Should Burka be banned?

Should Burka be banned?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 36 51.4%
  • No.

    Votes: 34 48.6%

  • Total voters
Cute story....and this is how you became a bigot ? :)
Your use of the stupid, bigot card does nothing have you making a fool out of yourself. Everything I say about Islam is 100% TRUE.

If you're unable to deal with that, that's YOUR problem. No one else's.

And I don't see anything "cute" about the story.
You have to understand something, we muslims 1.7 billion we dont care about your bigotry...I'm just pointing out the fact that bigotry stems from ignorance and self hate.
You are just a security guard who thinks he chief of police.....calm down kid.
That is stupid, and you are obviously looking for a way to save face in this discussion, which you are badly on the short end of. And 72 year olds aren't kids. You need to start getting a few things right in this thread, or find another one to post in.
You lived 72 years and didnt learn that bigotry and racism is self destructive? I cant help you, even if we sit here all day chatting.
Just keep in mind that there are muslims in the armed forces , law enforcement, doctors, engineers, teachers, mayors, representatives, volunteers, clerks that go on with their daily lives same as every other group or people. Do we need that bigots exist ? Yes we we care? No...keep on hating.
Issa there are a billion germs in the toilet bowl. Should those germs be respected? Islam is a form of insanity because most Muslims are ugly, no talent idiots.
Women in burkas are "scum" ?
Really ?

Islam is scum, and anti-civilization.
Civilization? Lol...muslims were years ahead of the Europeans, they built south of Europe, brought science, architecture, knowledge, etc...and Europeans picked up from there.

As we know them , islamic civilization has its fingerprints all over it dont know because they didnt teach you that.

Yeah, those Arabs that swarmed across civilization invented lots of stuff. DERP!
Muslims invented tons of that , Care to know ?
Surgery el zawahri book was a reference for Europeans for centuries

Coffee oh yes.

University: the oldest one in the world built by a Muslim woman in fez Morocco.

Algebra ;) google it.


And thousands of other things....I dont nlame you for your ignorance but I blame the education system. Go read history !!!
The Constitution protects our religious rights, we start banning Burkas, we start infringing on people’s religious rights, it is a matter of time that we infringe on other rights, such as speech, press and on and on.

Does the Muslim religion treat women poorly and demean them? Yes, however the women are free to choose and if they choose to abide by the religious rules, then it is their choice.

We put up with a lot worse in the name of freedom, such as the KKK, we tolerate them because of their right to free speech, even though they are evil.

It is a small price to let others practice their religious freedom, so we all enjoy our freedoms.
Dude you dont know shit , I'm gonna correct you and educate in hopes it reduces your bigotry a notch:

1- Issa is Jesus in Arabic therefore I'm a guy, and yes as a Muslim we believe in jesus , the messiah and the virgin marry.

2- honor killing is purely cultural and not religious google it.

3- last trip from a Muslim city to NYC the whole flying crew of the dreamliner was females and no they didnt their husbands approval.

Dude your bigotry is nauseating and it stems from being overly different than ISIS ideology put everyone in the same bucket.

Sorry, your whining sounded very feminine.
You confirmed all bigoted are uninformed idiots .

Just keep your Muslim barbarity out of the US. Thanks!
You already have enough barbarity dont you ?

I agree, so let's not import any more Muslims.

Well that is what the bigoted anti-religious Trumpkins say.
So since there many horrible mass shootings by whites than most whites are murderers and we have to profile them?
"Whites" don't have a doctrine (like the Koran) that advocates (if not commands) killing. And I'm not sure what you mean by "profile". We have no need to do anything with Islam except to recognize it for what it is. A vile, mass genocidal insane, supremacist unconstitutional cult, that has no business being in the USA, period.

Unfortunately for you anti-religious bigots- the Constitution protects the rights of all Americans to practice their religion free from government interference- Christians, Jews, Hindus- and Muslims.

Despite your efforts to piss on the Constitution- its not going to happen.
The Constitution protects our religious rights, we start banning Burkas, we start infringing on people’s religious rights, it is a matter of time that we infringe on other rights, such as speech, press and on and on.

Does the Muslim religion treat women poorly and demean them? Yes, however the women are free to choose and if they choose to abide by the religious rules, then it is their choice.

We put up with a lot worse in the name of freedom, such as the KKK, we tolerate them because of their right to free speech, even though they are evil.

It is a small price to let others practice their religious freedom, so we all enjoy our freedoms.

Exactly- I cannot imagine why any woman in America would choose to wear a Burka- but the difference between the United States and societies where a woman is required to wear a Burka- is that here a woman will never be forced to wear a Burka- or forced not to wear one.

It is obvious that there are those here who think that they know need to make that choice for women.
Issa there are a billion germs in the toilet bowl. Should those germs be respected? Islam is a form of insanity because most Muslims are ugly, no talent idiots.

I guess you’d be able to recognize ugly, no talent idiots for sure. Takes one to know one. You should be really good at knowing which ones are insane.
Islam is scum, and anti-civilization.
Civilization? Lol...muslims were years ahead of the Europeans, they built south of Europe, brought science, architecture, knowledge, etc...and Europeans picked up from there.

As we know them , islamic civilization has its fingerprints all over it dont know because they didnt teach you that.

Yeah, those Arabs that swarmed across civilization invented lots of stuff. DERP!
Muslims invented tons of that , Care to know ?
Surgery el zawahri book was a reference for Europeans for centuries

Coffee oh yes.

University: the oldest one in the world built by a Muslim woman in fez Morocco.

Algebra ;) google it.


And thousands of other things....I dont nlame you for your ignorance but I blame the education system. Go read history !!!

And now all they invent is new ways to kill.
Sorry, your whining sounded very feminine.
You confirmed all bigoted are uninformed idiots .

Just keep your Muslim barbarity out of the US. Thanks!
You already have enough barbarity dont you ?

I agree, so let's not import any more Muslims.

Well that is what the bigoted anti-religious Trumpkins say.

You may want to live next to murderous savages, I don't.
Yes, however the women are free to choose and if they choose to abide by the religious rules, then it is their choice.

It isn’t a religious requirement. Pilgrims on haj are even banned from wearing it. For a great many women it is NOT a choice, and worldwide many are imprisoned and murdered for attempting to exercise their right not to wear it.
Civilization? Lol...muslims were years ahead of the Europeans, they built south of Europe, brought science, architecture, knowledge, etc...and Europeans picked up from there.

As we know them , islamic civilization has its fingerprints all over it dont know because they didnt teach you that.

Yeah, those Arabs that swarmed across civilization invented lots of stuff. DERP!
Muslims invented tons of that , Care to know ?
Surgery el zawahri book was a reference for Europeans for centuries

Coffee oh yes.

University: the oldest one in the world built by a Muslim woman in fez Morocco.

Algebra ;) google it.


And thousands of other things....I dont nlame you for your ignorance but I blame the education system. Go read history !!!

And now all they invent is new ways to kill.
Nope 1.7 billions are ordinary like me saying all whites are child molesters or mass shooters....hard to understand ?
You confirmed all bigoted are uninformed idiots .

Just keep your Muslim barbarity out of the US. Thanks!
You already have enough barbarity dont you ?

I agree, so let's not import any more Muslims.

Well that is what the bigoted anti-religious Trumpkins say.

You may want to live next to murderous savages, I don't.
Deadliest mass shootings in US history are committed by whites...what's your take ?
As we know them , islamic civilization has its fingerprints all over it dont know because they didnt teach you that.

Yeah, those Arabs that swarmed across civilization invented lots of stuff. DERP!
Muslims invented tons of that , Care to know ?
Surgery el zawahri book was a reference for Europeans for centuries

Coffee oh yes.

University: the oldest one in the world built by a Muslim woman in fez Morocco.

Algebra ;) google it.


And thousands of other things....I dont nlame you for your ignorance but I blame the education system. Go read history !!!

And now all they invent is new ways to kill.
Nope 1.7 billions are ordinary like me saying all whites are child molesters or mass shooters....hard to understand ?

All you ordinary people can stay out of the US...…, slaughter infidels closer to home.
Just keep your Muslim barbarity out of the US. Thanks!
You already have enough barbarity dont you ?

I agree, so let's not import any more Muslims.

Well that is what the bigoted anti-religious Trumpkins say.

You may want to live next to murderous savages, I don't.
Deadliest mass shootings in US history are committed by whites...what's your take ?

Let's eliminate Muslim mass shootings......stay out.
As we know them , islamic civilization has its fingerprints all over it dont know because they didnt teach you that.

Yeah, those Arabs that swarmed across civilization invented lots of stuff. DERP!
Muslims invented tons of that , Care to know ?
Surgery el zawahri book was a reference for Europeans for centuries

Coffee oh yes.

University: the oldest one in the world built by a Muslim woman in fez Morocco.

Algebra ;) google it.


And thousands of other things....I dont nlame you for your ignorance but I blame the education system. Go read history !!!

And now all they invent is new ways to kill.
Nope 1.7 billions are ordinary like me saying all whites are child molesters or mass shooters....hard to understand ?

All you ordinary people can stay out of the US...…, slaughter infidels closer to home.
Eat your heart we are Americans just like you minus the bigotry. ;)
You already have enough barbarity dont you ?

I agree, so let's not import any more Muslims.

Well that is what the bigoted anti-religious Trumpkins say.

You may want to live next to murderous savages, I don't.
Deadliest mass shootings in US history are committed by whites...what's your take ?

Let's eliminate Muslim mass shootings......stay out.
Like sandy hook or Las Vegas shooting?

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