Should Burka be banned?

Should Burka be banned?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 36 51.4%
  • No.

    Votes: 34 48.6%

  • Total voters
Once again you appeal to authority without debating the actual topic. Your intellectual limits are noted.

You bringing up cakes wasn't the topic, just your personal bugaboo. Well your personal bugaboo doesn't mean diddlysquat because religion can't be used as an excuse to discriminate. You have to bake the cake for the black and interracial couple in all 50 states and the gay couple in far fewer despite what anyone's religion says.

So A Catholic Church would have to allow an Atheist priest to be a priest?

For contracted services of a non nessasary or timely nature, any denial should be allowed.

For actual PA's, i.e. point of sale items, then the laws can be applied.

Your personal bugaboo on the other hand is the orwellian boot on the head of anyone who disagrees with you.

You are the thug here, not me.
Stop being childish. I meant in public accommodation. A business isn't a church (although the church is big business).

I don't have a personal bugaboo about PA laws. Go ahead and try to get rid of them but you really should stop acting like PA laws are gays fault. They aren't. It wasn't a SCOTUS ruling about some gay person vs a baker, it was because a racist didn't want to serve black people. So when you get your panties in a wad about PA laws it would be more historically accurate to say "cook that BBQ" instead of "bake that cake".

And a contracted service isn't a public accomodation.

What is the fault now is the extension of PA's into contracted services.

Yes, that's your wish list for how you want the world to be, not how it is. Now go cook that BBQ.

Wow, still can't get past the "law is the law is the law fuh fuh fuh" point?
Yes, however the women are free to choose and if they choose to abide by the religious rules, then it is their choice.

It isn’t a religious requirement. Pilgrims on haj are even banned from wearing it. For a great many women it is NOT a choice, and worldwide many are imprisoned and murdered for attempting to exercise their right not to wear it.

In this country it is a choice to choose which religion they want to belong to. I was only talking the US. The rest of the world does not allow the freedoms we have.
I don’t think I said anyone should be prevented from choosing which religion to belong to, did I? I said the burqa and niqab are not a religious requirement, quite the opposite in fact, which is why haj pilgrims are banned from wearing them. Muslim men lie on this matter to shame muslim women who don’t want to spend their lives imprisoned in the black sack.
Yes, however the women are free to choose and if they choose to abide by the religious rules, then it is their choice.

It isn’t a religious requirement. Pilgrims on haj are even banned from wearing it. For a great many women it is NOT a choice, and worldwide many are imprisoned and murdered for attempting to exercise their right not to wear it.

In this country it is a choice to choose which religion they want to belong to. I was only talking the US. The rest of the world does not allow the freedoms we have.
I don’t think I said anyone should be prevented from choosing which religion to belong to, did I? I said the burqa and niqab are not a religious requirement, quite the opposite in fact, which is why haj pilgrims are banned from wearing them. Muslim men lie on this matter to shame muslim women who don’t want to spend their lives imprisoned in the black sack.

I am not sure what the "requirements" are, nor does it matter, we do not get to dictate what is religious matter or not. Women wear them because of what they believe is a religious requirement. There wearing a burka does not infringe on others rights. The Constitution provides for the freedom.
You bringing up cakes wasn't the topic, just your personal bugaboo. Well your personal bugaboo doesn't mean diddlysquat because religion can't be used as an excuse to discriminate. You have to bake the cake for the black and interracial couple in all 50 states and the gay couple in far fewer despite what anyone's religion says.

So A Catholic Church would have to allow an Atheist priest to be a priest?

For contracted services of a non nessasary or timely nature, any denial should be allowed.

For actual PA's, i.e. point of sale items, then the laws can be applied.

Your personal bugaboo on the other hand is the orwellian boot on the head of anyone who disagrees with you.

You are the thug here, not me.
Stop being childish. I meant in public accommodation. A business isn't a church (although the church is big business).

I don't have a personal bugaboo about PA laws. Go ahead and try to get rid of them but you really should stop acting like PA laws are gays fault. They aren't. It wasn't a SCOTUS ruling about some gay person vs a baker, it was because a racist didn't want to serve black people. So when you get your panties in a wad about PA laws it would be more historically accurate to say "cook that BBQ" instead of "bake that cake".

And a contracted service isn't a public accomodation.

What is the fault now is the extension of PA's into contracted services.

Yes, that's your wish list for how you want the world to be, not how it is. Now go cook that BBQ.

Wow, still can't get past the "law is the law is the law fuh fuh fuh" point?

There’s nothing to get past. You “wish” the law was different. It’s not and the reason it’s not has nothing to do with gays and cake. Don’t like it, change the whole law and stop trying to get special “I hate gays” carve outs.
So A Catholic Church would have to allow an Atheist priest to be a priest?

For contracted services of a non nessasary or timely nature, any denial should be allowed.

For actual PA's, i.e. point of sale items, then the laws can be applied.

Your personal bugaboo on the other hand is the orwellian boot on the head of anyone who disagrees with you.

You are the thug here, not me.
Stop being childish. I meant in public accommodation. A business isn't a church (although the church is big business).

I don't have a personal bugaboo about PA laws. Go ahead and try to get rid of them but you really should stop acting like PA laws are gays fault. They aren't. It wasn't a SCOTUS ruling about some gay person vs a baker, it was because a racist didn't want to serve black people. So when you get your panties in a wad about PA laws it would be more historically accurate to say "cook that BBQ" instead of "bake that cake".

And a contracted service isn't a public accomodation.

What is the fault now is the extension of PA's into contracted services.

Yes, that's your wish list for how you want the world to be, not how it is. Now go cook that BBQ.

Wow, still can't get past the "law is the law is the law fuh fuh fuh" point?

There’s nothing to get past. You “wish” the law was different. It’s not and the reason it’s not has nothing to do with gays and cake. Don’t like it, change the whole law and stop trying to get special “I hate gays” carve outs.

And you just respond with things that argue about the how and not the why.

You don't say WHY they should be forced to do it on pain of ruin, you don't say WHY a contracted service should be the same as a point of sale service.

All you do is reference the law and gloat over people having their lives ruined over a cake and butthurt.
Well that is what the bigoted anti-religious Trumpkins say.

You may want to live next to murderous savages, I don't.
Deadliest mass shootings in US history are committed by whites...what's your take ?

Let's eliminate Muslim mass shootings......stay out.
Like sandy hook or Las Vegas shooting?

Like San Bernardino, Fort Hood, Orlando, Beslan, Paris, Paris again...…

Is there any place where Muslims don't suck?

How many Muslims have tried to kill you recently?

So where don't "Muslims suck' - well every place where I see Muslims I know- my daughter's school, the corner grocery store....
Deadliest mass shootings in US history are committed by whites...what's your take ?

Let's eliminate Muslim mass shootings......stay out.
Like sandy hook or Las Vegas shooting?

Like San Bernardino, Fort Hood, Orlando, Beslan, Paris, Paris again...…

Is there any place where Muslims don't suck?
Muslims are awesome just like Christian's but both groups have assholes just like you and ISIS.

Muslims are the enemy of civilization.

That is what asshole religious bigots keep telling us- fear and hate every Muslim American.

Same kind of bigotry- just different century.
Let's eliminate Muslim mass shootings......stay out.
Like sandy hook or Las Vegas shooting?

Like San Bernardino, Fort Hood, Orlando, Beslan, Paris, Paris again...…

Is there any place where Muslims don't suck?
Muslims are awesome just like Christian's but both groups have assholes just like you and ISIS.

Muslims are the enemy of civilization.

That is what asshole religious bigots keep telling us- fear and hate every Muslim American.

Same kind of bigotry- just different century.

fear and hate every Muslim American.

Where have you seen that restriction?
Denmark has banned the outfit of woman hate:

Leftists and feminists, should we also ban this tool of oppression?

On a related note, congratulations to Denmark on finally growing some balls and standing up against the invasion!

I argue no, I think that rather Western nations should ban their ills and degeneracy such as internet pornography, much like nation of Iceland smart enough to do.

I think burka might be deserved punishment for white Western whores, and maybe even sodomite males to who propagate evil such as porn and degenerate "art", so if Denmark not tolerate the those of higher virtue, then Denmark deserve to die like decadent Rome, and be conquered by Islamic "barbarians".

Denmark history is that of savage Viking invaders who rape and loot, so they not better than Islamic invaders anyway if one look at history, so if their culture die and be destroyed by Islam, then maybe it be karma and just history repeating itself? He he
Maybe if we banned internet porn under state obscenity laws, and punish porn star like Stormy Daniels or crass pop stars like "Nicki Minaj" and "Miley Cyrus" to probation and make her wear burka for a year, that be just punishment for behaving so idencently in public and tarnishing image of our society.

Maybe we have something to learn from Muslim after all? He he
This religion is legit crazy:

And we are importing just so that some jackass leftist could have votes.

Nay, is just example of white woman "Youtube celebrity" dressing unfashionable and want to show her cellulite legs to get attention from hornet young boys, orobably since husband not able to satisfy her, lol.

If I young man, I only use women who look that "easy" as easy prey, take them out to bar or club and get them drunk, then never call them back again, since Western women are easiest on planet, like fast food.

If I date Muslim woman, I always call her back because I'd be afraid of her father and brother, he he.

Maybe sexually-repressed white males should just start pumping iron at gym, then they not have to stare at skanky youtube Women, and not have wive who fantasize about getting lucky at Justin Bieber concert?
Stop being childish. I meant in public accommodation. A business isn't a church (although the church is big business).

I don't have a personal bugaboo about PA laws. Go ahead and try to get rid of them but you really should stop acting like PA laws are gays fault. They aren't. It wasn't a SCOTUS ruling about some gay person vs a baker, it was because a racist didn't want to serve black people. So when you get your panties in a wad about PA laws it would be more historically accurate to say "cook that BBQ" instead of "bake that cake".

And a contracted service isn't a public accomodation.

What is the fault now is the extension of PA's into contracted services.

Yes, that's your wish list for how you want the world to be, not how it is. Now go cook that BBQ.

Wow, still can't get past the "law is the law is the law fuh fuh fuh" point?

There’s nothing to get past. You “wish” the law was different. It’s not and the reason it’s not has nothing to do with gays and cake. Don’t like it, change the whole law and stop trying to get special “I hate gays” carve outs.

And you just respond with things that argue about the how and not the why.

You don't say WHY they should be forced to do it on pain of ruin, you don't say WHY a contracted service should be the same as a point of sale service.

All you do is reference the law and gloat over people having their lives ruined over a cake and butthurt.

Their lives are ruined because they refuse, repeatedly, to follow the law. If I refuse to pay a speeding ticket, whose fault is it if my life gets "ruined" as a result?

Stop whining and either change the law or cook the BBQ.
This religion is legit crazy:

And we are importing just so that some jackass leftist could have votes.

Nay, is just example of white woman "Youtube celebrity" dressing unfashionable and want to show her cellulite legs to get attention from hornet young boys, orobably since husband not able to satisfy her, lol.

If I young man, I only use women who look that "easy" as easy prey, take them out to bar or club and get them drunk, then never call them back again, since Western women are easiest on planet, like fast food.

If I date Muslim woman, I always call her back because I'd be afraid of her father and brother, he he.

Maybe sexually-repressed white males should just start pumping iron at gym, then they not have to stare at skanky youtube Women, and not have wive who fantasize about getting lucky at Justin Bieber concert?

The troll got access to USMB again.
Denmark has banned the outfit of woman hate:

Leftists and feminists, should we also ban this tool of oppression?

On a related note, congratulations to Denmark on finally growing some balls and standing up against the invasion!

No more than a baseball cap. You start making shit like that ilegal where does it stop! I like my hats!
And a contracted service isn't a public accomodation.

What is the fault now is the extension of PA's into contracted services.

Yes, that's your wish list for how you want the world to be, not how it is. Now go cook that BBQ.

Wow, still can't get past the "law is the law is the law fuh fuh fuh" point?

There’s nothing to get past. You “wish” the law was different. It’s not and the reason it’s not has nothing to do with gays and cake. Don’t like it, change the whole law and stop trying to get special “I hate gays” carve outs.

And you just respond with things that argue about the how and not the why.

You don't say WHY they should be forced to do it on pain of ruin, you don't say WHY a contracted service should be the same as a point of sale service.

All you do is reference the law and gloat over people having their lives ruined over a cake and butthurt.

Their lives are ruined because they refuse, repeatedly, to follow the law. If I refuse to pay a speeding ticket, whose fault is it if my life gets "ruined" as a result?

Stop whining and either change the law or cook the BBQ.

The law is being wrongfully applied. A law to prevent whole communities from denying PA services is being used on contracted services that are not Public, nor Accommodations.

This was a $400k speeding ticket.....

How about you people stop being litigious twats?
Yes, that's your wish list for how you want the world to be, not how it is. Now go cook that BBQ.

Wow, still can't get past the "law is the law is the law fuh fuh fuh" point?

There’s nothing to get past. You “wish” the law was different. It’s not and the reason it’s not has nothing to do with gays and cake. Don’t like it, change the whole law and stop trying to get special “I hate gays” carve outs.

And you just respond with things that argue about the how and not the why.

You don't say WHY they should be forced to do it on pain of ruin, you don't say WHY a contracted service should be the same as a point of sale service.

All you do is reference the law and gloat over people having their lives ruined over a cake and butthurt.

Their lives are ruined because they refuse, repeatedly, to follow the law. If I refuse to pay a speeding ticket, whose fault is it if my life gets "ruined" as a result?

Stop whining and either change the law or cook the BBQ.

The law is being wrongfully applied. A law to prevent whole communities from denying PA services is being used on contracted services that are not Public, nor Accommodations.

This was a $400k speeding ticket.....

How about you people stop being litigious twats?

Says you and only you. Absolutely nothing stopping you from trying your luck and challenging the law.

You’re just full of fishy wishes aren’t you?

Trump supporters...litigious twats?

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