Actually here in Florida, wearing face coverings (for adults) is illegal.

People are regularly given exemptions to laws to accommodate their religious beliefs. A single example is when appearing in court. It is considered contempt of court to wear a head covering in court. Exemptions exist for Jewish men who wear kippahs and Islamic women who wear hijab. There are religious exemptions from laws concerning workplace hiring as well.

Making a law banning the burka isn't about the safety of liquor store owners. Pretending it is is disingenuous.
It’s medevil and the idea that the woman needs to be spared “prying eyes” is ludicrous
So you're opposed to religious freedom? Just for Muslims. ?
The burqa and niqab are not a religious requirement at all.

If you say so. I did not read the Quran. Did you? The fact is that some of them believe that it is a requirement and we are not a country that outlaws religious practices or that dictates how people may dress regardless.
Do you allow people to walk the streets naked?

When you have a law against public nudity, it affects every citizen. Young, old, thin, fat, ugly or hot as. No matter how much they'd like to walk around in the buff ... as much as we'd love to see them walk around in nature's own, they can't and, as a society, we deal with that.

When you pass a law that says you can't wear a yarmulke, or a cassock, or a habit, get circumcised, eat kosher meat, buy halal foods, or ... heaven forbid ... wear a burka, it targets only a very specific group of people who are eating or wearing something according to their religious principles.

You can pretend you're doing it only for public safety, but you'd better make a damn good argument that those kosher lamb chops are getting people killed. Without it, it's pretty obvious what the ban is all about.

Some people here have been very honest and stated outright that this is a kick-in-the-bollocks to Islam. But, as Americans, would we be just as quick to pass a law that similarly restricts Catholics, or Mormons, or Buddhists?
Actually the recent ban in Denmark and those before them in Europe have banned ALL face coverings in public spaces with exceptions for celebrations like Halloween, and even for very cold weather.
No one can walk around in ski masks, balaclavas or any other item that covers the face.
It’s medevil and the idea that the woman needs to be spared “prying eyes” is ludicrous
So you're opposed to religious freedom? Just for Muslims. ?
The burqa and niqab are not a religious requirement at all.

If you say so. I did not read the Quran. Did you? The fact is that some of them believe that it is a requirement and we are not a country that outlaws religious practices or that dictates how people may dress regardless.
Do you allow people to walk the streets naked?

When you have a law against public nudity, it affects every citizen. Young, old, thin, fat, ugly or hot as. No matter how much they'd like to walk around in the buff ... as much as we'd love to see them walk around in nature's own, they can't and, as a society, we deal with that.

When you pass a law that says you can't wear a yarmulke, or a cassock, or a habit, get circumcised, eat kosher meat, buy halal foods, or ... heaven forbid ... wear a burka, it targets only a very specific group of people who are eating or wearing something according to their religious principles.

You can pretend you're doing it only for public safety, but you'd better make a damn good argument that those kosher lamb chops are getting people killed. Without it, it's pretty obvious what the ban is all about.

Some people here have been very honest and stated outright that this is a kick-in-the-bollocks to Islam. But, as Americans, would we be just as quick to pass a law that similarly restricts Catholics, or Mormons, or Buddhists?
Catholics, Mormons and Buddhists aren’t covering their faces and disguising themselves to my knowledge.
False comparison fallacy; true rightwing idiocy.

Of course it's bigotry to ban a form of religious expression due to an unwarranted fear of, and hatred for, Islam.
1. Islam is not a religion.

2. Even f it was, religions are not allowed to break the law, any mor ethan anything else.

3. Islam is against the law (US Constitution Article 6, Section 2, Part 1 - the Supremacy Clause)

4. How odd to hear someone say "unwarranted fear" referring to Islam, after all that has happened from the murderous scourge.

Good post and true.

Islam is a death cult.

Every country they invest themselves into is plagued with murders and rapes.

They keep telling everyone they want to escape into a good country yet they bring their sharia law crap with them when they come. And they never assimilate into any country they infest.

I would be willing to bet that most of Europe would like to kick these death cult assholes right back to whatever shithole they crawled out of.
It is not our custom. It is THEIR custom. But they came HERE. So they need to go with OUR rules. Do they have nude beaches in the ME? No? You will get stoned if you show your breasts AND your face? we have nude beaches and faces must be seen. Especially when driving, banking, etc. They wanna cover their face? Fine. Do it at home.
People should be free to dress as they feel appropriate
Should wearing a cross be banned if others do not like it?
Only if it covers your identity.
Thankfully, we only have to identify ourselves in narrow situations.
Catholics, Mormons and Buddhists aren’t covering their faces and disguising themselves to my knowledge.
They're also not knocking down tall buildings, killing soldiers in Army forts, beating wives, killing animals for no reason, and marrying 9 year old girls.
People are regularly given exemptions to laws to accommodate their religious beliefs. A single example is when appearing in court. It is considered contempt of court to wear a head covering in court. Exemptions exist for Jewish men who wear kippahs and Islamic women who wear hijab. There are religious exemptions from laws concerning workplace hiring as well.

Making a law banning the burka isn't about the safety of liquor store owners. Pretending it is is disingenuous.
Burkas just like all face coverings are banned in Florida, as they should be. As for Islam it's nothing but a massive organized crime, masquerading as a religion. Has never been anything else. Pretending this is not the case is what is disingenuous.

Florida Statutes 876.12 – Wearing mask, hood, or other device on public way:

"No person or persons over 16 years of age shall, while wearing any mask, hood, or device whereby any portion of the face is so hidden, concealed, or covered as to conceal the identity of the wearer, enter upon, or be or appear upon any lane, walk, alley, street, road, highway, or other public way in this state."

In addition, it isn't necessary to ban any certain aspect of Islam (such as burkas). All of Islam is illegal in America (US Constitution, Article 6, Section 2, Part 2 - the Supremacy Clause)
Catholics, Mormons and Buddhists aren’t covering their faces and disguising themselves to my knowledge.
They're also not knocking down tall buildings, killing soldiers in Army forts, beating wives, killing animals for no reason, and marrying 9 year old girls.
They behead people, burn them in cages, and inject acid into dogs. All atrocious acts!
It is not our custom. It is THEIR custom. But they came HERE. So they need to go with OUR rules. Do they have nude beaches in the ME? No? You will get stoned if you show your breasts AND your face? we have nude beaches and faces must be seen. Especially when driving, banking, etc. They wanna cover their face? Fine. Do it at home.

So you want to ban a piece of religious clothing. Let’s violate her constitutional right to freedom of religion and freedom of expression.

Yes they do have nude beaches in the Middle East. In Lebanon, and in Israel.

Women are ALLOWED to show theirs breasts here. You seem to want to REQUIRE that they do so. Again, this violates their constitutional rights.

We’ve all seen the videos of women walking around and getting catcalls, and crude comments while doing nothing to invite it. This doesn’t happen to women wearing burkas. Muslim women have told me they like the traditional clothing because men don’t come on to them when they are covered.

I’ve talked to Muslim women around this issue. A co-worker who doesn’t cover her head told me she’s under a lot of pressure to at least wear a hijab - from her teenage daughter who was born here, so either way, Muslim women are being attacked for what they wear or don’t wear. This is a huge issue within the Muslim community

This is their choice, not yours. Would you support legislation banning nuns from wearing habits?
This is our country, we the people speak. Get back to us when you have a 9~11.
So you want to ban a piece of religious clothing. Let’s violate her constitutional right to freedom of religion and freedom of expression.

Yes they do have nude beaches in the Middle East. In Lebanon, and in Israel.

Women are ALLOWED to show theirs breasts here. You seem to want to REQUIRE that they do so. Again, this violates their constitutional rights.

We’ve all seen the videos of women walking around and getting catcalls, and crude comments while doing nothing to invite it. This doesn’t happen to women wearing burkas. Muslim women have told me they like the traditional clothing because men don’t come on to them when they are covered.

I’ve talked to Muslim women around this issue. A co-worker who doesn’t cover her head told me she’s under a lot of pressure to at least wear a hijab - from her teenage daughter who was born here, so either way, Muslim women are being attacked for what they wear or don’t wear. This is a huge issue within the Muslim community

This is their choice, not yours. Would you support legislation banning nuns from wearing habits?
Nuns habits don't cover their faces. And if you think you can get people to believe Muslim women like wearing these absurd things (including in hot weather), you're nuts.

PS - this isn't "religious clothing." Islam is not a religion.


If you really cared about women’s rights you would not consider women being tricked into believing their bodies are shameful and that they are religiously mandated to shroud themselves as even remotely acceptable.
I most certainly do care about women's rights. My point was the hypocrisy displayed by those who claim that they want to ban the burka based on it being oppressive to women, While NOT taking a stand, or showing concern for other women's issues. It possible that you are too obtuse to get that?
No, you have been openly supporting the oppression of women - which is what the left and feminists are constantly doing at the moment - on the basis that to not support it is an infringement on their right to religious freedom, when it is not even a religious requiremnt.
I suspect you do this becuase you don’t really give a damn about women’s rights if it involves criticising Islam and the muslim men who subjugate the women in this way. In fact everyone knows the Left is utterly terrified of criticising Islam in general.

LOL- I find that lots of religious bigots like yourself are utterly terrified that everyone doesn't all agree with your bigotry towards all Muslims.

You want to claim that Islam subjugates all women- yet here in the United States we have Muslim women running for political office and you same folks are running around terrified that these Muslim women might get elected.

I have lots of problems with Islam as a religion- just as I do with most religions. But I don't have a problem with Muslims. And I don't have a problem with Christians- I do have a problem with assholes who repress women- regardless of what fairy in the sky they claim to believe in.

Meanwhile- there are assholes in Islamist societies who believe that they can tell women they must wear burkas.

And there are assholes here in the United States who believe that they can tell women that they cannot wear burkas.

I cannot imagine why anyone woman would choose to wear a burka. But I can't imagine why any Mormon would chose to wear special underwear either- neither is any of my business- so long as the persons are not being forced to wear such gear against their will.

So Denmark must be full of bigots then?

Or perhaps they don't want their country ruined by Islam.

A) I am sure Denmark has its share of bigots like you- but unlikely that it is full of them.

B) Only an idiot like you would conclude that 'banning' Burkas would somehow save any country.
It’s medevil and the idea that the woman needs to be spared “prying eyes” is ludicrous
So you're opposed to religious freedom? Just for Muslims. ?
The burqa and niqab are not a religious requirement at all.

If you say so. I did not read the Quran. Did you? The fact is that some of them believe that it is a requirement and we are not a country that outlaws religious practices or that dictates how people may dress regardless.
Do you allow people to walk the streets naked?

When you have a law against public nudity, it affects every citizen. Young, old, thin, fat, ugly or hot as. No matter how much they'd like to walk around in the buff ... as much as we'd love to see them walk around in nature's own, they can't and, as a society, we deal with that.

When you pass a law that says you can't wear a yarmulke, or a cassock, or a habit, get circumcised, eat kosher meat, buy halal foods, or ... heaven forbid ... wear a burka, it targets only a very specific group of people who are eating or wearing something according to their religious principles.

You can pretend you're doing it only for public safety, but you'd better make a damn good argument that those kosher lamb chops are getting people killed. Without it, it's pretty obvious what the ban is all about.

Some people here have been very honest and stated outright that this is a kick-in-the-bollocks to Islam. But, as Americans, would we be just as quick to pass a law that similarly restricts Catholics, or Mormons, or Buddhists?

Excellent post and reply to our own home grown American fascists.
In the U.S., wearing the Burka is 100% an option, so the oppression has already been tamed.

My opinion: no, we don't ban it. If somebody wants to wear a Burka, or a Hillary pin or MAGA hat, or any other such fucking nonsense, have at it. However, wearing a Burka does not come with ability to refuse identification. In other words, in instances where one must be identified (at the DMV, in court, etc.), then their face will have to be shown.

Did you just compare this:


To this:


Every day I hear more and more stupid shit on this forum.

it took me roughly a minute to notice she was wearing a MAGA hat. But, just for the sake of argument, why do you care what someone else wears? No one is making you wear Tommy Hilfiger and Crocs.

Why did they care in Denmark?

Because they don't want a bunch of Muslims running around building their Sharia zones in what is supposed to be a civilized country.

The lesson is indeed not to ban the apparel, but ban the 3rd worlders.

Then say, it's about banning the 3rd Worlders with whom you have an issue. Don't pussy-foot around and say it's about driving safety, or potential gangs of burka-clad criminals, or any such thing. Be honest and say what you want to ban.

But, before we get too upset about letting uncivilized people into our country, we might take a moment to reflect on who built our infrastructure.


That's what I have been saying. The thread is a waning sign what happens when you import bunch of 3rd worlders.

Spoken like a true Trump supporter.

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