Should Burka be banned?

Should Burka be banned?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 36 51.4%
  • No.

    Votes: 34 48.6%

  • Total voters
This is our country- and we the people over 200 years ago decided to have a Constitution and a Bill of Rights.

No matter how much assholes want to pretend the Bill of Rights doesn't exist.
What does the bill of rights have to do with Islam or burkas ? (other than show the various illegalities of Islam)
Banning religious symbols is, itself, banned by the First Amendment.
Islam is not a religion, and even if it was, the 1st amendment does not ban employers from banning religious symbols. The 1st amendment says "Congress" shall make no law" doesn't say employers shall make no law.
Dude you dont know shit , I'm gonna correct you and educate in hopes it reduces your bigotry a notch:

2- honor killing is purely cultural and not religious google it.
I will correct YOU. Yes, honor killing is cultural, not religious, but the same applies to Islam entirely. It is not a religion. It is a cultural ideology-cult, with immoral and (in the US) illegal tenets, doctrined in the Koran (masquerading as a religion).
The only demographic that should have any leeway on federal or state law is that of Native Americans... like (Sen. Warren :)) Masked individuals in society can't possibly be a neutral issue; it will only lead to more deleterious effect not less. If the legislature were to follow the will of the constituency and implement a 'burka ban' sorry & all, but those burka wearers existing within the US and those that decided to come to America, gracing us with their presence can adapt, leave or suffer the consequences. Citizens make the rules here, not special interest sub sects! I'm wearing this analogy out... but think of the US as a country club; the members dictate the terms of membership, including the dress code... lol
Dude you dont know shit , I'm gonna correct you and educate in hopes it reduces your bigotry a notch:

2- honor killing is purely cultural and not religious google it.
I will correct YOU. Yes, honor killing is cultural, not religious, but the same applies to Islam entirely. It is not a religion. It is a cultural ideology-cult, with immoral and (in the US) illegal tenets, doctrined in the Koran (masquerading as a religion).
You just paranoid....muslims are barely 1% of Americans and you are losing sleep because of that. If I were you I would worry about the 13k people or more that die from gun violence, worry about obesity, drug overdose, racism, facism....most of is muslims in this country are too busy to worry about your bigotry so do the same and find something productive to do.
Let them wear it but when we say
“It’s 105 outside, why are you wrapped head to toe in black? Any religion that requires that ain’t no religion”
See, two way street there but Islam pleaders won’t go for that.
Bigot alert. U must be a trump supporter.
Name me 5. ;)

Did your husband/father give you permission to talk to strange men on line?

Don't go getting yourself stoned to death...…..I know how important Muslim honor is...……..

Dude you dont know shit , I'm gonna correct you and educate in hopes it reduces your bigotry a notch:

1- Issa is Jesus in Arabic therefore I'm a guy, and yes as a Muslim we believe in jesus , the messiah and the virgin marry.

2- honor killing is purely cultural and not religious google it.

3- last trip from a Muslim city to NYC the whole flying crew of the dreamliner was females and no they didnt their husbands approval.

Dude your bigotry is nauseating and it stems from being overly different than ISIS ideology put everyone in the same bucket.

Sorry, your whining sounded very feminine.
You confirmed all bigoted are uninformed idiots .

Just keep your Muslim barbarity out of the US. Thanks!
You already have enough barbarity dont you ?
Did your husband/father give you permission to talk to strange men on line?

Don't go getting yourself stoned to death...…..I know how important Muslim honor is...……..

Dude you dont know shit , I'm gonna correct you and educate in hopes it reduces your bigotry a notch:

1- Issa is Jesus in Arabic therefore I'm a guy, and yes as a Muslim we believe in jesus , the messiah and the virgin marry.

2- honor killing is purely cultural and not religious google it.

3- last trip from a Muslim city to NYC the whole flying crew of the dreamliner was females and no they didnt their husbands approval.

Dude your bigotry is nauseating and it stems from being overly different than ISIS ideology put everyone in the same bucket.

Sorry, your whining sounded very feminine.
You confirmed all bigoted are uninformed idiots .

Just keep your Muslim barbarity out of the US. Thanks!
You already have enough barbarity dont you ?

We have too much civilization to sacrifice it for scum.
Dude you dont know shit , I'm gonna correct you and educate in hopes it reduces your bigotry a notch:

1- Issa is Jesus in Arabic therefore I'm a guy, and yes as a Muslim we believe in jesus , the messiah and the virgin marry.

2- honor killing is purely cultural and not religious google it.

3- last trip from a Muslim city to NYC the whole flying crew of the dreamliner was females and no they didnt their husbands approval.

Dude your bigotry is nauseating and it stems from being overly different than ISIS ideology put everyone in the same bucket.

Sorry, your whining sounded very feminine.
You confirmed all bigoted are uninformed idiots .

Just keep your Muslim barbarity out of the US. Thanks!
You already have enough barbarity dont you ?

We have too much civilization to sacrifice it for scum.
Women in burkas are "scum" ?
Really ?
Sorry, your whining sounded very feminine.
You confirmed all bigoted are uninformed idiots .

Just keep your Muslim barbarity out of the US. Thanks!
You already have enough barbarity dont you ?

We have too much civilization to sacrifice it for scum.
Women in burkas are "scum" ?
Really ?

Islam is scum, and anti-civilization.
You just paranoid....muslims are barely 1% of Americans and you are losing sleep because of that. If I were you I would worry about the 13k people or more that die from gun violence, worry about obesity, drug overdose, racism, facism....most of is muslims in this country are too busy to worry about your bigotry so do the same and find something productive to do.
Nice try at brushing away Muslim jihad in the US, but I'm afraid you're waaaay too late for that. Going back to 1972, there have been 101 jihadist attacks in the US, killing 3,223 people, including since 9/11, 158 Americans killed in 53 separate acts of deadly Islamic terror. Hundreds of mass murder plots have been thwarted or botched.

Too much, too often, to use the word "paranoia". And just because there are other things to worry about IN ADDITION TO Muslim nutjobs, that doesn't mean we can lower our guard to Islam, which is illegal in the US, and shouldn't even exist here at all.

As for bigotry, that is the book of hate (the Koran) and all those who follow it, or mindlessly try to excuse it.
So since there many horrible mass shootings by whites than most whites are murderers and we have to profile them?
"Whites" don't have a doctrine (like the Koran) that advocates (if not commands) killing. And I'm not sure what you mean by "profile". We have no need to do anything with Islam except to recognize it for what it is. A vile, mass genocidal insane, supremacist unconstitutional cult, that has no business being in the USA, period.
Sorry, your whining sounded very feminine.
You confirmed all bigoted are uninformed idiots .

Just keep your Muslim barbarity out of the US. Thanks!
You already have enough barbarity dont you ?

We have too much civilization to sacrifice it for scum.
Women in burkas are "scum" ?
Really ?
You refer to right wing women as scum and slags and support violence against them, so do you really want to go there? Hmmmmm???
The rural Township where I live also banned Churches so no Mosque can be built here. More things have been banned in my Township than I can count including apartment houses, chickens, any retail or wholesale business and mobile homes. Township Trustees have unfettered power in Central Ohio.
/——-/ Banned churches??? What about that pesky 1st Amendment?
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Why don't you think that Americans- of any religion- should have to follow the law in the United States?

Muslims have to stop doing the things that break our laws?

They won't be very happy about it...…..
What are they doing that breaks our laws Smiley?

Female genital mutilation.
The occasional honor killing.

Honor killings here in the US?
Well, then I guess you would then have to call it an "honor killing" when a white Christian redneck in Alabama kills his wife for having an affair with his Brother Billy.
Amiright? :rolleyes:

Yes, Muslim honor killings here in the US.

Christians murder people over jealousy for revenge - Muslims murder people over jealousy for revenge.
Guess we'll call the former "Christian honor killings" :rolleyes-41:
You already have enough barbarity dont you ?
But at least in the US, we have cops (and citizens) carrying guns, to prevent such barbarity, and take acting against it, so as to not have people (and cops) standing around watching barbarity, while unable too stop it. (like in the UK)


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