Should Burka be banned?

Should Burka be banned?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 36 51.4%
  • No.

    Votes: 34 48.6%

  • Total voters
Like San Bernardino, Fort Hood, Orlando, Beslan, Paris, Paris again...…

Is there any place where Muslims don't suck?
Muslims are awesome just like Christian's but both groups have assholes just like you and ISIS.

Muslims are the enemy of civilization.
As if on cue…

A perfect example of rightwing ignorance, fear, stupidity, bigotry, and hate – it’s conservativism that’s the bane of civilization.

Fuck Muslims, and you too!
right wing morality? hang out with right wing bakers, much.

Muzzies don't like dopers.
Their lives are ruined because they refuse, repeatedly, to follow the law. If I refuse to pay a speeding ticket, whose fault is it if my life gets "ruined" as a result?

Stop whining and either change the law or cook the BBQ.

The law is being wrongfully applied. A law to prevent whole communities from denying PA services is being used on contracted services that are not Public, nor Accommodations.

This was a $400k speeding ticket.....

How about you people stop being litigious twats?

Says you and only you. Absolutely nothing stopping you from trying your luck and challenging the law.

You’re just full of fishy wishes aren’t you?

Trump supporters...litigious twats?

I don't have a need to challenge the law. The laws are being wrongfully applied.

I don't see the bar being put out of business for it. and a Bar is actually a PA.

Again, says you and nobody else. You’re right don’t have to do anything. Sniveling about it on the internet is working out so well for you. :lol:

And you don't even make a point besides "the law is the law" and "fuck religious people"

You don't make one beyond "they aren't doing it the way I want, boo boo". You don't DO anything about it.

Was Newman v Piggy Park just to "fuck religious people"?
Such is the big government, more government authoritarian right: ban abortion, ban same-sex marriage, ban transgender Americans from public restrooms, ban immigrants – and now conservatives want to ban religion expression and have government force private web hosting sites to carry content they don’t want to carry.
I argue that the above should be banned, such as elective abortion, sodomite and transgender "rights".

But fools who wish to ban "burka" are misguided, since if she be dawning burka of own accord, she be pursuing higher level of moral purity than crass whores such as Stormy Daniels and the like.

Would be in better interest to ban whores from flaunting themselves in such unsophistiated way, such as degenerate "pop stars" like Miley Cyrus under state obscentiy laws, than ban burka and act which represent moral purity, and rejection of lifestyle of debased Rome.

Big "government" is fine if done constitutionally on state level in the interest of morality, and intention of Constitutional founders was for states to do job of moral legislation under Common Law, rather than Federal government.

Problem is not "big government", but that states do not do their job and enforce laws which are inscribed, such as banning pornography under state obscenity laws, which they have right to do.

Conservatives are as ridiculous as they are a danger to our rights and protected liberties.
Rights are for the moral, and not those who practice ills and degenerates such as transgender and sodomy - much as not right of leper to spread their disease outside their colony, is not right of debased individuals such as transgender or sodomites to be allowed to exist in a society which values purity.

Altruistic thing is for society to enact legislation against them to discourage their immoral lifestyles which lead to suffering - allowing "freedom" is irrelevant if one's debased lifestyle leads to suffering, since one must be spiritually enlightens to appreciate freedom, not base and ill.
This religion is legit crazy:

And we are importing just so that some jackass leftist could have votes.

Nay, is just example of white woman "Youtube celebrity" dressing unfashionable and want to show her cellulite legs to get attention from hornet young boys, orobably since husband not able to satisfy her, lol.

If I young man, I only use women who look that "easy" as easy prey, take them out to bar or club and get them drunk, then never call them back again, since Western women are easiest on planet, like fast food.

If I date Muslim woman, I always call her back because I'd be afraid of her father and brother, he he.

Maybe sexually-repressed white males should just start pumping iron at gym, then they not have to stare at skanky youtube Women, and not have wive who fantasize about getting lucky at Justin Bieber concert?

Maybe you should start considering getting the fck out of our countries.

The cop says she is not able to exercise her... right to walk... because of Islam.
This religion is legit crazy:

And we are importing just so that some jackass leftist could have votes.

Nay, is just example of white woman "Youtube celebrity" dressing unfashionable and want to show her cellulite legs to get attention from hornet young boys, orobably since husband not able to satisfy her, lol.

If I young man, I only use women who look that "easy" as easy prey, take them out to bar or club and get them drunk, then never call them back again, since Western women are easiest on planet, like fast food.

If I date Muslim woman, I always call her back because I'd be afraid of her father and brother, he he.

Maybe sexually-repressed white males should just start pumping iron at gym, then they not have to stare at skanky youtube Women, and not have wive who fantasize about getting lucky at Justin Bieber concert?

Maybe you should start considering getting the fck out of our countries.

The cop says she is not able to exercise her... right to walk... because of Islam.

I not Muslim silly rabbit.

I argue that Islamization of Europe and US is natural consequence of said countries embracing ills such as LGBT rights and whatnot, so instead of fearing Islam, maybe they should work on removing their own degenerates or else go way of Caligula and Nero?

Seems if nations become corrupt and morally debased, then they invite barbarians, this way Islamisation is problem and Westerners are too weak to resist it.

Plus I not really wish to see ugly white woman's booty anyway, she really that desperate for attention she not getting from husband? He he
This religion is legit crazy:

And we are importing just so that some jackass leftist could have votes.

Nay, is just example of white woman "Youtube celebrity" dressing unfashionable and want to show her cellulite legs to get attention from hornet young boys, orobably since husband not able to satisfy her, lol.

If I young man, I only use women who look that "easy" as easy prey, take them out to bar or club and get them drunk, then never call them back again, since Western women are easiest on planet, like fast food.

If I date Muslim woman, I always call her back because I'd be afraid of her father and brother, he he.

Maybe sexually-repressed white males should just start pumping iron at gym, then they not have to stare at skanky youtube Women, and not have wive who fantasize about getting lucky at Justin Bieber concert?

Maybe you should start considering getting the fck out of our countries.

The cop says she is not able to exercise her... right to walk... because of Islam.

Why she dress so slinky in Muslim area if she not like it?

Maybe if she just wear burka when in Muslim area or stay out, then there be no problem.

Plus most women never dress slinky in public anyway unless husband has ED and they not getting any from him anyway - you think if woman married to virle man Mr. Fabio, then she want to show her booty to randos at Walmart?

So nay, no woman really care about "right" to show booty to randos anyway unless she just a ugly duckling or have husband who can't satisfy her, not much of a "right" to worry about unless a guy just be one of those "incels" who masturbate to anime, and only contact with women is staring at rando women's booties like a starving puppy dog rather than actually dating them, lol
Right-wing morality is the product of an objective moral framework.

Name some of the struts of this "objective moral framework".

1) Higher life expectancies (drastically reduced infant mortality rates- for obvious reasons, ya know)
2) Respect for individual liberty and human freedom due to the belief that all people are created in the image of God- resulting in improved economic conditions unparalleled in human history and other indices of advanced social and societal development
3) Equality of the sexes; ending evil institutions such as slavery and genocide; the establishment of innumerable charities, schools, hospitals etc benefiting billions of people globally

Want more?
They banned them in France along with every other face covering, so I say do it here too. It's time for Islam 2 get modern if it already hasn't... It's definitely anti-women.
This religion is legit crazy:

And we are importing just so that some jackass leftist could have votes.

Nay, is just example of white woman "Youtube celebrity" dressing unfashionable and want to show her cellulite legs to get attention from hornet young boys, orobably since husband not able to satisfy her, lol.

If I young man, I only use women who look that "easy" as easy prey, take them out to bar or club and get them drunk, then never call them back again, since Western women are easiest on planet, like fast food.

If I date Muslim woman, I always call her back because I'd be afraid of her father and brother, he he.

Maybe sexually-repressed white males should just start pumping iron at gym, then they not have to stare at skanky youtube Women, and not have wive who fantasize about getting lucky at Justin Bieber concert?

Maybe you should start considering getting the fck out of our countries.

The cop says she is not able to exercise her... right to walk... because of Islam.

Why she dress so slinky in Muslim area if she not like it?

Maybe if she just wear burka when in Muslim area or stay out, then there be no problem.

Plus most women never dress slinky in public anyway unless husband has ED and they not getting any from him anyway - you think if woman married to virle man Mr. Fabio, then she want to show her booty to randos at Walmart?

So nay, no woman really care about "right" to show booty to randos anyway unless she just a ugly duckling or have husband who can't satisfy her, not much of a "right" to worry about unless a guy just be one of those "incels" who masturbate to anime, and only contact with women is staring at rando women's booties like a starving puppy dog rather than actually dating them, lol

Even a better idea, keep the Muslims out and there won't be a problem walking down a street.
Right-wing morality is the product of an objective moral framework.

Name some of the struts of this "objective moral framework".

1) Higher life expectancies (drastically reduced infant mortality rates- for obvious reasons, ya know)
2) Respect for individual liberty and human freedom due to the belief that all people are created in the image of God- resulting in improved economic conditions unparalleled in human history and other indices of advanced social and societal development
3) Equality of the sexes; ending evil institutions such as slavery and genocide; the establishment of innumerable charities, schools, hospitals etc benefiting billions of people globally

Want more?
Actually they just want to cut taxes on the rich and services for everyone else... Kind of suicidal...
This religion is legit crazy:

And we are importing just so that some jackass leftist could have votes.

Nay, is just example of white woman "Youtube celebrity" dressing unfashionable and want to show her cellulite legs to get attention from hornet young boys, orobably since husband not able to satisfy her, lol.

If I young man, I only use women who look that "easy" as easy prey, take them out to bar or club and get them drunk, then never call them back again, since Western women are easiest on planet, like fast food.

If I date Muslim woman, I always call her back because I'd be afraid of her father and brother, he he.

Maybe sexually-repressed white males should just start pumping iron at gym, then they not have to stare at skanky youtube Women, and not have wive who fantasize about getting lucky at Justin Bieber concert?

Maybe you should start considering getting the fck out of our countries.

The cop says she is not able to exercise her... right to walk... because of Islam.

I not Muslim silly rabbit.

I argue that Islamization of Europe and US is natural consequence of said countries embracing ills such as LGBT rights and whatnot, so instead of fearing Islam, maybe they should work on removing their own degenerates or else go way of Caligula and Nero?

Seems if nations become corrupt and morally debased, then they invite barbarians, this way Islamisation is problem and Westerners are too weak to resist it.

Plus I not really wish to see ugly white woman's booty anyway, she really that desperate for attention she not getting from husband? He he

Europe is suffering
Right-wing morality is the product of an objective moral framework.

Name some of the struts of this "objective moral framework".

1) Higher life expectancies (drastically reduced infant mortality rates- for obvious reasons, ya know)
2) Respect for individual liberty and human freedom due to the belief that all people are created in the image of God- resulting in improved economic conditions unparalleled in human history and other indices of advanced social and societal development
3) Equality of the sexes; ending evil institutions such as slavery and genocide; the establishment of innumerable charities, schools, hospitals etc benefiting billions of people globally

Want more?
Actually they just want to cut taxes on the rich and services for everyone else... Kind of suicidal...

More claptrap.
This religion is legit crazy:

And we are importing just so that some jackass leftist could have votes.

Nay, is just example of white woman "Youtube celebrity" dressing unfashionable and want to show her cellulite legs to get attention from hornet young boys, orobably since husband not able to satisfy her, lol.

If I young man, I only use women who look that "easy" as easy prey, take them out to bar or club and get them drunk, then never call them back again, since Western women are easiest on planet, like fast food.

If I date Muslim woman, I always call her back because I'd be afraid of her father and brother, he he.

Maybe sexually-repressed white males should just start pumping iron at gym, then they not have to stare at skanky youtube Women, and not have wive who fantasize about getting lucky at Justin Bieber concert?

Maybe you should start considering getting the fck out of our countries.

The cop says she is not able to exercise her... right to walk... because of Islam.

I not Muslim silly rabbit.

I argue that Islamization of Europe and US is natural consequence of said countries embracing ills such as LGBT rights and whatnot, so instead of fearing Islam, maybe they should work on removing their own degenerates or else go way of Caligula and Nero?

Seems if nations become corrupt and morally debased, then they invite barbarians, this way Islamisation is problem and Westerners are too weak to resist it.

Plus I not really wish to see ugly white woman's booty anyway, she really that desperate for attention she not getting from husband? He he

Europe is suffering due to the willful abandonment of God. When Europe was Christian it defeated the Caliphate and turned back the Jihad on its shores.

Now look at the sad, pathetic state. England and France- the most prominent Christian imperial powers which destroyed the Caliphate and ended Islamist hegemony throughout the Middle East/North Africa are now being swallowed by Muslims from the inside.

I see it as God's judgment, as his sovereignty is supreme.
Right-wing morality is the product of an objective moral framework.

Name some of the struts of this "objective moral framework".

1) Higher life expectancies (drastically reduced infant mortality rates- for obvious reasons, ya know)
2) Respect for individual liberty and human freedom due to the belief that all people are created in the image of God- resulting in improved economic conditions unparalleled in human history and other indices of advanced social and societal development
3) Equality of the sexes; ending evil institutions such as slavery and genocide; the establishment of innumerable charities, schools, hospitals etc benefiting billions of people globally

Want more?
Actually they just want to cut taxes on the rich and services for everyone else... Kind of suicidal...

More claptrap.
This religion is legit crazy:

And we are importing just so that some jackass leftist could have votes.

Nay, is just example of white woman "Youtube celebrity" dressing unfashionable and want to show her cellulite legs to get attention from hornet young boys, orobably since husband not able to satisfy her, lol.

If I young man, I only use women who look that "easy" as easy prey, take them out to bar or club and get them drunk, then never call them back again, since Western women are easiest on planet, like fast food.

If I date Muslim woman, I always call her back because I'd be afraid of her father and brother, he he.

Maybe sexually-repressed white males should just start pumping iron at gym, then they not have to stare at skanky youtube Women, and not have wive who fantasize about getting lucky at Justin Bieber concert?

Maybe you should start considering getting the fck out of our countries.

The cop says she is not able to exercise her... right to walk... because of Islam.

I not Muslim silly rabbit.

I argue that Islamization of Europe and US is natural consequence of said countries embracing ills such as LGBT rights and whatnot, so instead of fearing Islam, maybe they should work on removing their own degenerates or else go way of Caligula and Nero?

Seems if nations become corrupt and morally debased, then they invite barbarians, this way Islamisation is problem and Westerners are too weak to resist it.

Plus I not really wish to see ugly white woman's booty anyway, she really that desperate for attention she not getting from husband? He he

Europe is suffering due to the willful abandonment of God. When Europe was Christian it defeated the Caliphate and turned back the Jihad on its shores.

Now look at the sad, pathetic state. England and France- the most prominent Christian imperial powers which destroyed the Caliphate and ended Islamist hegemony throughout the Middle East/North Africa are now being swallowed by Muslims from the inside.

I see it as God's judgment, as his sovereignty is supreme.
Right-wing morality is the product of an objective moral framework.

Name some of the struts of this "objective moral framework".

1) Higher life expectancies (drastically reduced infant mortality rates- for obvious reasons, ya know)
2) Respect for individual liberty and human freedom due to the belief that all people are created in the image of God- resulting in improved economic conditions unparalleled in human history and other indices of advanced social and societal development
3) Equality of the sexes; ending evil institutions such as slavery and genocide; the establishment of innumerable charities, schools, hospitals etc benefiting billions of people globally

Want more?
Actually they just want to cut taxes on the rich and services for everyone else... Kind of suicidal...

More claptrap.

Well it's all they ever do except corrupt Bubbles and busts and stupid Wars,--oh and the brainwashing of course...
Denmark has banned the outfit of woman hate:

Leftists and feminists, should we also ban this tool of oppression?

On a related note, congratulations to Denmark on finally growing some balls and standing up against the invasion!

They shouldn’t be banned. That’s the whole point of freedom of religion, thank god we at least have an amendment for it. If my religion tells me that I need to let my wife walk me with a leash anytime in public, and I believe that will make my life and marriage better for whatever reason, and willingly participate in it...who the fuck is government to tell me “no we know better than you.”

Let’s ask the question of what happens if government decides that porn is degrading to women...should government have the power to ban women from participating in porn willingly?
Denmark has banned the outfit of woman hate:

Leftists and feminists, should we also ban this tool of oppression?

On a related note, congratulations to Denmark on finally growing some balls and standing up against the invasion!

They shouldn’t be banned. That’s the whole point of freedom of religion, thank god we at least have an amendment for it. If my religion tells me that I need to let my wife walk me with a leash anytime in public, and I believe that will make my life and marriage better for whatever reason, and willingly participate in it...who the fuck is government to tell me “no we know better than you.”

Let’s ask the question of what happens if government decides that porn is degrading to women...should government have the power to ban women from participating in porn willingly?

Covering your face in public should be illegal.

Maybe a little adjustment in the this....
This religion is legit crazy:

And we are importing just so that some jackass leftist could have votes.

Nay, is just example of white woman "Youtube celebrity" dressing unfashionable and want to show her cellulite legs to get attention from hornet young boys, orobably since husband not able to satisfy her, lol.

If I young man, I only use women who look that "easy" as easy prey, take them out to bar or club and get them drunk, then never call them back again, since Western women are easiest on planet, like fast food.

If I date Muslim woman, I always call her back because I'd be afraid of her father and brother, he he.

Maybe sexually-repressed white males should just start pumping iron at gym, then they not have to stare at skanky youtube Women, and not have wive who fantasize about getting lucky at Justin Bieber concert?

Maybe you should start considering getting the fck out of our countries.

The cop says she is not able to exercise her... right to walk... because of Islam.

I not Muslim silly rabbit.

I argue that Islamization of Europe and US is natural consequence of said countries embracing ills such as LGBT rights and whatnot, so instead of fearing Islam, maybe they should work on removing their own degenerates or else go way of Caligula and Nero?

Seems if nations become corrupt and morally debased, then they invite barbarians, this way Islamisation is problem and Westerners are too weak to resist it.

Plus I not really wish to see ugly white woman's booty anyway, she really that desperate for attention she not getting from husband? He he

Europe is suffering
Right-wing morality is the product of an objective moral framework.

Name some of the struts of this "objective moral framework".

1) Higher life expectancies (drastically reduced infant mortality rates- for obvious reasons, ya know)
2) Respect for individual liberty and human freedom due to the belief that all people are created in the image of God- resulting in improved economic conditions unparalleled in human history and other indices of advanced social and societal development
3) Equality of the sexes; ending evil institutions such as slavery and genocide; the establishment of innumerable charities, schools, hospitals etc benefiting billions of people globally

Want more?
Actually they just want to cut taxes on the rich and services for everyone else... Kind of suicidal...

More claptrap.

So tell me what they have done, super duper.
Denmark has banned the outfit of woman hate:

Leftists and feminists, should we also ban this tool of oppression?

On a related note, congratulations to Denmark on finally growing some balls and standing up against the invasion!

They shouldn’t be banned. That’s the whole point of freedom of religion, thank god we at least have an amendment for it. If my religion tells me that I need to let my wife walk me with a leash anytime in public, and I believe that will make my life and marriage better for whatever reason, and willingly participate in it...who the fuck is government to tell me “no we know better than you.”

Let’s ask the question of what happens if government decides that porn is degrading to women...should government have the power to ban women from participating in porn willingly?

Covering your face in public should be illegal.


These guys should totally go to jail...


War is peace. Slavery is Freedom.

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