Should Burka be banned?

Should Burka be banned?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 36 51.4%
  • No.

    Votes: 34 48.6%

  • Total voters
Because it is. It is a fact in the U.S. and worldwide.
But you're not presenting a shred of evidence to support your claim. So what are we supposed to do ? Just take it on faith ?

I asked you for a justification of your claim. You failed.
You confirmed all bigoted are uninformed idiots .

Just keep your Muslim barbarity out of the US. Thanks!
You already have enough barbarity dont you ?

We have too much civilization to sacrifice it for scum.
Women in burkas are "scum" ?
Really ?

Islam is scum, and anti-civilization.
Oh dear.
Did your husband/father give you permission to talk to strange men on line?

Don't go getting yourself stoned to death...…..I know how important Muslim honor is...……..

Dude you dont know shit , I'm gonna correct you and educate in hopes it reduces your bigotry a notch:

1- Issa is Jesus in Arabic therefore I'm a guy, and yes as a Muslim we believe in jesus , the messiah and the virgin marry.

2- honor killing is purely cultural and not religious google it.

3- last trip from a Muslim city to NYC the whole flying crew of the dreamliner was females and no they didnt their husbands approval.

Dude your bigotry is nauseating and it stems from being overly different than ISIS ideology put everyone in the same bucket.

Sorry, your whining sounded very feminine.
You confirmed all bigoted are uninformed idiots .

Just keep your Muslim barbarity out of the US. Thanks!
You already have enough barbarity dont you ?

I agree, so let's not import any more Muslims.
You confirmed all bigoted are uninformed idiots .

Just keep your Muslim barbarity out of the US. Thanks!
You already have enough barbarity dont you ?

We have too much civilization to sacrifice it for scum.
Women in burkas are "scum" ?
Really ?

Islam is scum, and anti-civilization.
Civilization? Lol...muslims were years ahead of the Europeans, they built south of Europe, brought science, architecture, knowledge, etc...and Europeans picked up from there.
You just paranoid....muslims are barely 1% of Americans and you are losing sleep because of that. If I were you I would worry about the 13k people or more that die from gun violence, worry about obesity, drug overdose, racism, facism....most of is muslims in this country are too busy to worry about your bigotry so do the same and find something productive to do.
Nice try at brushing away Muslim jihad in the US, but I'm afraid you're waaaay too late for that. Going back to 1972, there have been 101 jihadist attacks in the US, killing 3,223 people, including since 9/11, 158 Americans killed in 53 separate acts of deadly Islamic terror. Hundreds of mass murder plots have been thwarted or botched.

Too much, too often, to use the word "paranoia". And just because there are other things to worry about IN ADDITION TO Muslim nutjobs, that doesn't mean we can lower our guard to Islam, which is illegal in the US, and shouldn't even exist here at all.

As for bigotry, that is the book of hate (the Koran) and all those who follow it, or mindlessly try to excuse it.
13000 or more gets killed every year by non Muslim Americans I dont see as outraged, I wonder why ? :)
The US foreign policies caused millions of deaths in multiple countries since WWII, where is your outrage ?
So since there many horrible mass shootings by whites than most whites are murderers and we have to profile them?
"Whites" don't have a doctrine (like the Koran) that advocates (if not commands) killing. And I'm not sure what you mean by "profile". We have no need to do anything with Islam except to recognize it for what it is. A vile, mass genocidal insane, supremacist unconstitutional cult, that has no business being in the USA, period.
Too bad you cant do shit about sit your bigoted ass down and enjoy watching jerry Springer.
You already have enough barbarity dont you ?
But at least in the US, we have cops (and citizens) carrying guns, to prevent such barbarity, and take acting against it, so as to not have people (and cops) standing around watching barbarity, while unable too stop it. (like in the UK)

Loooool you wanna go there?

Kids get shot
Co workers gets shot
People ik n roads gets shot
People in theaters gets shot
Students gets shot
Presidents and officials gets shot
Cops gets shot
Federal buildings get bombed
Airport shootings
Thousands of people die each year from viol2nce, but it's the muslims fault ? Lol
Dude you dont know shit , I'm gonna correct you and educate in hopes it reduces your bigotry a notch:

1- Issa is Jesus in Arabic therefore I'm a guy, and yes as a Muslim we believe in jesus , the messiah and the virgin marry.

2- honor killing is purely cultural and not religious google it.

3- last trip from a Muslim city to NYC the whole flying crew of the dreamliner was females and no they didnt their husbands approval.

Dude your bigotry is nauseating and it stems from being overly different than ISIS ideology put everyone in the same bucket.

Sorry, your whining sounded very feminine.
You confirmed all bigoted are uninformed idiots .

Just keep your Muslim barbarity out of the US. Thanks!
You already have enough barbarity dont you ?

I agree, so let's not import any more Muslims.
Same with whites they are responsible for most mass shootings.
Civilization? Lol...muslims were years ahead of the Europeans, they built south of Europe, brought science, architecture, knowledge, etc...and Europeans picked up from there.
And now they specialize in suicide bombings and mass shootings. Pheeew!
I don't think it's anyone's business how a person's religion compels them to dress...

Did you used to be a cop? What would you do if you pulled over someone wearing a burka? How could you tell if the person driving is the one on the ID since that too probably is covered with a burka.

There is no place in America for that shit. None.

You can’t legally drive a car wearing a an eye covering. And women who wear burkas don’t drive.

I see what you’re getting at but in cases where these women are required to prove identity, they do so.
13000 or more gets killed every year by non Muslim Americans I dont see as outraged, I wonder why ? :)
The US foreign policies caused millions of deaths in multiple countries since WWII, where is your outrage ?
I see plenty of outrage about people getting killed in all kinds of ways by all kinds of people. You comment is ridiculous.

WHAT "US foreign policy ? Where ? When ? How ?
Too bad you cant do shit about sit your bigoted ass down and enjoy watching jerry Springer.
WE (the American people) can do plenty about it. We can get the Trump administration to ENFORCE Article 6, section 2, part 1 of the US Constitution, which bans Islam in the US.

We can get this enforced by abolishing every mosque, every Islamic center, every lamebrain footwashing basin, and eliminate every single Koran book of bigotry .
Too bad you cant do shit about sit your bigoted ass down and enjoy watching jerry Springer.
WE (the American people) can do plenty about it. We can get the Trump administration to ENFORCE Article 6, section 2, part 1 of the US Constitution, which bans Islam in the US.

We can get this enforced by abolishing every mosque, every Islamic center, every lamebrain footwashing basin, and eliminate every single Koran book of bigotry .

Maybe we can pass some 'Blood and Honor Laws', have a Kristalnacht, and build some ghettos too. If we're going that way, let's go all the way.

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding."

Would you like to explain how this empowers the Government to violate the 1st Amendment?
Loooool you wanna go there?

Kids get shot
Co workers gets shot
People ik n roads gets shot
People in theaters gets shot
Students gets shot
Presidents and officials gets shot
Cops gets shot
Federal buildings get bombed
Airport shootings
Thousands of people die each year from viol2nce, but it's the muslims fault ? Lol
When it's non-Muslims' fault, its their fault. When it's Muslims' fault, it's their fault. Yeah, I go there.
You can’t legally drive a car wearing a an eye covering. And women who wear burkas don’t drive.

I see what you’re getting at but in cases where these women are required to prove identity, they do so.
Not always. While working as a security guard, at the front entrance of an industrial plant, 4 Muslims, all wearing photo ID badges, tried to walk past me while the 2 women were wearing niqabs. (covering all but their eyes). I stopped them and requested that the women show me their faces.

They refused, and all 4 started hollering at me, and making a disturbance, while blocking the entrance/exit. I refused to let them pass, and called the cops. They told the cops I assaulted them. I showed the cops the video of the entire episode, and they were arrested for causing a disturbance and filing a false police report. They were later fired from their jobs,
Just keep your Muslim barbarity out of the US. Thanks!
You already have enough barbarity dont you ?

We have too much civilization to sacrifice it for scum.
Women in burkas are "scum" ?
Really ?

Islam is scum, and anti-civilization.
Civilization? Lol...muslims were years ahead of the Europeans, they built south of Europe, brought science, architecture, knowledge, etc...and Europeans picked up from there.

Sorry, your whining sounded very feminine.
You confirmed all bigoted are uninformed idiots .

Just keep your Muslim barbarity out of the US. Thanks!
You already have enough barbarity dont you ?

I agree, so let's not import any more Muslims.
Same with whites they are responsible for most mass shootings.

As long as we keep out more Muslims.
Maybe we can pass some 'Blood and Honor Laws', have a Kristalnacht, and build some ghettos too. If we're going that way, let's go all the way.

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding."

Would you like to explain how this empowers the Government to violate the 1st Amendment?
Sure. The Supremacy Clause states "This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States...shall be the supreme Law of the Land..."

This outlaws all supremacisms (other than the Constitution itself, of course). I see no exception made for anything, including Islam (the largest supremacism in the world)

And it has nothing to do with the 1st Amendment, which is a weak part of the Constitution with numerous exceptions to it. The Supremacy Clause has never had a single exception in 226 years.

As for the first sentence of your post ("Kristalnacht"), I don't know what you're talking about, but I know exactly what I'M talking about.

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